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Everything posted by DownTheShore

  1. Yup, I'd say the same thing about a guy who'd prefer sleeping with three dogs in his bed. To me that's an adult who merely replaced sleeping in a bed full of stuffed animals to the real thing. She just has to worry about mud and fur and ticks in her sheets. "Cat lady" is a specific phenomena separate from being a "spinster"; a."cat lady" is usually unmarried but she can also be in that state due to being a widow or a divorcée. An unmarried male is a batchelor. Questioning why a man never married, until recent times, might have led to the question of possible homosexuality - because of course, so the thinking would go, all men want to be maried to have a woman available for sex, right? - and no one would have wanted to touch that topic. Being labeled a spinster doesn't normally question a woman's sexuality, merely her attractiveness in the great game of snaring a husband, while the word batchelor has managed to remain free of negative connotations.
  2. I loved that mid-century modern house! What beautiful condition it was in, and so much room! Every time that wife said that her style wouldn't probably go with it, I was yelling at the TV, "GET A DESIGNER TO HELP MELD YOUR TASTE WITH THE HOUSE'S STYLE AND BUY THE DAMN HOUSE!". What a dumb@ss woman, going for the smaller space! (Yes, I know the choice was fake, but I still react to the show as if it was real - lol. )
  3. Was watching the woman who moved from the tiny house in Alaska back to her hometown which I think was Buffalo NY, and wanted a tiny house there. Her main concern was having a bedroom on the main level so that she could sleep in the bed with her three rather large dogs. All I could think of was, "Woman, get a human partner instead of canine ones". She seemed like a nice person and a fun aunt, but she was the dog version of a cat lady. ------- Every time one of those tiny house hunters says that they don't know what they're going to do with all the space in a 200 sq. ft. trailer, I want to throw something at the TV.
  4. One of those shows said the tiny house community was treated as a trailer park. I can see that as being a viable way of creating high density housing but still having access to city services. A bunch of tiny houses on a lot landscaped to afford as much privacy as possible might be a good choice for seniors who want to downsize (as long as the bedroom is on the main level) but who don't want either wilderness living or senior housing apartments.
  5. They did a repeat of the Ocean Beach NJ episode. I found the listing for that lake house the family looked at: http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/630-Warwick-Tpke-Hewitt-NJ-07421/39801045_zpid/ It went on the market in 2012 for $499,000, and is still for sale, with the price dropped down to $299,000.
  6. No, I would classify him as a LLWL, because he wasn't even buying a new home, and lied about what was happening with his current home. At least the ones in escrow did actually "hunt for a house" prior to the filming. This episode was just a lie from beginning to end, and merely a means to drum up interest in his side business. He falls into a separate HH class. Thanks for that background research you provided for us, btw. :-)
  7. https://magnoliamarket.com/magnolia-house-blog/ Apparently it's meant to house the fans who visit the area to go to her store. I've stayed in B&B's where my assigned bathroom was down the hall, and that's a PITA. I liked the way the B&B looked, but I wonder if Joanna has ever stayed in one? The bedroom right by the front door is going to be noisy; having to walk out into the main living area in order to access what is also the common area bathroom is off-putting. The bedroom with the two twin beds is a little too princessy for, say, two adults who want to share a room to save costs. Not to mention that all that white is going to be a bitch to keep clean. That second floor, with both an open stairway and an elevator (per the construction plans) that opens right into it? Uh-uh. No privacy and not even an illusion of security. No front desk area; no staff area; the books in the "library nook" should be a variety of fiction and non-fiction, not a bound set of books put there as a style choice. Guests, especially kids, wandering through the kitchen, while homey, could be a liability issue when hot pots and pans are in use. Who's going to run this? Who's going to cook the breakfast? Who's going to clean?
  8. You'd think that EU citizens would have priority for jobs over foreigners, right?
  9. I did think it amusing that the teacher had been trying to reduce his footprint by living in the woods, yet he was driving an hour-and-a half to get to work.
  10. Research by someone earlier in the forum (sorry, don't remember who it was) turned up the fact that the husband's company builds and sells those container units. He isn't merely in construction as was implied in the opening.
