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Posts posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm more curious than ever about this raw conversation now. We know Oliver encourages Felicity to visit Barry and we know Felicity and Barry go out on a double date with Iris and her guy. Seems to me like cute awkwardness in the making with Barry and Felicity. I think it'll be more of a friendly date than anything. Also-Barry's clasping Felicity's hand in that pic-for all we know he takes hold of it right as they hurry away for whatever reason. It's not like they're on a stroll with their fingers twined or anything.

    I have no problem whatsoever with Felicity moving on if Oliver's not ready to commit or tells her he can't be with her. I'm just wondering what exactly he tells her (and what she tells him) that has it seemingly happening three weeks later.

    Naively, I have faith that it'll make sense for the characters and the story since regardless of the hack job the writers have done on some of the other relationships on this show, I think they've handled O/F beautifully thus far (please don't let me be wrong about this).

    • Love 6
  2. Wasn't there some comment made by one of the producers that said Oliver tells Felicity that it was time for her to visit Central City?  I seem to recall it was in reference to them deciding they can't be together.  Maybe she goes there because Oliver encourages her to move on with Barry (who he knows has a crush on Felicity) and she tries it but they realize it won't work because Barry realizes he's in love with Iris and Felicity is still in love with Oliver.  That would agree with what Grant Gustin said in an interview.


    ETA:  We don't know exact what kind of kiss it is.  For all we know, it could be their goodbye kiss.  Just saying.


    They did say that Oliver and Felicity have a discussion and Oliver convinces her that it might be a good time to visit Central City. I don't think that discussion is about Oliver and Felicity not being able to be together though (at least, on the surface). I can't remember who said this (I'm almost sure it was one of the producers), but one of the spoilers for that first crossover ep was that Felicity has a talk with Cisco and Caitlin since she has a unique perspective on what it's like to support a hero. So I think the discussion Oliver and Felicity have is about Barry's powers. Although Oliver could simultaneously be pushing Felicity towards Barry, because he seems like the kind of idiot who might think it would be easier to get over his feelings if the person he has feelings for is no longer available.

    • Love 2
  3. I am not liking the idea of Felicity and Barry kissing. I'm all for friendship but how do we believably go from Oliver in 301 to Barry in The Flash 104 to Ray later in the season?


    Looks like this is what starts the crossover maybe?


    Probably. And it'll be interesting to watch, especially since MG said that they choose the villains they use to hit specific emotional notes.

  4. Sorry...I meant Laurel asking Felicity about being Oliver's EA with her IT background and Felicity tells the coffee story to her. I think they are going to try and make them friendly even if they aren't best buds since another BOP episode is on their wish list.

    I wonder if Felicity is going to Vegas?

    She's going to Central City.

  5. There was also a chance Sara wasn't even around Felicity or her phone. That seems riskier to me.

    There were a lot of possibilities. I think he went with what seemed like the best course of action at the time.

    • Love 1
  6. Yea, the ep wasn't as good to me. It was necessary though. 

    Also I still don't get why Oliver called Felicity. If he wanted Sara to hear Slade's voice...why not call Sara? 


    Probably because Felicity's the only one in the foundry who's constantly next to her phone. Sara and Diggle work out down there - there was a chance they wouldn't have answered and he only had one shot.

  7. that is actually a very interesting theory!

    If done right this can totally work. isn't episode 4 of flash is the one where Firestorm first shows up?


    The only problem with this theory is that

    Ronnie (allegedly) died in the particle accelerator accident, so I would think she'd mention something like that, unless she's estranged with her mother and didn't know that she and Eddie Raymond were married.

  8. The fact that they haven't released any info about Felicity's mom (Not even a name!!!) means that she's probably a well known DC character. Any ideas on who she could possibly be?

    Crack theory: her name is Felicity Raymond, and they're going to use the Felicity S. and Ronnie link as another tie between the Arrow and Flash universes.

  9. Usually me too, but I really thought the "will shake their fists" part was a direct answer to the journalist who had said she preferred Oliver and Felicity as just friends? It looks way more ominous in the transcript than it is on video, IMO.

    Yeah, it definitely came off better in the video, and it did seem like he was insinuating that the people shaking their fists would be the ones who prefer Oliver and Felicity as friends.

