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Everything posted by Bringonthedrama

  1. Show more or less did the same thing with Lucky. Until JJ's very brief return during TG retirement storyline, Elizabeth mentioned Lucky not being around just once in the almost 4 years he'd been off-screen. Elizabeth and Lulu were never allowed to say the boys missed Lucky or that they and the boys wished he would visit.The last time I can remember Cam mentioning his dad was right after JJ left at Christmastime, yet he's been on-screen semi-often since then because of the kiddie quad crap. We actually know more about what Robin's been up to in recent years than we do about Lucky. It's just sad. I think there may be an element of passive-aggressiveness there too, because JJ is a successful prime time actor and musician who does not need to be on GH.
  2. Seems to me likely that's the Show's passive aggressive way of sticking it to KMc for having a career beyond GH and GH being all about the male leads. When Elizabeth's own son "died", her importance took second, third, even 4th place to the fallout with Lucky/Luke/Jason. So it irked but didn't surprise me that Robin's return storyline got focused on Sabrina and Patrick, and now Anna and Emma are about Patrick and Sam. Although in Anna's case, I think another poster made a good point that Anna may be propping the relationship in part out of guilt - feeling her own absenteeism as a parent in Robin's life is partly to blame for Robin 'abandoning' her family. Also, the writing for Anna starting going downhill years ago. Exhibit A: The Eli Love fangirling and affair (blech).
  3. A) I'm going to fanwank, for now, Michael's behavior as taking a breath in the aftermath of fear and intense emotions surrounding him. Sonny would be another loss for him after losing Dad #1 and Uncle Jason and also that Carly and Morgan would become dependent on him if Sonny bit it. Carly wants to be able to "count on" Michael (she doesn't go running to Jakeson for everything at the moment) and Morgan is...Morgan. Why would Michael ever want that kind of burden/responsibility after everything he's been through. Also, there's a part of him that accepts that Sonny is a monster and he's not going to change, no matter how much Sonny claims to love his kids. B) Kristina's been away and probably thought he might die before she got to see him.There also may be an element of guilt that she wasn't with her brothers as a supportive family member when they had to make the decision - with Carly - about what to do the night before. And well, Morgan is truly just a moron. C) I second that desire. Molly needs to shut it. Excellent idea. P.S. to HeatLifer - You made me laugh re: directing Morgan to go after Patrick with the gun. I can think of a list of people I'd like to see accidentally get shot in the mouth by Morgan before he ever got to Patrick. And hopefully Morgan would trip on something and accidentally shoot himself in the mouth, too.
  4. I think LA is playing it as more complicated than a Sonny propper. She acknowledged wanting to be angry but knowing it's pointless because he chose this life a long time ago. I saw unresolved Daddy issues (the awkwardness) and guilt for having been away a long time - that part she mentioned. Most people I know would feel some regret, or completely awful at worst, to hear that a parent has been badly injured (even if it's a hazard of the job) and realize hey, can't remember the last time I said ILY. Her reaction was comprised of layers of feelings, it wasn't merely 'my dad is so brave and strong, I can't stand to see him like this, how dare someone shoot him' in contrast to Morgan's reaction.
  5. Kristina and Molly are now the same height! Lexi looks lovely, although I preferred her with her natural (darker) hair. It's awesome to see the four actresses so happy to be in the same room together again - on-screen. The Coven embrace was beautiful. Rolled my eyes at the "Your dad may have shot mine?" line. Puh-lease, there are no choir boys here -each of your fathers is or has been involved with organized crime. It's sad to see Molly still has rose-colored glasses on when it comes to her own father. She can knock off the faint hostility to Sam for wanting to believe in her own father when there currently isn't sufficient evidence to prosecute Julian for shooting Sonny. Loved Kristina saying that Michael was justified in the custody fight with Sonny, but didn't like her saying "Dad needs you right now." No, his Dad is in a crypt now because of Sonny. It's a little odd to see Morgan now taller than Kristina. The last time we saw Lexi, Morgan had not been SORASed. STFU, Valerie. You don't even know Sonny or Dante's siblings. I guess she gets points for not mentioning her dead mother? I did laugh at and approve of Nathan's response to Dante saying he's no different/better than Sonny: "There is the small matter of you not being a career criminal." I also laughed at the pissy look on Val's face when Dante hugged Lulu. So pathetic. Kristina was good and realistic with Sonny until she sat down, started crying and doing the propping b.s. Even in that mode, she's 1,000% more tolerable to watch than Morgan because she's not just a Sonny ass-kisser; she knows he's not an innocent soul and she has a life which was mentioned. I also loved that she said "It's good to be seen" instead of "It's good to see you, too" to Carly. LOL. MB acting with LA is the first time in forever that I didn't think Sonny's just a worthless POS. But Julian sucks for wanting Alexis to leave the girls with Sam and come with him. Warning: the last few minutes of Michael and Sonny will cause some rage black outs. And Morgan with a gun = everybody duck and run.