  11. Yes, just once I'd like to hear: - No, you don't need granite, the solid surface is fine - No, we're not replacing the appliances. Brand-new white ones work just fine. - No, we don't need to redo the master bath to add two sinks. We don't have to be in it at the same time and you can learn to store your beauty products in the vanity UNDER the sink instead of ON TOP of it. - No, you don't need to be able to walk out into the backyard in your underwear. - No, the neighbors are not going to be sitting by their windows staring into your house. If you don't want anyone to see inside, then we can put up blinds or shades or shutters or curtains. -No, you don't need a dedicated room for: gift wrapping, tea parties, Star Wars collectibles, Christmas decorations. - No, you don't need a guest room: you hate my family and I hate yours. - No, each of our kids doesn't need their own room. We can't afford it. - No, the baby won't fall down the stairs, she can't walk yet. And when she does, we'll put up baby gates and teach her not to climb. - No, I don't care if the basement is spooky. Get over it. -No, we're not passing on this great house deal just because the house is older than you are. - No, I don't care what the feng shui is of this house - we're Czech, not Chinese. - No, I don't care if the dog likes or doesn't like the house; the dog isn't paying the mortgage. - No, we're not going to get a dog/cat just because we finally bought a home.
  12. The Lying Liars Of Cocoa Beach episode was on tonight - the ones that "buy" that shipping container that they put in the backyard of the house they supposedly have up for sale. I liked the earlier episode of the teacher who already lives in the woods in a really tiny house who wants to move closer than his current hour-and-a-half drive to work. He actually moved into a larger space with an indoor toilet and shower. People wouldn't visit him in his other place because of the outhouse.
  13. I'd like them to show a retired couple looking for a tiny house, people with arthritis and the need to urinate frequently at night.
  14. Count me as agreeing also. No real househunter would have turned down that loft; it met all of their needs. I'm hoping for their sake that it really wasn't an actual space that was available after they had already signed their lease, and was instead the realtor's place or something. Otherwise the "if onlys" would be painful.
  15. Every new season the previous winner should be invited back to sing a song. I don't want to see Grimmie hawk Kohl's merchandise. I want to see how the previous winners are doing .
  16. Thanks, SO, for all of that good information on permanent addresses and such! --- @izabella - When I saw that building in the background my first thought was that the horses were living in the house, and the people were living in the horse trailer. LOL --- I would be willing to donate to one of those funding sites to pay for speech therapy for Kewpie doll voice.
  17. I thought that was a bit odd, that they were grouped together like that. Is it possible that they asked to sing as a group? I thought it was unintentionally amusing how all members of that group were trying to out-run and out-trill each other. And how it reinforced the reasons why they were cut.
  18. OMG! Ally & Jeremy on Tiny House ~whatever~ on HGTV tonight! She's got a Kewpie doll voice with severe vocal fry. I've had to mute the episode - she sounds like she's saying, "wah-wah-wah" all the time. What an absolutely horrible voice; why on earth would the producers select her for the show? ----- Re the "kiddo" woman: I just rolled my eyes when she complained that the "large" tiny home which was all of what, 400 sq ft, , had a lot of windows that would have to be washed! How many times a year does she wash the windows? It would take all of what, an hour maybe, to wash all the windows - inside and out? And then they pick the smallest tiny house? The ones with the Lofts Of Death? WTF? With three kids under age 5???
