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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. OKAY, FINE I don't think it was, but I'm not 100%.
  2. I'd be for that. Although I also wouldn't mind if Donna was in town when it happened so she'd have some support. And she could pack Felicity's things for her and tell Oliver how disappointed she is in him when he inevitably comes home and finds her with a suitcase.
  3. One of the post-mortems (EW, I think) indicated that we'd be seeing more of Samantha, but that wasn't a direct quote, just part of the write-up, so I don't know if it's correct, but if it is I imagine we'd see the actors? If it's not, hopefully all of this happens offscreen.
  4. That's probably it. The first post at the top of his page is Mark Zuckerberg's baby announcement, and he probably figures no one will be nasty in that (he's probably wrong, haha).
  5. I know it won't happen, but I really hope they walk this kid thing back somehow with Barry figuring out he did the test wrong (which I know probably isn't how science works, but I don't care). I just don't see how–after DD going after Oliver himself as a public persona—they deal with the kid. Who would ever believe that oh-so-protective Samantha would allow a guy who's constantly being targeted to be linked to her son? Why would Oliver ever, EVER take that chance? I can't believe the lesson here would be that Oliver just shouldn't ever have children, but how do they keep the kid in the picture at all? Even with secret weekend visits or whatever?
  6. Seriously. Saw you getting shot at at a beach, and that your campaign headquarters was attacked, and you got into some kind of near-fatal car accident (i'm guessing). Since there's clearly someone after you, why don't you come on out to Central City for a visit to see your kid?! I hate this storyline for all it's worth, but I'm morbidly curious about how it turns out since no mother (or father) in their goddamn right minds would want to subject a kid to all that. Oliver should voluntarily step out of the kid's life, but that's not really the way I thought the show was going with regards to Oliver having a normal life and normal things or whatever.
  7. I actually do have hope that the blowup will be about the lie not the kid, because it was the first time they had that fight. I think Felicity is going to be supportive of Oliver being a father. She's just not going to be supportive of Oliver being a liar. And she should probably bring up that he can't be a good father and a liar at the same time.
  8. Maybe in a fit of guilt when the thinks Felicity might die in the hospital, he comes clean to Diggle about it? I don't want him telling anyone before he tells her, but I could see him doing that. But he probably won't.
  9. I don't think he's on a hiatus - he usually announces that for max dramatic effect. He had a Flash post up that he deleted, and he posted a video with Grant Gustin that he either deleted or made private shortly after the fact. He's also been responding to comments on FB, so...IDK. It's a little strange.
  10. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how we're supposed to sympathize with him not telling her for so long. He was just being kind and caring, not wanting to burden her with the truth when she had so much going on in her life!
  11. Haha, thank you! This show has killed my will to fic - bless the people who are able to write fix-its, though. Pretty sure that's exactly what's going to happen.
  12. He did have a post up on his Facebook for The Flash half of the crossover, but he deleted it yesterday.
  13. I'm wondering how the situation is going to play out, and SUPER GLAD that the scene that we saw filmed that we thought was for 4x10 was actually for 4x08. BM doesn't seem like she'd call at all or make any kind of demands, since she was pretty clear that she didn't want Oliver involved with her son or to be a coparent. I suppose that could change, but...IDK.
  14. This is the problem with Barry being the only person who knows about it, and Oliver not getting a voice other than a thirty second convo with him. Oliver would and should have some valid concerns about it being public knowledge that he has a kid, especially about getting into a public custody battle now that he's got Damien Darhk giving him veiled threats at police galas. But he never expressed that to anyone, so we don't know if that's part of his reasoning or not. He could threaten the woman with legal action, but not really be willing to follow up on that for the above reasons, so...maybe that's why he didn't, but he never said so. There's not a whole lot of exploration into Oliver's headspace, because the lie is a lie for lying purposes, for the sole reason of dramatic fallout.
  15. Just because I've been thinking about this, I hope that when this breakup inevitably happens, that Felicity waits a bit and is nice and calm when she confronts Oliver about it. Like...he comes home from a visit in Central City that she knows is to see the kid, and she's just sitting at the dining room table with the engagement ring sitting in front of her, and says something like, "Did you have a nice visit with your son?" And he just looks like he's about to shit himself, haha. And then while expressing her heartbreak and anger over being engaged to a man who would lie to her about something that was so big, she could also be supportive by telling him that she thinks he'd be a great father (sans the stupid lying, of course). I don't think the writers will deal with it with any kind of nuance, so I'm not expecting to get something like this, but I would like it if it happened in a similar fashion. The pattern is purely because of sweeps.
  16. Yeah, I agree. Even though I know he's a complete shit heel for not telling Felicity when he knows he can trust her with that secret, his "She's a nice person. She's the best" still gets me.
  17. If that proposal is real and not part of a set-up, I think you should count on him proposing to her with that lie between them. I really don't think it's going to be resolved in the next ep. I think we might get a moment where he starts to come clean, but then something terrible is going to happen, and he won't. And then, if it is Felicity in the hospital in 4x10, he won't then, either. I think you should count on Felicity finding out on her own, probably when her father comes into town.
  18. I'm not gonna worry about that at all until I have a reason to. There's nothing at all indicating they're going there. Worry about it when there is.
  19. Seriously, if he and Felicity break up over this secret, and Oliver falls into the arms of the woman who asked him to keep said secret...is his brain just a teeny marble that gets bounced around inside his skull? I mean, we've been given plenty of reason to think it is, but I'd know it for sure then.
  20. How wonderful it would be for her to offer Oliver a shoulder to cry on when he gets dumped for keeping a secret that SHE ASKED HIM TO KEEP. I can take a lot of stupid. A LOT OF STUPID. But I cannot take that level of fucking dumb.
  21. What's funny about this is that she never asked how Oliver knew about William or if he had already told anyone. Which, if she was as worried about Oliver's world coming into theirs as she said she was, would've been the VERY FIRST THING SHE ASKED.
  22. Yeah, it was basically, "You're terrible, our kid would be better off without you, but if you want to see him all you have to do is lie." The "world" for her is visitation with a kid she lied to him about, the world for him is telling a lie that is absolutely for sure going to blow up his life. It makes me LOL that she basically used his past shitiness as examples for why she didn't want him in her kid's life, but is asking him to be shitty to be involved in it.
  23. I think them getting engaged will be the kicker. He's asking her to commit to him for the rest of her life without telling her one VERY BIG THING about his life that will affect her for as long as they're married. Anyone who hates her for getting upset about being lied to about something like that was going to hate her regardless.
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