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Posts posted by starri

  1. Actually, according to Wikipedia, Daniel was on Team Anthony and Anthony is on Team Rayce. So Rayce has 5, Laura has 4, and Anthony has 3.

    I wish they were clearer about that.  The way it's laid out on SyFy.com (at least on my laptop), makes it look like they've got each team together, and they've got Daniel under Rayce's picture.


    A Texas man tells Dr. Phil he’s desperate to find his missing ex-girlfriend. 48 hours later, he tells police something different. Where’s the truth? Tracy Smith investigates.

    Also, fuck Dr. Phil.  That is all.

    • Love 5
  3. Fun Bites seemed like it would be dishwasher safe, so I'm not sure cleaning it would be all that odious.  I don't know, perhaps I'm as big heartless monster, but I feel a parent's obligation to his/her child's requirement for "fun" food should be limited to cutting the crusts off.


    BevBoy - plastic crap that will be in a landfill within three weeks.


    Lip Bar - drag queens would love it.  That's all I got.


    Yak Cheese - I'd be interested in trying it myself (that may have been because I was incredibly stoned when I watched the episode), but I concur with everyone else, they were just there for PR.

    • Love 4
  4. I hate myself for squeeing over Oliver throwing himself on Connor's lips and then the bashful "I more than like you" declaration, but I did.  Oliver and Connor are clearly very compatible, and lord knows there aren't enough gay men of color in TV, but I kind of like Connor as an unapologetic slut.  Also, Oliver was flat-out adorable in Grandma Walsh's hat.


    My only thought as Annalise was working her way through the hotel minibar was "Don't you know how much that's costing you?"


    Was anyone else surprised that Laurel has a wealthy family?  I never really got the impression that she came from money.  We know that Wes and Michaela have more humble backgrounds, I guess I just read her as being the same.


    This is a totally random thought, but I hope the show's makeup artists get some kind of award.  I know from watching Face Off that doing beauty makeup isn't as easy as it looks, and particularly in the last scene, they have Viola looking flawless.


    I'm betting this episode ends up on Viola's Emmy reel.

    • Love 2
  5. Gotham by Midnight.  I haven't picked up a DC book since James Robinson ran to Marvel, but I saw enough good reviews that I checked the first issue out.  I wish I could endorse it without reservation, because it reminds me a lot of an old-school Vertigo title, which is fantastic, but I HATE the art with a fiery passion.  A lot of the early art in Sandman looks incredibly rough these days, and the constantly-shifting artists throughout most of the major stories didn't make them cohesive at times (except in instances where the different styles were the point), but it also never looked like it had been splashed with mud and the run over by a car.  I get that they're going for Expressionism (especially Munch), but it's really kind of off-putting.  If the Lovecraftian themes they seem to be setting up weren't so interesting, I don't know if I'd stick with it, but I can grit my teeth for now.

  6. I also have to give Emily credit for taking time at Last Looks, which has to be the most stressful hour of the entire competition, to apply false eyelashes for Daniel.  I know that's probably a quick job, but it's not like this was during a lull in the lab where people were waiting for molds to dry or foam to set.  But she still managed to help him when she also had to do 100 other things herself.


    Although she needs to stop shoving things in her hair for the judging.  I didn't like it when Alana and Laney played dress-up each week, and I don't like this, and I like Emily a lot more than I liked either of them.


    I also wish they'd have given some time to Regina's Joker.  We never got to see it up close, but it looked really cool from a distance, and I was surprised that didn't land her better than Safe.

    • Love 1
  7. When Emily's makeup hit the Reveal Stage, both my husband and I said at the same time "Well, she's going to win, she's got Megan."  Can't fault the judges though, the look was terrific.  Emily also did the thing the thing that sets a good contestant from a great one:  she thanked Megan after she'd had her time to speak with the judges.  I also think it's good for Team Laura after being the first to lose a member to end up running the table on the Top Looks this week.


    I think what got Daniel the boot over Anthony was that A) they need to eliminate someone from Rayce's team to keep them even, and B) no matter the number of failings on Anthony's piece, he at least tried, while Daniel was like "Lipstick?  What's that?"

    • Love 4
  8. I would use the BedJet, if for no other reason than my husband and I have vastly different temperature requirements when it comes to bedtime.  We eventually broke down and use separate covers for that very reason.  But the guy was so sleazy,  I rarely agree with Lori, but she made the right call by refusing to deal with him.


    Regarding the situation with Fresh Patch, I'm probably the poster child for lazy urban dwellers, but even I have to draw the line at paying $50/month to have grass shipped to me.  There are certain trade-offs in living in a big city, and having to walk a dog (and pick up after it, you reprobates) in lousy weather is one of them.  But I'm a cat person.  Also, I'm betting that wasn't the only grass that guy was having grown hydroponically.

  9. That's from the book, though.  It's not newsreels though; the Maguffin is a novel called The Grasshopper Lies Heavy, which describes a history that's very different from what the characters know.  It's also very different from our actual history.  It's left very ambiguous about what's real and what isn't.  I think the show (should it move forward) would probably build toward a more definitive answer.

