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Posts posted by starri

  1. It's not explicitly spelled out in the show, but the radioactive isotope that blinded him also kicked his other senses into overdrive. In the comics, at least. I'm assuming it's the same here.

    I don't think that's what they're going for.  If they were, they didn't really emphasize it.  Stick has all of the same powers (and perhaps more, because I can't see Matt being able to pull of archery, which isn't easy even if you can see), and he's been blind since birth.


    The whole way through, it seemed more supernatural than superhuman, at least to me.

  2. "Got a bunch of people here that love you like crazy..." Oh, Jeff, never change.



    Maybe she was just mellow, but I felt like Theresa was stoned during her Skype follow-up with Candy.

    Sometimes when alcoholics are going through detox and working on rehab, they give them Valium.  It's debatable if that's the best idea, but it might have been why she seemed a little out of it.


    Despite the fact that stealing from his grandfather is pretty despicable, I found myself a lot more sympathetic toward Zach than toward Theresa.  I also thought the contrast between the grandfather and Theresa's father was pretty striking.  The dad saying "Here's your medicine" while bringing her a case of beer sent chills down my spine.  


    If Zach's really committed to being sober and to his son, he needs to get the hell away from Whitney.

    • Love 1

    I've got a question here that I'm hoping someone can clarify/answer for me. During one of Foggy and Matt's conversations, Foggy asked if Matt was really blind or just faking, and Matt said, "more or less." So, is he blind? All these years I thought he was and that when he was DareDevil, that there was some gadget in the eye thingamajig that helped him to "see."

    Matt is blind.  He is unable to see, but the Maguffin is that his other senses were heightened (particularly his hearing) to the point that he's able to compensate and then some.


    Primarily, he's able to navigate the world, both as Matt and as Daredevil because of his hearing.  It basically works like a bat's; he knows where things are because of sound bouncing off them.  In the only good scene in the Affleck movie, he talks about how when it rains, that's as close to normal as he gets.

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  4. I thought that AKA was "Season 2", and any continuation of the Darwdevil story would be in cameos during the next few seasons and the Defenders.

    I'm pretty sure that isn't the way they're going to go, if for no other reason than it's not the kind of world-building they've done with their other properties.  Captain America might be an Avenger, but his other stories aren't really directly tied to them.  I don't know if that means they would jump directly into a new season of Daredevil without having filmed Defenders first, but that's not the next season of Daredevil's story.

  5. Forgot to add:  I wouldn't be surprised if they use The Hand as the antagonist for Defenders.  Matt, Jessica, Luke, and Danny are not really the people who'd see fighting a cosmic or demonic threat.  The Hand, on the other hand, fits pretty squarely with this corner of the MCU, has the same mystical element that we saw a little bit of in Daredevil, and has connections to both Matt and Danny.

    • Love 2
  6. Agree to disagree. I figure they're gonna loosely base season 2 around Frank Miller's first run on the comic, built around an epic turf war between Fisk's organization and The Hand, with Bullseye and Elektra as the main lieutenants.

    I figure there are essentially three stories they are more or less pre-ordained to tell:  the origin, which we've just watched, Miller's first run on the book (which, even absent Elektra and Bullseye, they pulled some inspiration here), and then Born Again.


    The pacing with this seemed very deliberate, and there was a lot more stuff they could have pulled in, but they didn't.  That's kind of why I'm expecting a slow burn.  They could have used more of the rogue's gallery but didn't.  Maybe I'm just projecting because I see a lot of similarities between Daredevil and Hannibal, but this just doesn't seem like the kind of show that throws a bunch of stuff at the wall.


    If Black Cat isn't tied up with Spider-Man, I'd love her to show up somewhere.


    Also, if they could avoid turning Karen into a heroin addict porn star that would be great.  K.  Thanx.

    • Love 3
  7. All in all, a great show, and if they can keep up the same quality, I'm definitely looking forward to AKA Jessica Jones.

    I wish they'd just call it Jessica Jones.  I get why they can't call it Alias, but the AKA just sounds stupid.



