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Posts posted by starri

  1. I have absolutely no idea. That's how little the Glee Competitions have meant to me over the last 6 years.

    Why are we trying to make it make sense?  I mean, Vocal Adrenaline is supposed to be their biggest rival, and they're close enough that Will can take a job coaching them without seeming to abandon his family, yet they were never in competition against them in Sectionals...


    You know what, this is too much.  I'm just going to walk away before I give myself an aneurysm.

  2. Chris Colfer was unfortunately in a very awkward position, there was no template for an out actor being paired with his straight co star with whom he had been linked in an onscreen romance that exploded in popularity.

    Randy Harrison and Gale Harold on Queer as Folk.  It may not have had the reach that Glee did, but their IRL shippers were every bit as...ahem...tenacious.  There are some that are still carrying a torch, after more than a decade.

  3. For the life of me I don't get this particular demand that they look at each other (it's not so much directed at you specifically). They are being interviewed and will look mostly at the interviewer. They are also very different in temperament. Darren is clearly very extroverted and likes attention and will seek it, while Chris seems more of an introvert, and his method of seeking attention is mostly verbal. I'm sure there is also this heightened self-awareness, especially on Chris's part, because he's long known how their every gesture and look in each other's presence is examined to shreds, misconstrued, and re-construed depending on whether one wants to prove they hate each other, or that they're secretly dating. 

    I'm only going to say that I have a much easier time believing that they hate each other.  I don't feel the need to defend that by doing a detailed scene by scene analysis of the entire show, because ultimately, it's just a hunch that has no greater bearing on my well-being than anything else about Glee.


    I expect that in 10-15 years, someone in the cast (my money's on Kevin McHale) is going to write one hell of a tell-all book.

  4. I'm not at all sure this is true, but I know a lot of fans (and the bitter Kurt stans) assumed it when Chris stopped promoting Klaine, because of the heavy tinhatting of him and Darren (incidentally this was just discussed in the Fandoms thread), and when it became apparent to him that the SL for Kurt will be heavily about the relationship  - while he's always been more interested in individuality. 

    I don't remember where I saw it (and I even less remember why I watched it) but there were a few videos of Criss and Colfer being interviewed and talking just about about the conspiracy theories, and they never looked at each other once.  Maybe that's a chicken-or-egg scenario, because they're just so used to not being able to associate too much because of the crazies.


    I don't know, I'm more interested in real male/male couples that are able to be out and about in public as opposed to any supposed moonlight assignations that people have projected onto actors.

  5. It reminded me of the West Memphis Three (which IIRC, Erin Moriarty also covered for 48 Hours), where the police browbeat Jessie Misskelley (who was also developmentally delayed) into giving the confession they wanted.


    And the worst part is, that no matter what happens, Melissa's had her life ruined and the baby's still dead.

    • Love 4
  6. Still wish they had gone the Sam/Kurt route back in S2. Could have spared us all the horrible Klaine drama.

    With the caveat that I haven't watched the show regularly since S3, I didn't mind Klaine so much at first.  It's just as it went on it became readily apparent that Colfer and Criss can't stand each other, and neither is talented enough to keep it from bleeding over into his performance.

  7. That was Mason and Spencer having fun? I thought they were constipated!

    *Shrug*.  YMMV.


    I will say the costuming was bizarre and pulled focus.  Sue was in a track suit (because of course she was), Sheldon, Will, and Sam had sequined jackets, but Mason, Spencer, and Roderick had vests, the girls all had sequined dresses, except for Rachel who also had a jacket.

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  8. The hotels and motels I've stayed in have the maids turn the A/C or heat to low or off when they service the room after a guest departs.  I'm not clear how Keen's product could improve on that.  

    It would also make it easier to control the climate when the guest is in the room.  I'm not sure it would result in enough savings to offset the cost of installation, but I can see it being something that a hotel chain would at least consider.

  9. Agreed. He, Matt, and Becca were the only ones in this story line who could actually dance. Maybe that's why all the choreography was bad.

    As weak that the choreography was, I appreciated that most of them, especially Dot and the actors who play Mason and Spencer looked like they were having fun.  That's the kind of thing that made me like this show originally.

  10. That is what made me think it was suicide, because if someone else was suffocating her, wouldn't there have been marks on her neck from the person trying to keep the bag there? As well as a struggle (skin under her fingernails, etc) as Bethanny tried to remove the bag or fought with the person keeping it there?

