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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I am aware of the situations of the other two examples I gave. And while I hope for sensitivity in whatever storyline Felicity gets, I'm too cynical to expect it. At all.
  2. I mean, Eobard faked paralyzation over on The Flash, and Barry overcame it in half an episode because of his super speedy healing. We aren't exactly dealing with a very high-level of sensitivity to these kinds of issues here. If the paralyzation actually happened, I would be honestly surprised if it wasn't specifically written to give her a way to come up with groundbreaking tech/treatment that's gonna save Palmer Tech.
  3. My short guess is 2 eps. My longer guess is that it'll take until whatever episode the dreaded board meeting of doom is, and Felicity will enter the meeting in her wheelchair, and then stand up to present her Palmer Tech-saving whatever that helped her walk again.
  4. I'm surprised Felicity is on there. I know there are people out there who actively loathe her, but I'd never consider her polarizing.
  5. No clue. I didn't know there was a video, I just thought it was a picture - didn't see when it was taken.
  6. I meant right after 4x09, even though a month or more would've passed in real time. I edited to clarify.
  7. I'm interested if someone has an answer, too, because I looked and couldn't find any actual medical reasons for it, other than preference. Maybe 4x10 picks up right after 4x09, and then between 4x10 and 4x11 we get back to real time, so it's not still so early on in the injury (show-wise, I mean)?
  8. I imagine it's mostly to do with preference. If someone were to have full use of their upper body, and need to move around/turn around a lot, they'd want a lower-backed chair to give them freedom of movement. Some people might not want to be pushed or be helped - could be an independence thing.
  9. I don't think the kid is going to become a major character or that we'll see him all that much, but what your post implied (and I now understand was not what you meant) was that this was a throwaway storyline that didn't matter because it was being brought up during a crossover.
  10. *If* Felicity actually is paralyzed post-4x09, then they could easily make her question whether she wants kids while dealing with her disability. That would be a way of having her struggle with it, but not be completely off the table. Sorry, I disagree. It's one thing if the kid winds up not being Oliver's, but if he is Oliver's, then it's not a cheat episode. I mean, it's supposed to kick off a whole arc for Oliver and Felicity. It counts.
  11. The CC part of the crossover is Arrow. The Flash gang travels to Star City during their hour.
  12. If Oliver confronts her about it, then it seems like he wants to be a part of the kid's life. If the mother doesn't want that, then I'd wonder why Oliver doesn't fight for it anyway, since he would have the right to do that.
  13. I don't think the Hawkgirl actress is terrible, necessarily, but I do think it's fairly obvious that she has a lot of experience in theater. I'm still looking forward to the crossover. The Mummy redux is ridiculous, and I don't care about either one of those characters, but I am looking forward to seeing how they handle Baby Mama drama. It's one of those things where I know there's a shoe out there getting ready to drop, and I'd rather it just drop so I can get to the fallout already. I'll hope until I can't hope anymore that the kid isn't Oliver's (I mean, seriously, if someone doesn't demand a paternity test, COME ON), but if he is I'd rather just get to the getting on. I'm tired of waiting for this particular shit to hit the fan. It's ripping off the band-aid, if you will. /idioms
  14. Katie's look green to me. They're all pretty eyes though, whatever color they are.
  15. Isn't it happening on Arrow? I thought The Flash gang was going to be in Star City, and the Arrow gang was going to be in Central City. So if the mom is in Central City, then it's during the Arrow hour (unless I misunderstood?). ETA: Yeah, this is on Arrow (just noticed which preview was which).
  16. Has there been any sign of Anna Hopkins filming lately? It's a terrible time for Oliver to find out he has a kid, but it seems strange to me that Oliver would find that out and then it would be completely dropped for at least 3-4 eps (so far). I guess he could visit the kid/talk to the kid off-screen, which might give us some clue as to how they'd handle him being a dad. Ugh.
  17. She did look like she knew the day was probably coming. I'm sure he's going to wind up being Oliver's kid, but I'll come up with other theories until it's confirmed in-show. I just really don't want a kid on here, and don't see the point of this at all, especially if the kid isn't Connor.
  18. My least favorite option (and the least likely) is that this is going to be some play on the DNA on the arrow misdirect, like, Cisco Vibes on the mom and sees old Oliver and her waiting out a pregnancy test, Moira telling her to take the money and leave (Cisco has a seriously plot-happy power!), and so Oliver thinks he's William's father. He goes over there thinking the kid is his, she says "Oh...nah." Oliver goes and tells Felicity about the whole thing and she's like, "About that whole father thing, there's something I need to tell you..." And then a terrible thing happens the following episode. I don't think they'll go that dark, but these people worry me, so I like to prepare myself for all possible options.
  19. "I'm pretty sure you're someone's father" is such a strange sentence.
  20. He's back in 4x12, so far. They say they don't have plans for more appearances, but who knows. I don't think it's him though.
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