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Everything posted by apinknightmare

  1. I'm not sure what to make of Marc's answer - generally speaking, it doesn't bother me. With this particular set of writers, it is a little worrisome. ETA: redacting what I wrote here because I rewatched and was incorrect - yikes! In order to get back together, Felicity has to vocalize that's no longer an issue for her and why - that can be done without assigning "fault." Whether this set of writers can do it? IDK.
  2. There was a scene with Oliver and Sara in S2 where Oliver mentioned the two of them getting a place together - his friend loaned him the hotel room because Roy was in a mirakuru coma in the lair and they couldn't stay there.
  3. I have an enemies list and there are only two people on it: marc wendy ESPECIALLY MARC ON TUMBLR
  4. Agreed. It seems a little counter-intuitive to me? All the "haters" I've seen who've seen it love it, are proud to be included, and those who aren't on here want to be, haha.
  5. I hope it's not a flash forward. ::shudders:: If it is, could be anything. If they stick to the real-time format, I suppose maybe someone's life hangs in the balance (only to be fine at the start of next season) or we get a glimpse of what next year's big bad is planning.
  6. I watched to see who ~died, but was of course disappointed. But did Laurel for real say "I know" when Sara told her that she was always the better, stronger one or whatever? LMAO
  7. It's spec based on SA saying that William is going to find out that Oliver's his dad and the Green Arrow sooner rather than later.
  8. I thought Chase made some kind of snide reply about bothering to look (or something along those lines) when Oliver said that he didn't know where William was? But yeah - he's being plot dumb about the threats to William and Felicity.
  9. I don't think it much matters at this point - Adrian knows about him and made it clear he could find him (if he hadn't already - not sure where the show intended to land with that one).
  10. That would've required them actually caring about Laurel though.
  11. But totally in character for him and them, sadly.
  12. I'm good with that too. I was just responding to a change in body language or any other sort of visual clue because Chase didn't look at them before he attacked, that's all.
  13. The agents didn't say anything though, did they? One just showed the other the text? He seemed poised to kill them the second he heard the text notification, before he even turned around, haha.
  14. I imagine if Mari's not around to help with Darhk/convince Oliver that William is better off having a normal childhood without Oliver that would change things.
  15. Chase not planning on being outed knocks him down a few pegs for me. How do you not plan for the most obvious thing? Surely he knows about Felicity's tech prowess - he went to the lengths to scramble his image but didn't anticipate the team finding a way around that? Yikes, villain!
  16. Best of luck - the odds aren't in her favor.
  17. If history is any indication, Oliver will hitch a ride out of town via any transportation available before that happens, LOL.
  18. BS was put in an ARGUS facility in Central City I think. Boomerang and Slade are the only two that we know of on Lian Yu.
  19. Hope Adrian booked a group rate to Lian Yu.
  20. To me the whole point of the fic is getting Oliver to the point where he wants to overcome and get out of his situation, and he's just now starting to get there - to want something more for himself, and to do what he has to in order to get it (with a little bit of help from people who care about him). Seems to me that's the parallel with the show. It's a sweet fic - and I think the author is doing just enough to walk the line of Oliver accepting kindness and offering what he can in return so he doesn't come off like a lazy-ass freeloader. Yep, same.
  21. The kid issue should've been Oliver not wanting to be involved in his life because of his past/Green Arrowness, and Felicity taking exception to that as someone who loves Oliver and knows the kind of man he is and knows that reasoning is dumb, and who also knows what it's like to grow up without a father.
  22. If they originally planned to skate over O/F's relationship issues and have since decided that's not a great idea - then good, I'm glad - because skating over it is shitty. And they're terrible at maintaining their stories - they've always let things drop inexplicably only to be picked up when it's more convenient. I'd like it if they got better at it too, but five years in, I doubt that's happening.
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