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Posts posted by starri


    The point to Keen Home is…well, I suspect the point to Keen Home is to be acquired by a bigger company for at least ten figures

    Yes.  If Google doesn't buy it and pair it with Nest once they actually have sales, I'm going to be very, very surprised.



    Daymund, you and about 11 other people would pay $200 for a cute backpack.  College kids... 99% of them- no way.  Plus it was the puny drawstring style you can't even fit a 3-ring binder, textbooks and a laptop in.  You can get cute, roomy Jansport packs all day for $35.

    According to the Taalum website, you can get a 17" laptop in it.  And a tablet would take up less space and would also serve as a storage device for textbooks.


    He thanks the couples for being brave and honest "and showing all of us that love and marriage is so much bigger than we thought it could be. And also so much simpler." Goddammit, Glee.


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  3. I haven't watched this show in a long, long time, and I don't understand why Ryan Murphy is so convinced that the person you're with in high school is supposed to be your soulmate, and I also totally didn't cry when Santana and Abuela reconciled, and anyone who tells you I did is lying.

    • Love 3
  4. Oddest thing about the backpacks, they aren't mentioned anywhere in the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Not a whisper. The kids said the factory making them is located there, and I used to live there so I was sure the local newspaper would have a story about them appearing on the show. Nothing.

    Come on, Maureen McDonnell got sentenced yesterday.  That's the biggest news out of Richmond since her husband received his sentence.



    I get the backpack idea, but no, I would not pay $200 for it.

    I could see it being a trendy thing for a while and them getting away with those kind of prices, but I think the $72 with shipping I paid is pretty reasonable.  Unfortunately, it's a bit small for my current needs, but those should be reduced shortly.

  5. They can team up with the sandal couple from last week to form the Assuage Your Rich White Guilt company! It's not just a product, it's a business -- funded heavily by the Bank of Mom and Dad.

    See, my reaction to Taaluma was 180 degrees from my reaction to Sseko.  They're employing disabled people in the United States to do the actual labor, and making sure that profits get recycled into the source country.  It's no more a charity than Sseko, but seems less exploitative by a factor of approximately infinity.  I liked them, I liked the idea, I loved the backpacks, and I bought one made of a beautiful blue-green Guatemalan fabric.


    I didn't hate any of the products, I didn't hate any of the people pitching the products, and frankly, that's one of the few times Lori has never bothered me.  Good episode all around.

    • Love 3
  6. And it doesn't help that her face was frozen by botox. There seems to be a lot of that on my screen lately. Too much.

    I will say I was legit surprised when I looked it up and found out Lorraine Bracco is 60.  Which means she's not only old enough to actually reasonably be Jane's mom (assuming Jane is about five years younger than Angie Harmon, so about 37), but that she does look pretty good for her age.  I think it helps that she's a little heavy; it keeps her from looking gaunt.

  7. Maybe the bar will burn down, and Angela will be trapped inside.


    Usually, I don't dislike characters enough to wish for their fictional deaths, but remind me why she's on this show again?  I like R & I because it's a decent cop show with a good cast (and also Lorraine Bracco is there), and I like that the show can consistently pass the Bechdel Test and have a friendship between two women that, despite the fact that their differences are amped up for TV, still seems like a plausible one.  And all that's great, but we need to spend 7 minutes of a 42-and-change minute show watching Angela interview for a job she was never going to get?


    For what they're paying Lorraine Bracco, they could probably hire a few more supporting characters, starting with Suzie.


    I mean, does anyone tune in saying "Boy, I hope this is an Angela-heavy episode?"

    • Love 5

    A bright college student lured into the world of bondage and domination by a friend. She said no -- and didn’t survive the night. Was it murder? Troy Roberts investigates.

    So, we get "Twenty Hues of Charcoal" in an episode whose timing is I'm sure completely random.


    CBS News would like to remind you that anyone into anything slightly kinky should be ashamed of him/herself and not be allowed to be around normal people.


    Am I the only one who thinks Troy Roberts is a bit dim?

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  9. I don't think the sandals people explained the college funding well at all.   This is what it says on their website:


    So they pay the women, put 1/2 in a bank account and then match the savings in the form of a scholarship.  Better than I thought.



