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Everything posted by Richness

  1. They did, but you can't show their "rain spouts" on basic cable. You need HBO to show those. ;) Yes, I came back after all this time just so I could make that joke. Sorry. But since I'm here... After seeing the Walt Disney Concert Hall photo, I would have LOVED to have had Deconstructivism. I'd probably stick with sharper edges than what George did. I realize the main reason his wing(s) was so basic was because he ran out of time, but I would have at least cut it in two, and rotated them up slightly as if they were two slightly tilted diamond shapes. But again, George was right in choosing a non-symmetrical face and a totally bizarre wing as these turned out to be good things that fit the style better. I probably would have been sent home since I probably would have went symmetrical, but with angular, sharp edges. The less said about that hideous gold horn the better. If you're going to do horns, then I would have done two spire shapes that basically followed the back of the head and then down like two stiff dreadlocks. Oh well. Tyler's was a beautifully done generic gargoyle, but it wasn't Victorian. Except for the wings, I didn't mind Cig's that much, as he put a lot of detailed sculpt into it. I would also have left off the crosses on top of the domes. Turning them into shoulder pads was fairly clever. Tyler's work was better, but Cig fit closer to the challenge.
  2. I agree with the judges for the winner, but not with their love for the turtle god. While it was a good job and definitely deserved to be a top look, there was something offputting about the band that went across the nose and down across the cheeks. Was it suppose to be shell plating like the circles on the head? Otherwise, sad turtle god was sad, but nicely done. While I'm glad that Logan went home instead of Emily, I think she should have been the safe one (or all three on the bottom). If anything can cause as much failure as whimsy does, it's lava. However, I liked the makeup except for the inverted mohawk. Even if I thought Tyler should have been on the bottom for that stupid waterpark diorama, Logan should still have went home mainly for doing less work. Welcome back, Kotter, I mean, Lois! I'm also over the Ben shirts. Mr. Debbie Downer is gone; move on. Finally, all hail the possum god with the big hair!
  3. Glad to have the humor back, though the brain personalities seemed too forced at first. I appreciated the locker room scene, though that may have been the humor and the beefcake as the humor. Speaking of which, I need Major's underwear selfies for research purposes. Asking for a friend.
  4. Season 12 starts June 13. Wait! What? https://www.facebook.com/FaceOffSyfy/photos/a.192722500755643.51831.168029729891587/1611236262237586/ First, they make us wait a whole year between seasons 10 and 11. Now they're going to start season 12 less than two months after 11?!?!? I love me some Face Off, and I never agreed with the philosophy that they needed to take a season off so there was a full year between seasons. but even I think June is too soon. This was posted on April 7; don't they don't April Fools was on the first?
  5. Sorry, but I loved George's bug-eyed alien. It's one of the few times I've disagreed with the judges. Even though Emily's was painted beautifully, I just thought there was so much more alien to George's. And while Cig's is more alien, I can't see past the Sy Snootles lipstick even if they aren't on a protruding snout. However, I do agree with the judges for sending Evan home. While I appreciate him trying to alter the mouth and nose structure from a human norm, the over all melted blob effect wasn't enjoyable to look at.
  6. As much as I like TAR, I don't think I'm going to seek out the episode online to watch whatever it was that was preempted by the news coverage. I get enough of the bickering as it is. *sigh* This season. Please don't let TAR die with a horrible gimmick season. If I can't have a bunch of regular style seasons, at least let me have one more All-Stars / Unfinished Business season. I was really rooting for The Boys until they betrayed the other team. I find Redmond to be incredibly handsome, but that betrayal this early in the race was just mean. While I don't want teams to collude with each other (especially to hurt another team), I don't want them playing "dirty" either. Then again, if I have to listen to the other team talking about getting revenge much more, I'm going to get even more irate with that team. Redmond sort of regained my love with the second leg joke at the mat. Sara's misdirection to the Swole Sisters was somewhat underhanded as well, but was an incredibly smart race move. She understood that the "Wuss of Wallsteet" (Thanks Rachel RSL!) was having a meltdown, and did what she had to do to save her team. If not for that, they probably would have been eliminated. The less said about whiney crybaby the better. I'm also over the bickering among Will and Grace. If Scott thought he could make it through the race without doing a height challenge, he was delusion even if Brooke hadn't hurt herself. While I hope it's not serious enough to affect their race, I just don't like her. Color me surprised that Liz and Michael won first place. After their horrid performance last episode, I was looking forward to the mercy Philimination to put them out of their misery. Well done band geeks (of which I am)! Of course, they didn't have to do any navigation or driving in a foreign country on this leg, so they probably got lucky. While Liz annoys me somewhat, I really hope Michael's beard goes far even if he himself doesn't.
