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Posts posted by apinknightmare

  1. I do have a question about the teaser though, something I've been trying to figure out but can't.  Quite possibly I'm just over thinking things and missing something simple.  In the scene where Felicity is walking away looking over her shoulder at Oliver (from the adorable smile picture above), she's wearing this orange dress.  Now, my assumption was the footage from the trailer was all ep 1 since they're still filming ep 2.  So that plus the lack of any trace of head injury on Felicity would put this scene pre-date.  However, this appears to be the same dress Emily was wearing in her birthday photos taken on the 24th, this past Thursday, during which time they should have been filming ep 2.  Hence my confusion.  If it's from ep 2, then the two of them are pretty happy with each other for two people whose first date was a bloody mess.  I guess I could chalk the lack of a head wound to the show just glossing over it (fast healing, it's been a week, whatever).  If it's from ep 1, then why was she wearing it late last week?  Pick up shots?  Anybody?  Bueller?


    The only thing I can think of is that the pic with Colton wasn't taken on her birthday. She was wearing a black outfit in the pics that were taken of her blowing out the candles on the cake she was given on set. Not that she can't change clothes for different scenes or anything, but that'd be a simple way to explain it.

    • Love 1
  2. Wow, wow, and triple wow!


    Regarding the Season 3 trailer and the scene where we see an injured, unconscious Felicity - What if she suffers short-term amnesia and doesn't remember the date at all?  Oliver may then decide not to tell her because he's changed his mind about trying to have a private life due to the new danger.


    I don't think Stephen Amell knows anything past Season 3.  Remember his changing comments about whether Oliver was jealous of Barry from early Season 2 to late Season 2?  I doubt that the EPs would commit for the rest of the series this early on.  The words "this year" are a major qualifier.  I honestly don't think the EPs have completely given up on Laurel and Oliver.  They have planned for 5 years.  I think they realize that they have to make Laurel more likeable and acceptable to a lot of fans - so they first ease her into Team Arrow in Season 3 and then they ease her into the Black Canary role in Season 4 (while slowly phasing Sara out).  I'd bet that they have roughly plotted a future season episode titled "Dinah" where Laurel will transform into BC and adopt her first name for some reason.  Then in Season 5, depending on how the series has developed so far, ratings, and fan reaction, Laurel may or may not reunite with Oliver for some reason.  I'm just a little gun-shy when it comes to these EPs after Season 2 - when it started so promisingly the first half and then changed into a bit of a mess the second half.


    I think Felicity does remember the date though, because wasn't there a spoiler released that she tells him she's had worse?


    I don't know how much Stephen's been told about future story lines, but I think he's very media savvy and he knows what's popular and what will drive conversation about the show, and if the sister swapping has gotten to the point where they even joke about it on set, maybe he put that out there as a way to get a little fandom conversation started and hopefully drive the writers in a different direction based on a swell of popular opinion.


    Or maybe he was just talking about the story as he sees it going forward.

    • Love 1
  3. Regarding Wildcat, I have been reading things like "some interaction","an encounter" etc.So, I don't know in how many episodes, this character will appear.

    I thought he'd be Laurel's LI, but it's sounding less like it.

    Maybe it's Ra's and that somehow gets her involved in the League?

  4. The line in the new extended trailer "if half the stories I've heard about Ra's al Ghul are true, we will all pay," wasn't that something Oliver said after discussing what would happen if something happened to Nyssa?

    Yeah, from Heir to the Demon when they thought Sara was going to kill her with TIBETAN PIT VIPER VENOM (lol)

  5. I think the key part of the phrase though is "I don't think." Just because Amell doesn't think Oliver and Laurel or Oliver and Sara will ever be together again doesn't mean it's actually true. He may be the star of the show but he's not the one who makes the decisions. And I think he could make such statements without permission because A)It's just his opinion and will have little or no impact on management decisions and B)As the star he is the only one of the cast who really doesn't have to worry about being fired.


    As for the rooftop scene with Laurel and Sara, this is what I would like to see:



    Laurel: Sara?

    Sara: Hi sis. Hey, my old jacket looks good on you.

    Laurel: Thanks. I see got a new one. I think...  Her eyes suddenly roll back in her head and she collapses.

    Sara turns to see Nyssa, just lowering her dart gun. Sara: Damn it, Nys!

    Nyssa just shrugs.


    I definitely think he could make such statements without permission. I just think it's maybe not the best idea do so (not that fandom backlash would fall back on him or anything), especially when it involves a divisive character like Laurel and a ship favorite like Felicity.


    I'm all for another Nyssa al Ghul tranquilizer special.

    • Love 1
  6. I don't think we should take whatever Amell says to be long term Just last season he was saying that Oliver and Felicity cannot be together and he's saying stg different here. Storylines continuously change and who knows whats going to happen in Season 4 or even Season 5.


    Well, I mean...he didn't lie. They still can't, since they're calling it quits after their date.


    Plans change, but given that he feels comfortable enough to say this makes me feel like Lauriver's sunk for now, which makes me hopeful that it'll be sunk forever.

    • Love 5
  7. Wow. That's pretty big, to say that we'll never see Oliver and Laurel together again. That's kind of a major statement.


    Yeah, I hope someone outright told him that, because...


    Also, good news about Felicity and Ray. I really can't wait to see their dynamic. And I REALLY can't wait to see Thea come back.

