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tv echo

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Everything posted by tv echo

  1. ‘Arrow’ 4×18 Review: ‘Eleven-Fifty-Nine’ (aka an Honorable Goodbye) fangirlish APRIL 7, 2016 http://fangirlish.com/arrow-4x18-review-eleven-fifty-nine-aka-honorable-goodbye/
  2. TIME OF DEATH, “ELEVEN-FIFTY-NINE”: ARROW SAYS GOODBYE TO A MAJOR CHARACTER Verena Cote | April 7, 2016 http://www.4ye.co.uk/2016/04/time-of-death-eleven-fifty-nine-arrow-says-goodbye-to-a-major-character/
  3. Laurel: “I was gonna give up being the Black Canary, but I realized I didn’t know how I could. Because going out there and fighting alongside you guys, that’s what makes me feel alive inside. I love you guys so much."
  4. I can never quote these ladies because their reviews are always so lengthy and beautifully written (I may not always agree with what they say, but they often make good points and I can acknowledge the quality of their in-depth analyses)... WHEN IT’S ALL OVER: 11:59 ARROW 4X18 REVIEW jbuffyangel APRIL 07, 2016 @ 10:18 http://jbuffyangel.tumblr.com/post/142408071103/when-its-all-over-1159-arrow-4x18-review Arrow 4x18 Review: "Eleven-Fifty-Nine" (The Eleventh Hour) Just About Write 6:47 PM http://www.itsjustaboutwrite.com/2016/04/arrow-4x18-review-eleven-fifty-nine.html
  5. Arrow Season 4: 13 Questions We're Asking After Eleven-Fifty-Nine James Hunt 7 Apr 2016 http://whatculture.com/tv/arrow-season-4-13-questions-were-asking-after-elevenfiftynine
  6. L.A. Times review of 418 (Laurel wins over this critic in death in a way she never did in life)... 'Arrow' kills off a character with a well-placed gut-punch to the soul James Queally APRIL 7, 2016 8:47 AM http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/herocomplex/la-et-hc-arrow-eleven-fifty-nine-recap-20160406-story.html
  7. I know I said that I was going to drop Forbes reviewer Erik Kain from my media list after he relied on Reddit to make a point (and I did), but I couldn't resist taking a peek at his 418 review. -- Shocker, his review is titled "Arrow Is Dead, and Olicity Killed It". (You can find it for yourself if you want to read it.)
  8. 411mania reviewer thought that 418 was a "so-so" episode... Arrow 4.18 Review – ‘Eleven-Fifty-Nine’ April 7, 2016 | Posted by Anthony Falco http://411mania.com/movies/arrow-4-18-review-eleven-fifty-nine/
  9. Another 418 review from a different Den of Geek reviewer... Arrow: Eleven-Fifty-Nine Review Kayti Burt 4/6/2016 at 9:50PM http://www.denofgeek.us/tv/arrow/254346/arrow-eleven-fifty-nine-review
  10. 418 review by a Den of Geek reviewer who has always liked Laurel (iirc) - needless to say, I disagree with parts of her review... Arrow season 4 episode 18 review: 11:59 Caroline Preece 7 Apr 2016 - 14:00 http://www.denofgeek.com/tv/arrow/39755/arrow-season-4-episode-18-review-1159
  11. Collider review of 418 (rated it 3 stars GOOD)... ‘Arrow’ Recap: “Eleven-Fifty-Nine” – Grave Tidings for One Hero BY DAVE TRUMBORE 12 HOURS AGO http://collider.com/arrow-recap-eleven-fifty-nine/
  12. Why Black Canary Dying on 'Arrow' Matters So Much Eric Francisco April 6, 2016 https://www.inverse.com/article/13917-why-black-canary-dying-on-arrow-matters-so-much
  13. 'Arrow' recap: Time of death Meredith Jacobs April 6, 2016 http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-recap-time-of-death
  14. Blastr's positive review of 418... We finally learn who's in the mystery grave in the latest, heart-breaking episode of Arrow Trent Moore Thu, Apr 07, 2016 8:13am http://www.blastr.com/2016-4-7/we-finally-learn-whos-mystery-grave-latest-heart-breaking-episode-arrow
  15. WeMinoredInFilm's generally negative review of 418... ARROW’S “ELEVEN-FIFTY-NINE” (S4:E18): BYE BYE BIRDIE Posted on April 7, 2016 by Kelly Konda http://weminoredinfilm.com/2016/04/07/arrows-eleven-fifty-nine-s4e18-bye-bye-birdie/
  16. No comment... Arrow Season 4 Episode 18 Review: Eleven-Fifty-Nine Carissa Pavlica at April 6, 2016 10:33 pm. http://www.tvfanatic.com/2016/04/arrow-season-4-episode-18-review-eleven-fifty-nine/
  17. Robert Dougherty's critical review of 418 (scored it 7/10)... Arrow S4: E18 -- 'Eleven-Fifty-Nine' By Robert Dougherty April 07, 2016 08:31AM EDT http://www.themovienetwork.com/review/arrow-s4-e18-eleven-fifty-nine
  18. ScreenCrush's fairly neutral review of 418... Review: ‘Arrow’ Finally Ends Grave Mystery With Shocking Death at ‘Eleven-Fifty-Nine’ Kevin Fitzpatrick | 10 hours ago http://screencrush.com/arrow-eleven-fifty-nine-review-laurel/
  19. IGN's positive review of 418... ARROW: "ELEVEN-FIFTY-NINE" REVIEW BY JESSE SCHEEDEN 6 APR 2016 http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/04/07/arrow-eleven-fifty-nine-review
  20. Vulture's positive review of 418... Arrow Recap: Laurel, Lanced By Jenny Raftery April 7, 2016 8:47 a.m. http://www.vulture.com/2016/04/arrow-recap-season-4-episode-18.html
