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Everything posted by jennylauren123

  1. Hilarious! We have a friend who is going through a divorce. But his divorce is much worse than any of ours. Why? Because he believes that they were special snowflakes who would never get divorced. Their love was purer than any other love. He loves his wife more than any other man has ever loved his wife! Divorce is for suckers like his friends. I think that's one of Shannon's problems, which are many. She thinks she is a very special girl. She doesn't think she's anything like you or me. Therefore, things like divorce, living in a tiny (ahem) 4,000 square foot home, and paying for water? They are not for her, Special Shannon.
  2. Is Margaret's tongue overly big or something? She seems to move her mouth around an awful lot--even when she's not speaking or eating. What's up with that?
  3. What bothers me the most about Gina is that, like lots of people, she doesn't realize what a good life she has. She seems to take her good fortune--and I do mean good fortune, because she doesn't seem to have worked for anything--for granted. Her parents obviously adore her, and she seems to have some good friends. Her children are healthy. So she married someone and it didn't work out. Big deal. Happens to the best of us. The casita is temporary, of course. And it's a much better place than many people have. She seems very taken care of. Very loved. Now, do I want to sit at home and watch that dumb bunny fluff her HomeGoods pillows? No. I can fluff my own! Do I think she has even one interesting thing to say? No. Please. One and done! Please! She's a cliche. As a very wise poster said above, she's the popular girl at school with rocks in her head and overly demonstrative body language. Next!
  4. Didn't someone, I think it was Jenni, say that they saw a tornado when they were flying? I thought it was that combined with the fear that Megan already has about flying. I can decide whether Gage smiles because he enjoys that someone besides him is the target of Jeff's wrath or because he's just so uncomfortable. I've been known to smile and or laugh when I just can bear what's happening around me. It's awful because it's so inappropriate. I think it's nerves (for me).
  5. Hilarious and right on! Thank you for making my morning, Knitta!
  6. Yes, he did hire her! Sounds like she makes a killing, too, getting people to take pics of themselves every day and pics of all of the food that they eat. Cool job. Plus, you get to be a beyotch and get paid. Well, not really a beyotch, just firm, which she was. Good job, Teddi! A fool and his money are soon parted...
  7. I think the doctor put Shannon fully under after hearing her screech on the show. Bravo fan, maybe.
  8. Moms, and I am one, need to learn to let their kids live their lives. And moms get to live their lives, too, which does not mean living thorugh your kids. As the old saying goes, get a life! I can think of some things that Ainsley's mom could do to show her kids what living a healthy life means. And that means physically and emotionally. That's being a good role model. You try to live a life that your children, and you, can be proud of. These moms, many of them, are ridiculous. Do they have jobs? Careers? Hobbies? Interests?
  9. I don't think Stephanie suffers from mental illness as much as she suffers from being an example of what happens to women when they don't make a life of their own. I have a few sisters who suffer from this "illness" too. They know they can't live the lives to which they have become accustomed on their own. That makes for insecurities, especially when the marriage isn't going very well. Add Stephanie's baby voice--which, I'm sorry, can't be real--and it's clear what is happening. The woman has never grown up. Find your big-girl voice and find your spine and get on with the business of life. Jeebus.
  10. There's an old, old commercial, I forget what for. It went: "If you want to capture someone's attention, whisper." It's creepy, yes. And very effective. I have noticed some women using this technique. And it's cheaper than foobs!
  11. I'm with you. I don't like any of them. Is it enough to make me stop watching? Nah! It's a trainwreck, and I don't want to look away. Also, it's fun to see Captain Lee get real every week. I'm closer to his age, so I dig it.
  12. Amen! I just walked out of a job that paid very well after HR tried to convince me that a grown man picking his nose and eating in every three minutes (the nastiest nervous tic you can imagine) is OK and that they can't ask people to change their personal habits. If I'd thought of it in time, as the HR woman was telling me this piece of news, I would have faked picking my nose and eating it in front of her. Let her cope. The coworker was also a condescending mansplaining bully and targeted me, 10 years his senior on earth and at least 10 years his senior in work experience. I gave up.
  13. Oh, yeah. I'm finding that there are all sorts of rules for older folks. As always, I am ignoring them. Our hair should not be too long, it should not be too dark, we shouldn't party, we shouldn't wear shorts, we shouldn't wear shorter dresses, we shouldn't wear bright make up, and we shouldn't take up space or make noise or have strong opinions or speak too loudly--but those rules go for women from the time of birth, actually. Eff that nonsense. Perfection. You are the queen!
  14. I have a hard time looking at this pair, with their makeup spackled on. In what world does that look good? I think they look awful, just awful. I cannot imagine walking around like that, with a virtual mask on. And both women are naturally pretty. Why not just tone it down a bit?
  15. I thought Kameron's earrings looked like condoms. I couldn't take my eyes off of them.
  16. Yeah, Rhylee. That spelling. I'm thinking I'll go with Jhenniiiii. Jenny is so booriiingggg.
  17. Funny. I was a single mom (I guess I still am--he's 35 now, though), and I just called the house I shared with my son our home.
  18. What's with all the desperation of wanting a man, period? I mean, they're not all that. Seriously. These women are so desperate we can smell it. Get an education, friends, a career, hobbies. Men will always be sniffing around. Really no need to chase.
  19. I think what Shane said was solid and sensible. I need someone like that in my life. I feel bad that so many comments are about his height. It can't be easy being a short guy. I say this as a woman with shoulders like a linebacker's. I'm a size 8 on the bottom, so I am not a super large Marge. I was born that way, with narrower hips and broad shoulders. Plus, I swim. I'm strong as shit; I make no apologies.
  20. So, when people have nails like that, I can't imagine them doing normal, real-life stuff. For example, cutting the grass, diapering a baby, typing on a keyboard, scrubbing the bathroom. Can people with long manicured nails do work? Are there workarounds? I mean, besides just hiring someone else to do the work? It would drive me nuts not to be able to perform normal functions. But those are normal functions for me.
  21. She's a dummy. She got married because all the cool kids were doing it. Then she had kids because all the cool kids were doing it. What the hell? So it's no surprise she talks like a Kardashian. I work with women whom I call The Kardashians. They seem to think that their every utterance is a pearl of wisdom. And they talk all damn day. Headphones: a blessing. I just tune them right out.
  22. That's what happens when you marry the way that they did: didn't seem like passion was part of it. Just, hey, we're friends, let's procreate! Yes, Shannon is an idiot. And Mr. Moon (I refuse to call him Dr. Moon) is a frickin' genius. I have to think of a novel way to swindle dumb OC beyotches into spending money.
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