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Everything posted by aradia22

  1. I think it's a lovely moment but there are definitely more joyful ones. For me, that's being let into someone else's moment whereas my big joyful moments are when actors play to camera and pull you into the scene. I'm conflicted when it comes to dubbing. On the one hand, I want Broadway talent on the screen so I say, go get the people who can actually sing the score. But I know with big budget films they need to bring in an audience and a lot of that involves signing big name talent. Sadly now that Idina is a semi big name, she and Kristen are way too old for the proposed Wicked musical that keeps getting talked about. When it comes to old movies, I have three main examples. I had no problem with Deborah Kerr being dubbed in The King and I because I didn't realize she was dubbed. I can't watch West Side Story or My Fair Lady because the dubs in those movies are sooo obvious. So I guess dubs are only acceptable to me if you do a really good job. I don't want to constantly be aware that you're lip-syncing either because you're not doing a good job of lip-syncing or because the voice coming out of you sounds nothing like your voice.
  2. http://www.broadway.com/videos/155725/thats-entertainment-watch-laura-osnes-brian-stokes-mitchell-more-in-rehearsal-for-the-band-wagon-at-encores/#play I don't remember any of this except That's Entertainment and I thought that came at the end of the movie. Do I just have a terrible memory for The Bandwagon?
  3. Fabricationary: Duh, of course, I remember it. I wish they'd done the same thing for Heathers. I got my copy of the album in the mail a few days ago but I haven't listened to it yet. LBTMTSFEW was the first thing that introduced me to Seth Rudetsky. I had that same moment with Celina. So cute that Seth tweeted about her Tony win. I'm not a big Phantom girl. Or a big Andrew Lloyd Webber girl outside of Phantom and Evita. But this looks like a cute oddity. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178092/check-out-the-phabulous-new-phantom-pop-up-shop-art-gallery-at-the-paramount-hotel/ I'm going to be real for second. I'm not feeling On the Town right now. TCM-ers know I saw the movie a little while ago. I've been watching the promo stuff and reviews and rehearsal/press presentation footage and... underwhelmed. I'm going to try and see if the video blogs help because so far the video blogs on Broadway.com have made me want to see every show. Will this be another Sound of Music live tweeting phenomenon? Honestly not that thrilled with the voice cast. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178083/jim-parsons-will-star-in-new-elf-animated-christmas-special-based-on-film-broadway-musical/ http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178080/cheers-peter-gallagher-kristin-chenoweth-make-an-adorable-pair-in-on-the-twentieth-century-sneak-peek/ Norbert Leo Butz has a new Netflix series called Bloodline. At least it can't get cancelled like The Deep End. Remember The Deep End, guys? God, I watch a lot of bad TV to see Broadway actors. Who's excited for Younger? It's only a few more months until the January premiere. Imagine that. Another reason to love Emma Stone. I swear, I'm going to go see Cabaret, guys. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178058/cabarets-sally-bowles-to-be-emma-stone-was-originally-approached-to-play-cinderella-in-into-the-woods-film/ I don't... um... This makes no sense to me. http://www.broadway.com/buzz/178062/stranger-than-we-dreamt-it-phantom-gets-small-screen-treatment-with-help-from-first-date-team/
  4. By the way, I'm an ABBA fan. That performance hurt my heart a little but it still wasn't as bad as that Mamma Mia movie they made.
  5. Results Night were in the bottom two. Not surprised by the former. Slightly surprised by the latter, at least as far as last night's performances go. Though my rankings weren't far off. went home. seemed relatively nice but last night's performance was terrible and was getting worse as the competition went on.
  6. Stuart refers to them as Erect Kiosks (anagram of Stereo Kicks) in the liveblogs. It's really difficult to remember them as Stereo Kicks after that.
  7. They make way too many episodes of The Voice for me to commit to it. I usually get kind of excited when we see talented people in auditions. Sometimes we get good things out of battles. But once we're into lives bad song choices and bad performances abound and most of the people I like have been kicked out or get kicked out. Very disheartening. I can deal with X Factor because I don't have to watch that much of it and it's more of a laugh. I recommend the guardian's live blogs.
