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  1. Friday Rant: Lily is back, yay, and she seems to have learned from the Chancellor takeover/debacle. I like how she sneered at Viktor and Nikki's 'apology'(?) and didn't seem amenable to forgiving and forgetting, per Nikki's instructions/demands. BUT THEN she asks Viktor for a favor!!! Why, oh, why would you want to owe him a favor and have him peeking into your family's business (that you know he will bank to use against you later)? You can hire a private investigator. Paul's not busy-call him. Then we have Lily bantering with this evolving stalker, Damian. She should shut him down and apply for a restraining order. I wouldn't want to be involved with a man who 'fell' for me when I bumped into him and then told him "Watch where you are going" or put hooking up with me over reconciliation with his dying mother. Why can't Chance have a decent storyline instead of kowtowing to the Newman's? He and Michael should team up and find legal ways to incarcerate the whole clan. (Obstruction of justice, abetting a death/murder, false imprisonment, kidnapping, etc.) I keep wondering who is taking care of Harrison when D-ummer is out eating (and sounding off about how everything is about 'her son' and not Kyle) while at the same time Kyle is out eating with Victor and the former nanny (who has not been replaced). Does Mrs. Martinez live in? Because Jack and Diane weren't home, either. Continuity: There is none on this show. The timewarpline being a prime example. What the fuck day is it? What the fuck month? And the "I can't believe we need reservations upstairs" from Michael was a cute way to get the dancing and into the sexy, until the RedBeast Twins got a table right away. Does anybody read these scripts more than once?
  2. What a maroon! Guess now that Ian is mostly dead Chance has some time on his hands. Doesn't someone have to be gone at least 24 hours before they are officially 'missing'? The kids haven't even broken into her room to see if she is just on her computer, obsessing over her new and wonderful ideas for Abbott Communications. Must be nice to use the GCPD as your own personal detective agency. Ah, privilege....
  3. Well, it has only been a couple of days since the shooting according to the TimewarpLine that the writers are using. Very happy that Michael chose his wife over Viktor. I would have reached through my tv and beat the stupid out of him with his phone if he'd answered it. But, but, that's exactly what he is. I stand by my recent suggestion that he should have a full Welcome to Medicare workup with emphasis on dementia and Alzheimers. Maybe a brain scan, or two. Then maybe the rest of the family that enables his shit could get their noggins examined, as well. The make-up people aren't her friends, either. It looks so harsh and with her hair slicked back makes her look older. Maybe she should try some rose-scented powder. That should soften things up.
  4. Wait til she finds out what he did (and still wants to do to Jordan if she was alive) with the imprisonment. If my parent/grandparent was exhibiting such delusions of grandeur/power and shouting at and threatening everyone who disagrees with him, I'd have him checked out for early onset dementia or Alzheimers. The boy ain't right.
  5. Because all Paris apartments look alike and have accordian music playing Happy Day in Paris in the background.😜 You're assuming NE has an HR department. They interviewed her (and offered the job) at lunch in Society.
  6. Friday Rant: Still no follow up on Ian. Cruel and unusual to keep him in a drawer for so long if he's really alive. If he escaped the morgue, wouldn't the authorities Chance have informed the Newmans by now? I have a hard time envisioning Phyllus as sexy and desirable and a great asset to whateverthefck Billy is doing. Does she not see Sally? How ya gonna compete with that? Billy repeating ad nauseum his plans for his wonderful, ground breaking, innovative, ya da ya da ya da company without saying what those plans actually are. And if all it takes to launch a world class company is money/backing and staff, then the corporate world is in bigger trouble than I thought. Totally over the Amy is Sick story and Nate being the Saviour and Peacemaker. Cage match Damian and his ailing mom, already. Really hating dropped or nonsensical story lines that leave us wondering if we fell asleep during the show and actually missed something. (Still wondering about that water bottle of Tessa's.) Please stop Sharon from apologizing and saying she knows how hard it is for everyone to accept her exoneration. Just shut her up. Finally, the time line. Are we still a week out from New Year's?