  21. A.V. Club's review of 418 - reviewer thinks this was a "mostly very good episode" (he also doubts that Laurel is really dead)... Wait, what the hell did Arrow just do? By Alasdair Wilkins Apr 6, 2016 8:50 PM http://www.avclub.com/tvclub/wait-what-hell-did-arrow-just-do-234924
  22. Arrow Episode XVIII: A New Hope Next season - Bratva! A new hope for relevant flashbacks. Taiana: If I don't make it off this island, you will go to Russia and find my parents and tell them what happened to me and Vlad. If you don't make it, I will find this Laurel and tell her how you saved us all. Deal? Oliver: Deal. And Poppy Deathwatch in 3...2...1. Arrow Episode XVIII: The Darhk Strikes Back If Damien Darhk knew that Laurel was the BC, then his wife Ruve must've known it as well when she offered Laurel the D.A. job. Keep your friends close but your enemies closer? Now that would've made an interesting Laurel storyline in S5 - D.A. Lance and Mayor Adams playing cat-and-mouse games with each other. Laurel is fatally stabbed by Darhk - not while heroically fighting or saving someone - but while frozen and acting as the passive receptacle of one man's revenge against another man's betrayal. Moreover, she's stabbed with Oliver's arrow. That's cruelly poetic. Andy's sudden but inevitable betrayal was such a surprise... said no one. Arrow Episode XVIII: Return of the Photo Laurel's photo returns in full force! Oliver: Listen. Reiter's men outnumber us. We have guns, but so do they, so when we get up there, we cannot hesitate to kill, do you understand? Taiana? Taiana: Just months ago, I was a dive instructor. Couldn't dream of taking a life. I wouldn't. This place truly is Hell. It makes monsters of us all. Oliver: Who's in the photo? Taiana: Me and my brother. I forget sometimes that we were once this happy and this innocent. Oliver: When I first got here, I used to look at a photo from my past. It helped for a time, reminded me of the person that I used to be, but I'm telling you now that that person wouldn't survive here, and you won't either if you stay focused on the past. Do you understand? Taiana: How do you know how to do this, to bury a man alive? You were right how this island changed you. Do you still look at your picture? She's beautiful. Who is she? Oliver: Her name is Laurel Lance, and she was my home before this. I don't know what she'll think of the man I've become. Oliver: You kept this? (Holding up old photo of Laurel that he had on the island) Laurel: Yeah. Just a little reminder of when things were simpler for us - the way we used to be. I'm really glad that you found Felicity, and I hope you find your way back to her. And, Ollie, I know that I am not the love of your life... but you will always be the love of mine. Oliver: Why are you telling me this? Why now? Laurel: Because tonight it was just a reminder that... anything can happen, which why I need you to promise me something. Laurel's photo has symbolic meaning for both Oliver and Laurel. For flashback Oliver, it represented his past, pre-island self and his past, pre-island "home". For Laurel, it represented a past time when she and Ollie were a couple and he loved her, and when things were simpler. (My head canon says that she's referring also to a time when she only worried about law school, Sara had not died, and her parents were still together. My head canon also says that Laurel senses that she's going to die.) It's sad and heartbreaking because he moved on, but she apparently did not. Holding on to the photo reminded her that there was a time when she was the one for him.* (* I guess jbuffyangel was wrong about Sara being the love of Laurel's life. Also, poor Tommy.) I think Oliver held onto the photo while he was away as a way of holding onto his humanity (a battle which he eventually lost). When he returned to Starling City, he returned the photo to Laurel because he didn't need it any more (it was too late, and he was an emotionless robot). Deleted Scenes From the promo - Laurel tells Oliver that he knows better than to come between two siblings. The director probably decided to omit any mention of their toxic, sister-swapping past in the aired episode. From the synopsis - Felicity and Curtis have a heart-to-heart talk. https://twitter.com/ARROWwriters/status/717914777993891844
  23. MG's response to KC's tweet... https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/717950540538204160
  24. Hollywood Reporter's post-mortem interview with MG (spoilery portion will be quoted in the Spoilers thread)... 'Arrow' Boss Explains Grave Shocker: "We Knew That It Would Enrage a Lot of People" APRIL 06, 2016 6:00pm PT by Sydney Bucksbaum http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/arrow-laurel-dies-katie-cassidy-881297
  25. 'Arrow' Poll: Will Felicity Make a Good CEO? Wednesday, April 06, 2016 Derek Stauffer http://www.buddytv.com/articles/arrow/arrow-will-felicity-make-a-goo-59503.aspx
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