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Posts posted by apinknightmare


    But wouldn't she be required to tweet about every freebie that she gets if they were sponsored? I mean if you check out Katie Cassidy's tweets, they are all about the freebies that she gets and then she pimps them, EBR mostly tweets about her dog and froyo and Colton.

    I do believe that the wardrobe department either bought those shoes for EBR or CW struck some kinda deal with some fashion house.



    Well, Katie Cassidy's running a fashion blog - of course she'd tweet about any and every fashionable thing she gets her hands on.


    I don't think Emily's personally getting Jimmy Choo's for free, but no doubt the CW is either getting them for free or at a very, VERY discounted price.

  2. Sara's pre-island bangs drive me crazy because there's no way they could have grown out by the time Oliver met her again on the Amazo.


    Another thing that drives me crazy is Oliver's hair growing out and yet somehow he can trim his beard. Slade must've been super pissed about Oliver's relationship with Shado and not let him borrow his scissors, because Slade was able to keep himself nice and clean-cut.


    It's interesting that with Felicity not being a natural blonde, they hired a blonde to play her mother. I wonder if someone will make a comment about her being a bottle blonde too?

    • Love 3


    That is NOT the official CW FB page. The official page has blue verified tick and over 5 million likes.

    Check the typo. Die/dye. If CW is paying someone to run their social media, they would know the difference between die and dye.



    Jeez, sorry. I was posting from my phone. Deleted.

  4. Dialogue tease from the premiere:

    ArrowWritersRoom         ✔ @ARROWwriters

    "What're you doing here? And the answer better not be stalking me." - Felicity Smoak #DialogueTease #Arrow #Season3premiere

  5. So...intimate season 3.

    Cupid! Oh my word I am sure I read fan fiction with a situation involving a cupid person who kills unrequited lovers or some thing.

    It would be a change of pace to have someone crushing (deadly) on Diggle or Roy or Felicity. Not everyone must love Oliver Queen.


    It seems like she's obsessed with Arrow though, not Oliver, which is new. And not really all that surprising considering the City's positive opinion of him this season, I mean...I may or may not be a sucker for a hooded crime fighter, just saying. Can't blame the ladies of Starling for swooning although taking it to Annie Bates level is unnecessary, haha.

    • Love 4
  6. In his monologue? Oh I would die!!!!!


    The only reason I even entertain that idea is because the producers said that his feelings for Felicity are part of his arc for the season, so I don't think they'd shy away from going there in the monologue. Although watch them do away with the "My name is Oliver Queen" thing entirely, haha.

  7. Has anyone noticed that each season Oliver has dedicated his mission in relation to a person? Season 1: He was avenging for his father's sins. Season 2: Rededicating his mission for Tommy and trying not to be a killer. It will be interesting where Season 3 will take him.


    His monologue will probably mention him being a hero, and I wouldn't be surprised if he mentioned Felicity helping him find another way.

    • Love 1
  8. If that is MIT Felicity in the video, then I'm a bit disappointed that they've gone with the familiar Goth look for the computer geek girl.  I mean, there's Abby on NCIS and Chloe on 24, just to name two examples.  It would've been more original if Felicity had this normal, girl-next-door look that screamed National Honor Society but was this computer hacker.  (Hair that black has to be dyed, and Felicity's roots are brown.)


    But I guess the EPs are going for something major that happens at MIT that completely changes or forces Felicity to completely change her appearance.


    I think it's less about being "goth" and more about having Felicity do a complete 180 looks-wise. Since this show relies a lot upon flashbacks, it's easier visually to have the characters look as different as they can too. Sara with the bangs in her pre-island flashes, Oliver with the douchey coif and no goatee in his, longer hair in the island flashbacks...it makes it easier for the viewer to differentiate where they are in the story. I'm sure the look has something to do with her character development too; whether that's because she's hiding from something or trying to distance herself as much as possible from those days, I guess we'll find out in November.

    • Love 1
  9. Hmm. I wonder if they didn't misread "The CW comic book drama has landed Awkward and Glee alum Nolan Funk in a season-three guest spot, The Hollywood Reporter has learned." as 3 episodes? The THR article is clear about it being just ep 5.


    Yeah, I think they misread. There's nothing in that THR that indicates he'll be in more than one ep.

  10. Thank you apinknightmare and SmallScreenDiva for the correction.  It still doesn't feel right though.

    Anyone who graduated from MIT would think of themselves as "more than just some IT girl". 


    I don't know, when Felicity first joined up with Oliver and Digg she said that after they found Walter she wanted to go back to being a "boring IT girl." She's always been confident in her skills and enjoyed her work, but I think that meeting Oliver and taking up his cause showed her that she could use those skills not only to make a living, but also to effect change and do work for the common good. That's something she obviously wasn't doing in the IT department at Queen Consolidated. If her past is as exciting as it seems to be, there could've been comfort in the "boring IT girl" status quo, so it's not necessarily meant to be a knock - she might've found value in the monotony of her life. But now she's found something else that she loves, and Oliver helped her realize that side of herself. It feels true-to-character to me.

    • Love 6
  11. Hacker Goth or not, I'm having a hard time imagining that Felicity has ever been anything but upbeat and excited. Sure there would be the normal having to deal with her mother being her mother but I just can't see her being some sullen death is beautiful life is meaningless gal.

    She seems pretty upbeat and excited jumping on her boyfriend. :)

    • Love 2
  12. I don't mind the Goth look, but it wasn't the black hair that made it hard to tell it was EBR, it was the frumpy clothing they dressed her in.

    Well, she came from a single-family household in Vegas and probably didn't have a lot of money and spent a ton of time on schoolwork instead of worrying about her appearance, I imagine.