  6. I get what you mean, I just think when Sam was pregnant and married to Jason she was in the right to feel *entitled* to his love and be #1 in his life. But it didn't come across like that to me - it came across as a yearning/desperation for him to be focused on her instead of being all. about. him. I didn't get a 'I am furious and I will have my say, period' vibe from her until after Danny was born and she thought he was dead. Hope that makes sense. She wasn't wrong to expect Jason to prioritize herself over Liz. Again, the undertone at that time, in my opinion, was a yearning/desperation for him to do so. But Sam didn't come across as 'it is my right to expect your love/have my say and I won't apologize for that' like she has been in angry scenes with other men. I guess what I'm saying is that it seemed to take a lot for Sam to have a backbone in her relationship with Jason. Getting angry and speaking her mind was not so much an issue with other men, from Ric to Nikolas.
  7. Oracle: In the context of Kelly playing Sam angry, I'm referring to how she was toward Jason when their relationship was on the rocks, post-breakup, and then in the aftermath of Franco terrorizing them on their honeymoon. The anger had an undertone of desperation for him to love her, put her before his 'family', be jealous of her sleeping w/ GV's Lucky, and later her need for him to consider his love for her (and the baby) as more important than his hatred of Franco. With the other men I referred to (I should have included Nikolas, too) Kelly has played Sam like "I will have my say right now and I don't give a **** what you think of me." Whereas she always cared what Jason thought/how he felt about her. I see Carly as the one who is out to prove she's the most important woman ever in the life of the man/men she thinks belong to her: Jason, Sonny, Jax, Jason again. I recall she even once told Coleman she wasn't just going to give up her men to the returning Brenda.
  8. The most recent spoiler/spec is that Laura will out Nik and Liz's Jakeson secret? That would be interesting. I would also love to see Scotty walk up to Nikolas moments afterward, with Bobbie and Lulu standing right there, and say "Kinda pathetic that your mommy had to tell the truth for you. It's good to see though, that Laura truly understands the difference between right and wrong despite all the years she spent with that low life Spencer." (That's what the two deserve after their attitudes about Luke being a great man and blameless for his actions - gag.) I would love to see the vets LC and GF have even just one good scene of them discussing their children - I don't even need a Rick or Lesley mention.
  9. They have chemistry, but Kelly also brings an energy to Sam's scenes with men she doesn't like/is angry with, that I don't see in her other scenes - whether she was at odds with another woman or spending time with her sisters or being all about a man. I've seen the energy when she called out Sonny in his home on how he, Jason, Carly, and their people treat outsiders/non ass-kissers (after JaSam broke up), when she confronted Ethan about putting his hands on Kristina (a wrist grab, I think?), when she's mad at seeing Ric in the penthouse, hanging out with Danny. Her scenes with Jason were a different story, because there was an underlying "please love me best" begging vibe about her no matter how upset she was.
  10. I don't think she was to the point of being full-on delusional during that storyline involving Sam and McBain, but I think of the line from MJ's Billie Jean song ..."cause the lie becomes the truth." She needs/needed to justify her choice(s) so that she could tell herself Jason's actions showed he wanted to move on from Sam with her - that she wasn't actually coming between two people who wanted to be together. She is doing the same thing now - telling herself that Sam has moved on and is happy with Patrick because she is desperate to hang onto Jakeson's 'love' for her/protect their 'happy family' status. What Liz is doing - repeating to herself what she needs to believe to justify her own behavior - is fairly common in real life and corporations, just not with such bizarre circumstances as the Jakeson situation. I personally know of a few people in real life who have repeated the same lies for so long - to themselves and others - that those lies have become the truth for them.
