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I have to give credit to this episode for being decently lit for the most part. I could barely see half of what was going on in the other episodes. There was also less Garcia than usual, which was pleasant. Henry makes me feel ancient. In my head he’s still that adorable bright eyed toddler in the S7 finale which was … 11 years ago. Yikes. Good to see him and his brother again. Makes me wonder how Jack is doing. I like this Emily/Rossi silver-haired power couple thing they’ve got going. Still don’t care about the serial killer part of this serial killer show.
This might be my favourite of all the episodes I’ve seen so far, mainly because I loved Emily in it. I enjoyed her interaction with Bailey and the migraine scene with Garcia. I didn’t mind that this was a run-of-the-mill serial killer case. I’m utterly bored with the Sicarius storyline and can’t care less about Volt’s family life. It was the little moments that made this episode for me - Bailey comforting Grace, Grace telling Ashley not to blame herself because she made the same choice with Terry, Tawny and Lewis (poor Moose!), Emily in almost every scene. Can’t stand the whole Garcia/Tyler bit. Garcia’s lack of professionalism is deeply grating.
I think I relate to Elias more than I should. When he grumbled about how if he wants something done properly, he has to do it himself, I was all, This is me minus the serial killer network. What always fascinated me about true crime is what makes people cross that line and give into their murderous impulses. Sure, I’ve wanted to bash my annoying racist neighbour’s head in more than once but I wouldn’t be able to do it. I wish CM would go into that - like Daniel said above, what makes Elias Voit tick? I think I like this smaller BAU team. The cast felt too bloated towards the end of the original run. I don’t miss Simmons. I don’t even miss Reid, because his absence spares me from the Jeid nonsense that got dragged out in the last 2 seasons. Garcia annoys me less in here than before. I’m weirdly OK with this revival. Must be the Covid getting to me.
I am housebound with Covid (finally succumbed after almost 3 years) and decided to watch the first episode on Disney+. Surprisingly, I didn’t hate it. I always say CM is my comfort TV and found it very soothing to hear our characters’ voices profiling the UNSUB. My main complaint is the lighting of this show. It’s so dark I can barely see anything on my screen. Maybe it’s my TV. I’m on the second episode now and I have no idea what I’m watching. Are teenage girls still named Jessie, Chrissy and Katelyn these days? I would’ve thought they come from the generation of Olivia’s, Ava’s, and Isabella’s. Meanwhile all of the baby girls I know who were born in the last 2 years are named Isla/Ayla.
Sorry to hear about your job @Bookish Jen but I hope this is the universe’s way to lead you to bigger and better opportunities. On the topic of good books, I’ve been listening to Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver on Audible. It’s a retelling of David Copperfield in southwest Virginia and I really like it so far! Hope everyone is keeping well.
I’m happy to share the news of my nephew’s arrival on September 6. His parents settled on Nathaniel, which albeit is not the name of an UNSUB on CM that immediately comes to my mind, does happen to be the name of a suspected cannibalistic serial killer in real life. His Chinese name means “learned scholar”. We’re trying to keep his options open. Hope everyone is well.
Saw some promo photos of the first episode of the reboot, can’t say I am impressed. I love Joe Mantegna but Rossi is starting to look like the old man on the first edition of The Giver. Prentiss looks like she’s aged about 10 years. Lewis and Alvez still look pretty good, can’t really tell with JJ. I just want to watch pretty profilers with semi-decent MOTW cases. If the show could go back to its roots, I’d be happy to sign up for the reboot, but nope, not this. Just the idea of a pandemic inspired network of serial killers makes me cringe. The last few seasons were painful, but this looks even worse.
This is how I feel as well, Daniel. I’ll probably be sitting this one out, as I don’t have Paramount+ where I live anyway. I’ll stick to rewatching the early seasons on my Disney+.
Before Audible existed (I’m talking early 90’s), my mom would borrow books on tape from the library for me and my brother and this was one of my favourites.
Paget played Hilary Duff’s mom in How I Met Your Father. They gave her a better wig and more flattering clothes, and she’s looking fiiiiine.
Caught MGG in a recurring guest role in Dollface, in which he plays a cat doctor. Got to hear him say, “Do you know how many dicks he ate?” in relation to the sick cat. There was a moment or two where the character reminded me of Reid and his very first scene is reminiscent of his meet-cute with Max in the park.
Thank you, Daniel. I tend to agree with your view on Covid, but the parts where I’m from are still insistent on a zero-tolerance approach, so we’re pretty much doomed. There have been local reports about women miscarrying after getting the vaccine. My SIL’s OBGYN had a patient who lost her baby this way. It could well have been sheer misfortune, but it’s hard not to have that worry hanging over her head. SIL has already had two doses of Pfizer so it’s really just whether or not to get the booster now. Naming conventions differ depending on the family, I think. In the past, people did tend to choose names with characters that have an auspicious meaning - fortune, joy, wisdom, etc. My generation is more about how the name sounds over meaning, resulting in some trendy names that are overpopulating playgrounds. Think the Chinese version of Olivia and Liam. Then there’s a bunch of people who will hire Feng Shui masters to come up with a perfect name based on the baby’s date and hour of birth. Yep, my nephew will have a Chinese name and an English name. The birth certificate will likely state both names. In fact, my legal name in English does not contain a transliteration of my Chinese name, which made my life growing up in North America infinitely easier. I do have my Chinese name (in Chinese characters) on locally issued ID documents but I use my English name on a day-to-day basis. Only family and very close friends would use my Chinese name. My Chinese name is definitely more “me”. I have a very uncommon Chinese name that nobody, not even native Chinese speakers, knows how to pronounce, but I also have a super popular 1980’s English first name (not quite Jennifer or Sarah, but close) so it works out evenly. Daniel, you’ll probably like this. In Zoe’s Reprise, Rossi says my last name, albeit incorrectly :)
Thank you so much! Our city is getting hit pretty hard by omicron (while the rest of the world has moved on, how embarrassing) and my SIL is struggling over whether or not to get the booster. She has to weigh the increased risk of miscarriage against potential complications of getting Covid. It’s tough. Hotch has a much easier last name to deal with! Ours is a one-syllable Chinese last name that is forever mispronounced. On top of that, the name has to be pronounceable by the grandparents, whose first language is not English. We all loved Lorelai for a girl but that was ruled out because none of the grandparents would be able say it properly. Nathan is a top contender at the moment, though I prefer Nathaniel. Either way, I could call him Nate the Great ;)
My brother and his wife are expecting a baby boy at the end of August. Both of them had been hoping for a girl so they had girls’ names picked out already, but nothing for a boy. I’ve been asked to think of names, so I suggested Reid, and was vetoed. Gideon also got a hard no. The names they like? Cyrus. Nathan. Tobias. They literally only like the names of UNSUBs. (To be fair Nathan Harris wasn’t an actual UNSUB but he could have become one. RIP, Anton Yelchin.) Maybe I’ll suggest George, Peter and Everett for them to consider.
Rewatched True Genius and just wanted to say how much I liked everyone’s hair in this episode, especially Emily’s and JJ’s. I even like Reid’s. The episode was OK, one of the better ones of the season. I liked the scene between Reid and Prentiss and probably relate to it too much. Sometimes I wonder if I could/should have done more, or at least something else, with my life. I’m nowhere near a genius, just a disgruntled millennial with a job I happen to be very good at but loathe intensely. S7 episodes I tend to rewatch most: the premiere, the one with the Piano Man, this one, Foundation, Profiling 101 (for the hilariously awful flashbacks) and the last 5 minutes of the season finale.