  7. While I think the right person went home, I don't think Ben had the worst design. Nor do I agree with the winning team, as I thought the rat witches were a better fit to the challenge. I'm not sure if agree with the winner even. With that said, it had to play out the way it did. As crazy talented Emily is for being so young, her witch was just bland and boring. I thought the make-up/paint was particularly dull. I actually thought all of the tree witches on her team looked more metallic gray than tree bark. However, they do look better in the pictures in the review than they did on my TV screen. Still, I'm glad Debbie Downer Eeeyore went home instead of her. Was there a point in making them name their curse based on the ingredients they chose? That was a horrible waste of time that could be spent on other things. Here's what I think would have made for a better "hook" if they really wanted to go with the curse route instead of the lame naming. Have teams chose curse ingredients (and named it if they must) as they did. Then, have the teams switch curse ingredient choices as if they were actually casting the curse on the opposing team. As it was, they chose the ingredients based on what they could work with the best. Anyway, we seem to have gotten a bit more of Mr. Westmore this episode, though that may be just because most of the people are gone. Please let this be the last week of teams. And who were those people dressed up nicely during judging? ;)
  8. Richness

    S03.E17: Duet

    The songs were great and I enjoyed "Super Friend" and "Running Home To You". Plus, I ROFLMAO during the gay dads segment. And the chemistry between Grant and Melissa is fantastic. Unfortunately, I cringed with second hand embarrassment through most of the episode. The relationship whiplashes are gonna break my neck. For a musical episode, I thought it dragged from exposition overload.
  9. I'm enjoying it immensely from the shallow end. It's no different than when they have top heavy girls falling out of their bikini tops. I'm just glad the censors seem to have stepped back from the blur tool to allow some equal opportunity male objectification. Troy is really working those green undies and every last one of my gay nerves. I'm surprised his bulge hasn't been blurred by censors already. There was one side shot earlier in the episode that looked like he had already stuffed the HII down his undies before ever going to that IC. I know he's not the typical pretty boy looks that Malcom has, but he's rocking mine and some people's world.
  10. My hatred for all the stupid in this episode completed ruined my enjoyment in seeing Jay and all of Barry's deceased friends again (even if they were all Speed Force recreations).
  11. Marionettes and puppets creep me out, especially of the ventriloquist variety. If it weren't for the Muppets, I'd probably never would have watched this episode. I was also a bit worried when I heard the W word (Whimsy) tossed around. It never goes well when invoked. However, I'm glad I did since it produced some gorgeous results. Unfortunately, the previous challenge's elimination cut into the time that could have been spent on this challenge in this episode. Please, NEVER do that again, SyFy. I was surprised how choked up Gage was to leave. And then, they turned the Spotlight Challenge into a shorter Focus Challenge. I wonder if not having that third day prevented them from over-thinking or second-guessing themselves as much? While I agree with the judges top looks, I was really hoping Cig and George would win. I'm glad they edited themselves when they realized how serious the character looked. While Emily is truly impressive, especially with the technique she used, I'm sort of over hearing about her grandeur. If she and Tyler, or C&G don't win, it will be a shame. On to the bottom atrocious looks. That sad stone sailor looked melted or deformed. Were they intentionally satirizing Popeye, or is that just the way it came out due to the forearm size and face melt? While I've liked when the contestants or judges have poked lighthearted fun at themselves or each other in the past, that story that Adam tried telling came off all wrong. But Glenn seemed particularly vicious as well in his critique. The not-so-golden child ballerina was just boring. It looked like a young kid's attempt at doing Dot Matrix from Space Balls cosplay.
