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Posts posted by starri

  1. I'm curious to see whether the ratings for Night Shift as a spring series are good enough to get a renewal.  The first episode got creamed by Castle and NCIS: Los Angeles, despite having a massive lead-in from The Voice.  OTOH, it pulled in higher numbers than State of Affairs did in the same slot, and must be cheaper to produce, because they don't need to pay for Katherine Heigl.


    I guess Izzy loses to Michael

    • Love 1
  2. I do agree that it would have been nice to have one show with gay characters, without a HIV storyline, but what can you do, it's a soapy melodrama we are watching here.

    I think the revelation falls under the Joss Whedon rule of "Give them what they need, not what they want."  It sets up a lot of drama for Connor and Oliver, but also a rare (for this show) socially-aware storyline about how HIV is no longer a death sentence, and does that acknowledge despite the the fact we have so much more knowledge and options about how to prevent HIV, there are still far too many young gay men who are seroconverting.


    One thing that concerns me is that apparently Conrad Ricamora doesn't know if he's going to be asked back for Season 2, but I can't believe they'd set that story up and just drop it.


    I haven't felt a lot of sympathy for Rebecca, mostly because she wouldn't have been as deep into the mess she found herself in if she'd just been completely honest with Annalise from the beginning.  But I have to admit, I found myself with a twinge of it when she found Lila's body floating in the water tank.  I also like how Annalise kept insisting that Rebecca was innocent, so desperate to believe that Sam's death was justified was she.


    Does anyone know anything about the actor who played Rudy?  For such a small role in three episodes, he left quite an impression.

  3. I really should be in bed, but I couldn't go to sleep not knowing.


    While the COTW was mostly a waste of time, I still have to give Laura Innes' direction props.  She always knows how to get the most out of actors, and that was the moment where Michaela suddenly became amazing, and that carried over into the last episode.  I would have cheered her scene with Aidan's mother if it wouldn't have woken my husband.


    The montage at the end where we cut back between the present day where we watch our characters lives fall apart more and the flashback to Lila's death was amazing.  The music was part of it, but they ratcheted up the tension in such a way that until I let my breath out when we finally saw Frank's face (partially because I was expecting it to be Bonnie), I didn't realize I had been holding it.


    I think Conor and Oliver's horrible news has made me verklempt, and the only male/male relationship that I thought would ever hit me that hard was my own.  I think Conor loves him enough that he's still going to want to be with him, as much as Oliver would push him away.  There are things they can do to be safe.  I need one relationship on this show to work out.


    ETA:  Bonnie killed Rebecca.

    • Love 3
  4. While the last thing I expect from this show is solid reasoning, assuming they put any thought into this and he has the type of tumor I think he did based on what they told us (a meningioma, which is usually benign), he probably could have gotten surgery within the time frame (I think it was about six weeks later).  Depending on where the tumor was, they might not even have had to open his skull, although I think he had a small scar at his temple that was, I guess, supposed to indicate that he'd had surgery.


    And with that, I probably put more thought into this than anyone associated with the show did.

    • Love 1
  5. Finally had a chance to watch. Loved the bees and Glen's comment about her giving him the buzz off. I thought they met the requirements best and should have won. The duo with the "wing man" we're led astray by their mentor. Didn't Laura suggest they change their design to make the male wings?

    I don't think she specifically said that the male model should be the wings, she only suggested that since neither Darla nor Stephanie had much experience with bodypainting that going with their original concept, with the male as camouflage wasn't the way they should go.  And given that being part of the reason that Ben and Kelly ended up on the bottom, she probably had the right idea.

    • Love 2
  6. So Emily seems the obvious one to win so far.

    I think Emily is my favorite of the current crop, but I'm cynical enough to think that they don't want to have women win back-to-back, especially younger women without any real makeup experience.  I would definitely have given her the Spotlight win, and it was frankly absurd that they even bothered with pretending Rob's makeup was anywhere near her's in the Foundation challenge.


    I'm not in a loved it or hated it category here.  I loved the idea of the challenge (and both of the Top Looks) but the "I Don't Do Robots" attitude of most of the contestants (looking at you, Darla) really brought it down, for an average of "meh."  I understand that most of them don't have a lot of experience/enthusiasm for this type of challenge, but for anyone who's ever watched this show, they have to know that judges can always tell when someone doesn't give a crap because it comes across in the work.  Conversely, someone out of his/her element who just dives into usually has the effort pay off.  It really bothered me.


