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Everything posted by MsSchadenfreude

  1. Cutty is coming to Arrow and as villain. I like that. I like that very much! :)
  2. Thanks for all the news and pics. It looks like everyone was having a terrific time. I'm just going to be happy, SA didn't decide to substitute a Derby beanie for the traditional hat. lol :)
  3. I'm fine if they get back together this season or wait until next (although my preference is to wait until next season), but I don't want even the hint of a wedding. Save that for another time because there is too much going on at the end of the season.
  4. Nothing is wrong with hoping for a picture. I was responding to the poster who said that SA and EBR should just tell the fans they don't want to post pictures because they don't want to fan the flames. And I don't think they owe that type of explanation to the fans.
  5. SA/EBR don't owe the fans any explanation of why they do or do not post pictures. Any more than EBR/KC or SA/KC owe the fans any explanation about whether they are or are not friends offscreen. The only thing the fans are owed is for the actors to do their job onscreen. The rest is not the fans' business.
  6. So what? SA and EBR are under no obligation to provide pictures on their off time from the show just because people want them.
  7. Daredevil - I didn't like season one much, so I haven't bothered with season two. Personally I thought Jessica Jones was much better. But I know most people liked it a lot so I'm in the minority with this one. Supergirl - It's fun, but I mostly watch for Cat and Hank. I also don't mind much if I miss an episode. Sense8 - Loved this show. It was great. Mr. Robot - Only seen the first three episodes, but I will watch the rest eventually. Blindspot - Hahahaha...no. Not for me. :) LOT - It's fun as long as I ignore the time travel nonsense. I usually don't watch it in real time, though. I love Sara on LOT and I was kinda ambivalent about her on Arrow. Captain Cold is my fave because of Wentworth Miller.
  8. I think some of these tweets may open to interpretation about what happened at the panel. LOL. A different take on it below. I guess unless someone has a video, we won't really know. Part 1: nobody shaded Felicity... Katrina goes "me and Oliver are still married" &he goes "well Oliver and Felicity were together" val ‏@olicityalways_ 20m20 minutes ago CAITY didn't say that Laurel's heart belonged to Sara! She was talking about Nyssa cause Katrina was like "me and Oliver are still married" 19 retweets 14 likes
  9. I don't usually watch LOT, but that episode was fun. Curmudgeon Oliver Queen for the win! Between yelling "get off my lawn...er...lair" to Sara and JohnConner and then telling JohnConner to put down the arrow because he was embarrassing himself. Bwahahahaha! Loved it. Felicity founded Smoak Technologies because of course she does. Doesn't matter the timeline, Felicity is always a smart cookie. I am all for JohnConner Digglehawke being the next Green Arrow in any timeline. John was such a huge part of trying to save Star City and even if they failed during the Uprising, it just seems right somehow that John's son will now be a huge part of trying to save Star City again in this timeline. Besides, if everyone else is gone in this timeline :(, I just like knowing that Oliver and Diggle still have a connection even if it is through his son. I'm glad we got some nice Sara/Oliver scenes since we basically got nothing in Arrow after Sara was brought back. The two have a connection after all they went through together so it was nice seeing it acknowledged. Even in another timeline, being a Wilson makes you batshit crazy. Also, I don't understand the Firestorm thing (and never read the comics). They can read each other's thoughts when they are two separate people, but only sometimes. Then sometimes they're one person and catch fire. Yeah, no clue. LOL. I'm sure I got the timeline stuff wrong as well because I don't understand how time travel works on these shows. It doesn't seem consistent.
  10. I don't think the storyline was for nothing. Oliver and Felicity were always going to break up this season. There is no way any show has their top couple get together and stay together without breaking up at least once. So the BMD story was a way to break them up without going the cheating route. For that reason alone, I will take this BMD story. It would have been much worse if they did some contrived cheating story. The writing could have been better, but that's pretty much true of every episode. This show never lets a scene breath before rushing onto the next thing. As for SA, I can see why he liked the episode. It's not my favorite, but then actors have a different criteria for what stories are they love than I do as a viewer.
  11. Okay I'll be the opposite, I didn't think the episode was that bad at all. Felicity got her say about how Oliver doesnt know how to be partners and always hides things instead of including her. Then she got to walk out on Oliver. Yay, Felicity! Thea finally got to tell off Malcolm. Yay Thea! Laurel and Quentin had a good scene. Vixen (and the actress playing her) were fine. Samantha and William are now in Arrow's version of witness protection. They're gone and no one knows where they're going, so no kid on the show. Damien was his snarky self. Diggle and nuBabySara were adorable! Oliver is suffering the consequences of being lying liar who lies. No Felicity, not part of his son's life. I'm good with that.
