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19 Good
  1. Still believe that LoK could have benefited from more episodes per season, and while there were some gaping holes during the finale, I'm not going to complain too terribly much. It's just going to be weird that this is it for the world of Avatar on TV.
  2. Not even going to lie. I screamed when I saw it was Toph, and maybe teared up at her calling Korra "Twinkle Toes." I honestly wasn't expecting Toph so soon...I figured that it would be later in the season. Either way, it will be interesting to see what role she will play in Korra getting her head right, and why she's been hiding out in the swamp. The picture of Aang doing his marble trick. It's nice to know that even as an adult, Aang was still a playful dork. I knew that Korra was in bad shape, but damn, that was rough watching Korra struggle with rehabilitation. Per the norm, Katara was awesome and very patient.
  3. I had been saying since the first series that it was possible for airbending to have a sinister side, but several of my friends doubted me. And I certainly wasn't expecting Zaheer to kill the Queen (or so it appears). This definitely makes me fear for the lives of Korra's father, Zuko, and anyone else in a position of power. With that said, this series payoffs tend to fall somewhat flat after a huge buildup, so we shall see...
  4. I'm going to reserve judgement about what's under spoiler tags until the actual episode airs, but I will say this. Korra had every reason to call out Lin for being a bitch to Opal, and this is coming from someone who's usually annoyed with Korra, but damn...if Lin needed to snap on someone, she could have took her frustrations out on Korra for interfering. Opal, I believe, was sincere in wanting to get to know more about her aunt and did not deserve to be yelled at. Right? Then again, considering Toph's nature to buck tradition, it almost shouldn't come as a surprise that she would have two kids by two different daddies. With that said, what is up with the original characters turning out to be not the best at parenting? Aang showing favoritism towards Tenzin (albeit not intentional, but still), and now Toph's too-laid-back attitude towards parenting, resulting in a strained relationship between the sisters, with major bitterness coming from Lin. I wasn't expecting them to be absolute perfect parents, but damn. It would be the funniest thing if Zuko, the one with quite possibly the worst upbringing, turned out to be the best parent from the original Gaang. Nice to see Kya ripping loose with the waterbending. Good grief, these current White Lotus SUCK. They were of no use to Kya, who was holding her own just fine, until Zaheer managed to get the upper hand.
  5. Probably because Tenzin finally got it right by giving them the choice of joining, instead of making unfair demands and expectations.
  6. This is the same pilot I watched on Netflix as well. I did my best to watch idea that maybe it would hold my interest, but it did nothing for me in the end. Together we shall avoid the onslaught of rotten tomatoes. And I normally dig the sci-fi stuff. Just not Firefly.
  7. May I join you at the table? Because I just barely made it through the pilot and have not bothered attempting to watch the rest of the series. It was that boring, and the pilot did nothing to hold my attention. Some of my more sci-fi, geeky friends would curl into themselves if they read this.
  8. I was overall pleased with the opener, but agree that it was more than presumptuous for Tenzin to believe that these new found airbenders would be willing to leave their homes, families, and lifestyles to join the Air Nation and follow their customs. Even those who want to join, I don't think it's going to be quite the same as it was when Aang was growing up. I think at some point he's going to have to realize this and go from there. Korra's in-your-face approach? Typical. She's always been brash, and I don't expect that to change overnight. Definitely enjoyed the talk between Asami and Korra. Asami is pretty much my favorite character from the new bunch, and it's nice that regardless of their history with Mako, they are able to put that aside and remain friends. For the love of everything, I hope that they stay away from the romance this time around. I'm probably one of the few people that didn't hate the budding romance from ATLA, but Bryke has fumbled the ball so badly with Korra, that I would just rather they stay away from it, or keep it delegated to minor characters. The villains from all 4 elements, even if I'm all whut?? on the head villain gaining airbending abilities, and is already bending on Tenzin's level? Bring it! And how can I forget...ZUKO!