    I don't have a problem with Rob getting the boot, but I'd probably have given it to Ben because of his terrible attitude.  I know the judges don't see that, but I also think it was reflected in his work.

    • Love 3
  7. I got an update from Taaluma.  The response to their appearance was so overwhelming, they had to hire 15 new employees to keep up with the demand.  I guess they don't keep much inventory, because it sounds like they're made-to-order.  I don't have any urgent need for the thing, and maybe I just missed it on their website, but it would have been nice to know that beforehand.


    I don't regret my purchase, but they've said it could take up to 14 weeks to fill the order, and if I'm on the tail end of that, I'm going to be at a different address by then.  Oh well.

    • Love 1
  8. I can tell by the wording in your post that you have medical knowledge somewhere in your background.  I have none beyond what the typical layperson might have.  My comment was meant solely within the context of the show.  I like Regosa and know that he has some medical background/training.  He helped with several trauma situations last season, so my perspective was completely, "Yeah, I'll handwave Regosa taking an 80% pay cut to become a PA."  I liked it when he helped last season.  I knew nothing about the average course of study for a PA and didn't remotely interpret it as a slight against those who actually practice the profession.  In the fictional world of Night Shift TV medicine, the PA position is simply another road to more Regosa...which makes me happy.

    I'm sorry if it came like I was making that comment toward you.  It was more a comment at the show, which looked to me like it was denigrating the entire profession.  PA's have to practice under the supervision of a physician, but they can do pretty much anything a primary care doctor can do, aside from a few limitations on the types of prescriptions they're able to write.  Topher presented it as being "mostly scut work."  "Scut work" is doctorspeak for menial labor type things--tracking down lab reports and x-rays, fetching supplies, running simple tests; "Scut" is an acronym for "some common unfinished tasks," and the people within a hospital who do it are usually called "medical students."


    This show is what it is, and as annoying as I find some of the rather loose depictions of medical science, I understand that some of that is for dramatic reasons.  Putting down an entire profession, whose practitioners spend almost as much time in school as full-on physicians (3 years versus 4), as glorified gophers bothered me.  It's a hard job to get into, and in a lot of cases it's full of people who work just as hard as doctors for less money and respect.


    And no, I'm not a PA.  When I decided to go back to school in my early 30s, I thought very seriously about it, but ultimately decided I'd be willing to put myself through an extra year of school.  So I'm going to be one of those old residents that Topher was talking about.


    I'm sorry for the rant.  This (the show, not your comment) touched a nerve in a way that actually bothered me a lot.  When they goof with the medicine (or put their stethoscopes in their ears backward, which drives me nuts), I roll my eyes and annoy my husband by pointing it out.  But something like this, you know, maybe talk to someone who's been inside a hospital.


    And don't even get me started on the magically portable ECMO.

    • Love 1
  9. I do agree that Regosa is going to miss Landry.  I also miss Landry.  However, I do like that Regosa is thinking about becoming a PA.  There's background for it.  He did help with several trauma situations last season.

    Actually, that pissed me off.  Being a physician assistant isn't something you can just do.  There's a pretty rigorous three-year training that goes along with being a PA, and admission to a program is just as, if not more, selective as medical school.  And I couldn't figure out what they were saying about Ragosa taking his boards to get his MD.  You don't have to take your boards to be awarded an MD, you need to take them in order to practice.  "Mostly scut work" my ass, Topher.


    Eion Macken's accent was slipping out all over the place.


    I liked that they managed to stage what's-her-face's cancer without doing a biopsy.  Also, Pancoast tumors cause pain in the arm and shoulder, not the neck.


    Other than that, let's see, anvil about Drew and Rick, anvil about Kenny and Krista and the badly-in-need-of-a-haircut Adam Rodriguez, and a breakroom to replace the rooftop party and the food truck.  So, just about an average episode.

  10. Captain Taylor, I suppose I should apologize to you for not having been born in Los Angeles, but, having seen your work up close now for several months, I can honestly say that, try as I might, I can't think of *any* fair and reasonable system on Earth where I wouldn't outrank you.

    You know, as much as I eventually to like--okay, tolerate--Taylor, and their frenemies working relationship, that is just the most golden thing ever.

