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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. ulkis - I assume it (proposal) is just to amp up the drama for when the secret implodes, i.e. GV's Lucky proposing to Liz right after she first had sex with Nikolas; Lucky marrying Siobhan, the woman he barely knew; Purina getting engaged and then inexplicably in a rush to have the wedding (just so Robin could interrupt it).So very predictable.
  2. I got as far as: Elizabeth telling Jakeson she's "sorry" that nothing positive has come out of him talking to Hayden UGH Scott telling a colleague that NotTodd!Franco is "brilliant" UGH Sam suggesting to Kiki possibly Franco was jealous that Silas turned out to be her father UGH Had to turn it off. Mob crap is bad enough; I hate the show being focused on characters/actors who are forced on the GH audience because they had roles on other soaps (or are recasts of them, in HE's case).
  3. Rancide - I kinda wonder if the lack of heat is due to boredom - recycling the same old dialogue with SBu/Jason over and over while he stood there in Borg mode; now talking about her late love(s) and fixation on Jakeson with Patrick. So very dull. She had heat with GV's Lucky, and sometimes in scenes with Michael Easton. I think angry Sam is the best Sam. There's a scene in Summer 2012, where Liz brings Sam a flower delivery in her hospital room, tells Sam Jason wants her back and is so sad by what's happened, and Sam goes into angry truth teller mode about Jason. That was the very best of Sam - bringing the heat of disgust and outrage. I'll bet KeMo misses playing awesome like that.
  4. I agree with you, HeatLifer. My thinking is that the three characters currently on-screen who were around the Sam/Jason/Lucky/Liz mess pretty consistently include Patrick, Nikolas, and Maxie. Patrick saw Liz daily at that time and was her friend; Nik cared but had his own stuff going on beyond the hospital (also Em was pro-Liz and Jason when they were getting back together), and Maxie hated Liz because she wanted Lucky for herself. So Patrick's in the best position to talk about it, esp. because of all those off-screen convos with Robin we can be sure happened. Or maybe he'll say he heard Liz going on and on and on to Robin about her great love with Jason.
  5. I'm sure the Patrick character got tapped to tell Jakeson the history because he's involved with Sam, hated Sonny and Jason, is the only sort of real friend Elizabeth has right now, Jakeson doesn't hate him (as opposed to crazypants Nik), and can give a loosely accurate summary of the situation because he was around at the time. He worked with Liz on a daily basis. I remember when Liz was pregnant and confessed to Epiphany she wasn't sure if Lucky was the father of unborn Jake, Epip assumed the other candidate was Patrick because he was her friend and so flirty with her - I think Lucky was jealous, assuming Patrick was trying to have an affair with Liz. We'll see if he shares true-to-history insights. That's IF Show remembers/acknowledges that Liz and Robin discussed Jason because they understood each other about the whole being in love with Jason crap. I remember Liz saying she would be totally fine with being Jason's woman, risks be damned, if she didn't have the kids' safety to consider.
  6. Didn't he try to blow off that particular issue out of guilt? He didn't want to believe Lisa was so crazy and vindictive after their ONS that she would try to hurt or kill Robin. In this situation he's supposed to hate and have contempt for Liesl since she tortured Robin and tried to kill Robert and Anna (but almost killed Duke instead). He's not guilty by association for any of her actions, which I think makes it different for the Patrick character..
  7. She said in an interview the only thing she liked about the exit story was that it left an opening for her to come back for a time - I'm assuming to tie up loose ends with the Robin and Emma relationship, telling Patrick off, and the Jason storyline. Robin is the only one with credibility at this point to confirm that Jason came back to life and was at C-C with her. There have been hints that she'll be back to end this storyline, such as Jakeson saying he recognized 'the woman in this picture,' having a flash of Robin a while back,etc. KMc hasn't yet stated the time frame for when she'll be back.