  10. So Mark's idea about asking hospital visitors to sanitize their phones...  Does he envision also asking them to wash their hands?  Because that's where the germs come from.  I really don't think there's an epidemic of people in hospitals getting e coli from their visitors phones or something.  If there is, it'd be a lot cheaper to hand them a Clorox wipe.  Plus hospitals seem to invariably ask people not to use their phones on the premises.   

    Infection control is a really big deal in hospitals.  Even the cleanest hospital in the world can get an outbreak, and a lot of medicine is being done on tablets these days.  Makes sense to me.

    • Love 1
  11. So, Chapul is not terrible.  It's slightly better tasting than a Power Bar, although I got very nervous before I took the first bite.  The ones that I ordered had a slightly gritty texture, which I know is more likely to be from the peanuts and the flax seed, but I could stop my mind from going to the crickets as being the reason, and I just felt like I was crunching on spindly little cricket legs.  I think I could get over the ick factor fairly quickly, and the flavor isn't bad.  They have three different flavors: Aztec (dark chocolate, coffee, and cayenne), Chaco (peanut butter and chocolate), and Thai (Coconut, Ginger, and Lime).  There were only really choices when I bought them of a three-bar sampler pack or a three-pack of Chaco, so I opted for the latter because I can't stand coconut, even if I think the Aztec flavor is more my speed.


    The one thing, aside from the price, that would keep me from giving them repeat business, is that there's an awful lot of sugar in each bar and not a great amount of protein, which I remembered too late was the reason why I held off on trying them in the first place.

    • Love 2

    I actually would possibly buy the phone thing, as I never really thought about all the germs lurking on my phone.

    It's not really anything you need to freak out about.  I see the utility in a healthcare setting, because you need more sterility when you're working with hospitalized patients, with the shift to electronic records-keeping, there's a place for that, especially if, as Mark said, they can speed up the time.


    "I saw it on Dr. Oz" is not really an investment strategy I would follow, but I'm not going to tell Lori how to spend her money.

    • Love 6
  13. I get a daily workout email that's target towards people who don't have a lot of free time.  Sometimes they include advertising.  This morning's had an ad for a cricket-based protein bar that's not Chapul, the one that was pitched and received a deal (from Daymond?) a season or two ago.  I didn't think there would be a lot of players in that space, but shows you what I know.


    Which lead me to Amazon to order some Chapul.  I remember being curious about them when they were featured, They're freaking expensive, so they damned well be better than the Special K protein bars I usually buy.

    • Love 1
  14. Point of Honor is supposed to take place in my hometown, and all I could think was how amazingly historically and geographically inaccurate it was.  I'm assuming their research was limited to reading a Wikipedia article.


    The cast, who were all CW-ready and were certainly trying, couldn't do much with the dialog and the accents were atrocious.

  15. I'm sure people might have made the same forecast about Netflix.  I get that the shipping costs are lower on DVDs, but back in the dark ages (pre-9/11) they had one fulfillment center in California (and also rented porn!) and if you lived on the East Coast, the service was slower than Christmas.  Then once 9/11 happened, and more specifically the anthrax attacks happened, it got even slower.  They survived.


    I wouldn't have written off Toygaroo if they'd been willing to put in the work.  Maybe it would have gone under anyway, maybe not.


    I'd never have expected much of Ava the Elephant, but Tiffany Krumins and Barbara have turned that into an entire line of products which are made in the United States.  "I Want To Draw A Cat For You" seemed utterly insane, and in terms of return-on-investment, it's probably been the best deal in percentage, if not in dollar amount.


    I guess what I'm saying is that it's hard to predict what is or isn't going to be a hit.  All I know for sure about Toygaroo was that it was poorly managed.

  16. I thought Toygaroo was a flop because it was a bad idea with high costs.

    Standard "I have no kids disclaimer."


    Cuban said that his kids loved it, and I think, marketed towards parents who are looking to providing their kids with toys and not being stuck with them once the kids age past them, or spending a fortune on toys that will be played with for a month and then forgotten.


    Given that the challenge was for 3 characters from 5 people, done over 4 days, these artists don't seem as good as in past seasons.  I am thinking that the producers realized this (or realized that the talent pool was getting sparse)

    See, I used to think the talent pool thing was true, but then Dina happened.


    As far as why the make-ups didn't seem very good, I think it was a "too many cooks" situation.  In the finales, we've seen finalists with teams of two having to make two characters.  This time, we had teams of five with three coaches trying to keep the chaos organized.  Every person did multiple things (or at least it seemed, because it was really hard for me to keep track of everything), which made it harder to focus on one particular element and make it great.  So the results, apart from the obvious flops like Team Laura's monkey, were pretty meh.

    • Love 2
  18. The judging made me dizzy.  I couldn't keep up with who was where and which make-up was from which team.


    Does anyone want to bet that we're going to see the teams shuffled somewhere around the halfway point?


    I wish I could say any of the contestants had made any impression on me, but at this point, it's just a blur of faces, piercings, and interesting hair.

    Have they specified exactly how much work the coaches are allowed to do?  Because at one point, Laura had a tool in her hand and seemed to be helping reshape her guy's (the one who I believe has a shrine to her in his home and perhaps she picked only because he reminded her of Roy) monkey face, and at the beginning of application day, Anthony was shown with an airbrush in his hands.  I know they said the teams are on their own at Last Looks, but what can/can't they do beyond that?

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