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Posts posted by apinknightmare

  1. SA said that his feelings about Felicity will be absolutely clear in the first episode. What better way to make it clear than with that near kiss?


    I'll take the kiss, but I'm hoping that he flat-out tells her (which it seems like he will, based on the "declarations" comment).

  2. I'm not catching on to what is being referred to.  What's that line from?


    It's from Frozen.

    The prince the main character falls for turns out to not be so charming after all.

  3. I'd been wondering if there'd be a kiss, especially after Stephen Amell at the Nerd HQ panel teased that his favorite Olicity scene happens in the first episode of S3. If they were thisclose to including a kiss in S2, I figured first ep in S3 wouldn't be impossible. But man, I still didn't expect it.


    Well, they don't quuuuuuite get there. Some white-coated bastard is going to walk in and interrupt them and then he'll take her out and their dinner will be blown to smithereens, so they might not actually kiss. But here's me hoping, yet being a cynic in a sea full of optimists.


    Also, is the kiss for sure episode one? Because given the fact that Thea's in the promo and she allegedly doesn't come in until ep 4, maybe it's a mashup of stuff they've filmed so far?

    • Love 2
  4. Well, the promo stops short of a kiss. Who knows how it will go in the episode. It won't end with "Oh, Felicity, if only there was someone out there who loved you," at least, because Disney would sue the crap out of them. I wonder where they're at, too. A.R.G.U.S. lobby? Haha.


    Don't you dare even put that out into the universe!


    (and they're at a hospital)

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  5. I think it would nicely fit in after he asks her on a date date.  They both have such a sweet, happy expression on their faces. I'll take it since I know all that happy goes away quickly. 


    Yeah, I'll take it too. Sigh.

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  6. @wingster55, don't worry, I'll be plenty excited to compensate for you :) 


    Video quality was terrible. Thank god I have a laptop to put sideways. the only new things were the Laurel 'beatdown' so to say and the Olicity (almost) kiss. I honestly cannot wait for Thea and Malcolm! But I don't think we'll be seeing any promos for them until the end of October or early November :/ 


    Wasn't Thea in this one? Right before the shot of someone pulling back an arrow? I want to say she looked like she threw a pillow at something, but that's the sideways viewing talking

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  7. That makes more sense. So would the asking out come before or after this maybe kiss?


    Damn Canada. The US promo team needs to get with the program.


    IF this is real, it has to be after the asking (since MG said she replied with "a date date?" If he had kissed her like that, surely she'd know he meant a date date), but before the date. Although them kissing before the date takes all the tension out of it, but then again maybe the producers/writers wanted to do something unexpected? And maybe they wanted to give the audience a kiss since they're going to be breaking up by the end of the ep.

  8. It's so blue and light it made me think hospital waiting room. Isn't baby Diggle being born in 301? Maybe they're celebrating the ~beauty of life. *g*


    Oooh, good theory.


    Although, does this happen between him asking her out and them going on a date? It can't possibly happen before he asks her, because MG said she wasn't sure he was actually asking her on a date - if he'd kissed her, she'd know. It can't be after the date, because...surely Oliver breaks it off after they all get blowed up. Now I'm back to thinking it's not real, haha.

  9. I don't really trust tumblr with theories :p I only have an account because news on tumblr spreads like wildfire. 


    But I don't think that's the same dress because this one looks more purple? IDK. 

    I'm willing to give Laurel the benefit of the doubt. I mean, it's not like she can start out by beating thugs. She needs to start small, like beating guys in hospitals lol


    I think this is her pink boob window dress maybe?


    and LMAO

  10. Tumblr seems to think the kiss happens before they show Felicity walking away and looking back at Oliver in the first promo we got. Where they're both staring at each other with googly heart eyes. I think the dress is the same.


    But that's not the foundry, it looks like someone's house or office. Also, production note: it's way too bright.

  11. I don't know if that's enough for us to say Laurel kicked that guys butt. She usually gets in one hit then immediately needs to be rescued by someone that actually knows how to fight. 


    The Olicity kiss seems a little too soon, especially if they are going to have Felicity going on a date with Barry Allen for an episode and maybe dating Ray. 


    My default response is: IT'S A TRICK!


    I wonder where they are? The lighting looks kind of corporate (but why would they be kissing in an office? That isn't QC, so....) and a little too bright? Is that just me thinking it's some kind of hallucination (yes)?

    Maybe it's Felicity's place? Or Oliver's? (or not real?)