  8. Hmmm, Nikolas and Sonny are the same shade of orange. Between Sam begging for Patrick's forgiveness and kissing his ass and him saying he's "aware of the concept" of confidentiality...just so much ugh. I look forward to him looking like the utter dumbass he is when Liz is exposed and then when KMc returns briefly this fall. Psychos are figuring out the murder in the police interrogation room ... just so much ugh. Carly kissing Sonny's ass via Avery ...just so much ugh. Ava and Morgan being all 'poor Kiki', not showing remorse for their actions or being sorry a man is dead, crying that they'll miss each other ...just so much ugh. She needs to be dropped into a vat of acid along with NotTodd!Franco, Franco's doctor BFF and his psycho gf, Morgan's parents. Nikolas asking Elizabeth doesn't she want him to have Hayden killed ... so much WTF. The only positive thing is Liz admitting she's been a terrible person. And her hair looks very pretty. Becky is doing an awesome job selling Liz as delusional, guilty, afraid, pathetic.
  9. I love the 'dislocate her jaw' part. Now I want that to be worked into dialogue about Kiki's reaction to the murder. For example: Carly: Morgan! Look at Kiki! She's been so traumatized by this she dislocated her jaw. We need to take her to General Hospital. Morgan: Nah, Mom. That's just a great thing about her. It feels awesome when she ---- Kiki punches Morgan out in a rage. Or screams until his head literally explodes. (Whichever works.) End Scene.
  10. She has, up to this point. But now that she's shared her theory with Laura and is heading toward a breakdown, plot dictates that she *must* know to go further into the deep end with guilt/remorse. Nikolas has made it clear he did it so Hayden wouldn't get to derail his plans for ELQ. Protecting Liz from "heartbreak" is merely one of the top three excuses he fed Laura so she'd keep her mouth shut. When he confessed to Liz, he said he kept the secret because 'Sam's better off with Patrick' and he wants to regain money/power through ELQ. End of story.
  11. LP- Liz suspected Nik had Hayden shot because of timing/circumstances and things Nik has said, but had not yet confronted him (she told Laura she didn't want to be an accessory to attempted murder). I guess now she feels she *must* confront him (?). They are both going to be pariahs once the secret blows up in their faces. We get it, Show.
  12. AvaDenise and Morgan each thinking ok, Franco looks guilty, easy out for us there; Franco telling Dr. O he knows Ava did it, Liz asking Nikolas about Hayden being shot, Jakeson being a naive dumbass to Hayden, Patrick ticked off at Sam for keeping a secret, Nina being all adamant to Nathan that Franco's innocent. Sooo..you missed nothing.
  13. I get that, it's just that the scene set-up felt (to me) like a hint. Nikolas and Elizabeth could have met up anywhere.
  14. Reading posts here makes me glad I missed a few days. Now I get treated to Elizabeth looking more weepy and pathetic with every passing moment. But I did not expect her to flat out admit to Jakeson that "part of" her hopes he never finds out who he is because she doesn't want to lose him. Yet he's so.....bland? that her comment doesn't even concern him. Their ILYs and kisses are just nauseating. I will credit BH for playing that Elizabeth is progressing toward an ugly breakdown. Silas' death is the best reason they can come up with for Sam wanting to confront Hayden/not waste time b.s.ing.? Alrighteeeey then. The only interesting thing is that Sam and Patrick appear to be the same tan\/orange color. The only very slightly appealing exchange is Patrick ignoring/trying to blow off Dr. O going on about heinous crime/the tragedy of losing Dr. Silas and kissing his ass about saving Hayden. Between Patrick and Dr. O, it's a toss up as to who is the least self-aware. Liz and Nikolas meeting at the same bar where their affair started years ago to discuss their current deception and Nik's plans gives me a bad feeling for the future once this Jakeson secret blows up. I expect a rage blackout or two on this board re: the preview of Patrick to Sam "Why are you keeping a secret from me?" Ugh at his indignant/offended attitude. She JUST said she doesn't trust Elizabeth, dipshit.
  15. The way things have played prior to this scene, it seemed like Liz suspected Nikolas of having Hayden shot, but didn't *believe beyond a shadow of a doubt* he did it and truly didn't want to know, one way or the other. I figure she hopes Laura would be like "yeah, Liz is probably right, but I don't want to talk about this anymore, I don't want to think about my son being guilty of something so heinous, so let's just drop the whole topic and keep the secret between us." Because choosing denial has worked so well for them in the past.