    The finale seemed a bit rushed to me. Sure, the chase scene was fun, and the final fight between Matt and Fisk was great, but everything else in the episode seemed a bit forced in order to clean the slate for the next season.  Sure, I get it, but they probably could've stretched out Fisk's downfall over a couple of episodes, make it seem more organic.

    I would argue that his downfall DID happen over several episodes, starting with Karen's killing Wesley.  After that, we learn that Leland and Gao were trying to kill Vanessa, then Gao's heroin trade goes up in flames, then we find Leland was skimming off the top of Fisk's money.


    I also think that they'd be stupid to not follow up with Fisk as an antagonist (if not THE antagonist), because just about everything that I've read has singled out D'onofrio for praise.  He's the Netflix equivalent of Loki.  They were foreshadowing The Hand all over the place, but depending how long they're producing the show, I can see them following the template of Hannibal, and slowly unwinding the mythology, like maybe saving Bullseye for a hypothetical third season.  The entire season was basically one long origin story, so I just don't see them doing Elektra AND The Hand AND Bullseye all at once.


    I was vaguely disappointed that there wasn't an episode titled "Sympathy for the Devil."

  8. It's less the domestic violence angle that intrigued me, because we've seen that a thousand times, it was the Thin Blue Line aspect.  I also find it extremely suspicious that there was no repercussions for the investigating detective, who at bare minimum, half-assed the investigation.

    • Love 6
  9. It was more of the "modern classic" Hornhead, but I wasn't too keen on what I saw of the eyes.  This is one of the very few heroes that can get away with a full head cover, so why all the black?

    The eyes being exposed are so people don't make the connection between Matt and Daredevil.  People expect a blind hero to have his eyes covered, so if they're not, no one expects the mild-mannered blind attorney to be the Man Without Fear.


    As far as I can recall, there was no Stan Lee cameo this season. I was kind of expecting him to be one of the people being arrested.

    He wasn't there in the flesh, but if you look over Brett's shoulder when Hoffman turned himself in, there's a picture of him in a cop's uniform.


    Also, when Matt picks up the suit, you can see Stilt-Man's stilts in the background too.


    I'm really just in awe of the show.  I wasn't planning on binge-watching, but I got so caught up, I had to keep going.  There were very, very few false notes, and on the whole, has blown just about everything else Marvel has done out the water.  I've loved just about everything else Marvel Studios has release, but a show for grown-ups, the MAX to the rest of their offerings, was something that I didn't even realize was missing.


    And not even to beat my drum about Karen being the hero in the end, but no matter how horrible she felt about it, and no matter how she only did it out of fear for her own life, if it hadn't been for her taking out Wesley, Fisk's house of cards would never have collapsed.

    • Love 5
  10. She could be Nick Fury or Coulson for the Netflix series.


    If I were picking any of their movies for her to show up in though, it's Doctor Strange.  Since they've kept Matt's powers as being more mystical and less X-Men, and since Night Nurse has shown up in his stories from time to time...Plus, if Stephen Strange is a surgeon at Metro-General...

    • Love 1
  11. I said in an early thread that Karen is the bravest of all the characters.  I think I have to amend that and say that not only is she the bravest, she, not Matt, is the hero of the show.


    Geez, did not expect Wesley to be that sloppy. Damn!

    He shouldn't have underestimated Karen.

    • Love 2
  12. Really racking my head trying to figure out what Marvel character that could be at the end. If this was DC I'd be thinking Ra's al Ghul, but here I've got nothing. Also, from the voice I was thinking it was Keith David, but then that clearly wasn't his body.

    My guess would be Shang-Chi.  If they'd already announced casting, I would have said Iron Fist, but I don't know that in this universe I would expect Danny to be so...established for lack of a better word.  Nor probably quite that hulking.

  13. I'm 5'10", and he seemed to be shorter than me.  It may just have been because Scanavino is REALLY tall.  My husband is 6'1", and he was taller than that.


    Honestly, he's hotter in person, if such a thing is possible.  There's a whole lot of smolder in that body.

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