    See, if they'd said it like when they were in the Tank, I don't think I'd have nearly as strong a negative reaction as I did.  I would still have an issue with characterizing it as philanthropic, and I'd still think of it as cynical, but not quite as viscerally as I did.

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  10. I'm sorry that I'm stuck on this, but what's sticking in my craw is the incredibly cynical way Sseko was marketing itself.


    Grace and Lace builds orphanages in India.  Bombas donates socks to the homeless.  Sseko...pays its employees.  If that's all it takes to make something world-changing, than every business that isn't based on slavery is changing the world in the exact same way.


    Providing jobs to women in a developing economy?  That's awesome.  And I think it's great that the women are using the money for education.  But you strip off the feel-good whitewash, and you're left with a company that's found a cheap source of labor and a great hook for PR.


    I know we're getting a little far-afield from the episode, and if the discussion needs to continue, maybe we should mosey over to Small Talk.  But I'm kind of shocked by how angry thinking about this has made me.

    • Love 8
  11. Personally, I have an issue with the "white woman goes to Africa..." narrative.  Who is to say that a non-white, western/developed nation woman wouldn't do the same (e.g. someone from Japan)?  Another way of looking at the education thing is that education breaks the cycle of poverty.  Also, do we know if there's some sort of dorm that they live in while they work that is, perhaps, funded by another organization? Ditto with water.  I missed part of their presentation.

    They were presenting it as philanthropy, where they were helping these women go to college.  Except that this took the form of the women making sandals for nine months, which is a definition of philanthropy that I'm not familiar with.  Philanthropy would be more akin to what Grace and Lace is doing, which is donating their profits to charity.


    I'm not saying that providing jobs and college educations is not a good thing to be doing, I'm just saying that it's not philanthropic.


    And my "white woman in Africa" comment was directed more at how they presented themselves, by flashing a bunch of photos of the woman in villages in the bush in Africa, just like a thousand other "missionaries" or "aid workers" on Instagram.


    And no, they didn't say anything else about providing for other needs, it was just "work for nine months, pay for college."

    • Love 3
  12. I thought the gals with the sandals would get a deal - they were making good while doing good. I found their explanation of the 'totally for profit" status was quite interesting and I found myself agreeing with them. It goes back to the old saying "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for life" (If he can eat that much fish)

    See, I read the deal as horribly exploitative.  If I'm doing the math right, they're paying the women roughly $11/day, which might be a fairly decent wage for Sub-Saharan Africa, but that wasn't buying them food and shelter, it was just giving them the chance to go to college.  And that's great, but the doesn't fix the more immediate problem of getting enough to eat and clean water.


    Also, there was something that just read "White woman goes to Africa, takes photos with locals, fancies herself humanitarian" about her.


    Bucket-Guy needs to partner with the Seawater/Gold Guy.  But hell, people buy metal detectors.

    • Love 9
  13. That devil guy just looked like a much worse version of Tim Curry in Legend.

    Yes.  I'd have switched Jamie and Stephanie's bird woman with that one if it had been up to me, even though the doll clearly deserved to win as much as I didn't like it.  The model did have a rather impressive set of abs, however.


    I really can't believe the Bog Monster was safe.  I get that the judges were impressed with the amount fabrication that went into it (even though Glenn even said some of it was a waste of time), but to me it looked like nothing so much as a cheap haunted-house prop.  I didn't think Darla and Anthony's make-up was that great (although IMO, the bigger problem was Darla's sculpt on the face, not Anthony's chest piece), but I still thought it was the better of those two.


    I wish they'd give us a clearer idea of how much the judges are allowed to help.  Anthony and Laura seemed just to be consulting with their team-members, but we saw RJ actually helping Regina with her fabrication.


    Can we get Lois to sit in for an episode or two?

  14. I just wish they'd let them reunite before the end.  I get that Degrassi takes a different tack from Glee by realizing that your high school boyfriend/girlfriend is probably not the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with, but I honestly thought that Shannon Kook-Chun and Argiris Karras had some of the best chemistry of any couple, gay or straight, of any pairing the show produced.


    'Course, I loved Liberty and JT, so what do I know?

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