  11. Sonny would have 9 children, if you include Michael. If you include the baby mammas who are deceased, 7. Yes, he does. He is the last person who should ever degrade a woman for having had multiple lovers/husbands/whatever.
  12. I could see Regina's side if she and Bay had not made the plans beforehand and if, say, Regina had been dating Eric for years or they were actually married and thus Will would be her stepson. But she was giving Bay attitude about plans she forgot about, and, for a kid who's been in her life under a year. And this is after Regina left Bay in the store by herself to go help Eric with school stuff for Will. I was also annoyed that she was rude to Bay (about her upcoming interview) because she's protecting her boyfriend's secret. I really hope her devotion to her new boyfriend and his son comes back to bite her.
  13. I like this thinking, although I wish she had replied, "This is important to me, and, unlike him, I am actually your child." I also liked that she threw in that Regina could spend one night remembering her dead husband. At this point I will not feel sorry for Regina if she ends up spending time in jail with her boyfriend for being an accessory after he inevitably gets caught.
  14. I find it hard to like Regina. Now she's all about her new boyfriend and his kid and doesn't 'get' that deciding to move and not consulting her bio daughter might hurt her? Ookay. Poor Bay. Giving the plan up at the last minute to move her new family into her house, and paying rent, does not exonerate her from the parenting fail. John's ego took a hit. Boo hoo. Lots of people with money troubles don't have the option to cash in on former celebrity status. Daphne's enthusiast thinking that she's going to make a big difference because of what she's accomplished so far definitely makes me see her as John's daughter. I liked that paramedic giving her a reality check.
  15. I agree with this. In this storyline, I truly feel bad for Sam (despite thinking that she has terrible taste in men, aside from Jax) and Monica re: Nikolas and Elizabeth's lies. I would tune in to see Monica go ballistic on her son-in-law and let him know he's utterly betrayed the memory of her daughter who he's supposedly loved. (I still think of Nik as her SIL because he was engaged to Emily when she was murdered and he has not gone through with a marriage so far.) This sentence is hilarious yet true. LOL, thanks.
  16. Yes, this is a big problem - it's ridiculous that nothing gets pursued. Jakeson is so utterly passive and unobservant; that combined with his perspective of Elizabeth as this flawless person (when he's known her for what, a year?) and allowing Carly to be in charge of his life in situations makes it really hard for me to consider him a victim. Jakeson just sort of dropping his concerns about his entire life after Liz basically pats him on the head and tells him not to worry, everything is fine is something a 5-year-old would do. Jason has been a victim of his own choices for the most part over the years. (Exceptions include the Cassadines freezing him after fishing him out of the harbor, getting run over after he escaped from the C-C clinic). I think of him in contrast to Robin, who has truly been victimized over the years - from Lisa to Faison to the Cassadines.
  17. A) She does; she said that (although Courtney was not included in the lines) aloud to Nik after the revelation at the Nurse's Ball. B) She is lying, no doubt. My point is that Jakeson hasn't gone on some identity-finding mission that has been thwarted by Liz 's efforts, which would make him a victim. Liz was quick to rail on Ric because of their history and his promises not to lie or hurt her again. She felt like an idiot, and she was right to feel that way. C) Actually it was Nikolas who started the lie rolling - for money and power. Yes, Elizabeth should (and I will assume will, big time) but Nikolas should get the huge fallout from it, since he has known the truth for a long time, withheld the truth from Jason's family (even when confronted by Sam with her husband's wedding band!!) but told Elizabeth. I still can't help thinking he told her because he hoped she would cry on his shoulder and then end up in his bed.
  18. For me, her having a lame line here or there about a dream he's had or saying "we're focusing on the present" isn't the same as actively preventing him from being around Sam/ saying "Please don't spend time with Sam; it makes me uncomfortable because I sense an attraction on her part", or manipulating a situation (say, running into Sam and Danny in the park) so that Jakeson doesn't get to bond with Danny where he otherwise might have. Liz looked (and was) uncomfortable at the proposal for Jake and Danny. She okayed it after Patrick came to pressure her, on Sam's behalf.
