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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I agree. They basically took all of the emotional impact out of the breakup and the poignancy of her walking again by combining the two. The waking felt less like a triumph and more like a laughable WTF!?, and the breakup was meh, because she never really finished saying this very important thing that Oliver needed to hear.
  2. I honestly don't know how she or SA got through that without dying laughing.
  3. They haven't really been sworn enemies, though. Back in S1 when Malcolm did still have some weird-ass twisted sense of justice, Oliver was just fighting to stop the Undertaking, and was just going after Malcolm because he was the perpetrator of that. Ever since Oliver found out Malcolm was alive, he's either been protecting Malcolm, or working with him (secretly or not-so-secretly), even if he did have, like, a moment or two of rage against Malcolm's general being. Oliver's never held him accountable for what he did to Thea, or his hand in Robert's death and his being stranded on Lian Yu.
  4. That was her point, though, and why she mentioned inclusion and leaning on your partner, and being worried that his natural inclination is to keep secrets when things get hairy. All these huge things are happening in Oliver's life, and he's struggling, and repeatedly keeps them from her.
  5. It's Diggle and Lance, and Lyla is at the computer. And Oliver said, "Felicity thinks that we can save the city and not surrender to the darkness..."
  6. Nah, in other parts of the preview you can see that lights and stuff are exploding - not sure why she's doing it.
  7. I think Laurel's probably doing her canary cry.
  8. I wonder who broke into the lair that has Laurel letting out her majestic cry?
  9. I think that they were so worried about backlash from relationship drama that they had everyone play it super, *super* low key. Like barely there low key.
  10. Oh, definitely. I don't think there's any doubt they're broken up. But I was looking most forward to what she'd say to him, and she never even finished!
  11. Yeah, it was just anticlimactic for me as well. No one seemed all that worried or frantic about getting William back except for maybe Samantha a time or two. But she knew Oliver had something to do with it and yet it took her 2 days to contact him? Oliver flew to Detroit to get Vixen? He had a whole relaxed, easy convo in the middle of his campaign office with Felicity? It seemed like it was a complete slog to get through for everyone involved IMO. Felicity walking out in context was pretty terrible, but I'm glad they did it because it kind of erased a lot of the ick I was feeling about this episode - because it was so hilariously done.
  12. I wish she had actually finished what she was saying. Or maybe she did and I didn't hear it because I was laughing too hard.
  13. Would you expect anything but expedited perfection and high performance from an implantable bio stimulant (not microchip) built by Curtis Holt?!
  14. Well, Felicity's walking again and William's gone for the foreseeable future, so...score I guess?
  15. I enjoyed it! If only Felicity hadn't had a leg twitch and then literally walked out. I couldn't stop myself from cracking up. I need gifs immediately.
  16. I am actually laughing myself into tears, OMG. I didn't expect the breakup to actually be unintentionally hilarious? It's okay. I'm fine.
  17. This is the most "meh" group of people who are allegedly frantically searching for a missing kid. There's not much urgency here, haha. Even they don't really care about William.
  18. LOL, I love that Samantha and Laurel were friends.
  19. Honestly, I can't say whether his feelings affect his acting choices, because I'm not on the set, and I don't know what the director asked him for, how many takes it took him to do it, or ultimately why a take was chosen for the story the editor is trying to tell. I'm not sure why he'd downplay his excitement over Oliver being a "dad" though - he truly does seem to be excited about that, and seems for the most part to be avoiding commenting on the less palatable part of the story.
  20. Unless I misunderstood the OP's comment, my response was to her annoyance at SA liking this storyline despite what it's doing to Oliver/Oliver and Felicity, and saying so in interviews, and has nothing at all to do with his acting or acting choices.
  21. But what exactly can he do about it? He doesn't write the show, and from what I can tell he didn't want the storyline to play out this way. It's not like he can tell an interviewer that the writers gave him a shit sandwich and he hated it. I think his taste is crap, but if there's something about this that excites him, then...good for him, I guess.
  22. I hope they have a lead in Star City or William was there on a field trip or something, otherwise leaving Central City seems like a really terrible idea. But Samantha seems to have a lot of those, though so...
  23. I really do think that in the actual timeline that William was kidnapped just before DD shows Oliver that video of him coloring, and that it's only been a matter of hours, not a whole week. They just screwed up by flash forwarding to put the cliffhanger at the end of last week's ep. Unless William is wearing different clothes in that pic than he was at the end of last ep, the poor, sweet moron.
  24. LOL. I knew he wouldn't know any better. Why did they make this child 10?
  25. I wonder if Oliver reads his vows over the montage at the end of tonight's ep? Or maybe he reads them out loud to someone at some point before he finds out his kid is gone. Or maybe he's talking about this ploy wedding, but using real vows for that...ew.
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