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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm irritated that we're now worried about the method in which Chase gets killed and glad/sad that this time it's not Oliver being stupid, haha.
  2. I was confused about what he was apologizing for, then realized it was for the kidnapping that happened 100 years ago.
  3. I don't buy this explanation at all. It sounds like JBA throwing her headcanon at MG and him just kinda being like, "It sounds better than what I said and makes me not sound like an asshole, so yes."
  4. I think the shows are the fan favorites they're referring to, not the showrunners themselves?
  5. It's on their twitter feed - although at this point a lot of the tweets this person was replying to have been deleted, so you can only see one side of the conversation.
  6. Oliver's back on the "you make me vulnerable," "I shouldn't have trusted anyone," have to go it alone train, so since that was the reason Felicity left him and it's an issue that's surfacing again now in his vigilante life, he's got to decide if he's gonna let people in and not be the guy who goes it alone, or if he's gonna be an all-around team player, inclusive dude. That's my guess about what MG's referring to. If only we hadn't seen this a bazillion times before!
  7. I mean, I don't want her in a suit so it's not the "never" in this instance that bothers me, but Marc saying that Felicity specifically would make the notion of superheroics "silly." Why? In this show's own canon all it takes to start the journey is the desire to help and a willingness to do whatever it takes to do that. Ray had no skills, but built a suit. Laurel was a lawyer with a few self-defense classes, and she decided to get the training. Curtis sat behind a desk just like Felicity does - he had some Olympic athletic ability, but that hasn't proven particularly useful in not getting his ass beat, but he's still considered a "hero." Evelyn was A FREAKING HIGH-SCHOOL STUDENT. Seriously, explain to me why Felicity donning a suit would be the one to make it look silly.
  8. Same. I dreaded the thought of having to sit through it to see what happened with Felicity. I'm glad it was...efficient, haha.
  9. MG is incapable of not putting his foot in his dumb mouth, LOL (ooop @ me - I didn't realize this was the same article linked above):
  10. Wendy referred to this person as a "he," so I think it's probably a guy - but who knows given her track record, haha.
  11. Well, if she leaked them then she obviously doesn't care, and if she didn't then she shouldn't have to stay inside and live in shame because a pervert violated her privacy.
  12. Was there something they agreed to apart from Chase letting Oliver go once he confessed? At this point Oliver is willingly doing what Chase wants him to, so like I wrote - I think the show is going with there not being any reason to follow through since Chase's demands are being met.
  13. I think the general idea is that he's doing what Chase wants him to do, therefore he doesn't have much reason to act on the things that he threatened Oliver with. He got Oliver to admit he liked killing, he got Oliver to push everyone away, therefore Chase isn't a threat to anyone at this point in time. I mean, it's dumb, but that's Arrow for you.
  14. Yikes. I get that there isn't anything he can do about threats that happen on Twitter or other places that aren't his page, but it's really not that difficult to tell people he's sorry they've had to deal with that and that he'll do his best to make sure that type of stuff doesn't happen in his community. It would be so easy, and would save him the drama.
  15. Do we trust that the person who said that has their show canon correct?
  16. Since I'm postive they're not bringing BS back on to be a big bad, or a big bad's flunky, but to give her a "redemption," I could maybe be okay with them letting her be a snarky bitch most of the time after she's "redeemed", since I think playing that kinda of character is more in KC's wheelhouse. I'm concerned that they're basically going to try and turn her into E1 Laurel v. 2.0 because of the way they had Oliver talk about wanting to find whatever bit of "Laurel" in there he could. I mean, the premise is already laughable because Oliver didn't know that Laurel - so he wouldn't know if there was anything left of E1 Laurel since E2 Laurel might never have had any of that in the first place. And Oliver treated E1 Laurel like dirt most of the time, so I'm expecting her post-death sanctification to carry on into the remolding of the person he wants to take her place. Add to that that E2 Laurel also dated E2 Oliver and that relationship ended in a seemingly less-bad place than E1's O/L did just based on the way she talked about him (IIRC she talked about him looking like the man she loved? But I could be wrong about that - and it could've been part of her trying to get some sympathy from Oliver), so are we going to have to sit through E2 Laurel reminiscing about another version of a guy she regularly interacts with who I'm guessing is going to be in a relationship with someone else at that point in time? I have zero hope that this won't be terrible and cringeworthy given the people who are writing it combined with KC's headcanon about O/L. Unless they just have her ragging on E1 Oliver's penchant for sisters or something. IDK.
  17. I hope Oliver makes Barry bring back a doppelgänger to replace all his loved ones now, haha. Will they be up to the task? Highest stakes ever!
  18. Sometimes you just need that $$$, man. If people weren't desperate for paychecks so much of my favorite garbage entertainment wouldn't exist, bless.
  19. I know stupidity knows no bounds in the Arrowverse, but I seriously hope they aren't dumb enough to bring hit-by-a-car, punched-in-the-face, disposed-of-in-one-ep, scared-of-the-real-big-bad-of-the-season Black Siren on as a big bad for next season, lmao.
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