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Posts posted by starri

  1. Sorry, but even if Ben clearly botched his 3-headed beast, or could have turned it into something more manageable at the concept stage I clearly would have been harsher on princess diamond-face or rabbit-girl rather than on the guys facing the biggest, hardest challenge. Or at the very least, that was the perfect moment to use the good ole "Ben & Julian, you're the bottom 2, but considering what the kids wanted, and the fact that they all seemed happy with it (except rabbit-girl's kid), this week, there will be no elimination."

    Sure, if the challenge has been to make the kid happy.  It wasn't.  The challenge was to take kid's imaginary friend and translate it into a workable makeup.  Just literally doing what the kid wanted was the wrong tack; Laura said that to Julian directly, and she was right.



    I, for some reason, am not of fan of Darla's work.  I just watched this episode last night and was a little tired, so maybe I didn't look well enough, but wasn't her "friend" suppose to have button eyes and that is why she made the glasses?  Maybe I didn't look well enough, but did she have button eyes?

    She said--not incorrectly--that the girl wanting button-eyes were problematic, because that kind of thing tends to read as creepy (see: Coraline).  So, as a compromise, she came up with the lorgnette with the button lenses.

    • Love 1
  2. I appreciated Ben's departure.  Not so much that I was pleased to see him go (although he was my least favorite of remaining artists), but more because it affirmed the show's willingness not to use the reality show tropes and find some reason for him to stay around so each judge could have a horse in the race, but they played it straight.  Right winner, right loser, no drama, no bullshit.


    I think it says a lot of good stuff about Emily that even with her massive case of the sads (I think we all had that reaction when we were freshman in college), she didn't let herself get thrown.  She had a minute, broke down (not unreasonably, she's a long way from home), shook it off, and got back to work.  I don't think I had that kind of maturity at that age.  Hell, I don't know if I do now.  I also appreciated Laura letting her have her moment, but then encouraging her to pull it together.  I'm sure she wanted to avoid another Lainey situation, not that Emily is anywhere near that shrill.


    Loved Laura's shout-out to continuity, warning Julian from being too literal with his approach because of what had happened to Rod in her first season.


    ETA:  And another non-monster weak.  Well done, show.

    • Love 2
  3. I can't help but wonder where in the order this episode was supposed to air.  Clearly before the last one, but given the lack of mention of Drew and Rick's breakup (among other things), I think it probably should have been even earlier.  The DTR discussion between TC and Jordan felt like it should have been in the second episode, but the way Ragosa was interacting with everyone else made it seem later than that.


    I'm wondering if I'm being uncharitable toward Brendan Fehr, but something about the random nurse's line about appreciating Chavez's shirtless yoga made me think it was scripted for Drew.


    I do have to admit that Topher's Afghanistan flashbacks are more interesting than TC's by an amount of approximately infinity.  


    For anyone asking, the next episode is definitely next Monday.

  4. I wasn't sure where to put this.. but just saw an ad for "After the Tank" which is supposed to follow up on businesses after Shark Tank. Sounds like a fun show!  Unfortunately my DVR can't find it yet but I assume it's on the same channel.

    There's no announcement on when Beyond the Tank is going to air, but I'm going to assume it's going to be over the summer.

    • Love 2
  5. I guess they didn't think it mattered because he'd already been exposed. But Topher told him if he made even one mistake, he could get infected so I don't understand why he wasn't wearing gloves. I thought it was especially glaring when he handed over the container to the CDC (or whoever those guys were). They were wearing giant protective gloves; his hands were bare. Really?! That seems really wrong.

    They should also have all had their necks covered to protect their thyroid glands.


    I don't know if I understand the point of getting us invested in whether or not Krista and Chavez were going to hook up if they were just going to send him packing after 5 episodes.  I guess to stir up some friction with Kenny, but frankly, Kenny is pretty disposable as a character.


    I know this was supposed to be a big transformative moment for Paul--he is the John Carter of the series--but there was something in those scenes that felt off.  I'd also had a really lousy day, so maybe it was more to do with me, but the emotional beats felt really off, and I don't know if that's a problem with the writing, Robert Bailey's performance, or a combination of both.


    Love triangle?  Blergh.


    TC's continued manpain over his brother?  Blergh.


    I thought for a horrifying five minutes that Drew's pain over his split with Rick was going to push him to hook up with Jordan's friend, but then they had her flirting with Kenny, and that calmed me down.

  6. Marina Sirtis is a really good actor, and of course this is many years after Star Trek!  And that headscarf can really affect how a woman looks.

    I remember being shocked when I saw her name in the credits in Crash.

  7. One of my favorite things for the first season that they dropped like a hot potato was Mercedes' friendship with Quinn.  I always thought that brought out the best in both characters, and was one of the first things that started Amber Riley's improvement as an actress.


    I always felt Agron and Rivera were the two strongest actors on the show, but I suspect that's an unpopular opinion.

    • Love 2
  8. The dog tablet doohickey in their demo was using an iPad but it wasn't clear to me if it was explicitly an iPad compatible doohickey, or if it were intended to work with other tablets. I can't remember if they discussed it. (I admit I was bored this episode and not paying super close attention.) Did the stand have any sort of connector on it?

