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Everything posted by susieq147

  1. For me it's not just the looks that make a man sexy. When Miranda Lambert was married to Blake Shelton she said she bought him a tree stand as a present. The fact he was a hunter made him ugly to me. There were so many sexy men on the Wire. God I miss that show. I've rewatched it three times on DVD.
  2. And let's not forget for most people the only defense they ever offered up for Bill Clinton was he was hound dog. Unlike all the ridiculous excuses I have heard concerning Roy Moore. For me there is just something inherently mean there. I don't know if it's entitlement or superiority or what but she just gives off this my views matter more than yours. She is what in her 30s? She comes across as immature but with this I know it all attitude. You can tell she has never had to struggle for anything in her life. Good for her but I agree with Scorpio. I don't like her.
  3. She also made it sound like she was unhappy with what she thinks is the "new" Republican party. If you are unhappy with what they now stand for then why are you defending them? Plenty of people leave their party when "their party has left them". But if MM wasn't touting the ole party line would she even get any attention? She is following in Elisabeth Hasselbeck's footsteps of being the blond Barbie on the View. Pull her string and she will say whatever the GOP needs her to say.
  4. IIRC there was friction between Star and Geddie as well. Meredith had been on television for years and always seemed very nonconfrontational so she probably just went along to get along. Lisa Ling was young and new to the business and we know Elisabeth was Geddie's pet.
  5. I would like to believe I'm a "Joy" friend. Lol
  6. If Meghan sees the world strictly in how it affects her as a Republican she is truly pathetic. But it explains a lot.
  7. I mean I'm pretty sure that that's exactly what she's implying. But it's such a stupid thing to say. Why can't they all be outraged about something without MM taking another stab at Joy?! "They're making it so hard for me as a Republican!" What does that have to do with anything, Meghan? Ugh. Just call it disgusting like other people in your party without bringing up the fact that you're a Republican. I'm sure Joy like myself would just be as disgusted if it was a Democrat politician accused of this. And not for nothing but when it is a Democratic politician caught up in something unseemly they are persona non grata quickly. Anthony Weiner and John Edwards come to mind. You don't find fellow Democrats rationalizing what they have done like we have seen in Roy Moore's case.
  8. Sane rational people seem to be thought of as boring. They don't create sparks. Nicolle Wallace was probably the best host they had who represented the right but of course TPTB thought they knew better and replaced her.
  9. Yes Whoopi seemed more upset at having lost endorsements for saying something when other people (according to her) said worse things and weren't penalized.
  10. IIRC correctly there was no video of her saying it. It was just reported by people attending the function she (allegedly) said it at.
  11. But she has some very non conservative views. So if her dad is considered a RINO then the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
  12. Oh yeah MM wants a split screen ala Rosie/Elisabeth. Joy is way too smart to fall into that trap. As it is now MM has name recognition and that is pretty much it. If she had a blow up with Joy live on the View it would be shown everywhere. I think MM is just using the View as a stepping stone to something else and being known as a a poor little conservative who took on the big bad liberal Joy would go a long way towards that. Or so MM probably thinks.
  13. So when Republicans win elections it's "the people have spoken" but when Democrats when elections it's "it doesn't really mean anything"? Yeah Ok. Both sides Meghan McCain can just shut it. I don't. And while I don't think she's a bad person, either, she had to have known the backlash that would happen with what she wrote. And instead of owning it, she's backpedaling. IMO Donna Brazile as mentioned above might have thought she was helping her party by blowing it up. That was a serious miscalculation on her part. If Democrats had lost big yesterday I guarantee the blame would have wrongly or rightly been laid at her feet. I don't mind her as a pundit on news shows but perhaps she should step away from any future jobs requiring political strategy. If her book was any indication her political savvy is lacking.
  14. I'm picking up Donna Brazile's book at the library after work. Maybe the book will have the answers to the questions she skirted around today. Or not.
  15. Donna Brazile has been in politics longs enough to know timing is everything. She might not have had any say in when the book was released but she sure did have a say in what she wrote in the book. Seems to be she is backtracking because of the fallout from what she wrote. Sorry Donna the damage is already done.
  16. As much as I love Joy I have to disagree with her about Bernie Sanders. It's easy to play the woulda coulda shoulda game but if he had been the nominee the GOP would have come after him with a vengeance. He might have resonated with millennials but I don't believe blue collar voters in the rust belt would have voted for him any more than they voted for Hillary.
  17. If they can't discuss a topic accurately I would rather they just skipped the topic entirely. It's one thing to offer their opinions on things but when they put forth information as facts and they have it wrong it does a huge disservice to the viewers. And if there are people watching the View to get the news we are in deep trouble.
  18. He sounds like a real winner. Not.
  19. They had a not quite youngish blond and her name was Nicole Wallace.
  20. Joy, Whoopi, and Sunny have all had careers before the View. They bring their life experiences and knowledge to the View. They don't need news sources to give them a point of view. What did Meghan do exactly before becoming a "political ???? what is she exactly"? If MM didn't have the daddy she has she would not be sitting at that table. If she didn't have a father who was a Republican senator would she even have the political "views" she has? At least with Joy, Whoopi and Sunny I believe their views are their views. And I think Sarah is sincere as well.
  21. And I guess she thought all those Trump supporters who chanted "Lock her up" regarding Hillary weren't gleeful? If she is going to get bent out of shape every time the studio audience shows their approval of anything anti Trump she is on the wrong show.
  22. Meghan definitely has that air of only my view is the right view. And for someone who keeps saying we need to understand Trump's base she sure as fuck doesn't seem like she wants to understand the tens of millions of people who aren't a part of Trump's base. I think what they want is just as important as understanding what Trump's base wants. And Meghan honey just because someone is rich and can be elected to office doesn't mean they are smart. The last two Republican presidents prove that.
  23. I've heard this so much. That Trump represents the "average American". I do not want a president that is just like your average American. Because unfortunately there is a pretty significant amount of Americans bringing down the average. And Meghan dear, we do understand Trump and yes he is stupid.
  24. Even with a wardrobe stylist choosing what MM wears on air doesn't Meghan have the right to say no I don't think this looks flattering on me? How can a 33 yrs old woman not know what looks good on her?
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