  10. http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-season-3-ep-andrew-kreisberg-on-oliver-and-felicity-and-their-date


    This is latest interview that came out from SDCC. While Andrew Kriesberg talked all bout how they thought it was but inevitable that Olicity would happen, I am very very glad that he categorically said that there would be no relationship with Amanda Waller in the flashbacks, which is great because that would have been the worst thing EVER!.


    Season 3 is also going to introduce Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer, who is a potential love interest for Felicity. "I will say that Emily read with Brandon for the part, so that is something we're exploring too, and as always with these things, it's a rocky road and there are complications and changes and obstacles," the EP revealed. "I think some people will get what they were looking for and other people will shake their fists. As always, we just do what feels like the next right step."


    Sentences like this always make me nervous.

  11. 9) And now Manhunter


    And top of all that we have the Hong Kong flashbacks. Wowsa. I have faith that the balance should be good but that's a lot when you lay it out like that!



    I'm all for shaking up the lair a bit but I hope it doesn't go on too long either. I am all about Team Arrow. It's the most important relationship on the show for me. 


    I don't think the Manhunter thing is going to figure too prominently. From the sounds of it he's just an ARGUS agent who shows up in ep 3 - I don't think there will be an ongoing story with him.

  12. But didn't the EP said Ray is just Ray and will not assume the Atom role while on the show.. or at least through most of his run in it?

    or maybe i'm confusing it with something someone said on the forums..


    I'm not sure anyone's ever really said. Although unless they alter his powers a bit, I'm not sure how they could really have him be Atom on this show since the budget seems to be so tight.

  13. I guess I would find it really strange to make Olicity and the date and the raw discussions, and the temp love interest such a big deal in the press and then NOT have them going for the relationship this season, especially if Team Arrow are broken up for the first third of the season due to all this BS about protecting those he loves from himself and the life he leads (RME). If Team Arrow is reunited, I'm not sure how long they can play out Routh's Ray as the remaining "obstacle/motivator" for Olicity. And I'd guess the last third of the season will be building to a climax with Ras Al Ghul. But again I'm old and tired of the "slow burn" dragging it out crap. Pay off, pay off, pay off do what makes sense NOW for the story, and if it doesn't work out? So be it. So I'm really hoping, and due to all this press, expecting Olicity are together no later than mid point of S3, so it's settled and they can get down to the primary business of the show: being a team of heroes.


    I mean of course I know dragging it out is the status quo, but man it will be extra aggravating.


    See, I think they're putting all of this out there specifically because it's NOT happening this season. I believe the focus on the real, raw talk and declaration of feelings is in part a reaction to the way the audience reacted to the finale - to reassure people who were upset because they felt tricked, and so that the audience (or at least the portion of the audience who's rooting for O/F, anyway) will have patience while they let Felicity have another love interest and have Oliver work on himself. SA has been very clear that even though they have feelings for each other it doesn't mean they're going to be together, and the EPs have said that this "Can I have what I want? Can I be this AND that?" storyline is going to take up the whole year. It's just that instead of throwing another person in as a roadblock to the pairing, they're having Oliver and Felicity put a stop to it themselves. What I do think would be weird is if there were declarations and whatnot and they never got together at all. So, I think they'll get together, it's just a question of when. It very well could be this season, I'm just not counting on it.

    • Love 3
  14. So Karl Yune has been tweeting about hanging with Emily and Stephen for the past hour? You think his character coming to Starling City in real time or is his character already dying and thats why all the hugging?









    Haven't they already started filming the 3rd episode? His tweets mention wrapping the 2nd (I'm not sure if finishing shots on one is common after already starting another). Maybe SA and EBR are on set to film current-day stuff, and he was there to film a pick-up shot for a scene from a flashback? Or maybe they were all on set and just hung out between takes.

  15. I'm honestly not trying to be snarky here, but Charlotte Ross resembles EBR enough to believably be her mother. Without getting someone on the show who actually shares Emily's DNA, there can only be so many similarities. Plus, comparing pics of EBR dressed as Felicity with Charlotte dressed as herself isn't really a good way to judge.

    • Love 1
  16. Felicity's entire existence on this show can be explained away as fan pandering if someone's desperate enough to do it, since she originally wasn't supposed to be more than a bit player in the first place.


    Or, we can call it what it actually is: a happy accident. This would be the worst creative team in the world if they saw a spark (in any part of the story) and didn't explore it. Stories change as they're told, it's actually a thing, and it probably happens on more shows than we realize. Entertainment isn't created in a bubble - it's these people's JOB to write a show that people want to tune into, and that includes grabbing hold of a character and/or situation that's resonating with their audience.