    Plus, I wonder if they're going for the visual effect of her doing a complete 180 in her present life-bright clothes, light hair, etc.

    • Love 2
  13. The line about if it weren't for Oliver she would have stayed a waitress in Las Vegas didn't ring true even then and less so now. If you're thinking big enough to get the money together for MIT and apply, you're not going to be stuck as a waitress. Much less take your degree there because schools like that teach you that as someone attending, you're something special.

    She never said she would've been a waitress in Vegas if it weren't for Oliver, she said that if she she had accepted her life, she would've been a waitress in Vegas like her mother.

    ETA: that came off kind of catty, which was not my intent, it's just that maybe I've watched that part so many times I know it by heart, sadly.

    • Love 4
  14. Just for the record - there isn't any confusion on the "business partners" line as the EPs have presented it at all. Oliver catches the criminals, Laurel prosecutes them. I think I might have been the one to make it confusing because I expressed my worry that they might try to make Oliver and Laurel ACTUAL business partners too, just to throw a curveball.

    One of the show's directors posted a pic on Twitter of Stephen and Katie in Verdant in plain clothes (Stephen is behind the camera), and given the fact that Oliver lost Verdant at the end of last season but still maintains the Arrow cave in its basement, I just started to wonder how he managed to do that (it could easily be explained away by him just regaining the asset since losing it in the first place was ridiculous), and part of me wondered if maybe we were going to be thrown by the writers by having them be business partners in Verdant too. I probably should've posted this in the speculation thread, but it was accompanied by actual spoilers, so...yeah. Sorry about that.

  15. I have to admit that I'm a sucker for the hands-cupped-around-the-face type kiss. And Oliver doesn't do it in a grabby way, but in a careful way that implies tenderness for Felicity.

    More thoughts on the "business partners" comment. Look, I don't know what they mean. But if it is a real business, then Laurel could have a small inheritance from a grandparent. Or the amounts she and Oliver each invest could be small amounts, along with a third partner who invests a larger amount - say, in a boxing gym with, say, Ted Grant.

    I'm a sucker for the face-cupping kiss too, and yeah. He's being tender, not grabbing her.

    If Oliver and Laurel are literal business partners, I'll find it ridiculous anyway so to me it doesn't really matter where she got the money to go in.

  16. Dosed by Vertigo's willpower drug maybe? Doesn't make it any less real since it's obviously what they both want.

    It does make it less real if one or both of them isn't in their right mind to consent, whether it's what they subconsciously/consciously want or not. I want this to be face value, I'm so tired of thinking everything with the two of them is a trick, haha. That being said, I am prepared that this might not be what it looks like.

    • Love 2
  17. Felicity's arms don't seem all in. Meaning while Oliver is full on grabbing her face, her hands/arms are kind of taken by surprise and half way there.

    She's just changing her hold on him though-it looks like she had her hands wrapped around his elbows and is sliding her fingers up to grip his wrists. There isn't anything about her face or body language that looks like she's surprised by what he's doing.

    • Love 3
  18. I would like nothing more for them to acknowledge WTF that relationship was about.

    I don't think it's a dream sequence because, like someone mentioned above, The CW would have their offices torched. I'm persuaded to go with Layla just gave birth, happy feelings all around, now KISS.

    Can we just talk about Laurel beating someone up In. A. Hospital. Bed. If this is the way Laurel is going I am all behind it. If she decides to make her own kind of justice and drop this goody two shoes thing I am there people.

    And Thea!! She looked scared slicing with that sword. Can't wait folks.

    ...hang on where's Diggle?

    BTW, that doesn't look like first kiss body language Felicity is sporting.

    Yeah, if Laurel's gonna be out sucker punching people in hospital beds (I mean seriously, the guy has a cast on), dispensing her own shady kind of justice, I could get behind that. Although it should at some point have ramifications on her job, because she's just doing it right out there where everyone can see? Not smart. Apart from the fact that I have absolutely no interest in do-gooder Laurel (my friend calls her Snorel), I don't buy it for a second. Every time I see that clip of the punch, I laugh. Not in a "this-is-so-ridiculous" way (even though it IS ridiculous), it's just such a punk-ass thing to do that I'm genuinely amused by it.

    As for Oliver and Felicity, I'm still really surprised that they're (almost) kissing, because those are the faces of people who are all in. I always thought Felicity would back off because she didn't think Oliver was serious, but she doesn't seem to hesitate for a second in that clip (and like the others mentioned, that doesn't seem like their first kiss?). Now I'm back to thinking she's going to tell him she's going to move on with her life when he breaks it off. That scene is going to be harder to watch than I thought, after seeing this.

    • Love 2
  19. I did not read any angst in that kiss so I'd say no, this isn't the culmination of their (date) night.  That kiss belongs to a couple still making plans to be together.


    No, I mean, what if that conversation isn't the angsty one? I always assumed that the declaration of feelings would happen during the scene where they were breaking things off. Something can be real and raw without being angsty (especially since I believe the quote was that they have a real and raw conversation about what they mean to each other), and what better time to lay it all on the line than when your closest friend is in the other room bringing a new life into the world? Then the date, then the break-up/break off.

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  20. I always thought the "real, raw" conversation and the "declaration" was going to happen after the date right before they break things off and be all angsty, but what if it happens while they're in the waiting room waiting for baby Diggle to be born, and that kiss is the culmination of it?

    • Love 3
  21. I that is actually the best thing I could imagine. Him saying "Felicity" as he holds her face in his hands and goes in for the kiss....Mother may I!? Whewwwwwww....holy cats


    It's either "Felicity" or "I love you." But I'm going with "Felicity."

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