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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I have a stomach ache. Please don't make me sicker, Arrow.
  2. 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
  3. Maybe this is a picture that one of them has/looks at and it lets us know that they know each other? Just grasping at straws here, LOL.
  4. I'm guessing the pic on the left is BTS and not in the ep? But IDK.
  5. Much as I would love that quote to be something sweet and Olicity-related, I would never stop laughing if Stan the Fan is saying it to Oliver.
  6. I get wanting to cut out the middle man to deliver your own content to consumers, but everyone and their mother starting up individual streaming sites is a long-term terrible idea IMO. At this point you have to have a cable subscription to watch online for most channels, then if you want to get content you used to get on Netflix you'll have to pay $10 a month for however many channels that content is on now, and if anyone's interested in Netflix's original stuff they'll have to keep paying for that too. Making it easy and affordable for people to access made them less likely to pirate it. Anyway, good luck WB.
  7. They could just be there because Dinah gets her throat slashed.
  8. I don't dare hope we might be ridding ourselves of a newbie, but that succession of photos is really cute, LOL
  9. I'm mad that Oliver thinks William's assessment of his tendency to make decisions for people is unfair. How many times must this be an issue for you before you admit it, you beautiful, beautiful idiot?
  10. I really hope they already know why William was expelled and are just trying to get him to answer the question. Like...just call the school? Goodness lmao.
  11. I think it was supposed to show her having a deep, deep think about how the crimes could be connected.
  12. It is very Law and Order: Star City and I cannot express how much it turns me off. Please rebuild the lair, stat, Oliver. You've worked more magic in a week before.
  13. Do Curtis and Diggle not work for ARGUS anymore, or are they allowed to go plainclothes for Star City's not-so-finest whenever there's an emergency? Gotta love how that reciprocity works for everything but them getting arrested last week. Also, I'm gonna be very sad that Dinah's going to survive a throat slashing with the others didn't. Guess that canary cry hardened everything in the neck area.
  14. I love that even in a dystopian trash future, someone's out there still doing nails for the broken, rough and tumble citizens of Star City.
  15. Yes! I want pretty much anyone’s take on things but hers.
  16. Unless the getting surveilled is the point, and they're using it to their advantage similar to the way that Oliver did when he knew Slade had planted cameras in the mansion. We don't know that they would be pretending because there's a danger to them. Maybe Mia's gotten in with some crowd via her thievery and they're trying to keep her connection to William quiet, who knows. I'm not expecting it to make complete sense in the end. I mean, there's no obvious reason for Connor - who we know is JJ - to go by a different name, but he is. Oh, I'm not expecting it to be seamless, or even good. I'm expecting it to be a train wreck, it just doesn't have to be as awful as Mia being abducted from infancy or Oliver and Felicity giving her away when she was a baby, etc. They can make up any reason they want to justify why these people are doing the things that they're doing, and we're sitting here trying to solve a puzzle when we don't even have a quarter of the pieces, LOL.
  17. I answered that question in the comment that you quoted. They could know they're being surveilled and pretending (that's even happened before in this show!) for a purpose that we don't know yet since we've only met one of the people behind this Star City bombing plot, and only for a second. For suspense. Oliver's only been mentioned in passing twice - we have no idea what he's up to or if he's even alive, because they don't want us to know that yet. If Mia is Oliver and Felicity's, no one's mentioned her because Beth wants to keep us guessing. First, I think the purpose of the flash forwards is to establish future Team Arrow (after the future villain plot is resolved by them all coming together), and second, Beth wants us to keep guessing while she moves the pieces to establish Future Team Arrow. I get caught up in speculating as much as anyone - it's hard not to, but for now it's hard to make sense of anything because nothing is supposed to make sense.
  18. The possibility of Mia (if she is O/F's) being stolen and Oliver and Felicity not finding her for twenty years would be nonsense IMO. So would them willingly giving her up. A long-con of sorts (with Mia, William and whoever else as willing participants for whatever reason) is the only way out that I can think of that would make actual sense to me. And that ARCHER surveillance program could be a really simple explanation as to why people are pretending not to know each other and going by different names. They could know O/F had a child and still not recognize her as an adult depending on how long it'd been since they've been close.
  19. Right? I'm kind of hoping that Miaya, William and JJConnor are all running a long con with Felicity and Oliver's help to out the Canary network for their evils, with Roy as an unwitting pawn because he's been away too long to realize he's being duped. No wonder Felicity went underground and didn't want to join them. They suck!
  20. No, I rewatched those FFs - unless I blacked out during a scene, she didn't mention it. I initially thought she had mentioned it when she motioned to her scar when she first met up with Roy and William, but she didn't mention it then either, and I can only watch so much of her to figure it out, LOL. I was just wondering if I missed it (totally possible, because I'm not interested in her at all), or if people were assuming. I think it's kinda funny if she has lost the cry that she can somehow still talk normally. Oh, if only that slash had permanently disabled her vocal cords. ETA: wait, I misread the comment about it maybe being in the ep AFTER she tells William Felicity's dead. Let me go suffer through that. ETA again: Nope, not there either. But holy god are Dinah and Zoe the worst vigilantes in existence. Find out there's a plot to blow up a city? DEFINITELY don't investigate because it's too dangerous, LOL.
  21. I do think the intent was to keep the flash forwards fixed and continue on with that story, but I hope Beth has changed her mind about that. They do seem kinda tone deaf about listening to certain criticisms sometimes though, so who knows. Also, can someone refresh my memory? I don't remember - was it explicitly stated somewhere in the future that Dinah lost her cry, or is that just an assumption based on her slasher scar?
  22. I hope this is it because that was my burning question after the last episode. Where would a tween hang out (for a while, I guess?) after getting expelled from boarding school? Although I wonder what lie he told Nana Clayton about it, unless she just hates Oliver's guts and doesn't care.
  23. I agree. There wasn’t any indication that the Flash/Arrow switcheroo happened closer to Christmas than we were in real time. Felicity could’ve even mentioned that they were taking care of a big problem in Central City when William mentioned it.
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