  12. That had to be one of the most tense and awkward final two I have ever seen. Brooke came across as a grade A bitch throwing shade, attitude, and side eye around everywhere. And Shirley shouted to high heaven and back for the entire time, tried gaming the sous chefs, and had an instance of "51%" shade. With that said, I can't argue with the actual outcome. Brooke's food seemed to be better 3 out of 4 times. And in the final tally, that means she wins. Congratulations! I can only hope TC never does a mixed newbies and veterans season ever again. Either all newbies, or all veterans, but not both. I also hope the real Top Chef, Sheldon, goes far. I don't think I've ever heard Tom heap the kind of praise on someone like he did twice on Sheldon.
  13. Normally, I don't mind product placement as it allows me to enjoy the show longer. However, forcing the contestants to fawn all over the features of the car in fake enjoyment took it way too far. I think running me over with the car would have been more subtle and less jarring. And really, Velociraptor? Er... Velocinator? Velociwhatever... Try again, Hyundai. I would say go home, you're drunk, but I don't want you drinking and driving. I agree with the judges for the winner, and for Emily and Tyler's alien bird queen. The make-up was beautiful, but it wasn't post-apocalyptic. Body mods aren't going to end up that gorgeous in the wasteland. I mean her forehead was basically turned into a three pronged tiara. The feather headdress was just Emily going way to far with her wheelhouse specialty. Also wasn't thrilled with the change in ending format. I hit the 30 second commercial skip when I heard them say "The winner is..." and thought my DVR glitched. No, they just changed things up on me. Sure, they've done the "To be continued..." before with the bottom looks, but I think they at least kept the commercial interruption in its usual place. That said, I don't like holding the second chance competition till the next episode. While good cliff-hangers can generate buzz for a show (Who shot JR?), they can also kill it, especially if the show doesn't get another season (Stargate Universe). A proven reality show competition isn't the place for a cliffhanger. All it's going to do is take from the challenge in the next episode. Though it concerns me that maybe the next challenge/episode is going to be so lame, that they borrowed from this challenge to spice it up somehow.
  14. Any tolerance I had for this show's conceits went completely out the window with this final episode. If the winning teams had been caught because they had to engage in that staged escape that literally let the Hunters know where they were, I would have screamed and thrown things. The forced ATM withdrawals was bad enough. I really like the show's concept, but its execution leaves much to be desired. I honestly don't know if I'll be back for a second season, should the show come back. I am happy that the Escape Room team won though. I loved their epic airplane rendezvous, and overall thumbing their noses at the Hunters. However, I was not happy with the King's win, mainly due to the editing. I can only imagine that it was so effective that they didn't show it in order to prevent future teams from copying their methods, or it was so boring it would have put people to sleep.
  15. OK, CW. If you're going to do Valentine's Day episodes, air them closer to Valentine's Day, and preferably before VD actually strikes. Two weeks after is way too late to air them. It was tolerable for your other shows, but this is downright annoying. The one Christmas related episode was understandable since that's your usual hiatus, but not this. HR still annoys the crap out of me. I will admit he has his moments where he contributes to the team, but even a broken clock is right twice a day, but is completely useless at other times. With that said, I was not happy to hear Harry's growling voice back. Plus, Harry was an absolute douche in this episode, so I couldn't enjoy him otherwise. So thrilled Jessie shot his death ploy down so quickly. Also wasn't thrilled with three speedsters just standing around waiting for Dad to pull the trigger like complete idiots. The nukes outside the fort in a mobile platform also seemed rather silly. I suspect Flash could have ran back to the lab, grabbed some tools, ran back, and disassembled the thing quicker than he could have entered the codes. Or, I don't know, maybe have pulled the missiles out of the launcher and sped them out into the dessert to create a Firestorm lizard. I really hope Iris says no to Barry. While the speed of the romance doesn't bother me, it seems like they're doing it for the wrong reasons, especially if Barry wants to get married before Savitar kills her. Way to pressure the girl you love there, Barry. But kudos for creating epic romance, even if one is a fire hazard.