    I guess you could make the argument that she had been drugged with the Tylenol PM, but diphenhydramine isn't that powerful of a sedative unless they'd poured it down her throat.  It's also unlikely it would have killed her by itself unless she took more than 50 pills, and even then, it's 50/50.  The acetaminophen would have done it by killing her liver, but that's slow and very painful.  But a nurse would have known that.


    OTOH, if Micah was telling the truth, and the cult had been drugging her with Seroquel, why not just use that?  It's basically a coma in pill form, and wouldn't have shown up in her blood unless they'd known to look for it.


    Jane notices Angela is spending too much money and asks Maura to teach her mom how to handle her finances.

    I give up.  Maybe I'll watch when they return in the summer, but right now I have better uses for an hour a week than to watch their court-mandated Angela subplot.

    • Love 2
  12. I really, really liked the Ariana Grande number.  It was Autotuned to all hell, but it reminded me why I used to like this show:  there used to be joy oozing out of every up-tempo number.  That kind of thing made it much easier to overlook the show's flaws.

  13. I want to know if Michaela's ex-fiance's mother always knew her son was gay/bi, or if she  has  only just figured it now. If it's the former, I'm wondering why she wasn't nicer to Michaela earlier on!

    The difference was Michaela being aware of Aiden's less-than-straight proclivities.  Being in the dark, Monster-in-law had a lot more to leverage into making sure the marriage was set up to Michaela's disadvantage.  With Michaela knowing about it, she was a little more desperate to secure Aiden a beard.

  14. Yeah, HIV doesn't exactly play fair, but the seeming unfairness from, apparently, Oliver's perspective may well be a hurdle for them. Since he's diagnosed and therefore will get treatment, and HIV isn't remotely a death sentence (not a doctor, and at high risk from side effects, poor luck in treatment response, etc, but I'm under the impression that with early diagnosis and proper treatment, life expectancies are approaching those of the typical population), there's some new relationship ground to cover in terms of a mixed-status relationship, Connor considering Truvada, etc. My poor Oliver, but story-wise it gives them some relationship drama and controversial ground to cover (at least, I understand there's controversy about Truvada within the gay male community, but maybe/logically not as much when partners in a relationship are known to be discordant). And all this means more plot for Oliver!

    The general belief these days is that an HIV+ person on HAART therapy ("the cocktail," which is usually a combination of three drugs: the two in Truvada and a third) is more likely to die with the disease than from it.  The meds have side effects, aren't cheap, and there are still risks associated with a positive person catching a garden variety infection (because it will at least temporarily deplete T-cell levels), but there's no reason to think that Oliver can't have a long, happy life, with or without Connor.  We're even at a point where he could have children.  (SOURCE:  my thesis on HIV medication, two years of medical school)


    HTGAWM is ultimately a primetime soap, albeit one with an outstanding cast.  I'm not sure they are the correct forum to tell a story that's got so much nuance to it, but I AM sure Conrad Ricamora and Jack Falahee can carry it, and if the writing manages to stick the landing, it can only be a positive.


    I shouldn't be this emotionally invested in a fictional couple.  Is this what Edward/Bella or Jacob/Bella is like?

    • Love 2
  15. Taaluma's site now states they'll get your backpack to you by Sept. 1!!!!!!! Wow, 7 months away is a long time to wait for an order, maybe they need to hire even more people.

    I'm just going to hope that those of us who got in the early crush don't have to wait that long.  I'm sorry, I liked the backpacks, but I don't know if I liked them that much.

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  16. I'm more willing to forgive sort of catch-as-catch-can writing on what is ultimately a soap than I would be on something where the plot is supposed to be the main driver (looking at you X-Files/Lost/Galactica).  Plus, being a little more open-ended gives them the possibility of getting into a happy accident; for example, I'm betting that Oliver wouldn't have been such a prominent character (moreso than anyone who wasn't directly tied to murder) if they had been following a stricter blueprint and couldn't adapt to audience reaction.


    Also, even if the decision to make Frank the killer didn't happen until the producers were deep into the show, considering I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been kicked in the stomach, I don't know if it's a fail when they can produce an episode that's tonally that compelling.  The reviewer at AV Club made the comment that it was the most exciting episode since the pilot, and I think I agree with that.


    I also have to say, the producers made the exact right call in agreeing to limit the season to fifteen episodes to keep Viola free to accept film and theatrical roles.  It's going to suck waiting until the fall for more, but I appreciate not having the plot spread out so thin.

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