    • Love 2
  12. Can we discuss EBR's arms here? Damn she's buff. Also, this is so sweet. I would've preferred them  not to kiss until later, but still... It's sweet :)




    Also yeah, Laurel didn't headbutt, but she did kick that guy's butt! I think we're going to get a badass laurel real soon. To be honest, I prefer this Laurel to the whiny one we saw in season 2. Also can't wait for Sara kicking ass :) 



    I notice that those lips don't quite meet, the teasing bastards.


    Hopefully if Laurel's going around kicking ass, that's the end of her being damseled for the sake of plot.


    I don't think she head butted him, I think she shoved his head into a desk/table. We also have Canary kicking ass.


    Ah, okay. It's difficult to tell what with the quality and me having to tilt my head at a 90-degree angle to watch it.

  14. Because I don't trust this show, I'm gonna believe it's either part of Oliver's "vision" or something drug-induced, haha (until the show tells me otherwise). Whoever took this failed, because everyone knows you TAKE VIDEO OF THE PROMO. Gah. ;)

  15. Also I'm pretty sure that Laurel will only get the DAs position because of her working with The Arrow and not because of her own hard work. Working with the Arrow essentially would make it easier for Laurel to put away bad guys. Yet again, Laurel gets the easy way out... 


    I just assumed she was DA because Slade's army killed everyone else in the DA's office. Like...she was literally the only one left, haha.

    • Love 6
  16. I think "business partners" means an actual business - so it could very well be Verdant or some other business that Oliver and Laurel invest in together. Laurel really must have a trust fund or inheritance of some kind. How else can she always afford to dress so fashionably, first on a nonprofit job salary and now on a DA salary, let alone invest in a business. It would be different if she had first worked for a large law firm earning (and saving) tons of money before taking on the lower paying law jobs.

    I really hope I'm wrong, but I do have a gut feeling that they mean "business partners" literally. I hope it's not Verdant, what with Laurel being a recovering addict (not that addicts can't own nightclubs, but most of them probably wouldn't get into the business after entering recovery) but that is so something this show would do. Not to mention the money aspect. So...yeah, I'll just keep hoping I'm wrong.

  17. Do we have any information on what kind of business Laurel and Oliver go into together?

    They're "business partners" in that Oliver catches the criminals and Laurel prosecutes them.

    Unless the story gets super ridiculous and also has them owning Verdant together (which worries me because of the BTS pic of Stephen and Katie one of the directors tweeted of the two of them in the club. Of course, that could mean anything but I always worry about stupid plot developments, and that one would be stupid). I mean, either Oliver manages to get Verdant back or someone in the know buys it, since the lair is still in the basement.

    But that's just speculation on my part.

  18. Because it's no different than the other stuff they repeatedly mentioned. It wasn't as though they promoted Felicity's appearance above all.

    And Grant may get asked, but primarily because it's a romantic relationship. Same reason he gets asked about Iris and even a bit about Caitlin.

    Right. Stuff they repeatedly mentioned during interviews with reporters who are gathering sound bites to integrate into articles that are published with the sole purpose of drumming up excitement for the upcoming season of television.

  19. Oliver was pretty repulsed when he found out that his father had slept with Isabel too.

    The dialogue MG tweeted is from the s2.5 comics and not the TV show, right?

    He does both, but the lines he teased last night are from the season 2.5 tie-in comics.

  20. I think sizable may be exaggerating it some.

    It wasn't a focus though imo.

    Everything was mentioned in every interview. Multiple ones mentioned Tommy's returned for instance.

    What does it matter if it's the focus? The whole point is to get it out there, which is what the producers are doing by mentioning it during those interviews (which were for Arrow, not The Flash). They're trying to get people excited about tuning in (which is also why they mentioned Tommy).
  21. I heard plenty of talk of Stephen's cameo back in may actually...many fans were excited for it (and even more so once the pilot was leaked).

    I'm not talking about fans, I'm talking about the producers, who are hyping up Felicity's visit to Central City to get people to tune in - which was the point of my post.

  22. Was that confirmed? I think Stephen in the premiere is more of that than Felicity. Her Flash appearance is something that is more organic than Oliver. 

    I think she isn't as safe. I don't think she'll be killed but based on the comics Roy and BC are safe.

    Was what confirmed? The EP's aren't going to outright say they're using a character to lure in an audience, but that's what they're doing. Her visit to Central City was mentioned several times during CC, and Grant Gustin's talked about it in a few interviews for The Flash. No one's really mentioned Stephen's appearance in the pilot to the same effect. Mainly because Felicity's actually involved in the plot and Stephen just had a cameo.

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