  8. Jake Quickenden: She's Like the Wind. Eh, this would probably be the song I'd choose for Jake as well. He's awful this week. I swear he used to be a little better. No power at all and barely on key. Only the Young: Boom Clap. They play this song on the radio way too much. Thankfully, I don't listen to a lot of radio. I did listen to Charli XCX's album because I like her as a featured artist on other songs. I didn't really have a reaction to it. It didn't feel like much of anything. Oh, right, Only the Young. Started off super flat. The blonde one was better. The brunette came back and still seemed off. She really seemed to be having an off week. Overall, meh. Jay James: Skyfall. This can only end in tears. No tension at all. His voice does not fit this song. It's not a great song but Adele makes it work. Jay does not. I think this is OK for Jay. It could have been better at the beginning but again, he's getting more tolerable. Not good, but tolerable. Paul Akister: Try A Little Tenderness. I swear I've heard this song 5 times this series. I think this was good for Paul. Still not as soulful as I would want it to be but it sounded less hollow. Trying to make the song a little more hip for the kids wasn't an awful idea but they need to do a better job coaching him on what to do with his face and his body when he's on stage. He's still coming across as a little awkward. Also, it looks like he borrowed some of Stevi's dancers. That didn't work at all. It might have been better if they'd been more clothed and not just doing the same Beyonce moves they choreograph for everyone. Andrea Faustini: Listen. God, I hate Andrea. I'm sorry but I don't want to hear versions of songs I like with less soul while everyone else pretends they're better than the original. Lola Saunders: When You Believe. I really like this song. I feel like she's just doing a lame version of the Adele/Amy Winehouse neo-soul thing. And I don't know if she's going flat or there are low notes that are outside of her range but they sound croaky. Then when she tried shouting it was not good. Bad week for Lola. Lauren Platt: Let It Go. A little flat. I feel like I'm watching someone's recital. She doesn't have the high notes or the power. Which are the reasons you sing this song. It didn't soar. Fleur East: Her voice cracked twice. Some of the runs were a little sloppy. It felt a little low energy and like they dressed her way too old even though the vocals weren't bad. I still love her. She's not going to win but I love her. Jack Walton: This is a version of Eye of the Tiger I did not need to hear. Flat and breathy. Slightly less annoying that usual. Stevi Ritchie: Why was he out of breath with the first note? Stevi is somehow getting worse over time and the staging with the girls every time does not help. Stereo Kicks: Oh, they let my favorite one sing first. It was an interesting choice to have two soloists and let the others pair off. There are still too many of them but they're trying. They just need to kick out the ones who can't sing as well. Ben Haenow: A little irritating. He's got this nice growly, gritty thing but with the closed off vowels it can sound very thin and...whatever the male version of shrill is. Also, he sings like he's not thinking of anything. Rankings 1. Andrea Faustini 2. Fleur East 3. Paul Akister 4. Ben Haenow 5. Lauren Platt 6. Stereo Kicks 7. Jay James 8. Jack Walton 9. Only the Young 10. Stevi Ritchie 11. Lola Saunders 12. Jake Quickenden I would be fine with it if anyone outside of my top six this week went home. Damn this was a pathetic showing. Even the people in my top six didn't do great.
  9. O'Reilly is on. I think he just yada-yada-ed "liberal judges" giving homosexual couple equal rights under the constitution. Because, yeah, that's nonsense? Now there's a pastor on who basically said, we should totally be nice to Muslims... by praying for them and introducing them to Jesus. Because they have a false religion with a false prophet. I can't.
  10. I think I only started getting TCM in 8th grade so *mumbles* years ago. However, now that I've experienced life with TCM I can't imagine life without TCM.
  11. I won't. ;) You think I'm a little nice because I'm all reasonable on previously. You have not met recapper me.
  12. Guys, please don't stop watching. I need someone to read my recaps on trashtalktv. I don't mind Vanessa's voice that much but I do mind the fact that they will not stop with the voiceover. It would be bad enough if it were Tim Gunn but her voice just gets more grating with each voiceover.
  13. I was recapping so I have a skewed perspective but it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. Overall it just seemed super tame. They tried to stir up drama with all the twists and that 30 min assistant switch but they didn't really get the reactions they wanted, though they got two people to cry. This is also just way too complicated. Again, I'm recapping so I'm just annoyed I have to recap all these details and get all the pictures but why do you need to have three challenges in one episode? Please tell me they're not going to do this every week. I will go insane.
  14. I'll be recapping the show for trashtalktv so I have to watch. I'll probably have to watch each episode at least twice. I clearly hate myself.
  15. So after the first episode I was all ready to be, 'God, Aaron is such a jerk!' but Carrie Ann did everything she could to antagonize him. I really didn't think he was being that unreasonable in the conversation they had at the house. But I can imagine them going back and forth like that all day until they were ready to snipe at each other about anything. They were both super lucky another team messed up and their chicken was perfectly cooked. Eh, I'm still on her side. She might just have bitchy resting face. Everyone isn't camera ready. I think it was less about her picking a knife and more about getting stuck with the guy who couldn't taste how bad his fifty component taco tasted and the girl who made a broccoli salad as her first dish. Based on their performance last week, she had the worst team and thinking she would have to carry the team made her try and take a leadership role. Once she tasted the sauce she admitted that she had been worried for nothing. I'm not loving Katsuji as much as the rest of you. I thought he was pretty rude and uncompromising about making the sauce.
  16. There was a short report on Greta about how Democrats were losing the female vote. Actually, it was that they were losing the female vote in Colorado, Arkansas, and Kentucky. Actually, it was that they were more or less tied with Republicans instead of winning in a landslide. But that sounds less impressive. Wow, it's almost like women are individuals and don't just vote in one giant block. Nevermind, that's ridiculous.
  17. Sorry, we couldn't be more help LADreamr. A bunch of discount ticket sites have been popping up but to my knowledge, It's Only a Play is too popular to have put any tickets up on them.
  18. I feel like was going for the Amy Winehouse version of Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow. First of all, how do you get the lyrics wrong to a Carole King song? Secondly, sounded better than did during live performance but it was still not good. Not good at all. You can't just bellow the notes. Also, Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow? If You Don't Know Me By Now? X Factor, you're making it too easy to make jokes. I vote that we kick the one with the wonky teeth, the blond one, and the one who for some reason reminds me of a cross between Aston Merrygold and Chris Messina, out of Stereo Kicks. I'm undecided on the others besides liking the one who looks too old to be in the group (the one who looks like Jaymi from Union J) and the one who they let sing all the time.
  19. God damn it. I'm usually better at names. I think it's the teams that throw me off. I've basically got the team names down but not the individuals.
  20. I'm starting to like them. They're starting to show more personality. Though one still talks a lot more than the other one.
  21. Aside from her little blow up at T&T, I'm happy to see Adam and Bethany stay positive and supportive in spite of their struggles. Good on him for figuring out the flower pot needed to be turned around. I don't see how they could have gotten around the bike/cake task with her arm.
  22. I enjoyed Maya's exuberance this episode. Maybe it's because she's little but it offends me less when she jumps on people (unlike the Afghanimals). And Amy wins the week with her Phil eyebrow at the mat.
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