  19. It's a Rogers & Hammerstein tune which dates from 1959, and was written for the play "The Sound Of Music".
  20. I thought that Emily Ann sounded weak on Blue Christmas; that song should have more oomph. But to be Gwen-ish for a moment, I loved her outfit for that number. I did like her version of Burning House, though. Islands In The Stream has always been a "meh"song to me but I think she somewhat held her own in it. O Holy Night is one of my favorite songs, but my standard for it is Mario Lanza's version, so Jeffrey's begining verse was off-putting to me, though he finished up the song better. He's got a very good voice, bit his song choices suck and he's got absolutely no charisma or stage presence. He should have been singing the majority of his duet looking right at Gwen, but he was looking everywhere else. Barrett's singing made no impression on me tonight, other than his voice didn't compare favorably to Blake's in their duet. I like Jordan, and I was happy with his performances. I liked the duet with Adam because I like God Only Knows when I'm in a schmaltzy mood. Though I would have preferred Sail On, Sailor, if they were doing Beach Boys. I had no problem with everyone's Christmas pick; the traditional religious songs usually have a good vocal range to them. I would have liked to have heard one of them do Christmas (Baby Please Come Home) if they were going to go secular, just because it's a favorite of mine. I would definitely buy a CD of Blake doing all Kenny Rogers and Glen Campbell covers. Whether or not the performers sing "Christian" songs or not doesn't make a difference to me. Just because I follow that faith doesn't mean I'm going to give them a pass or go rush to buy their song because of it. However, I think those of us living on the East or West coasts don't realize how pervasive and second-nature Christian music is on the radio once you move outside of urban centers. Your choice is usually either Christian, country or Rush Limbaugh.
  21. I enjoy this show because of Blake. He amuses me and I enjoy his interplay with Adam. I'm not that into country music and I think that maybe I own one of his songs, so I'm not one of his posse. But I've come to really appreciate his talent and his coaching skill - something that I.would never have been aware of without this show. I don't vote for his team members because they are his; I'll only vote for them if I happen to like them. I follow very few TV shows regularly; the Voice is one of them. If Blake wasn't on it, I don't know how long that would continue.
  22. THAT'S who he reminds me of! Thank you! I know we're all sick of the "she's only sixteen!" "he's only seventeen!" comments, but I do think we have to cut some contestants some slack regarding their performances if they aren't seasoned performers. I realize that they are being intensively coached in all areas of their performances, but there's only so much a person can absorb, and I would imagine that just feeling not nervous before a huge audience - or at least giving the appearance of same - occupies a lot of their minds. Jordan is an overweight guy who doesn't have a deep voice. Unless you are overweight yourselves, you have no idea of all the slights and comments that he has probably gotten over the course of his life. That kind of experience can make you loathe to "make an exhibition" of yourself. So I cut him some slack for not dancing and strutting around the stage like the others, and understand why he tries to remain composed when he's listening to the coaches' comments. When you've been mocked for who you are, you don't want to give others more ammunition if you can help it.
  23. Zach should have done an up-tempo song, because he could have beat Jeffrey showmanship-wise. Jeffrey sang well but he always looks like he's expecting any minute for someone to bop him on the head with a two-by-four. And again with the downbeat songs! I would vote him as Singer Most Likely To Commit Suicide Onstage, just because of his demeanor. I'm sorry Amy didn't make it, but that Dylan song she sang on Monday didn't showcase her at all. Hey, Madi wasn't wearing a hat. Praise be! But I bet she wears it from now on, thinking that not wearing it broke her luck - lol. Shelby always looked, when in the lineup, like she was saying to herself, "I know they aren't going to pick me; why am I even up here?" Adam should have coached her on how to smile and look less uncomfortable in that situation. It would have been less painful to watch. I think Barret is Blake's charity case fhis season; Emily Ann is the one he would really prefer to win, I think. Hopefully, though, Jordan will win and make the whole thing moot.
  24. Jordan has done well because he simply has a better voice and more control over it than most of the others do.
  25. I am so tired of Jeffrey making every song he sings sound depressing. I thought he totally sucked with that butchering of Cher's song, no matter that he has a good voice or not. The bottom line is always: would I buy his CD or pay to see him in concert? And the answer is no. I thought that Jordan's version of Somebody To Love would take third place, after Freddie Mercury and George Michaels. And you need a choir backing that song up to get the wall of sound; there was nothing religious about that. Madi was interesting and she sang well, but I really disliked her twee-ing of a Four Seasons' song. I can't stand the black hat affectation either. I just rolled my eyes at Braiden pulling out the God card, though I thought he sang well. But that pandering was just too obvious - and I'm someone who actually likes Amazing Grace. Emily Ann could have been a bit spunkier singing 9 to 5; she was competing with Dolly's dimples, after all. I like Amy, but I don't think that song choice helped her. Dylan is always sort of a "meh" for me anyway. I don't think Zach sang badly, but I would have been happier with an uptempo song choice. Barrett's song didn't impress me. I liked Shelby's performance, but I think she is a longshot .
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