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Everything posted by cherenkov

  1. I did not. I'm preparing for the marathon next weekend. Hopefully I will survive that without too much pain in the legs. :)
  2. Fresh. Twerking. LOL What? Also that shit with the cataract surgery was so over done. There's no reason, ever, for Whitney to not only be present at her mother's doctor appointment but to answer the doctor when he asks Babs a direct question like that. Babs is not incompetent. She can speak for her damn self.
  3. Did I catch that Shitney had to have her specially made fully customized fatass harness shipped to Alaska for the rappelling and then got all upset with the spotter because he did not instantly recognize how to work a piece of equipment that had to be re-engineered to fit onto someone who is literally the size of two obese people Shitney's height rather than being grateful that they were willing to accommodate her at all? And yes, she is the size of two obese people at her height. She's 5'2" tall and weighs (if you believe her) 350 pounds. Someone her height at 175 pounds would have a BMI of 32 and be clinically obese. That's how huge she is.
  4. LOL she wouldn't make it 3 miles. None of those listed would.
  5. PMG please do a very special episode where Whitney, Ragen Chastain, Mirna Valerio, and Erica Schenk do literally anything for a continuous distance of more than 3 miles. Please. You can make that shit pay per view, I'll watch it.
  6. Because in all of them she just looks like a fat, braying jackass?
  7. A reputable trainer would refuse to work with Whitney. Not only has Jessica not done that, she's the one holding the camera for these videos. As long as she participates, she's part of the problem.
  8. But on an RDL you don't set the bar down every rep. So I'm still wondering what the fuck she's doing.
  9. WTF is that? It's not a deadlift because there's no knee movement. It's not a good morning because it starts on the floor. So what the actual fuck is that lift?
  10. There's been some talk in other threads about women not wanting to go to the doctor because they don't want to get weighed, especially really fat women like Whitney, and how doctors need to stop having patients weighed at every visit to remove that fear or whatnot that keeps fat women out of the doctor's office. I disagree vehemently with this. The scale is nothing but a statement of fact. Being told when you're fat to lose weight for your health is a statement of fact. An adult who is in denial of and angry at the facts needs to grow up and learn that the world does not exist to prop up the misguided feelings of someone who cannot handle reality. I used to be fat. I used to try to pretend that it wasn't that bad, and that I wasn't really that fat because I wasn't the completely immobile, My 600-LB Life variety of fat. Every time I went to a doctor, or an urgent care, or anywhere for anything vaguely medical they weighed me and told me to lose weight. They told me the diseases I was setting myself up for, and I didn't want to hear it because they were breaking the spell of denial I had put myself under. They told me that the road I was on leads to one place and - though they phrased it more kindly than I will - that place is the cemetery. Yeah, I was ashamed. Yeah I hated being told I was fat and called unattractive and gross by people. I was angry at doctors for telling me repeatedly that I needed to lose weight. One day I woke up and accepted that the only way to make it stop was to do what I should have done all along and focus on being a healthy person of a normal weight. That none of those things I was so angry about were the fault of anyone but me, and the responsibility to change fell on me, not them. I lost more weight than I currently weigh now through a complete lifestyle change that includes eating a calorie controlled diet that meets my nutritional needs and doesn't offer me a surplus of calories on which to get fat. Instead of dead, I'm now a multiple-sport endurance athlete. Don't like it that you keep getting told to work on your weight at the doctor? The solution is literally in your control.
  11. Oh it is weird. I have anything but a dull life and I have never gathered my friends together in a rented mountain house to watch a guy take his clothes off just as a "What can we order for delivery?" kind of event. Did she say weeks? I thought she said she's been training for six months. Yeah she pretty much just said that every time we have seen her in water whether it be previous hot tubs or the swimming pool scenes, she pisses in there.
  12. If you're getting medication that's dosed by weight, then yes. But the message that Whitney and all of these other fat-acceptance people put forward, just look at her comments on Instagram, are that weight is not related to how much she eats. That is the entire premise behind all of her "work out" posts.
