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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Me too! So I'll just have to wear my flattest flats when I meet him next month, haha. Seems like maybe it's right behind Emily's neck? I can't tell if that's his arm back there or Willa's. Looks more like his?
  2. You shorties! Provided SA isn't lying about his height, I'm nearly as tall as he is, haha.
  3. I think it's a little weird that he accepted it so easily just because of the sheer lengths the dude has gone to in order to protect her. I mean, just a few episodes prior to her suiting up he saw her mostly dead and gave up his entire life just to save her. It does seem kind of odd that he'd just be okey dokey without putting up any kind of fight, although I do appreciate him finally letting her have some agency. So, growth. I approve.
  4. Plus, he fought Slade with her, and then used her dislocated arm (that HE dislocated) to spring them from his cell on Lian Yu, lmao. He knows she's tough and capable. I'm sure it won't be easy for him to see her get roughed up, but she'll probably have taken most of her beginner licks before he even rolls back into town.
  5. She's hosting the Batman vs. Superman panel - maybe they didn't want to have her do two?
  6. Maybe. He's seen her fight though - he knows she can do it.
  7. Oliver is already okay with Thea being in the field. He was strangely okay with it from the get go, given how protective he was of her pretty much right up until he saw her in her costume for the first time. Not only did he give his blessings during his little hero speech at Palmer Tech, he also gave her a code name and then promptly booked it out of town. I hope Sara's upset and stays upset about it. What I'm afraid is going to happen is that she's going to be upset for a short time period, then Laurel is going to wow her with awesomeness, and Sara will admit that she was in the wrong.
  8. I suppose there are some ways I'd be interested in Laurel's reaction to Sara being alive, but I'm sure it'll go something like this: Shock, trite bonding, Sara finding out that Laurel took up her mantle, anger and doubt from Sara, Laurel being awesome to prove her wrong, Sara accepting/telling Laurel how amazing she is and how wrong she was to doubt her! Bonus points if they don't go that way.
  9. If he's talking about wanting an apology for someone calling him out on that disgusting mess, then....nah. If it's about something else, I want to know what it is. /nosy
  10. The fic was the only good thing to come out of this, haha.
  11. I feel like he's either mentioned the reporter in question before, like he wrote a FB post about whatever it is they wrote? Or maybe I'm just confusing it with that one time he went off on Men's Health for posting some YouTube and it turned out that his publicist is the one who provided them with the clip, hahaha.
  12. Hopefully in the future they'll just slap them in the dark with a background of the city, because I cannot make sense of the bright blue sky and Quentin, Digg and Felicity's exploding legs. Although I suppose they needed the light background so they wouldn't have to spend time contrasting the dark costumes with the dark background. But...FIRE LEGS.
  13. Okay, Coke can pick the winner. Either way, I wouldn't be surprised if it isn't Oliver and Felicity.
  14. The rules state that MTV can pick the winner. So I wouldn't be surprised if Olicity doesn't win even if they have the most "votes."
  15. Oh good. I haven't been paying too much attention to what's been going on with it - I generally scroll past since I mostly look at Tumblr on my phone and can't block the hashtags.
  16. That ship of the year contest for MTV is never going to be over. I went on Tumblr this morning, and it's reblog city - apparently MTV quietly extended the deadline last night. Guess they're not getting the outcome they want.
  17. I don't think Quentin's inclusion in the poster means anything. I like PB and all, not saying he doesn't deserve to be on there, but in order to get all the masks on there, they needed symmetry for the other side of the poster, I guess. They basically killed off/let go of anyone else who could've been on there.
  18. The elevator one is better, but WHAT IS RAY DOING? His face, his body. Yikes.
  19. Sara's legs were afterthoughts, too, haha. As in I wonder if anyone realized that they aren't there?
  20. See, I feel like Oliver at least has the past to back up him being an idiot. Granted, yes, it's getting old at this point, but Barry taking the chance of voiding the entire world just to save his mom is about a thousand steps too far into selfish idiot territory for me to be able to deal with.
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