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Everything posted by cherenkov

  1. The number one predictor of how many children a woman will have is her level of education. As education increases, number of children decreases. This is coupled with the fact that education and career establishment takes time, and women delay reproduction during their more fertile years. Fertility declines with age in women much more rapidly than men. Whitney's fertility is absolutely affected by her age, weight, and PCOS. She is - at this point - nearly 35 years old which is considered to be advanced maternal age. Even if she were healthy, she would be less fertile than she was ten years ago.
  2. Might be thinking of Toradol which is an NSAID and not opiate. Either way, the best thing to do is talk to your doctor before doing anything that you read on the Internet or that someone else suggests. Doing the wrong thing can prolong the healing time or make things heal incorrectly and result in chronic problems. It can also mean that you're doing something the doctor doesn't know about and then causes an adverse reaction with something they do add to your treatment plan. Injuries take time to heal and attempting to speed it up or quick-fix it is generally not a good idea.
  3. The first episode Buddy was in he seemed like a decent guy. Not someone I personally would be attracted to but at least not an asshole. Moved in with Shitney and it was all over. He started packing on a ton of weight, doing a lot of drugs and drinking, being viciously mean, and downward spiraling.
  4. LOL yesterday I did the Southside Stairs (Church Route) and the idea of Shitney even attempting it when she called that little flat thing with less than a 2% grade "crested the hill". No fucking way. She can't even ride on the flat, or walk on it.
  5. For Whitney that probably makes some sense as long as the bike could support her weight, but for anyone who's serious about biking there's no comparison between having your own bike and using a bike-share program. The bikes are usually heavy, have limited gearing and wide padded seats that are nasty as hell to the hips and knees. We have a similar program here and I just haul my own bike around because those are so terrible. If I have my car, I can take one of my bikes. Whitney's concerns on a bike are different - it has to be able to transport nearly 400 lbs to hold her - and that's why she's riding a Fat Bike. The bike she's on isn't specifically designed for fat people, they're built for muddy and snowy conditions, but the larger size of the bike and the way they're built mean they can handle more load on the wheels than a smaller bike. She'd have a hard time on a bike with thinner tires, not that she doesn't have a hard time on her own bike.
  6. BMI 30 is obese, not overweight, and adoption agencies are looking for people who aren't likely to experience health problems that mean they will not live long enough to actually raise the child they adopt. Whitney has obesity related health problems and is super morbidly obese. It is likely that she would not only not be able to care for a child she adopted, but also not live long enough to see that child reach adulthood. On another note, it's very clear that Todd hates Whitney. His comments about her gut hanging down were extremely catty. And Heather, holy shit, get over it. Buddy is history. Let it fucking go already.
  7. The 2018 season is over ... it was 31 races this year added to the medal rack. Here you go @Colleenna: Beast. Mode. Bring on 2019.
  8. Oh man I just scheduled an elective root canal. How sad I will miss Shitney.
  9. Wear lights. On your back, and on your head. It would prove, definitively, that her metabolism is not the problem she's having.. My last 10K of the year is now done. A Christmas Story yesterday in Cleveland.
  10. No matter how much some may wish, two things are apparent: Being fit is sexier than being fat. Being fat is the result of choices.
  11. I got a rack made for them from a company that does custom metal cutting and hang them on there after I outgrew the first rack that I made myself. This one should last me another couple of years before I fill it up. I put in anchors into the drywall so that the weight won't tear it down. After the season's over I'll grab a pic of the rack. Two weeks to go. The bibs are hanging on binder rings because they overflowed the mug hooks they were on, so I started sorting them out by year.
  12. If they disagree with her on IG she will just delete their comments and block them. I'm sure there are a lot of people who have met that fate.
  13. Really the only thing that she hasn't had yet, and the way she acts she's literally been begging for sex scandal since season 1.
  14. That's because the margin to create a deficit but still have enough energy to keep up the training is extremely narrow, not because of any magical property of the body "holding on" despite a deficit.There is a lot of quackery peddled online regarding weight, and starvation mode is probably the king of it. Whitney is in no danger of any of that. She's so large that creating a deficit for her would be easy, even with exercise. But as we've seen, she doesn't even do any real exercise and then she drinks at least a thousand calories in Starbucks milkshakes. As far as identifying scam artists, it's also pretty easy. In general if you're being told you need to buy some special product, you're probably being scammed. Eat a diet containing sufficient protein and fat with colorful vegetables in an amount appropriate to physical activity. It's that simple. Kruse is a quack. His assertions about EMF are absurd, and there is absolutely no basis for his claims regarding mitochondiral electrons and circadian rhythm. The man even steals pictures of male models and claims they're his own muscles to try and prop up his bullshit. Nutritional science is so good, that NASA does long term experiments with subjects on a controlled diet in which all their activity and all their food intake is carefully calibrated so that they maintain exactly the same weight throughout the experiment. And they repeat them with equal success, which is how scientific success is determined.
  15. There is no way that she fits into a men's medium shirt. That would go around someone with a waist of maybe 36 inches.
  16. Ran the Double Gobble Turkey Trot this morning. A 5K plus a 5 Miler and then ate a giant Thanksgiving feast. Last week was the Hot Toddy 5K and the week before that was my Veterans Day 10K. Lots and lots of running to end the season. Two more races to go.
  17. And "crap your guts out" literally means that a thick, incredibly sticky, red-orange oil will pour out of your anus uncontrollably. It's so sticky it will adhere to the porcelain inside the toilet, it cannot be washed out of fabric, and it smells like rotting, festering assholes.
  18. I'm sure it was staged for attention. If that was a real threat they took seriously, the only people they'd be showing it to are the police.
  19. This was the year I broke two hours. Then I spent a good three minutes at the finish line sucking in air and dry heaving while a cop asked if I was sure I didn't need the medical tent!
  20. Another weekend, another race. Completed the P3R FedEx Corporate Challenge for 2018 today also!
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