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  1. I'm thinking that Dumas had Damian pretty well vetted when he handed over CEO/ownership of his companies. He could have researched Damian's mom, too, and found out she lived in GC where his arch-nemesis Viktor holds court. A little more research finds the birth connection that might exist between Nate's dad and Damian and now Dumas has something to work with. The Winters (Lily and Devon and Nate) are running Chancellor until they are not. Viktor has always had something to do with it since he owned it after Katherine died. When Dumas determines that Amy had a baby with Nate's dad but Damian doesn't know, he gets the ball rolling for the reveal. Why, you say? Because it will get him in the door at Chancellor to mess with Viktor. The takeover of Chancellor by the Newman's gave Dumas a way to get the Winters in his plan. Amy's cancer was coincidental, but in a good way for Dumas. He still could have used her (and the He's Your Brother lie) without it. Now, Dumas (since he must read all the news flashes about GC Legacy Corporations, doesn't everyone?) also knows about Billy and his ousting and plan to have the biggest, bestest media conglomerate since Rupert Murdoch and he's using that buffoon to blindside Viktor. All of this will be for naught, since Viktor always wins. We know Billy with blow this. **This is not a spoiler-just my caffeine fueled mind going off on a tangent.**
  2. Why do they even bother pretending they are ever going to the "office"? You know they will have breakfast in bed, then go to CL to get some coffee, then off to Society for a brunch with a parent and then have some 'work related' meeting in the Jazz Hole and then back to Society or GCAC for dinner and then back up to bed. None of these a-holes ever see the inside of an office.
  3. About as much as we care if Phylllttthy and Sharona become bffs for-evah.
  4. I didn't, either. [that's why I have CC on permanently] But I like the actor who plays Michael. It's a shame the character has been demoted from DA, competent lawyer, attentive husband to Lauren and the only character with a sense of humor to being Viktor's henchman/gofer. He gets ordered around by the old dementiabag to find out everything that said dementiabag could probably find on his phone all by himself. And! he gets to refer to Viktor as a "better father" than his own. Man, you can't buy that kind of loyalty, can you? I'm surprised Vik hasn't made Michael a CEO by now. Ok. If Alexander Aristotle Dumas is really after NE, how big of a coincidence is the Winters Have a New Brother storyline? Could Amy really be in cahoots with Ari and they cooked this up to befuddle Viktor and steal his company? They would have, of course, to rely on Viktor wanting to 'help' the Winters after the hatchet job he did on Lily. Since they have history that assumes Viktor has met Dumas in person (which we have never heard about before this) I don't think it is Tucker. But Viktor seems a little too concerned about Dumas for it to only be about the Winter's welfare or some ancient dealings they had.
  5. Alan/Martin....at least, not yet.
  6. It would also allow GoodAlan to go to rehab and get well. Traci would be by his side through all of it and they might just come out of it with a decent relationship. She gets to keep the ring, right?
  7. That thought crossed my mind, too, especially since we didn't have a funeral for Martin, but the whole 'changed shirts before everybody got down to the street' was a little hard for me to buy. My thoughts are that Alan has taken on his brother's persona out of guilt for killing him and is heading for a major PTSD breakdown any minute. His GoodAlan side responds positively to Traci, but his BadMartin side just wants to fuck with everyone. Why he picked Sharon and Phlyylthe? Haven't a clue. My first reaction was "why are you going to make your whole clan traipse off to Paris right away (or was she even going to invite them)? How rude!" and then she said Alan was just going ahead to make a 'special' venue for their wedding. (involving a crypt, chains and massive doses of hypnotics.) Well, she didn't get to pick out the ring, either, so I guess she doesn't need to participate in planning her own wedding. And just because I'm curious- how does "he has gone to fix the hack on his phone" make any sense? This is something he couldn't let the love of his life tag along on? Where did he go? A TMobile store that only allows phone owners in? He couldn't hand this off to the Computer Genius Phyllthe? (Oh, right......) I hate March Madness.
  8. Is GC in Wisconsin? I thought it was. Illinois isn't that far away. (yes, I checked a map.) He probably could have driven there in the time it took to go rail on Nate. Or hired a car or a plane or borrowed the jet from his new brother's company being the biga$$ CEO/owner of two companies that he is. What a whiner-never misses a chance.
  9. He probably spent a few hours with Esther and she filled him in. (All he had to do was mention in front of her the animosity between Phyllthe and Sharon and she would go to town on the history.) Or he stood around the eateries/drinkeries of GC while everyone was airing their laundry. Or maybe it was pillow talk with Traci about what fun GC would be if they lived there. Or he reviewed 'press conferences' and media coverage from the last 10 years. The GC Library (yes, it exists!) probably has a whole wing devoted to the Rich People's History and Legacies.
  10. More like six days. But then the Show has a way of f*cking around with timelines. which is my description of a Blow-up Sex Doll. I didn't watch the show for a long time after the death of Delhia so I may have missed Nick and Chelz. I'm having a hard time imagining that. What was happening to get them together?
  11. Viktor is a dud, pulling on his pud, thinks he's a stud Michael is fair, wears big white hair, wish he'd grow a pair We will, we will, write poo! We will, we will, write poo!
  12. Don't know. They keep mentioning Ian Ward (but Nick assures everyone he was cremated and therefore not a player in this farce), so we're going to explore that avenue. I think Alan/Martin is a split personality himself-maybe Alan had a breakdown after he killed his brother. (not a spoiler, just a guess). Whatever.
  13. Oh, they were cleared by the EMTs, dontcha know? (who, of course, we didn't see.) Who are also not doctors, btw. And when an EMT clears you, it means you've refused a ride to the hospital in the ambulance and assumes you will seek treatment on your own. [Does the Raunch have in-house medical services since G-rampire's shooting?] I'm just impressed that we had two (two! count 'em) cops at the scene. Although, neither used their training or muscle to break down the door. IronThighs Nick got that honor.
  14. Friday Rant: I didn't think they could humiliate Traci any more than has already been done. Silly me. Add that it was compounded by her almost-hysterical gushing speeches (to Diane and Jack and Alan/Martin) about how happy she is and it's all because of her new twue wove. Why don't they just let her get hit by an 18-wheeler and get it over with? Is it Casual Friday everyday at GC's Legacy Corporations? Nick hasn't been in a suit for ages, his daughter looks as if she just got back from Branson after losing the Dale Evans Look-alike Contest. And don't get me started on Viktor's sweater, Adam half a suit and and Billy's long coat and that weird blouse/shirt. [Of course, I realize no one has been in an office in ages.] Will the writers/director please Google CPR and learn how to do it right? And that goes for just about every medically related subject they attempt to show. (Looking at you, Amy.) Dr. Google is your friend. YouTube probably has a video. Take a class in first aid, for f*ck's sake! Finally, I like a twist in a story as much as the next person. I didn't feel cheated at all in Sixth Sense. But throwing Alan/Martin in as the perp for the kidnapping/psychological torture after he's been off screen for so long was illogical. Next we will probably find out Cole was involved. Hell, it makes as much sense as Mrs. Martinez being the brains behind the scheme.
  15. Not a spoiler, but wouldn't it be funny if she does pick the lock (riiight) and there's a brick wall behind it? I think there is another way in/out of the room because how would Alan/Martin get in to plant the clues and such if Phyl had jammed the lock? Maybe the gals should look for that. And while they have their thinking caps on, maybe they shouldn't eat/drink anything because that probably has sleep meds in it.
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