Ben said exactly what I was thinking when he said Adam was like a weasel running around camp. That's precisely what comes to mind each time he comes on my screen. Weasel.
I stopped watching when Glenn gate happened. The show had gotten bad well before then but, for me, this is when that Ole shark took a big Ole leap. I still miss the forums from those first few seasons, though.
My problem with King, and one of the reasons I stopped reading his books, is he can sure tell a tale and build great characters but somewhere along the way he lost the ability to nail a landing. I hope that doesn't happen here.
I'm just not looking forward to it anymore. I was thinking they had really jumped the shark with the big ass statues on 39. Now all this for 40? I guess they had to promise a lot of these players the sun and moon to get them back.
I didn't care for the ending last season. The whole scenario was a no brainer and clearly self defence. Bonnie pushed him and he fell. Simple as that. Why lie? I don't think I will watch this season, just seems like an excuse to extend an issue that should have been a non issue to begin with.
My daughter just told me about this. D&D told them they could wrap it up in 6 episodes even though HBO offered them seasons 8 and 9 with 10 episodes each. Seems D&D were offered Star Wars and were ready to be done with Got. I hope there's no truth to that but it would explain this rushed final season.
I'm hoping that at the end of the day, when everything is settled, Jon will just say 'eff it all' and go north to live out his days with the wildlings and Ghost.