  16. Back to monsters was a bit jarring after two weeks of beauty makeup in a row. Because of that, I really didn't like any of them. What I did like in this episode, was the humor: I enjoyed John Landis, even if he did like everything. The appendage size comment. Glen likeing the one model's hair since it looked like his. The Brometheus space station, Bro. Little Ve running around everywhere. However, I'm torn on the matching team outfits. I expect quirky from the Cig and George show, and they did not disappoint with their horrifying daisy duke short shorts. But what was up with Ben and Evan's matching preppy/yuppy clothes? Just no. Stop the insanity now, guys. As to the top and bottom looks, I do agree with the judges. And while the make-up/painting on Emily and Tyler's was absolutely gorgeous, the overall effect wasn't that impressive to me. I think Logan and Adam did a lot more work, with make-up almost as good. Yeah, the giant claw was way to big, but at least the one guy got some redemption. I know the winner's did a lot of pre-painting on Day 2, which seems to be a good indicator of how well they're going to do. I don't recall if the other top look had also pre-painted so early, though I know another team did. However, that might have been Evan and Ben, so maybe not. So much for that theory.
  17. I was dreading this episode because I really don't like the actively/forced wooing aspect. Or the going to someone else to advice for love, and then changing your behavior for that advice. Neither ever ends well. (Shadowhunters recently did the the latter, and it blew up in the characters face as expected.) And sure enough, the cheesy/forced declarations of love had me cringing throughout a large portion of the episode, especially with Wu. However, all of that was completely forgiven when Hank started wooing himself. I laughed so hard and loud, I had to rewind multiple times to see what I missed. Then when the guy kidnapped Diana, I remember thinking it's a good thing he knocked her out. So when Renard realized the kidnapper was in for a world of hurt, I laughed some more. I laughed even harder when you could hear him being tossed around the warehouse by her. I'm surprised he was even able to crawl away half alive. It might be horrible parenting by Renard, but it was hilarious. 4 out of 5 stars overall. Would be 5 if not for having to endure the cheesy/forced love declarations.
  18. I blame the bad looks in this episode more on the challenge design than on the artists themselves. Frankly, I really didn't see how the snowflake was incorporated into any of the looks. The closest any of them came was the octagonal scepter, and that's a separate accessory and not part of the snow queen herself. Again, challenge design fail. The only good thing about the challenge is that it gave us beauty make-up for the second week in a row. Speaking of second weeks, don't abandon the idea that both weeks are going to count already. As fun as the focus group made for an entertaining change of pace in the last episode, the judges should have been there as well so they could judge on both challenges. I was really looking forward to Cig and George's make-up when they described it, but I was let down by the horror monster-eqsue qualities it ended up with. I really like it when teams with immunity go all out, and accomplish something spectacular. Unfortunately, that wasn't that spectacular. While I agree with the winner, I do not agree with Adam and Logan having the second top look. That armor was just pathetic and way to bulky. I guess the make-up was nicely done with the stencils, but it wasn't a top look. And Neville's joke just hurt. Actually, I'd probably switch Keaghlen and Melissa's next to bottom look with Adam and Logan's. While the head was a little squashed, it still looked better and more involved. Maybe the stenciling looked better in person than on camera or in pictures. Still, they get to live another day. The right team went home with the horrid Statue of Liberty inspired thing. While Niko was relatively charming, none of the other looks were bad enough to go home ahead of their monstrosity. I think Emily and Tyler's ice queen stood out the most because it was a different form of frozen from the others, while still looking good. If Ben and Evan's black ice queen wasn't so dark and looked like a circus's bearded lady, it would have stood out just as much. If the black ice had been more smokey or translucent like tinted glass, it would have stood out in a good way.