    If they were putting these Oliver/Felicity moments in with absolutely no intent on exploring any kind of romantic connection between them because there's a vocal Olicity fanbase that they need to appeal to - that's pandering. If they're putting them in as part of a larger arc to show character-building moments of trust and deepening connection? It's NOT PANDERING. I mean, we can debate how it fit or how it could've been integrated better, but its existence as part of a larger arc isn't pandering.

    • Love 3
  17. I meant that they could give Oliver a new love interest in Season 4, depending on how Season 3 plays out and the reaction to it.


    But how can the network truly gauge audience reaction to Felicity with another love interest if she and Oliver outright admit they have feelings for each other but can't pursue it for whatever reason? They've already placated the fanbase by saying "yes, it's here - they just can't explore it yet." So there might not be much backlash to Ray Palmer as a LI because the audience knows that Felicity and Oliver are right there on the backburner and assume whoever enters either one of their lives is temporary.


    I think it'll be interesting to see how they handle the pairing this season. It *seems* as if they're going to take it slow, and use Ray Palmer (as far as potential love interests go) as a catalyst to help Oliver grow into the kind of man that would be a) capable of being in a long-term relationship and b) capable of being in a long-term relationship with someone like Felicity.


    I don't think Oliver and Felicity will get together this season at all (unless it's at the end, and even then I doubt it, since they like to do their real-time time jumps, so then the audience who's watching for the romantic side of things would miss a lot about that relationship that they'd want to see). But who knows.

    • Love 1
  18. Not to be an alarmist, but EBR is signed on for all of s3, right??

    I'm not sure what her contract details are, but the EPs said that trying to figure out if she's just Oliver's crush or if she can have a life outside of the team is going to take up her whole year, so I imagine that she is.

  19. I remember him saying that he sees a version of himself in 301 that scares the shit out of him. I don't recall him saying it had to do with Diggle. I don't remember him saying it related to anyone.


    He says it here at 6:40:


  20. Yeah, she seriously needs to be in hospital. Head wounds are serious business.


    Especially since, HELLO! She has the best brain out of all three of them. It needs to be handled with care and all that.

    • Love 2
  21. The plausible explanation is that this is the same show where Felicity DIDN'T go to the hospital after getting a head injury that actually left her unconscious and instead had to listen to a guy FINALLY choose to say "I love you," instead of, you know, getting her proper medical attention which would have been a much clearer indication that he actually cared about her. In fact, had he said, "Forget Slade! FELICITY NEEDS MEDICAL ATTENTION!" we all could have been spared the weeks and weeks of "did he really mean it?"  


    So, yeah, assuming this isn't a drugged up hallucination of course his first response will be LAIR and KILL PEOPLE rather than filling out hospital admission paperwork.


    Oh, Oliver.


    Nothing says "I love you" like a CT scan.

    • Love 13
  22. Just to add my thoughts, I definitely think everything happening in 301 is real. After so many people were upset about the 'fake-out' of the love confession in the season finale, I think they'll want to make very clear where O/F's feelings lie. I'm pretty sure there will be no doubt and a hallucination would only serve as doubt. I think they want to avoid that. 


    And the reason why I think Felicity is on the med table in the foundry and not in hospital is probably because Oliver is so shocked/upset that he just took her to a place of safety almost as if he was on autopilot. It's likely she'll end up in hospital later anyway, esp with a head injury like that. It looks nasty! 


    I  keep forgetting that SA said in some recent interview (I'd have to look for it) that whatever that version or vision (I can't tell which he says) of himself that he sees that scares the shit out of him causes a rift between him and Diggle, so I'm guessing Felicity doesn't have anything to do with it.


    I just really want a plausible explanation as to why she looks like that and isn't in a hospital, haha.

  23. I saw something about the Glades doctor who'd helped Arrow in the past appearing in the first ep (the ep is also mentioned on his IMDB page) and I'm wondering if maybe they bring him into the lair? Maybe tranq'd him like Barry or blindfolded him at least? I actually thought before we saw the trailer that Oliver did bring Felicity to the hospital based on the photo SA tweeted with Oliver covered in soot and wearing only an undershirt. That looked like it was in a hospital setting.



    I'm 99% sure that was the makeup room - there are wigs in the background. :)

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