  16. I don't mean just in this storyline - Nikolas has been playing mind games with people for some years now. He's manipulated or attempted to manipulate mostly women and/or family. Elizabeth's closeness to Nikolas has been destructive over time, esp. when they're both feeling selfish. The breakdown stunt was after the Niz affair. She's been in the muck (emotionally) starting before that affair and it just got worse with Jake's "death." She confessed that when she was trying to convince Sam she and Jason were dating, she felt her life was shit and wanted Jason to take the pain away...make her happy. No, Nik isn't making her/convincing her. But she should never have had a choice in the first place because she should not have been the first one told. She's not Jason's family; she should have found out from either Sam or Monica after Nikolas came clean with them. Rescuing Liz from herself (at least from the way things stand currently) wouldn't be an issue. Both the Liz and Lucky and Liz and Nikolas relationships became unhealthy over time. Liz and Nik's 'friendship' is highly toxic, as we can see.
  17. I forgot about that - I hated her saying Jasus' grief was the worst. Yes, Sam, sure was worse for the man who barely knew the kid than it was for his own mother and brother, who lived with him everyday. I swear, every Jasus-centric moment she has makes it really really hard for me to like her. Same for Liz right now, too. A) New T-shirt slogan!! Yay TeeVee329! LOL B) I thought Liz was trying to say, if you don't confront Nikolas, neither of us are accessories to attempted murder, and it would be too awful for Laura to have to face something so horrible concerning her own son. I also thought she was worried that Nikolas could strike out at them for knowing about/discussing/considering telling anyone he tried to have Hayden killed. She looked a little scared when Nikolas arrived right at the end of her intense conversation/debate with Laura. C) Yeah, Laura is the first one to think of Monica's pain and loss. Liz did not appreciate that being brought up to consider, for sure.
  18. HeatLifer - C'mon, you know I can't be the only one thinking that about Sam,Jakeson, and Patrick today. Well, it's also because Patrick didn't look remotely suspicious that he caught the very end of Sam and Jakeson sitting close, conspiring. I guess he figures Sam is totes into him because he just did as he was told re:Liz and little Jake. That little jump of guilt 'cause she knows she's keeping something from Patrick and because of maybe a teensy bit of awareness she feels *something* for Jakeson, as well as the lack of smile or any encouragement whatsoever when he said he loves Liz and is happy with her family, was well played by KeMo, too.
  19. So the points for today: Elizabeth has clearly spent a lot of time with Nikolas -she's a close second to him in emotional manipulation. 'Keep the secret to protect your sons, especially Nikolas, and poor, comatose Hayden.' But Becky is doing great playing a woman who's totally mentally/emotionally fucked up, desperate to make Laura believe she's keeping this secret out of love for Jakeson and Nikolas. Between Sam and Jakeson, they have one complete brain. Patrick is devoid of his - nice HIPPA violation there, doc, yet again. Genie is awesome at playing trying to contain Laura's shock heartbreak, anger ... and fear that her son is capable of being a monster. Tyler as Nikolas without a conscience is a little creepy. I actually thought he might call Michael an annoying little gnat to his face.
  20. I understand why Laura is approaching Liz and Jake Doe this way when she wasn't one-on-one with Liz; Jakeson's never met her. Laura and Jason (Morgan) knew each other, but their assocation was via Luke's relationship with Sonny. Laura knows Liz has been close to Jake Doe for months, and that he and Nikolas have known each other a while - but that Nikolas is firm about not telling the truth. Laura wants to appeal to Liz in ways she may respond to (we have history as family, you know what Nikolas and Lucky went through, I know you'll regret keeping this secret because when mine about my sons was outed it blew up in my face, etc.) She believes Elizabeth is on edge/upset, which she is and it shows to a woman who knows her ... despite Nik wanting to blow off his mother's concerns. Laura just going to Monica right now and saying "Jake is really Jason! Nikolas confessed" would be a real WTH moment. She could go to Sam, but it would still be weird - I think they've met what, maybe twice? Hey, I have a life-altering secret to share - have a seat! Nikolas made it clear this is about ELQ/money. Tracy, the one Q Family member who loathed Emily, brought her up in bitching out Nikolas about loyalty and ELQ, so that was his response. He didn't actually say the whole Q family treated her badly. ETA: Genie rocks. I love seeing her as real Laura, not some timid fragile little flower. Yay!
