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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I think that means that Oliver asks Lance for a favor and isn't surprised that he says no, but IS surprised when he sees Lance working with Darhk. Pretty sure Laurel tells Quentin about Sara since we got that scene of her leading him to Sara while telling him she wasn't keeping secrets from him anymore.
  2. It seems like maybe he's laying down on his stomach with his head to the side?
  3. In-episode resolution followed by that hard-to-figure-out upside-down kiss, pls. Wasn't there a spoiler about something about Ray pushing O&F's relationship further or something like that?
  4. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE I know this tension is going to be Oliver misinterpreting Felicity's freakout as residual feelings, and that better be resolved by the end of the episode. I also want to know how/why DD has Ray.
  5. I didn't say that's what I wanted to see, that's just what I think will happen. These people never let anything breathe, so I don't think they'll have her continuing to struggle with wanting to kill, especially since-as Malcolm said last night-she can't kill the person who hurt her, so the bloodlust won't ever stop. But who knows, maybe they'll keep up with it throughout the season.
  6. That wasn't my point-it's that the Pit storyline is basically over. It existed, it was used, we've seen the effects, and if Constantine is there to fix Sara, why wouldn't he fix Thea, too? Seems to me that her reaction was there to bring Malcolm back into the picture and to serve as a way to bring Laurel up to speed on the Pit so she could resurrect Sara. There's no reason for Thea to keep suffering.
  7. You'd think she would have done it anyway, since she was against the existence of the Pit and certainly would've been against Malcolm having access to it.
  8. Weren't they razor sharp on the edges? It's not much of a leap from there. Also, I loved Nyssa's badass moment of ruining the Pit, but it would've made more sense if she'd done it BEFORE Sara got dunked. She had plenty of time.
  9. I imagine he figured it out in the unfortunate bloody aftermath following the scratching of an itch.
  10. Know what would be a great storyline for Laurel? Her being conflicted about being a lawyer and a vigilante. Complete with some high-stakes storyline where some criminal saw her and recognized her and is blackmailing her or...something. It's like they completely avoid the storylines that actually make sense for her.
  11. Oh, I know, I just think it's stupid not to kill that storyline. Not many people care about the kid if it isn't canon (and a lot didn't care when he could've been Connor), so why not just leave that out there as an unresolved thing, or indicate that she actually did have a miscarriage? They could've tied that up fairly easily-going with it now is stupid.
  12. Oooh, yeah. They could have done that! Seems pointless to introduce a kid who isn't canon, so I'm not sure why they did that anyway. Bleh. I think PrimalSlayer meant that Connor would've been Oliver's only kid-but we wouldn't have to deal with him as a kid on the show, just as a grown-up from the future. Unless I'm misunderstanding.
  13. It would be cool, but how would an Andy (IF it's him) under some voodoo juju keep himself from killing Diggle? THAT'S SOME WEAK SAUCE MIND CONTROL, DAMIEN.
  14. I don't see why it matters on Arrow, since Oliver isn't old enough to have a kid who is old enough to do anything other than be a kid. Even if his child was Connor Hawke, he's under 10. What would be the point?
  15. I'd prefer that too, and not that I expect this show to stick to its own canon, but the mayoral race ended in May previously, so IDK.
  16. If there's an engagement, I hope that it's just a public announcement. If he asks her in public, it would seem like campaigning. It's helpful that we know he was planning on doing it in Ivy Town, but still.
  17. Yeah, they've brought everyone back, shown that the Pit is a terrible idea and did away with it. No reason for Thea to continue struggling with the effects.
  18. Yeah, it wasn't a good thing to say at all.
  19. I'm not sure a kiss would make that dude vomit, but it could be a ploy to get site hits or something (although IIRC he said he doesn't make money off of that, so I'm not sure what the point would be).
  20. I was thinking a public proposal could be some kind of trick/trap to get Felicity in with DD, but Oliver wouldn't need to propose for that, just knowing she's his girlfriend would be enough to make her a target (I would think).
  21. Trying to figure out what would make him vomit a lot, ahaha. Oliver proposing? But in public? IDK
  22. No, I think she was injected with the same stuff Malcom gave Sara. And then Felicity stole some of it.
  23. Eh, I get her wanting to have her sister back, but literally everyone who knew she was doing this told her it was a terrible idea. It's difficult to sympathize with her when everything she was warned about happened.
  24. We don't know if that's the first time they met up, though. It's just the first time they're doing it outside (where someone was able to take a picture). The kid and mom probably aren't showing up at his announcement, but it would be one of the more dramatic ways the kid could be introduced. It's probably Darhk.
  25. It could be that telling the team about Quentin is his announcement,I'm just not sure what could happen at the rally that would make him look like he does in the promo, unless maybe Darhk shows up there to challenge him or something. Oliver's meeting with baby mama and kid in 9 (I think, so it might not be too soon to introduce them).
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