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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. Barry might be the one asking Oliver to keep the kid a secret. He seems pretty hesitant to tell even Oliver about it. And he says, "I think you might be someone's father" makes me think maybe Barry asks him to hold off on telling anyone for whatever reason? Like until they know more or some other situation passes?
  2. Is E2 Wells crossing over? Seems like maybe he could drop the bomb that E2 Oliver is dead. Awkward!
  3. I was thinking that too, haha. Like maybe Barry catches him from behind.
  4. Yeah, haha. Either that or it will get out some other way.
  5. I think maybe he winds up not keeping the secret. And I think Barry is probably the awkward hug?
  6. I did that. Just speculating that IF the "heartbreaking" was related to some possible baby storyline, it seems like that would mean it'd be handled in these crossover eps. I think it's likely that The Flash half was just too packed with people/plot so they cut out the ones who didn't have anything to do. The farm is Central City-adjacent, and part of the Arrow ep.
  7. So, the prodicer's preview: WTF is DD doing at ARGUS? And that last bit with Thea, "Did I know we knew The Flash?" So cute.
  8. Could be. She herself wasn't that specific about what exactly she was talking about.
  9. She said it wasn't about that storyline.
  10. Misery is not my fave, and I really don't care to watch a lot more of it on Arrow, but S3 had misery-induced stupidity, and separation and lots of other terrible things. If we're presented with misery that strengthens relationships instead of ripping them to shreds, I think it'll probably be okay.
  11. I'm hoping the heartbreaking has to do with baby mama telling Oliver to get gone. Or maybe Oliver gets himself used to the idea of being a father and is excited about it and then she tells him the kid isn't his. Problem solved.
  12. Maybe. But she specifically used it to reference Olicity. So I don't think so.
  13. Someone asked a reviewer for 4 words to describe Oliver and Felicity in the crossover, and she picked "heartbreaking" as one. So, if there is a baby, I imagine maybe it'll be handled this week instead of next. Or maybe there's just a scare and they decide they want it, then find out it's nothing after all. Or maybe the heartbreak has to do with baby mama not wanting Oliver involved in the kid's life. IDK.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if she's pregnant. I will be very happy if she isn't.
  15. Re the new clip in the Spoilers thread: I about died when Hawkman swooped down and picked Barry up like a freaking field mouse. And cheesy dialogue like, "We need to expose his wings!!!" Ah, I can't wait. Seriously.
  16. Since the summary of 4x09 mentions an attack on the city, I think maybe 4x08 might end on the start of that? Given 4x09 is titled Dark Waters, maybe we'll find out what Darhk is doing with the Bay at the end of 4x08?
  17. I figure maybe she'll be in Central City, and that's why she's in the Arrow portion. Doesn't make sense that Sara would be missing from the ep if that's the case, but I guess they could have her being skittish going back into the field? IDK.
  18. Why would he need to remember the scene? Isn't the whole argument that Sara wanted more but Oliver didn't? That's a simple enough question to ask him. It doesn't seem like asking Caity will prove anything, since she didn't write the story and would just be providing her interpretation of it. He probably never gave it much thought since Oliver and Sara were treated as nothing but a stall.
  19. If someone was really that curious, they should send MG a Tumblr ask. It doesn't really matter how Caity interpreted it, it matters what the writers meant by the line in the script.
  20. I don't think Sara took it as "lets move in together." She knew Oliver didn't mean to imply what he was implying, and made an effort to point that out to him.
  21. Praying that you speak the truth, Sydney Bucksbaum.
  22. It looks like he jabs Oliver right above the wrist to me.
  23. "Oliver Queen! You have committed a crime...against fashion!"
  24. Shhhhh...someone can still show up wearing stone or acid washed jeans.
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