  19. It doesn't let Liz off the hook, but it makes Jakeson an unsympathetic character and, in my opinion, not an innocent. (For example, he knows those violent skills must come from somewhere.) I feel far worse for Sam in the chapel scene with Liz, and her scenes with Nikolas at Patrick's house and elsewhere, where Sam is in distress longing for and remembering Jason yet they've both kept their mouths shut/lied to her face. I'm saying that as someone who's never been a Sam fan.
  20. Britt kept a child from both of his rightful parents. Danny has been with his mother (since he was rescued from Heather). Jakeson has acknowledged he *could* have a family out in the world somewhere, but hasn't bothered to try to find out. (I don't consider him asking Hayden what she remembers an effort.) Liz may have discouraged him from focusing on the past, but it's not like she has sabotaged on-going identity pursuing efforts. Someone in the world, let alone in the same town, raising Dante and Lulu's child is rightly a thought that never crossed their minds.
  21. Exactly. She set out to win brownie points by stealing a video that was supposed to be a gift for Liz's child, and it was allll downhill from there. Liz has many faults, but stealing someone else's child and raising him/her as her own is not one of them. Britt made it pretty clear she never intended to come clean about Ben/Rocco because she liked playing house with the baby, Nikolas and Spencer (all the while knowing Nik was actually the baby's uncle). Writing that confession letter on the back of a flyer (that Cam found) and throwing it out isn't good enough. I also found it disgusting that she threw in Liz's face Lucky abandoning Cam and Aiden because 'he didn't want to be around you.' That witch wasn't even there and didn't even know Lucky to comment on the past. I disagree the kid would have been better off raised by Britt and Nikolas - just look at how Spencer has turned out. And Britt thinks he's the most awesome kid ever. Now I get why some people would see Liz with Jakeson and her boys now as being similar to what Britt was doing - but Jakeson is a grown ass man who could go to a professional and give the flashes he's had more thought, but he's just acting like he's not too interested in who he used to be. That's laziness. Ben/Rocco was a stolen innocent, who Britt used to hang onto Patrick and then Nikolas. Pathetic.
  22. Yes, that's it! SJB's Carly gave the order and then Jason blasted her; LW's Carly had the fantasy about being Jason's partner in the Mob.
  23. She did enjoy it - she even had a fantasy of running the business as Jason's partner. Carly has always wanted more power. I believe some years ago she gave an order and either said or implied she was doing it on Sonny or Jason's behalf, then Jason found out and they fought about it.
  24. That's the one scene of Carly today that didn't make me roll my eyes - it totally makes sense for that character to put the emphasis on how much her great love Sonny cares for TJ (like one of his own kids!) because she's used to kids getting kidnapped, shot or almost blown up due to raising them in Jason and Sonny's world. I doubt it even occurred to her that he could have been scared because the other kids (except Kristina? -can't recall how old she was when Johnny's car went boom) were younger than college age when they got traumatized. I think Morgan vowing revenge on Julian will result in him seriously injuring or killing someone else accidentally instead. I don't think Jakeson will kill Julian, because he cares for Sam and there's no proof that Julian is guilty. Also, in my opinion, BM plays this character as less of a hot head than SBu did. SBu was glare-y and rage-y fairly often. ETA: I will guess HeatLifer's speculation about Jakeson, Patrick, and Liz will turn out be pretty accurate. It seems about right for the direction of the 'storytelling' at the moment. (Sam saying she doesn't miss the fear seems like a large anvil.) Also because if Sam got injured instead of her dad, Morgan would be the poor 'bi-polar' f-up instead of just the f-up again and the attention would be on poor, recovering, feeling guilty Sonny because "I gave this to my son."
  25. I was referring to Lulu yelling what the actual witness, Olivia had told her. She had already just told Julian and Dante what Olivia should have said herself at the PCPD, so Lulu repeating and yelling the info. sounded idiotic to me. I suddenly wanted Tracy to appear and say to Lulu, "Your outrage toward the alleged shooter of the man who shot your husband point-blank in the chest and almost killed him makes me wonder what has become of you, Lulu. Whatever happened to the very justified hatred of Sonny?" Julian's lines were truly hilarous. I would have LOLed if Morgan did that.
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