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Posts posted by apinknightmare

  1. Felicity hasn't been given anything meatier...her moments are Olicity moments that in 2 seasons haven't gone anywhere. That's fan pandering imo. 


    Ugh, there's the fan pandering again. Those moments haven't gone anywhere for HER (which is something that irritates me, but whatever). They are part of Oliver's journey though, based on the direction they're taking him this season. ETA: Actually, I'll argue that maybe they will go somewhere for her considering her relationship with Oliver is allegedly part of her arc this season too.


    And I don't think the OP was insinuating that Felicity already had meaty parts, but that she'd be getting them this season with regards to her flashbacks and whatnot.

    • Love 3
  2. Re: the Con clips - I find it so endearing that some of them film the crowd when they walk out (and film themselves in front of the crowd). I cannot wait for Thea and Malcolm. Those two seem to really enjoy each other and that should translate well on screen. Is it October yet?

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  3. The preview had way too much Olicity for me. I didn't enjoy Chloe Sullivan/Clark Kent when Smallville had hints of that, and I don't enjoy it in a new version on Arrow. I hope this isn't a sign of where the show is heading in the 3rd season: prioritizing the ship that has the loudest fans over more hero stuff. I don't really care too much for Felicity, haven't since Season 2, so I'm more excited for the introduction of Brandon Routh on the show and seeing the new Thea. 


    ETA: Also wonder how the hell Laurel is going to be in Season 3, but I guess it's a wait and see approach.


    The promo had 80 seconds of new footage in it, and 10 seconds of that were Oliver and Felicity in a romantic capacity. Given all the hyping the EPs have done of this date, I don't think that's a lot, and I would hardly consider it 'prioritizing the ship.' They're bombarding us with Olicity info now because a) they seem to be really concerned about losing a portion of the audience who might still be smarting from that fake-out, and b) it's the safest info to give out, especially considering we know they never make it past that first date. People are asking about it, and they can give it away while keeping the vast majority of the season under wraps.


    Look, I get people watch this show for different reasons, and that's cool. The people who are here for the action/comics stuff probably won't have as much tolerance for romance. Comics purists probably won't be here for Oliver and Felicity. People who don't like Felicity won't be here for Felicity. There's a lot of stuff going on in this show - not all of it is going to be for everybody. Personally, I tune out during the island flashbacks and almost everything pertaining to Laurel. I've posted before - I love O/F, no shame, so the romantic focus is never going to bother me (it didn't bother me with McKenna or Helena either - only Laurel), but for all that Olicity is a buzz monster media-wise, in the actual show? They have their beats, but it rarely takes more than a minute, MAYBE two of show time in any given episode. Out of 42 minutes, it ain't that bad. Granted, it does seem like it'll be ramping up a little bit this season, but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

    • Love 19
  4. Mike Tyson is at comic con.


    I don't think the "no video" thing is why she skipped considering she'll be there tomorrow. Perhaps the other cast won't be at teh WBTV panel (which I actually think will have less focus on Arrow and more on the other shows that didn't have panels)


    I don't think the no video thing had anything to do with it either - she's attended other Comic Con panels. What's strange to me is that both her and EBR were missing. CL I get, if they don't have her locked-in long term. I'm glad Willa was there though - I like her and Barrowman together.

    • Love 1
  5. Someone (or thousands) gif'd the fight scene, and Oliver, Roy, and then Sara are fighting Peter Stormare. 


    Ah, okay. It's tough to tell with all the costumes and darkness and whatnot.

  6. Why are all the Counts Vertigo so focused on Felicity. I am assuming this will be the work of the count. 


    I'm not sure if the explosion (which is what that has to be) is Vertigo. I think there was a video or article where they said this Count would be a recurring villain, and there was a VOTW in this ep too? Or maybe I misread/heard.

  7. The info that came out of the panel was kind of underwhelming. They barely released anything new. At the very least, I expected them to announce who Laurel's new love interest is going to be. Maybe they will do that tomorrow at the big DC event. The trailer looks good, though.

    I'm actually kind of glad because I'm really excited for the new season despite the lack of info, and I was worried some kind of Laurel mess was going to make me want to tune out.


    I cannot WAIT for Thea and Malcolm. I think Thea's story is going to be amazing.