    • Love 4
  11. I think the "recipe for disaster" was a woman knowingly marrying a gay man.  I am not someone who claims to have gaydar, but man he was pinging from the moment the show started.  Better yet, he told her he's gay.  What combination of low self-esteem and savior complex does it take for a beautiful young woman to marry a gay man who spends most of his time intimately touching and cuddling other men? 

    It's made a little clearer in the RS article, but she was apparently convinced that she was going to be the instrument through which God delivered Tyler from his homosexuality.  And that's really the pity of the whole situation; from the way she'd described, she seems like someone I would have liked.


    It's very hard for me to be objective about the whole story, being the gay, atheist product of two mainline Protestant ministers.  I don't have any use for religion of any stripe, but I understand how it gives people meaning and purpose, and if that helps them get through the day, great.  But I also really have to give the side-eye to more extreme Pentecostal/charismatic movements like the International House of Prayer.  It's not just the speaking-in-tongues, laying-on-of-hands exorcism stuff that I have a problem with, it's the premillennial "warrior" mindset that making them prepare for the Tribulation (which is really only from the book of Revelation, and which most people who accept the Higher Criticism take as a metaphor) as though it's about to occur three minutes from now.


    It just doesn't sound healthy for anyone concerned, not even Tyler.

    • Love 3
  12. I haven't read the whole RS article yet, but it reminded me of my biggest unanswered question from the show:  Was the suicide note ever confirmed to be in Bethany's handwriting?

    The only thing that it said about the note was that people didn't think it sounded like her.



    I thought it was very interesting that Bethany's father believes she committed suicide.  I think she did too.  I think she was absolutely devastated by how her marriage turned out.  I would be surprised if she felt like she had anyone she could confide in either.  That's a recipe for disaster.  To me, the police officers seem to have tunnel vision.  No denying Tyler is super creepy, but that doesn't make him a murderer.  Off to read the Rolling Stone article.

    I'm inclined to think suicide as well, although Micah's story was just so bizarre (even if contradicted by the physical evidence) that it's hard for me to discount it entirely.  But I also am willing to think that whether or not Tyler put that bag around her head, he did create the situation where she felt she had to.



    Also, 48 Hours? I didn't tweet you or whatever, but to answer your viewer question, yes, The Community was a cult.

    So is the International House of Prayer.

    • Love 2
  13. While the fuller description certainly makes it more palatable, that "up to" is the catch. Could be 100%, could be 0% or anything in between. So while it could be philanthropy, if the matched amount is an extremely low percentage or none at all, it could be a job with an enforced savings plan -- which is still better than no job at all.

    Now that I'm thinking about it, it reminds me a lot of John Oliver's rant about the extremely fuzzy math Miss America uses to declare themselves the largest provider of scholarships for women.  

    • Love 1
  14. I think I'd read that Rolling Stone article before, but I didn't make the connect to the episode simply because they didn't mention the Harry Potter stuff, nor some of the more...ahem...extreme beliefs of the International House of Prayer.  It really makes the episode even less substantial than I already thought it was.


    It's the line about how the unnamed friend just wondered why Tyler couldn't just be gay, and find a guy, and be happy," that jogged my memory.


    The worst part of the whole thing is that if it wasn't for Bethenny's death, Tyler is the one I'd feel sorry for.

    • Love 2
  15. The tortuous language both the cops and the husband used to avoid saying that he was having sex with the other male members of the cult was Clinton-level.  Inasmuch as I suspect foul play on the part of the husband and his flock, I will say that the church was a big proponent of the Ugandan "Kill the Gays" law, so I think there was probably zero chance of that story having a happy ending for anyone.


    Just so we're clear, I'm not blaming the church for the woman's death.  I'm just saying there probably couldn't be a less-healthy place to be conflicted about your orientation besides maybe the Westboro Baptist Church.

    • Love 2
  16. I found it odd that none of the sharks would not even entertain the backpack idea (which, for better or worse, was spelled out fairly clearly and seemed to me to have some additional business venues such as clothes, computer cases, strollers, etc) but two were jumping on the ap idea when it was so obviously something that, as many have said here, felt a little shady. Seems like the backpacks (and potential like items) have a wider appeal than an ap for college students.

    It may be because they have trouble getting enough fabric.  Their website mentions that if you like a particular design (especially if it's marked as a limited edition) to jump on it, because they will most likely not be able to get that exact fabric again.  They do offer wristbands as well and anyone who purchases a backpack this weekend and then either tweets about it or shares it on Facebook gets three free.  I declined, as I'm long in the tooth for that.

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