  19. I still don't get why Caitlin's powers make her go evil. Every time this show goes there, I just die a little more inside. Still hate HR and his damn drumstick.
  20. I almost always skip the opening narration on the DC CW shows, so damn them for making me listen to it two episodes in a row. It was mostly about Mick this episode, but he isn't that appealing to me. However, I loved everyone saying "it was implied" that they were saving him too. "I'm a physicist not a doctor!" was also cheesy homage goodness, though this is the second episode in a row he's been one. Otherwise, I continue to dislike Jax. Sorry, but he's the weak link in the show for me, even more so than the Colossus clone. Something about the actor and character just grates on my nerves. And while I've loved Rip in the last few episodes, I really don't want the boring guy from the first season to return. Sara is just so much better as Captain. Actually, Sara is just so much better. Period.
  21. Loved this episode as it forced them into doing beauty make-ups without actually being solely about beauty make-up. Very clever! So glad the blue hairs ditched the bad drag queen look. That was just scary, and I've seen plenty of drag queens at their worst, and they still looked more fabulous passed out drunk than that. Rachel and Gage better be glad they weren't dealing out elimination for that frightening Venus McFlytrap. Her pet plant was the only saving grace. Niko and Cat also failed miserably. While the George and Cig show can get old quickly, I was very glad they won. While their work was fantastic, I was hoping they'd win just for practicing beauty make-up on each other since that isn't their forte. The other two top looks were great as well, though I thought Draculaura was pretty but too simple. And kudos to Monty the reviewer for the Red Dwarf reference.
  22. My hatred of the sudden death quickfire continues to grow. It needs to pack it's knives and go away for good. I'd be saying this even if someone I hated (like Katsuji) were sent away. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to like this episode. John doesn't appeal to me, and I'm not sure why, unless it's his vacant, open mouth stare. Oh yeah, don't forget the sweat dripping into the food. However, there were two things I liked about the episode. The say something hats and the lady behind the guest judge. She was totally staring at the camera and eavesdropping for the best gossip. You can see her a couple of times while the guest judge is talking about the food with the chefs.
  23. Agree with the top and bottom looks, except for Ben and Evan. It wasn't that good, though it was an improvement over last week. That's probably more of why they were showcased than anything else. The make-up and painting of the other two were absolutely gorgeous! I also agree with the winners and losers. That said, I'm not loving the Niko and Cat cuteness. The blue hair is starting to annoy me too, though mainly due to the blue eyebrows. Also, Emily's big hair makes me think I'm watching an 80s show. Speaking of Emily, was she the one that had a cake decorating background and did so well on her first season? I was really worried about Tyler being voted off due to the birthday curse. Thankfully though, that seems isolated to Top Chef. They've celebrated birthdays on there as well, though maybe not with as large of a pseudo-party they threw for Tyler. Unfortunately, it always ends badly on Top Chef with the birthday person being eliminated. Glad it didn't happen here.
  24. I... That was... Why... Crap. I just can't wrap my head around how stupid that episode was. I don't even know where to begin with everything that I hated. I've read better fan fiction than what I just watched. I'm actually angry at this episode and the show now. I was thinking this was the series finale with the way they wrapped everything up. But apparently, there's another 10 episodes to endure this summer. Why?!?!? Did the powers that be change their mind after writing and filming this episode? It just doesn't make any stupid sense at all. I'll watch this summer just because my OCD won't allow me to give up now, but I fear it's going to make me hate a show that I once loved.
  25. The way the slow motion and music was showcasing Amenadiel standing against the guards, I was expecting him to regain some of his grace back. And to be honest, I was almost hoping to see him wing up to accomplish it. I too saw the hand raise coming to kill Lucifer, and it was still hilarious. As was the Maze's "Ooops". Even with dark episodes like this one, this show is just enjoyable to watch. However, I was disappointed we didn't see Lucifer in full on devil appearance in hell. At the very least, I think he should have had his red head look going on.
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