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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. The guy hasn't ever met a fire he wasn't willing to throw gasoline on, haha.
  2. Or if he wanted to compliment his wife, he could've mentioned how beautiful she and the mosque were and made a self-deprecating comment about himself. I get what he was going for, and maybe it's because I work in communications so it's my job to think about how things can be interpreted, but I knew that wording was a bad move, LOL.
  3. Looking at the screen cap, I wonder if they both commented? Stephen in the first one where he identified himself, and Cass in the second one. I thought it was weird that pretty much the same sentiment was posted twice. But maybe it was the same person.
  4. Now? LOL A simple "It was a joke, I didn't mean to offend," would suffice, especially since a religious monument is probably not the best thing to involve in a joke - even if the joke is about you and not the monument - because people get heated about that kind of thing, and can misinterpret. And the OP was so nice with her criticism. But...why reply like an adult when you can blow it up like a child?
  5. No, I don't recall her having a history of getting into it with fans on social media. I tend to think this is Stephen, just because behaving like a belligerent dick when called out is a patented move for him at this point. Why he'd drag his wife into it by using her account is beyond me, but he seems kinda dumb like that, so I guess it isn't that surprising.
  6. That's definitely his wife's account. Whether that's him or her, IDK. Seems like a really dumb move to call a fan an idiot on his wife's account after they nicely pointed out an issue, but...he's an expert at really dumb moves, so.
  7. I don't think so. I think he planned a blackout - he announces one every year. If he was aware of or cared about the fact that he'd offended people (inadvertently or not), he would've shown his ass on twitter about it and made it 10 times worse, guaranteed. Unless maybe he's learning?
  8. He's talking about a foreplay scene in the movie Ghost, not actual ghosts.
  9. Oh, I don't follow fandom or the cast on Twitter. I just looked at the Instagram comments, which (when I looked) appeared to be mostly from Turkish people, probably because he geotagged the pic.
  10. Oh yeah, I doubt he said anything to Mavi about Ghost at all, just used it as a caption. It's just...kinda a weird reference to make with a pic with his daughter. He was probably trying to be funny about the mosque too, without really thinking that people might think he was being ignorant and flippant (and, unfortunately, his past blowups don't help with that perception).
  11. I think he just types up the first thing that he thinks is funny without giving any thought to how it could be interpreted by people.
  12. I hope he keeps it relatively as is right now. This looks good-ish. I've never seen a Van Dyke not look stupid.
  13. No, please tell him. And make sure a camera is on him when you do it.
  14. Honestly, I get complaining on Twitter - these days I get a better response from doing that than I do when I call a customer service number.
  15. No, I think those arguments come from the alien brainwashing that Diggle described as their ~perfect lives. Oliver was apparently too overwhelmed by Laurel telling him he was the love of her life to reciprocate as he desperately wanted to deep deep down inside, and then it was too late and his truest love was dead, so he had no choice but to go back to the woman he proposed to in front of said truest love (Which he only did because he believed Laurel hated him and he didn't really have a chance with her).
  16. I didn't say the fake out changed anything, I wrote that it was the first inkling we got that they might do something with them as a couple. Your list is the same as mine - and it's nothing, IMO. If someone can't handle that, they probably aren't much into shipping anyway (and definitely shouldn't be doing it on a CW show).
  17. They didn't even do that. We got the first inkling that there could be something at the end of S2 (that was played as a fake out), Oliver broke it off at the end of the first episode of S3, they were together by the finale that season and broke up for the first and only time in the middle of the next, then got back together and are married now.
  18. I don't know what kind of food they're being served, but Stephen tweeted about the shrimp looking like baby fingers, and Juliana posted a pic where someone shaped some of the food into a penis. I'm guessing at this point the server is probably wishing this group didn't go to places that have tasting menus, LOL.
  19. Judging by the tweets, it seems like they're being obnoxious children about the food. Hopefully they're mostly keeping it to themselves and not hassling the waitstaff. Bleh.
  20. Yeah, I think sometimes they just write Katie's headcanon into the show - and maybe they do this with other actors but we just don't know about it - because they're lazy and she's already done the work for them. Sometimes it doesn't really matter (like with the dead dad thing), sometimes it's a bad idea (like with Laurel telling Oliver on her deathbed that he's the love of her life).
  21. Everyone's sleeping on the biggest news revealed in that interview with Katie - that her cat is coming out with a children's book.
  22. This sounds great, the show really needs more of Curtis bitching about his love life, LOL
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