    It looked like it had some kind of dongle on it that would allow you to connect any kind of tablet (I'm pretty much Apple only, but I assume most everything else uses a microUSB), and there's an ICPooch app on Google Play.  I'm assuming the connector is only technically there to allow you to give a treat, since a tablet battery should (in theory at least) last at least 10 hours, and if you're so into your dog that you need to be constantly videochatting with him/her more than your battery will stand, you've got bigger problem.

    • Love 2
  9. Santana, Brittany, Puck, Quinn, and Finn definitely all changed by being in Glee.

    Santana even said in either the midseason finale or the actual finale of S1 that if asked directly, she'd deny it, but Glee was the one thing in her whole day that she looked forward to.


    Also, I doubt without being a part of New Directions, she'd have been able to accept herself and get the girl.

    • Love 1
  10. I gave her the stink-eye because she was whining about not having a ring. She wasn't proud of it. It seemed like she and her fiance built a great business together, but she'd rather have jewelry. Gross, and way to be a stereotype.

    That's really not the way I read it, but okay.


    The takeaway, no matter how she does or doesn't feel about an engagement ring, it that Robert still screwed her over.

  11. Seriously. This is a business? How do they go about closing the barn door, anyway? It also strikes me that employers who won't hire someone because of a drunken spring break photo are pretty short-sighted. Is it a job that requires a security clearance or government background check? If not, then shut up.

    It's not uncommon.  I've known some employers that as part of the application process demand social media passwords in order to see what's out there.  A number of my classmates use either parts of their names (I use my middle name which what I use among my friends, my first name is what I use professionally) or aliases to avoid having hospitals being able to Google us easily.



    I must be a cynic, too. I thought that little girl was so cute that Daymond offered her a deal -- with a contingency -- so that he wouldnt have to break her heart.

    Line starts behind me.  Also, while that little girl wasn't the worst offender the show has ever had, but I would have been interested to see if her father could have drunk a glass of water while she was talking.  He was in PR, she's his hook.

    I honestly don't know which I have less tolerance for "But We're Moms!" or Cute Kids As Mouthpieces for Their Parents.


    Lori:  I'm known to say...


    Me:  Shut up!


    I thought the Home-T guy was a little off, but I have to admit I liked the shirts.  I didn't $30 like them though.

    • Love 5
  12. I'm going to take what we got for them and run. If we checked back in on them chances are Brittany would be having a Klaine baby too.

    They looked happy, and that will have to be good enough for me.


    Dianna Agron, still the prettiest.


    I think I got the most satisfaction from seeing Will and Emma together.  I may be unique in this, but way back in the pilot, it was Emma who drew me in, because she was a character whose quirks could have been completely annoying, but Jayma Mays sold the hell out of it, and she was cute as a button while doing it.  And the show back then was actually as much about Will (if not more so) as it was about Rachel, and being that I was closer in age to Will (I may actually have been older than he), I guess that grabbed me more.  Except for the rapping, as Emma even called out.


    As to the self-congratulatory tone about the LGBT stuff...this it probably going to be an unpopular opinion, but as annoying as it got, they actually deserved at least some of it.  I don't know if Glee was a catalyst or it just happened at a moment where there was a generational shift in attitudes, but I think a lot good stuff for visibility (especially with what happening over on ABC Family's The Fosters, a show that I don't even watch, but have none-the-less gotten teary-eyed just reading about) is because of the show.  Maybe not as much as the show would like us to believe, but it did make a difference.

    • Love 4

    The scene of them at the school (with kids that I assume are either gay, the children of gay couples or transgender children) was entirely heartwarming.

    Harvey Milk High School is a real NYC public school that was started as a safe space for LGBT teens, although is not exclusively LGBT.  I have no idea why in 2020 they would have branched out into having an elementary school to go along with that, but I could see it being the same kind of space for kids with gay parents.

    • Love 2
  14. I would have liked to get some time to check in on Santana and Brittany, but I get that we couldn't went an entire episode going into the future for all of the characters.


    I think I'm impressed that Rachel listened to Sam and went back to NYADA after all.  But honestly, the larger plot pieces are kind of irrelevant here.  We got everything tied up in one big happy bow, and that's about as much as we could have expected.

    • Love 1
  15. I agree, which is also pretty much true of Emily's,  and yet almost got her bounced out. 

    She wasn't almost bounced.  They were always going to chuck Stephanie, but wanted to, if I may borrow a phrase, tell Emily to "check herself before she wrecks herself."  The only reason Emily was on the bottom was her doing another variation on the huge wig, the makeup was technically fine.

    • Love 3
  16. I wonder if his attorneys can try to manipulate the trial process by claiming the documentary will make it difficult to select an impartial jury.

    They can certainly try, but given that the LA courts managed to find not one but two impartial juries for OJ's criminal and civil trials, I don't think they'd get very far.

    • Love 1
  17. Was this written as a possible series (in the U.S. sense of the word) instead of season finale? It sure felt like it. Maybe the R&I writers got the cancelation message intended for the Perception writers?

    I don't think they got their renewal notice until relatively recently, after this batch of episodes was filmed.


    I'm hoping they're going to be receptive to the feedback they get to their usual end-of-season email surveys.  Mine basically boiled down to the message "No. More.  Angela."

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