  8. Ok, that is hands down the most distressing interview yet. NO SALMON LADDER?  Oliver, Oliver. I support you and Felicity. Truly I do. BUT TURNING YOUR BACK ON YOUR TRUE LOVE?  This is not healthy. And by not healthy, I mean, not healthy FOR ME. 




    This is what happens when Felicity becomes his one and only for S3!

    • Love 2
  9. The new Arrow big bad is going to be announced today at the WB panel. I guess this is the villain (the big DC character) that is going to appear in the second half and , my speculation, continue as villain throughout season 4 too.( You just can't have Ra's only for half a Season, his character will be the biggest character ever on Arrow, if he appears)

     Are they announcing who's playing him too?


    If I hear Oded Fehr, I might fall out.

    • Love 2
  10. Honestly, it's very confusing. one person said they mentioned DiD in the IGN Interview another said no. I didn't watch so I'm going by what's being reported by others.


    Oh. They didn't mention any DiD in the IGN interview.

  11. I hope Oliver isn't in that rooftop scene with Sara and Laurel. Actually, I hope he's never in a scene with both of them, it's just awkward lol


    I'm all for staying away from any potential "That's not how your sister does it" conversations.

    • Love 3
  12. I heard she was a DiD on the rooftop. Not sure if that's true.


    Seriously? If they wanted to use something like that as motivation for her to fight, she should've started training twelve kidnappings ago.

    I hope that isn't true, LOL

    • Love 4
  13. So, per the IGN interview with Stephen, Katie and MG, we know:


    1. Laurel and Sara have a meeting on a rooftop in the premiere that's very sisterly - and something about it gets Laurel started down her path (can't remember the exact wording)

    2. Sara plays a big part this season - a lot of things in the long arc happen around or because of Sara (LoA, I guess, and she better not die)

  14. I have to admit I'm still skeptical of that tweet.  Comments have a way of getting "lost in translation" and it's only the start of season three, but I guess time will tell.


    I am thrilled that we may see some conflict between Oliver and Diggle over Diggle's impending fatherhood.  It's a good story and more Diggle is always welcome to me.


    Oh, I am too. I think she probably misheard. She's pretty emphatic about it though, bless her if she can't come up with those receipts.

    • Love 2
  15. Well, this woman certainly stirred the pot:



    Tiffany Vogt @TVWatchtower  ·  20m

    @(twitter name removed) - Stephen Amell was emphatic that Felicity is the only girl for Oliver from this point forward, forever, not just S3.


    Someone asked her if they got it on video, ahaha. Oh fandom. (she says they did)

  16. I think that, considering the limited new footage, they really had no choice but to show Olicity (as a fan, that was great for me). I really don't think that the trailer is indicative of the season, especially as it only has footage from one (maybe two) episodes.


    From the previous spoilers, we know that the date would play a large part in the episode, but that doesn't mean that Felicity and Oliver are going to go on dates every episode. From the trailer, there's a lot more to fit in to the show, Hong Kong, Arsenal, Diggle, The Count and (whilst it wasn't in the trailer) Merlyn and Thea. 




    I'm actually really excited for her to get hurt, which is weird because she is without a doubt my favourite character. Both Diggle and Oliver have had Felicity tend to their wounds, I think it's about time that Felicity gets the treatment back. (Also, notice her lipstick when she's on the bench, not a smudge. Felicity Smoak is the Queen of bright lipstick.)


    Just think, after she wakes up from that mess she's going to tell him she's been on worse dates. Smart, sweet, beautiful girl. <3

    • Love 1
  17. There seems to be a serious misconception here about what fan pandering is. People tend to throw the 'pandering' label on (on this show) shippy things they don't like. There's been a moment or two between Oliver and Felicity that have been legit pandering (like I wrote a few pages back, Oliver carrying Felicity after their car accident? THAT was fan pandering), but their relationship as a whole? It's not.


    The writers get criticized when they stick with something that's not working (Laurel, in most instances), and they get criticized when they move a story in a direction that is working (IMO, Oliver and Felicity). Felicity was a one-off character, and the audience responded to her. She makes the show less dark, and she, along with Diggle, helps make Oliver a tolerable person at this point in his life. He brought her into his mission, and slowly over the past two years she's become a part of his life. Their chemistry is great (why anyone would think they have a sibling thing going on, I do not know), and the writers would be crazy not to explore it - not because the fans are clamoring for it, but because it's good story telling. When you stumble upon a gem, you dust it off and see what you can do with it. It's not like they're being thrown together to appease shippers - they've grown closer over TWO YEARS in what I believe is a very carefully handled build.


    This whole show is about Oliver. Nearly everything in it is shown to further HIS journey (which is another thing I have issues with, making the female characters essential to the man's journey, but I've accepted it with this show). If him having feelings for/dating Felicity helps guide him through part of that journey? It's NOT pandering. It doesn't matter if they're endgame or not. From what the producers have said, this date is the first step in him figuring out if he can have a life outside of Arrow. Maybe he can, maybe he can't. If he can, maybe that life is with Felicity. Maybe it's (hold on while I choke down the vomit) with Laurel. Maybe it's with neither one, but it's part of his journey, and (wait for it...) NOT PANDERING.


    ETA: Obviously I feel very strongly about this, haha

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