  12. Definitely Season 4 than Season 3. I'm not even that bothered by the baby mama drama. It's a standard soap opera plot and this one isn't even that bad. It'll be over soon anyway. Last season was angst, bad plots and an ineffectual Ra who went down with a whimper.
  13. Ah EBR why did you have to say Olicity are soulmates? We were doing so well. The only thing that could have been worse is if she referred to Olicity as "a part of each other." Bah humbug! I'm just going to pretend she said Olicity are seatmates or suitemates or sleepmates. :)
  14. I have loved Idris Elba since he played Stringer Bell on The Wire. So jealous of you right now that you got see him in person. He is so dreamy. :)
  15. SA is in Seacaucus, New Jersey. He definitely sounds a little loopy though. :)
  16. My team had a horrible season, so I had no real stake in any of the games...but that Packers/Cardinals game was crazy. Congrats to Arizona.
  17. Eh personally I think it's fans that need to just let things go. That tweet wasn't a big deal until some fans on Twitter decided to make it one. Those pics with Emily and Colton are cute, but that pink suit is horrible no matter which one of them is wearing it.
  18. There was no show last week. I don't know what any of you are talking about? LOL Mini-Felicity was adorable. Oliver's jacket at the bay clean-up was hideous. I love everything about Donna Smoak. The blue Santa hat and Hanukkah sweater, calling Quentin her boyfriend, running to Oliver about them taking her baby girl, being so over the moon about the ring and the proposal. Please stay forever. If I cannot have Moira, I want Donna. You owe me this, show! Aww. Curtis, your husband is a cutie! Fingers crossed, he makes it out of this season alive. Damian you are an evil little bastard, but you are quite witty. "As the kids say...I got this" "At best, our deal was implied. Also, bad guy." Damian knows something is up with Thea. Damian threw Malcolm and Oliver around like they were rag dolls. Also just a nitpick, but Thea it may not be the best idea to ask when Damian's evil crew are still around "Is that my father being the Green Arrow?" No, not corn! Children of the Corn scarred me for life. Nothing good ever happens in cornfields. I liked Laurel this episode and the canary cry was actually useful. But I was ROTL at Malcolm's bondage comment. Does Oliver telling Dig (regarding Andy) that being in a cage for a few weeks changes people foreshadow that evil Island bad guys are going to put FB Oliver in a cage next week. Not sure what is going on with Andy, but I'd be fine with him just being a bad guy and Diggle never really knew him. Oliver and Felicity were perfection this episode. From the Christmas/holiday party comments, the mature discussion about marriage and that sweet proposal at the end. However, my favorite part was the final scene where Oliver/Felicity got busy in the limo as they rode off to celebrate their engagement as the snow gently fell. That's totally what happened and no one can tell me any differently.
  19. Of course, SA's trying to get people to give this story a chance. He's the face of Arrow and part of his job is to support the stories being told. This baby mama drama is the story currently being told. This is no different then when he tried to get people on board with the LOA story last year or the Sara/Oliver lunge in season two. No one has to like this story, but why get upset with SA for doing his job. And for all we know maybe this is his favorite story. He's a dad in real life maybe he likes finally getting to be one onscreen.
  20. I don't see what the big deal is about his tweets. So what, it's his opinion. I don't have to agree with him, but I certainly don't take it personally.
  21. Ha! I do watch Days of Our Lives, but I was actually referring to Jack/Carly from As The World Turns. I'd like to say faking a terminal brain tumor is the worst thing those two ever did to each other, but nope. LOL. Basically, I have a very high tolerance for nonsensical bullshit when it comes to my ships because when they're good, they're so good. It makes it too easy to forget the really bad crap they do. :)
  22. Permission to come aboard as well. I don't have life jackets, but I do have cookies. :) I just watched LOY today and I'm pretty zen on the whole thing. I don't like that Oliver lied AT ALL. He definitely should and will suffer the consequences, although I'm guessing not until February sweeps for maximum drama. And just to make it more painful, I'm sure Felicity will find out from someone else like her father or Malcolm that Oliver lied. But as a soap opera veteran from way back (and lets be real Arrow is now and always has been a soap opera...with arrows) lying about a secret kid is a 3 or 4 tops on the scale of manufactured soap angst. It could have been so much worse. Talk to me when Oliver pretends to be dying from a brain tumor to make Felicity feel sorry for him and break up her new romance cuz yeah one of my former ships did that.
  23. I actually wish they would drop the ponytail for Felicity. I know it's her look, but she looks much older without it. There have been a few times this season (mostly notably the episode when Oliver revealed the new lair to the team) that between the shorter ponytail and the outfit she was wearing, EBR looked like a teenager next to SA. I really like the still of Barry/Felicity. I enjoy their friendship so much.
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