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Posts posted by Trini

  1. So Falcone knows that Fish is out to eventually eliminate him. I doubt those two will reconcile, so at least one of them has to go. Even if Falcone has the upper hand right now, It doesn't make sense that he'd keep her around.  And as soon as Fish learns that Oswald and Falcone have been working together, I can see her trying to kill him right away.


    The thing is, I don't see the writers wanting to kill off either character before the end of the season, so I'm not sure how they'll pull this off until then.



    Someone speculated in the episode thread that maybe Zsasz killed the Waynes, but I don't think they'd let the killer be a famous comics villain.

  2. Funny how Butch took the trouble of finding, kidnapping, and chaining up a gaggle(?) of nuns just to stop one truck, but then couldn't be bothered to haggle with the truck driver for a minute. #OnlyInGotham

    • Love 4
  3. At the very least, Barbara's actions in episode 8 should be a turning point in Jim/Barb relationship. She knows how high the stakes are, and what Jim is up against. He knows that Barbara is willing to walk into the lion's den for him. (Even though they really could have written her part so that she came across as more brave than foolish.) The bad thing is, I don't know how much this will change how they write for her in the future.

  4. Zsasz: "'Alive' is a very broad category."


    Bullock: "You sit down with a panel of chimpanzees and a bucket of crack and come up with that one?" [Re: Jim's plan]


    Bullock: "We get a last meal, a smoke or anything, or just talk?"

    Way to be snarky in the face of death, Bullock.

    • Love 2

    (Seriously, the man has the second best job in television, right after Vanna White.)

    I was about to challenge you about the "second best" part -- because Vanna has to wear sequins and heels -- but then she doesn't have to listen to all these ridiculous litigants; so  I guess it evens out. :-D

    • Love 1
  6. Isn't his house that big loft we've seen him in? Where Joe found the board that had all the articles about his mothers death and info about his father - we've seen his place quite a few times I believe; mostly in episode 3.

    The place with the board is the police crime lab.

    • Love 1
  7. This was a solid episode. Loved the Cobblepot/Falcone reveal at the end. My only gripe with the show is that the direction is scattered. Looking back, Selina Kyle's episode did nothing to move the plot forward ....

    Yeah, after this, I don't know if we can go back to an episode like "Balloonman".



    On a side note, it sounds like every male adult in Gotham suffers from a serious case of Christian Bale voice. Maybe Dr. Leslie (or whoever Mekia Cox is supposed to be playing) should have examined Jim for laryngitis while he was out.

    Nah. Person of Interest totally has "Batman voice" syndrome, though. ;-)


    But speaking of Dr. Thompkins, it looks like Mekia was supposed to be her (that how she was listed in the press release), but now the producers got the actress they were holding out for. So "Leslie Thompkins" isn't in the credits, and they didn't mention her name in the episode.


    I don't think I've ever seen a black female in an OTP in a primetime drama on an American network

    Off the top of my head, the short-lived Deception, from two seasons ago.

    But there just hasn't been many dramas with a black female lead at all, so it's slim pickings from the get-go.

  9. Nice; I recognized a couple of locations in the episode. I think the bus station where Barbara left is a Metro-North station in Yonkers.

    Well, it took 7 episodes, but things are finally coming together! Plot-wise this might be the best episode yet.


    Wow. The GCPD really suck as human beings as well as cops.


    It makes no sense for Falcone to keep Fish around. I like her, but if he knows she's planning to overthrow him, it doesn't make sense. I hope she has a Plan C.


    Way to be extra creepy with that kiss, Penguin!


    Seriously, Barbara, why would you come back??? Gah. Well, now we've got her first kidnapping done with.


    How would Oswald know anything about Gordon? Enough to know he wouldn't kill him? Obviously he was taking a chance, but still.


    Even though this episode was pretty dark, there was some humor, please keep that up, Show.

    • Love 1
  10. Yeah her outfits are ridiculous... LOVE them!


    I was never worried about her longevity until tonight. It seems common sense for Falcone to take her out since he knows she's out to get him.

    • Love 1
  11. *Theory Time*


    Assuming the portraits in the history(?) book aren't faked/magicked (which is definitely a possibility), the reason Emma looks like the third sister is because she's a blood relative. So is she related through Snow or Charming?

    • Love 2

    Kristine Kringle sounds way too much like a comic book character for her to be a one-off.

    It's just such an oddly specific name and reference, and I don't see how it/she is connected to a current Batman character and why. And if she is a new recurring character related to the Riddler (maybe?), why the Christmas name?


    Okay I'm done thinking about this.

  13. I actually don't mind seeing Iris's emotions for Barry develop. I wonder what will be that moment that makes her think "huh, maybe I love him in more than just a brotherly way". I think Linda will help spark that but I hope that it's not it. I also hope she develops feelings for Barry BEFORE she finds out he's the Flash. Otherwise it'll just make me wonder if she's actually in love with Barry for Barry and not because he's the flash. I'm all for seeing this growth on Iris's part. I just hope they make her a lot less boring, because she kind of is boring to me. 



    Sadly, I think they're going for the triangle built for 2...Barry loves Iris, Iris crushes on The Flash. We'll even get scenes of Iris confessing her feelings about the Flash to Barry asking what she should do because she doesn't want to hurt Eddie.

    Iris will find out that Barry=Flash which will allow/cause her to view Barry in a romantic light...


    Whoa. Déjá vu.

    You both are describing the relationships/events in Lois & Clark.



    You do not have to layer in immediate, deep-seated reasons for a couple to not get together.

    I agree that the sibling thing with Barry and Iris is an unnecessary complication; however, I don't think it's a bad thing that they have some history at the start of the show. Clearly, the producers wanted to get the show off to a running start by having everyone know each other already (and not just the romantic relationships).

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