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  8. I always figured the card counting thing was from growing up in Vegas. If her mom was a cocktail waitress, I'd assume she's familiar with casinos. She appeared to be in that S1 episode with her comments about no slot machines. I'm also still leaning toward her having been a hacktivist of some kind while at MIT. It would explain her familiarity with hacking things we've seen her hack (police database, crime lab, etc.) She could have used the name Oracle online. I don't think they'll be allowed to use Babs on Arrow - not with Gotham on air and the lockdown on Batman. I'm okay with Felicity being called Oracle if it happens. It doesn't mean she'll be crippled or end up on a BoP spinoff. The show doesn't follow canon that closely. Even if there's a BoP episode, Felicity would still be running the computers no matter what they called her - Oracle, Watchtower, something else. I'm not reading too much into the name at this point.


    Oh yeah, I figured the card-counting thing was from her childhood, I just wondered if maybe she had a little business on the side to help pay for things while she was in school.

  9. It looked like Sara beat up some random bad dude, then said the line to Oliver who either shows up or she surprises. 


    Yeah, it just looks like whoever she beats up is wearing a hood when the camera pans up to her. I just figured whoever she said that to had to be familiar with her in order to look surprised, and AFAIK she wasn't all that well known for her crime fighting throughout the city for a random criminal to recognize her.

  10. Questions: whose ass was Sara kicking in the trailer when she said, "Don't look so surprised, I haven't been gone that long."? The person looked like they had a hood on, but it can't be Oliver considering she was just giving him advice about his love life. Was it Roy?


    One of the producers said that we got clues about Felicity's backstory in S1 and we'd be seeing flashbacks to her at MIT - we know she can count cards...any thoughts on what the backstory is? I really hope she ran some kind of underground gambling ring, LOL.

    • Love 1
  11. Maybe Oracle could be her hacker name or something like that.


    Either her hacker name or a program she developed. I can't see them making her Oracle (but I'm often wrong).

  12. Emily is apparently filming, don't know why the other 2 aren't there. 


    Isn't KC there (as in present, not on the panel)? I thought I saw her in the backstage pic that Paul Blackthorne tweeted.

  13. I just empathize with her fans who are going to be disappointed not to get to see her and possibly meet her.  I'm sure that for them, it is less about getting info about the show and more about just getting to see her in person and possibly speaking to her and/or getting an autograph.


    At least she'll be there tomorrow (and Sunday, maybe). But man, if I'd been waiting in that line overnight...

    • Love 1
  14. Yup. And people seem really upset that the producers didn't announced before themselves and had Emily tweet it before saying anything. 


    Yeah, they had to have known for at least a few hours. How utterly crappy of them not to announce it before now - especially since some of them might've skipped other panels they wanted to see in order to go to this one.

    • Love 1
  15. Well I hate to say it but my enthusiasm for watching the panel just went downhill a bit. Is anyone else missing it or only her?


    It's just her. SA, DR and KC will be there (I'm not sure who else was scheduled to attend).


    I can't believe it's a production thing - wouldn't they have planned for this day? Why would they have her miss the official panel of all things? I'm going to leave before I get tinhatty.

    • Love 1
  16. I don't imagine for a second that Arrow is gonna turn into a romance as the A-plot kind of show, but I do believe the EPs and the media are gonna keep talking about the romance part of it until they're blue in the face because it generates immense buzz for the show, and many many many clicks/views for media.

    I do feel, however, that these interviews are pointing to that more intimate stuff Amell talked about at Upfronts: Oliver/Felicity, Diggle and his new family, and Roy getting integrated into the team, it all implies, at least to me, that while the superheroing is what drives the plot, the relationships [all of them] might be what *drive the characters*. Maybe in a "this is why we fight" way, instead of the REVENGE!!! of S1, or the "I'll be a hero because everyone I loved died" of S2.


    True. I know everything about this date but nothing about the actual show outside of it (and yet, I'm still excited).

  17. @apinknightmare Thanks. Feeling slightly calmer. Actually ever since the EPs said that Laurel n Oliver are like Lois n Clark I gave up hope for Oliver Felicity and now that it seems they actually can happen...I feel as if its too good to be true.

    But I'll try to be more optimistic now.


    I like to be a glass half full kind of person. I'm feeling pretty good about it now, but watch the S3 trailer come out and make me want to vomit in my shoes.


    Happy thoughts, positive thoughts.

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