  9. I had been racking my brain trying to figure out why she looked so familiar. Such a talented, natural beauty.
  10. OBERYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY????? I braced myself for his impending doom. Because he was funny, sexy, and added another layer of dimension to the goings on in Kings Landing. And because I liked (loved) his character, of course he was going to bite it. But goddamn, that was so BRUTAL! It's in the middle of the night, and I'm trying to not scream my utter rage at the computer screen. You had one job, Oberyn, one job, and you had that oversized bastard dead to rights, until you became too wrapped up in the wanting the confession before making sure your victim wouldn't be able to strike back. And while I pretty want to slap the smug off Cersei's face, it reached all new levels with this latest episode. I live for the day when this smug bitch gets her heaping pile of just desserts. I have so much more that I want to say about this episode, but I need to collect my thoughts. Actually, I'm going to go rock myself in a corner.
  11. My final post on TWoP was about Supernatural and the Destiel, so I'll just reiterate what I said there here. First off, I never had any desire to watch Supernatural, until I was with a group of friends who are hardcore fanatics and severe Destiel worshipers, and they were watching various episodes (mainly the ones that featured Dean and Castiel). So I decided to give it a shot from the beginning, and 4 episodes were enough for me. As for Destiel, the episodes I did watch with them, I couldn't see all this supposed romantic angst and sexual tension between the two characters. Besides, Dean is too much of a horn toad to ever make me think that he's in love with Castiel. I don't dare mention that to my friends, because I will probably have to go into hiding. Which leads me into... Rabid shippers. I don't have an issue with shipping, per say, as I have certain pairings that I enjoy. What I don't like is when people become fanatical to the point where no matter what scene said pairing shares, it's totally romantic and proves that they are in love. Words and situations get twisted around, and hell forbid, if someone happens to announce that they don't like said pairing. It's also not the end of the world if a pairing a person ships doesn't become canon. There are also series that I enjoy watching where I'm not the least bit interested in who hooks up. I think that watching wet paint dry, then peel off the walls is more interesting than Doctor Who. While I don't hate I Love Lucy, I find the Burns & Allen Show to be funnier, especially Gracie. Lost Girl: I am not a fan of Bo/Lauren. Personally, I'd rather they focus on the fact that she's a damn succubus, and have her do succubus things, but if they insist on Bo being paired up, I'd rather see her with Dyson. Yeah, I said it, and I regret nothing.
  12. Boy, do I have a list of shows that owned me in the beginning, just to leave them in the dust 2 or 3 seasons later. I'll keep it simple. Glee - First season was amazing. Second season had me going "what the what?" Third season, interest had definitely faded. Fourth season, watched 3 or 4 episodes, stopped and haven't bothered looking back. I also think I have an irrational hatred towards Ryan Murphy as well for the demise of what really did start off as a wonderful ensemble/musical series. Top Chef - This past season made me realize that I am growing less fond of it when I found myself fast-forwarding through many of the challenges, just to get to the end to see who would get the boot. And when I didn't fast-forward through (meaning that I was watching it with my mom), I found myself horribly bored. Once you've see one crazy challenge that involves cooking with limited space, ingredients, equipment, you've seen them all. Yawn. HIMYM - I can't remember what season I stopped watching...probably when Barney and Robin first hooked up. I never liked them as a couple. And judging from the reaction of many fans regarding the finale, I'm glad I never went back. New Girl - Adored this show the first 2 seasons, until TPTB decided that Nick and Jess just had to be a couple. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I preferred Nick and Jess as friends. Once the show paired them together, coupled with the constantly bs with Schmidt and CeCe, a once hilarious show, now filled me with anger. Damn them. One Life to Live - For a canceled soap that ended on a high note, I wished Prospect Park would have just left well enough alone. Because once it was finally resurrected and returned to fans via Hulu, it was a sad, sorry shell of its former self. After watching a week of episodes, I removed it from my queue.
  13. Cosigning all the posts regarding the marionettes, especially the latest one with her doing a "sexy dance" for her husband. I thought the first two were creepy, but her flailing about asking him "Do you like that?" legit had me scrambling for the remote.
  14. The best part of this season? Seeing David Copperfield. I lived for his TV specials as a kid. While I can't say that I was upset with Dave & Conner's win, I was rooting for the Afghanimals and was sad to see them get eliminated in the previous leg. This final leg just seemed so lackluster and not as challenging as the others. On a positive note, NO BRENCHEL BABY. I regret nothing.
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