  21. I thought TC played it like Nikolas is a mixture of uncomfortable and highly irritated - as in "you're getting into business that doesn't concern you, do I need to arrange for you to have an 'accident'?" Scott didn't appeal to Nik as a son who should feel terrible for making his mother feel sad and burdened; it came across as nah nah nah I've called you here because I know there's a secret and I wanna make you squirm. So stupid. In Laura's position, I would smack Scott. She just told him something was bothering her, he says oh you can trust me, you can confide in me ... and then turns around and tells Nik what little he knows. Way to not have the upper hand, jackass. He has no idea what Nikolas is capable of - what Nikolas could do to Scott or even Laura if he felt his plans were threatened (and he's the son of nutjob Stavros,after all).
  22. How about, he only says "Hi" when meeting someone new - that's an obvious sign he's totally "like his father." Grandma Monica says so.
  23. A) I both agree and disagree with you. I can leave it at that. B) Kristina understood that Mommy had married Ric - or was she in the wedding? can't remember how old she was at the time. But anyway, I get that a little kid can understand that man is a father figure because he's marrying your mommy. At that age, kids understand people get married and have babies within the context of marriage.They also understand Moms and Dad choose not to live together anymore (aka divorced) and sometimes a parent goes to Heaven. Some kids can understand that one woman gave birth to them, but to let you be happy we got to be your parents. None of those are correct for little Jake, so it seems like any explanation - especially after Jake's brief time with Lucky -would be really confusing at that age for an 8-year-old and toddler. Lucky told Cam the man who had his DNA died, so he got to be Cam's Dad. I thought that was a simple, good explanation - but that's not the case for Jake. Wasn't Michael a pre-teen/tween when he came to understand the difference between bio-dad AJ and his dad Sonny? C) No, Sam doesn't have to bring up her bad deeds all the time -it's just her "down in the dirt" comment about Liz v.s "did things I wasn't proud of" is/throwing deep shade at Liz while trying to present herself to her boytoy as simply imperfect ...but definitely superior to Liz of the poor judgement. That's what bothers me. D) Don't agree in this situation because of the specific trait pointed out. E) I'll agree with you, except to change it to Liz and Nik and their lies succeed. A) Okay - I honestly couldn't remember the specifics of that. B) But Jason is his former brother-in-law. He spelled out for Liz why Jakeson shouldn't know the truth; her first reaction wasn't 'Yay! He's all mine!' Nik would still have Jason's wedding ring in his safe if Spencer hadn't swiped it and taken it to the Drake House. Then he ordered a hit on Hayden when she was going to tell Jakeson the truth, and then emotionally manipulated Lucky and Laura after he and Liz reached their 'agreement.' He's been working all along to get what he wants, but now he hides behind "I don't want to destroy Liz's happiness, and Sam's happy with Patrick anyway. HeatLifer - Laura amused me for the reasons TeeVee329 stated. She's pushing Liz to tell the truth, using an example from Liz's own life (she was getting close to Lucky when the truth was outed - not by Laura- about Nikolas and remembers how ugly that time was). I liked her shading Jakeson. But I was annoyed that she asked if he'd had flashes and he said no, when yes, dumbass, you've had flashes of memory involving Sam - not just deja vu. But he's made zero effort to explore any of it. He's just dismissed it all because his memories haven't all come flooding back to make life easier and also he just goes along with whatever his current gf says.
  24. I'm really enjoying Laura today. And Scott is a moron.
  25. I said lie to cover everything - I think lying is implied in switching tests. Liz hasn't shifted blame for choices/actions (this time so far). Had Nikolas done the right thing, even well after he knew the truth (say, ask to speak to Sam and/or Monica privately as soon as Carly outed Ric and Hayden's secret during the Nurse's Ball), Liz wouldn't have had the opportunity to do any of what's she done so far; in the immediate aftermath, Jakeson was confronting Hayden, not running straight to Liz to makeout. Nikolas running after Liz at that moment was the wrong choice. (She was crying and angry, but it's not like she was suicidal and needed an immediate intervention.) Liz tearfully begging Nik to keep the secret was a great excuse for him to hide behind to justify his greed for ELQ. Elizabeth's choices are terrible, but could not have happened without Nik being an accessory to her mental instability/self-destruction. tallyrand - I think you are correct.
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