  13. Holy shit she is foul. Not able to bathe herself in an actual bathtub or shower, so she goes into the hot tub. And then pisses in it, right before insisting that everyone get in with her. The constant screaming, the treatment of the stripper, the absurdity of the witless bike and hike, that was all bad enough. But she deliberately pissed in the hot tub that she was using to bathe herself, and then had her friends marinate in her filth and piss with her.
  14. Donna is her friend/other roommate/suspected caretaker/bare breast massage giver/travel companion person who has not been seen since last season's trip to Hawaii.
  15. Maybe they're willing to buy every one invitee two seats, but she's got to put her giant ass in both of them?
  16. Definitely not me. I'm very much not in the business of cross-site shit stirring.
  17. I'm banned from her IG because I pointed out shit she does wrong in her workouts, so I can only view it when I log out of IG. LOL. Does Reddit count as social media? I think she or her barnacles have been invading the MBFFL sub over there. Lots of "pro-Whitney" and "You all are such meanies" posts lately.
  18. She had to make sure they all knew how expensive the event was too.
  19. A 5.5 is the easiest of the routes where you're going to actually go up a wall. The holds will generally be pretty big and close enough together that there isn't much technique or expertise needed to climb up it. It's not quite as easy as a ladder, but it's not obscenely difficult and anyone in reasonable shape could do a top rope climb up a 5.5 on their first day provided they don't panic over the height of it. Most of the upward gain is done by legs - you hold on with your hands, lift one foot up, and then stand on that foot. Move hands up, lift other foot up, stand on the next hold. The first time I went to a climbing gym, the very first trip up the wall was a 5.5 which I topped out the first attempt. I had never climbed anything that wasn't a step ladder before that. Those generally do not have a bunch of overhang on them, they're pretty straight vertical, and are beginner routes. It certainly can and does get a lot harder, but a 5.5 is not as hard as Whitney made out.
  20. Her "trainer" is unqualified and lacks any kind of understanding of how to have someone exercise in a productive way, encourages poor form, and has given no indication that she is in any way able to provide endurance sports coaching. Even if Jessica wasn't so bad at coaching weight lifting (and she is, demonstrably, from numerous videos in which she fails to correct bad form - or worse calls it good - in Whitney's social media), there is nothing at all that indicates Jessica has any knowledge at all of endurance sports, or is an endurance athlete herself.
  21. Jessica has to personally witness Whitney eating it or it didn't happen? The more of her I see on this show the more I am convinced that she (Jessica) will go along with whatever might get her some notoriety and more people to poorly train. She has clearly found a market to exploit, and exploit it she will. Her integrity and credibility as a person, athlete, and trainer are more and more questionable with every passing episode. I thought it was bad on Instagram. This episode shows that to be the tip of the iceberg.
  22. The other reasons we do this (running fasted) are that in a long endurance race you will run out your glycogen stores. Runners refer to it as hitting the wall. It happens even if you're fueling (glucose during the race) and it's hard to push through. So you practice. Then, it's hard to run on a full stomach. Your blood is pumping to your legs to bring oxygen and fuel to your muscles, and it's not as focused on gut and digestion. Feels awful, like having a brick in the stomach, and can lead to puking. And the last reason is that running shakes shit loose. Literally. The last thing I want to have to do mid-marathon is take a dump. Whitney hasn't got these concerns. When she talks about eating more meals in a day it's clear that what she needs to do is stop the continuous, wake-to-sleep stream of grazing and snacking and calorie laden drinks. She would benefit from setting some discrete meal times and eating and drinking absolutely nothing containing calories outside those sit down meals. Can't even imagine how anyone could go on this trip with her and still buy that only-eats-one-small-meal-a-day bullshit!
  23. Have we actually seen her eat that, or is it just a put-on like her exercise?
  24. She's eating it. Those Starbucks drinks that she's always got in hand are around 7$ each and she's downing three or four of them every day. She doesn't cook her own food, so she's eating all her meals out. I wouldn't be surprised if she was spending 75-100$ a day on food. And thanks to Kerryn Feehan, we know she's a smoker. Pack a day in NC, about 6$ according to Google. She's pissing money at consumables.
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