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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. They did make up, offscreen it seems, sometime in late S2. Seems like they're together (or at least friendly) in the 2.5 comics.
  2. Yeah, Oliver's just an underling at this point, it seems. I think we'll probably get more rules about the LP in this next ep, because the obvious question is, "why not throw anyone in there?" I think them having a ceremony (which I'm guessing they do since that priestess is there) and requiring "permission" is a pretty clever thing to do if they're going to bring it in to the show. Because obviously the strings that come with putting someone in it coupled with the fact that they become a little not right when they come out provides good reasoning for why you wouldn't just use it every time someone dies.
  3. In the 2.5 comics, it was mentioned that you need to have permission to use the Pit, you can't just put anyone in there. Given the way Ra's felt about Nyssa and Sara's relationship, I doubt he would've given Nyssa permission to use them on Sara. I'm not sure what the consequences are for using them without permission - the comics indicated that would be addressed in the show. So, maybe Sara does come back via LP, but from an "unauthorized use," so she's completely bananapants or something, IDK. Also, since Oliver took Thea to the hospital for her injuries and does need to LP her to bring her back, this seems to be in a gray area prophecy-wise, since it seems like Thea would die without use of the LP.
  4. To me, it sounds like the name of a superhero show that would be big on a superhero show, like some cheesy tongue-in-cheek thing. Like you'd see billboards for it in Central City while watching The Flash.
  5. I want Felicity's surprise for Oliver to be that damn fern, haha.
  6. They named Roy the Bad Apple for lying to the cops about being Arrow, so I really think it's just because she's cooking up a plan.
  7. Personally, it wouldn't bother me (depending on the circumstances under which they got married. It'd have to be their idea, not Ra's). What would bother me is if Oliver randomly married someone and then couldn't be with Felicity because he wanted to make it work with the person he married for whatever stupid reason. Oliver and Nyssa would be a business transaction, which does seem pointless to tease, but what do I know.
  8. I'm not against Roy coming back, but it would depend on the circumstances. If Oliver and co. is legitimized by some government entity, then okay. If he just randomly shows up, yeah...I've got a problem with that. Apart from the fact that I truly believe that Malcolm doesn't give a shit if someone sees him, because he believes that no prison can hold him or whatever, Malcolm didn't give himself up to save someone else. So, why would Roy come back? If he doesn't care about getting caught then whatever, but he did it to save Oliver, who would be right back in the same mess (if not a bigger one), if Roy turned up alive. So then everything Roy did was for nothing. It would make zero sense.
  9. Yeah, I'm really curious about what she's doing, because no way does she just let Oliver go to the League and consider that that. She and hopefully Diggle have got to have a plan. Hopefully Oliver's in on it, especially after that "you have to learn to let people help you" nugget 'o wisdom.
  10. Of course they can eventually work Arrow back into the story - Roy faked his death to take the fall for Oliver. That's why I have issues with Roy coming back in any capacity, unless the show doesn't take place in SC anymore and he's got a whole new identity. But...meh, that's stupid IMO.
  11. Hopefully there's nowhere for her to follow him to, because I swear if he comes to her instead of her going to him I'm going to send MG Tumblr hate mail. Because seriously, THE CITY THINKS HE'S DEAD. WHY WOULD HE GO BACK THERE. Anyway. Am I the only one who finds it hysterical that the Starling City vigilante club is going to start using PI as their new base? In the time it takes to get downstairs, whatever crime they're going to stop would already be over and done. Here's hoping they have a makeshift HQ in the basement or something.
  12. Yeah, MG saying that Thea and Roy need closure makes me think that they aren't the ones getting married. Apart from that, I really don't see how they could work Roy back into the storyline at all since he took the fall for Oliver (assuming that sticks throughout the rest of the season). ETA: hit "submit" too soon. Anyway, I don't see the point in marrying anyone off if the marriage isn't going to last until season 4. That's why I think that's trolling, and I just don't see the point in marrying Roy and Thea since there's no believable way to work them back into the main story together, so they'd just be getting married and that's it? Unless it's a strategic marriage to defeat Ra's or it's something that's going to actually stick in the future, there's just no point to it.
  13. I don't know about other shows, but I do know that these EPs, MG especially have a history of wanting to rile people up, so it wouldn't surprise me in the least if it wound up being a "gotcha" again. Although I'm not sure what the point of doing that would be if they didn't want ratings to drop for 3x23. Then again, if they sold it as something strategic and/or not real to the audience (like Oliver/Nyssa), then it probably wouldn't upset a large group of people enough to not tune in the following week. Not sure what the point of Roy and Thea getting married would be, but it could be them. Could be Felicity and Oliver too, I don't know.
  14. Wasn't there some kind of storyline in the 2.5 comics about what happens when you use the Lazarus Pit without permission, or am I making that up? Didn't it say it was going to be continued in the show, or am I making that up too?
  15. My guess is because people would think it's Oliver and Felicity, and get to talking. Which is exactly what we're doing. It could be them, I'm not saying it isn't. But all signs point to it being them, which, with this group, makes me think it's not.
  16. I think the most probable wedding is one between Oliver and a female League member, for what purpose I do not know. They've dropped a ton of hints that it'll be O/F, that's why I think it isn't. I think MG saying he's not sure if the marriage will last till S4 is just some old fashioned trolling.
  17. Wasn't Roy wearing a mechanics uniform in the BTS pic that was posted? He'd have to be really stupid to come back to SC, so I'm guessing Thea goes to him (with the help of the team, I guess), so I don't think his appearance is for a wedding, and if it is then it's probably going to be an elopement. Although what the point of that would be, idk. And the way the EPs talk about it like it's a cap to a 3 year love story makes me think they're saying their goodbyes, not getting married. The title of the ep is about love, so it could be a love-based marriage (Roy and Thea or Oliver and Felicity), or it could be a non-love based marriage (Oliver and whoever from the League) in some kind of scheme to get back to the people he actually loves. The only way an Oliver/Nyssa marriage wouldn't anger me is if they entered into it willingly together to trick/fool Ra's. Why exactly they would need to do that to accomplish anything idk.
  18. I thought the plane and marriage spec were two different things? Anyway, the plane makes me think that Oliver's gonna get out of his warith al Ghul commitment because he made a commitment to a government-sponsored organization that may or may not be slightly less shady than the LoA. But that's not really badass, I guess, but I have no other idea for what it could be.
  19. Since all signs point to Ra's wanting Nyssa dead since he finally got his new heir to sign up for the assassin business, I think if Ra's wants to marry Oliver off for an heir, it'll be to a previously unmentioned daughter or to a high-standing female League member, not Nyssa.
  20. Maybe the virus comes into play in present day, and a government entity swoops in and makes it worth Ra's while to let them take Oliver away, since he has some experience with it? That's pretty lame, but it's the best I could come up with, haha
  21. I think @statsgirl's point was that MG's answer was oddly phrased. Instead of saying, "It won't affect Laurel being Black Canary," or something of the like, he said "it's not going to affect what happens with Laurel," kind of makes it sound like something's happening to Laurel. Not that I think anything at all is happening to Laurel.
  22. Not sure who it's supposed to be. Like tarotx pointed out - it seems like it's old. Can't figure out why it's supposed to be a spoiler, that's why I asked if it was supposed to be Thea, haha.
  23. So, those pictures in the Spoiler thread - Tatsu is around when Oliver (I'm guessing) comes into contact with the Bratva or maybe gets on that Russian ship? And who is the archer in that pic, is it supposed to be Thea? If so...where's her hair?
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