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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. And Quentin wouldn't have thought Oliver was the one killing those people if he hadn't lost trust in the guy after finding out that he kept Laurel's idiotic Sara's dead secret.
  2. Giving a man who has come after you for vigilantism access to your secret crimefighting lair is stupid regardless of what that relationship is like at the moment. Quentin called off the anti-vigilante task force at the beginning of S3, and was raiding the foundry at the end. No matter how favorable he's being now, he can't be trusted. He showed Quentin the lair before he realized that he was working with Darhk, and I hope Oliver felt his stomach fall down to his feet when he realized he let a guy working with a mass murderer into a place he'd just built for everyone to be safe. Because seriously, so stupid.
  3. IDK, with the way he seems to turn on the team on a dime, I think she's right to worry about him knowing where their brand new secret hideout is. He came after Oliver last year when Laurel was working with him, so I don't think her involvement guarantees anything.
  4. I guess so, but why would he assume that someone wouldn't step up to challenge him? Why bother having a HQ at all? He still has to actually campaign, and he can't do that by himself.
  5. He's still got to get the vote out - and those are unpaid interns.
  6. Could be the son, too. I wonder how Oliver's going to find out about that? Is someone going to find out when they vet him? Is DD somehow aware of this fact and will he let it slip, threatening Oliver if he doesn't drop out of the mayoral race? I mean, he was upset about Madison Danforth being threatened, but maybe he won't have the same objection however many eps from now, because plot.
  7. I forgot about no-kill Andy! And it makes sense because BROTHERHOOD, and this show is nothing if not NOT subtle.
  8. And bedside, handholding tears! So, 4x07 Brotherhood: I'm glad WM (hopefully being honest) said that DD isn't Felicity's father, because this would totally make me think that he was.
  9. Party gets crashed by DD, he takes Felicity, we're all left hanging over the winter break, thinking she's the person in the grave because SURELY they will show it again. /pointless spec
  10. Yeah, he absolutely needed to read her her rights. But this is SCPD we're talking about, so...
  11. I think it wasn't public knowledge - at least they made it seem like there weren't rumors among the employees.
  12. How would he have recorded that though? He wasn't even wearing the suit when he died. I hope the recording is, "I'm sorry Felicity. This is all my fault. I SHRUNK MYSELF PLEASE HELP ME." If he just apologized to her, what a moron.
  13. I have a question - Ray's last words were "I'm sorry Felicity, this is my fault." He went splodey immediately, so did he not die right away? Or did he apologize for dying before he did the thing that killed him?
  14. I mean, it DOES appear to be a light source of some kind!
  15. I don't care who Oliver ziplines with, but I care VERY MUCH about what he anchors said ziplines off of. THE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON
  16. Maybe she didn't like the elevator Muzak?!
  17. I don't think the scene was specifically a callback to Ray - she mentioned before that she liked watching Oliver do that, and had made some other references to enjoying Sally before Ray ever entered the picture. And I don't think she was trying to hide her enjoyment of seeing him - she flat-out said she was glad they came back when she saw him with Sally. I think the point was that something else was on her mind, and Oliver knew her well enough to recognize that.
  18. No, I get you. I didn't think it was bad at all, just boring. But I think that's more to do with what I enjoy out of the show personally (which there wasn't a lot of last night) than actual quality. If that makes any sense.
  19. I enjoyed it, but also found it to be kind of a slog? It's weird, so much was happening, but when I looked at the clock I was like, "How are we not even halfway through yet?" I guess maybe it's a matter of engagement in the storyline - I liked the mayoral stuff and the lair stuff, but the crooked cop plotline didn't grab me, and I generally hate Quentin, so I didn't really care about him finding redemption with Oliver, although at the same time I thought Paul Blackthorne put in a really good performance. Last night's ep was weird like that for me.
  20. I wouldn't mind Laurel calling Oliver out so much usually, since he has been kind of a hypocrite in the past. But it seems to me based on the preview that he's not upset that she's alive so much as he's upset that she's alive and on a killing spree. Which she wouldn't have been on if Laurel hadn't a) brought her home when she was clearly not ready, or b) chained her up in her basement unattended and kept it a secret.
  21. Yeah, and those people agreed to work on the campaign as unpaid interns, so if they had a problem with not getting paid, they wouldn't be there.
  22. This is a discussion board, and we're discussing the show? Pointing out ridiculous plot points and working through them isn't bitching? The speed with which these people move from place to place is a valid point of discussion no matter where the points of origin/destinations are. Not sure why it bothers you that people are talking about these things on a site that's designed specifically for us to talk about them.
  23. Sara probably isn't fighting in any kind of nuanced way that's easy to defend yourself against since she's out of her mind. Its probably just feral swings and all-out rage. And, obviously it might be difficult for her to fight back when she's laid up in the hospital.
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