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Everything posted by susieq147

  1. That was my exact thought. God knows they wouldn't want to appear without making sure as many viewers would see them.
  2. I prefer to think of him as cockroach. What is it going to take to finally get rid of him? He hasn't been politically relevant in how many years and yet he still is out there shoveling the same garbage he always did.
  3. I like Kathy but think what she did was misguided and frankly in very poor taste. However, no like Former Nun said she does not deserve a life sentence for this stunt. And that was what it was, a stunt. That failed. I find the hypocrisy from the right wing most disgusting. How many vile stunts did we see at the Obama's expense? I hope Kathy's career can survive this. Oh who am I kidding? I hope Kathy herself can survive this. Trump's supporters feature some pretty scary unhinged individuals. I hope she can stay safe till this blows over.
  4. Yes. Any sort of media does this. Any time there is breaking news event I swear to god the media will seek out the most uninformed person to speak. I call it the train wreck effect. I am so fucking tired of hearing people say this. Prescription birth controls are just that. A prescription. Insurance covers your other doctor issued prescriptions so why not birth control?
  5. I too like Chelsea. She seems authentic to me. Like what you see is the real Chelsea. Unlike Ivanka Trump who always seems to be "on". And yes, who can blame Chelsea for being what appears to be on guard. She was a guest on the View which is not known for conducting the most friendly interviews. And I'm sure she was well aware of Jedi's animus toward her mother.
  6. Can anyone tell me what appeal Jedi has? At least with Elizabeth and Paula it didn't feel like they wanted people who disagreed with them politically to just die already. But with this obnoxious shrill shrew I feel like she is someone who would use the words "libtard and democraps". And aren't we passed the time when they start announcing which View co-hosts are leaving for greener pastures? Does this mean Jedi is sticking around? Yuck. And since we haven't heard of a replacement for Whoopi does that mean she is sticking around too?
  7. I was going to say the same thing. I'm straight but if I could stick it to someone who was to put it mildly "unfriendly" to LGBT community I most certainly would. With a big smile on my face.
  8. Whenever I see a couple with a joint FB account I automatically think OK which one of you is insanely jealous?
  9. Any country 's government who tries to do anything to interfere with a free press has something to hide. Enough said.
  10. Whereas I always thought Elisabeth just spouted the GOP drivel because she was just being a good little Republican Barbie I think Jedi I just a mean spirited bitch who doesn't give a shit if the Republican party destroys this country. Her hypocrisy is so disgusting I can almost smell the putridness through the TV. I want every single Republican politician who spoke out against Hillary compromising national security by having a private email server to have their own words used against them now for defending and/or staying silent about Trump's actions. And a note to Trump's supporters WHAT THE FUCK IS IT GOING TO TAKE? Russian troops parachuting on the White House lawn? Our currency being changed over to rubles? Back on topic, Jedi knows not to start a debate with someone who can wipe the floor with her. Seth might be a comedian but he is smart and she wouldn't have been able to run roughshod over him.
  11. A huge problem with school lunches is so much of it is processed food. When I was in primary and middle school (which was the same school K-8) all our lunches were homemade. And they were so good. And yes there was pizza but it was homemade pizza made with fresh ingredients. In high school the quality went way down because most of the food was frozen or came pre-packaged. There has to be some middle ground between healthy and junk food for school lunches. And I do agree with the above posters who fault parents with their kids disliking healthy foods. If a child is seldom exposed to healthy foods and is only given fast food and junk then yes they are going to prefer to eat that. My son grew up with home cooked meals almost every night. And now when my granddaughter comes for dinner I make sure to provide her with a home cooked meal. And guess what? She loves beets. So if you offer kids healthy choices they might surprise you and actually enjoy them.
  12. I have never liked Terrence Howard. I've never been able to put my finger on it but I get a very negative vibe from him. And unlike Whoopi I do think I'm a good judge of character. I've been told I have very good spidey sense.
  13. But they are always the first in line when they are handing out tax breaks.
  14. People like Jedi want to pay as few taxes as possible. And what taxes they do pay they don't want them used for things that benefit anyone they think should be taking care of themselves. You know, children, people with jobs that don't pay them enough to live without assistance, seniors, the disabled, basically anyone who isn't a rich "job creator".
  15. I enjoyed the View so much during that season. Even Elisabeth was tolerable.
  16. Over the weekend I rewatched Game Change (the movie about the McCain presidential campaign). I do not know how Nicolle kept her cool with Sarah Palin. And she definitely gets points for admitting she didn't vote for McCain simply because she knew Palin was supremely unqualified to even be close to the Oval Office. I haven't followed her lately but as one of the very few Republican talking heads that hasn't fell in line behind Trump I say good for her.
  17. Whoopi will always be out for herself. She might consider herself one of "us" but make no mistake she is part of the 1%. If something benefits her she is all for it. She might not publicly say it but I'm sure she will be thrilled with that tax break Trump wants to give her.
  18. Jedi speaks enough for five conservative view points.
  19. Which looks horrible on her. Sherri either chooses her own wardrobe or has a stylist that hates her.
  20. Jenner is one of those people who is arrogant enough to think things won't happen to them. That they are somehow immune from the realities that face other people like them. Like the Trump voter who was married to an illegal and was shocked he was deported. And of course Trump doesn't help things when he made the statement that Caitlin Jenner could use the bathroom of her choice. He implied because of who she was she would be given special treatment. And I honestly don't think Jenner is all that invested in LBGT rights. I think she is interested in Caitlin Jenner's rights.
  21. Thinking Caitlyn Jenner is an arrogant privileged smug hypocrite doesn't make you make you an insensitive homophobic bigot Dinkysquid. It simply makes you observant.
  22. Let me preface this by saying I am in no way making light of diabetes which is what disease I assume Sherri will be talking about. Sherri has diabetes and she is continuing to live her life. Ok. Millions of other people do the same thing.
  23. The View continues to prove they do not know their audience. They spend a lot of time talking about politics and when they have a guest on who is actually a politician and is engaging and does more than spew talking points (Kelly Ann Conaway) they pull him for a fucking reality show has been.
  24. As Sugarbaker Design said above "free speech" means you can say what you want without the government telling punishing you for it. That does not mean that what you say is going to be appreciated, listened to or even acknowledged. People are free to say what they want but they are also free to face the consequences that come with saying things that people might find offensive. The women on the View are free to say what they want. And we as viewers are free to change the channel when they say things that we don't like.
  25. I feel a kinship with Joy. I hope to be just as politically aware and involved as she is when I'm her age. And with Joy being in the position she is in she doesn't have to care about what is going on. She is rich. She isn't dependent on the government for health care. If she wanted to she could pick up and move to another country. She could live the rest of her life with a so what who cares attitude (which a lot of people in her position do) but she doesn't. So kudos to her for still fighting the good fight.
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