  7. Whoo boy, we've been on a NYE timeline for a month and a half-so we should be about five or six days after New Years. How the f*ck did we get to VDay this fast? 🎶Let's do the Time Warp, again..🎶
  8. Yay! I just hope they are not brother and sister or that Tucker is Holden's father.
  9. Yes, that's what we have been led to believe, but I'm on the side of innocent until proven guilty. So far we have his name, Damian (and what did you expect when you named him that, Amy?), the fact that he has two companies that he kept his ownership secret about, [note: secret to people who lied to him) and doesn't explain anything about himself to those people who lied to him. He has an henchman who doesn't seem too scary. Until I see a weapon, I'm counting Holden as friend. And just because my mind remembered it: what is the Count of Monte Cristo tie-in? Does that make him an evil-doer?
  10. Let's see, scissors, (ambulance) lighter fluid, an octopus, disguises for impersonating servers at GCAC, a bucket of lip gloss, manual on how to insinuate yourself into any relationship, a change of torso-baring clothing and her Buy-10-Get-One-Free card from Crimson Lights.
  11. Exactly. I might be able to understand his anger better if we knew what it was about. As it stands, it's black hat vs white hat. Damian is the bad guy and Nate is the good guy solely based on the present circumstances. If we had a little more information on Amy's and Damian's past, it might help us to understand the inevitable reconciliation that we are heading for. I'm being made to hate a guy and I don't even know why!
  12. I'm not liking the dropped storylines, (for example, Tessa's water bottle tampering). Liking even less that we have no follow up on Ian and his eyes wide open in the ambulance. Was that just a rigor mortis reaction? His last lonely gasp before succumbing? What the hell, Show? Is he just going to lie in the morgue or is there a story in all this? *There's a possibility I may have dozed off during the show, so if something happened of interest, Preverts, help me out here.* Could this be the start of another Sharon and Her Endless List of Medical Problems stories? Are we working up to her being saved by Nick? Will anyone notice that she seems exactly the same as she was when she was actually on PCP? Is it the writing or the actor?
  13. So did Viktor make this much of a fuss when Summer and Kyle first got together? And he's ok with Summer with Kyle even tho she is not the mother of Harrison (his great grandchild)? What's so fcuking special about Claire?
  14. I was predicting a Who's The Daddy? for Audra with Damian (before we knew there were two of them.) Now I'm thinking FakeDamian for the win. We haven't had a WTD story in a long time. Audra and Claire are the only ones who have no children but I don't see Claire in that situation since she's honed in on Kyle. Besides, I don't thinK Victor wants anymore grandchildren and especially, no great grandchildren. Hell, Dom hasn't even got his pony/car yet. Holden has already shown a lusty interest in Audra. Bring on the cough syrup!
  15. Rant Friday? Already? I don't know what Show is trying to present Nikki as, but to me she looks like Lisa Simpson when they do an episode of what she is in the future: highpowered CEO with the swept back pointy hair. I almost could tolerate the Damien Story if we knew why he was estranged from his mother. As soon as he found that there was no job and it was about his mother, he and FakeD should have been on the next flight to LA. Phyllus must have her eyes turned backward in her head because she can only see what she wants. Making Daniel a must-have or she won't join Billy's Media Circus is ridiculous. Also ridiculous that Billy thinks Phyl has so much to bring to the table since she probably is not up to speed on any of the latest computer innovations. Viktor holding court in the Raunch Mausoleum so that everyone has to pass by/acknowledge him is also ridiculous. Especially when he snaps at them to not coddle him even though he is in obvious pain. I'm giving this a little sympathy, tho, in case this is Eric Braden's exit reel. The Amy/Damien/Nate story is a long, boring saga. Now we're getting the Redecoration of the Abbot Manse. Hope it is not as dragged out, too. What the hell drama does buying new furniture bring to Love in The Afternoon? Stop making Jack the dumbest CEO on earth. Giving money to Billy? No amount of family loyalty can justify that. Oops! Almost forgot my biggest rant. Show: you can not cram a month's worth of exposition, kidnappings, poisonings, more exposition, trips to the eateries and drinkeries of GC repeatedly throughout a two day timeline. Physics won't allow it.
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