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Posts posted by starri


    starri, what's a Dollar Dance? (I mean, besides what one can see at the Uptown Cabaret, the "classy" strip joint in town.)

    It's something that's more common in certain geographic regions, but the male guests usually give the bride a few dollars (sometimes pinned to her dress or veil, sometimes collected by the maid/matron of honor) for a dance. 


    Jimmy is actually funny, smart, quick, and talented, and nothing like the hack Jay Leno is.

    Believe it or not, Leno was once those things too, but had to bury a lot of his edgier material to appeal to Carson's old audience.



    I do understand that asking for cash can be tacky, but I think that's why the fund actually helps.

    I guess it's just different strokes for different folks, but turning a wedding gift from a recognition of a new couple starting their new life together (even if the couple were both working professionals with their own household already set up) into a just direct cash-grab is really appalling to me.  I know there are regional differences (I'm Southern, I've never seen a Dollar Dance until I went to the Long Island wedding of a college friend), but there's something that I find really, really gauche about having a hand directly out for a fabulous vacation.  It goes from something that I said about the fake cake mother and son:  you have the wedding (and honeymoon) that you can afford.  I didn't have a wedding registry either (I'm still not quite sure how etiquette works for same-sex couples), but my grandmother (who is now deceased) gifted us with a set of china that she'd been given when she and my grandfather had gotten married.  It wasn't fancy; it was a line that was aimed at military families during WWII and the Korean War, and I don't have any real use for it, but I treasure it, a lot more that sipping Mai-Tais on a beach somewhere.

    • Love 7

    There are 4 possible combinations of final 3- two of which would exclude either Dina or Cig.  So, I would not have been fine with that. :)

    You're right of course, and I was perhaps a bit too hyperbolic, but honestly, the only person of the four that I would definitely have wanted to have move forward was Dina.


    I was sure we'd see Cig moving forward, but honestly, even though he's really done nothing specific that I can point to to raise my ire, there's something about him that I find incredibly annoying.  I can see that he's turned in some nice makeups, but some of the ones that have gotten him praise, like the horror movie contest really didn't impress me as much as they apparently impressed the judges.  I won't be disappointed per se if he wins, but I'd much rather see Dina take the brass ring.


    I guarantee that George is going to be Cig's first pick for his team.

  4. There is an olive oil tasting place in an upscale neighborhood of my smallish city hometown.  The guy seemed like a nice guy, but he's hardly the only person in the space.


    This is just the person who was raised by a woman who knew her Emily Post backward and forward, but I find couples asking for monetary contribution to help toward their honeymoon incredibly tacky.  But when they were showing photos of couples that have used their service, they had a same-sex couple, so in a display of my own prejudices, that made me feel slightly more charitable.

    • Love 2
  5. I just want Ve back.

    I don't mind if they keep Lois, because she's been great, but there have been times I've missed Ve's rather racy sense of humor a lot this season.

    • Love 3
  6. I think they gave the edge to Drew over George because even though Drew's fix for his problem wasn't fantastically executed, his idea of taking the kaiju and had attacked it was in keeping with the tokusatsu theme of the challenge.  With George, he clearly realized his idea wasn't working, but he kept going with it without any attempt to problem solve, beyond running his chest piece a second time in polyfoam.


    Any combination of those four for the final three would have been fine by me, so it's hard to be too disappointed.


    I loved the "Buffyesque" moment at graduation where everyone cheers for Veronica and Clemmons is all "What were you expecting?" and then tells her he's going to miss her (sort of... not in so many words).

    The "Veronica Mars: Class Protector" thing always gets me.


    And Clemmons' grudging fondness for her, which got called back in the movie.

    • Love 1
  8. So, the woman invents the Hooters of golf, finds that a scalable business?  I mean, I have a little interest in golf as Mark, but going of my research sample, my father, he's more there to either to hang out with his friends, talk business, or spend quality time with my stepmother, who would repurpose her clubs for another purpose if he tried anything like that.


    I mean, if the acorn woman is successful, good for her, but something seemed a little off about her.


    Those guys with the novelty sunglasses seemed really pathetic to me.  I mean, if they're making money off the cheap plastic things, more power to them, but they seemed desperate.  I wonder what exactly Daymond saw in them, except to make some quick money off a fad.

    • Love 2

    Side note - I don't think Lori has changed either, but for some reason, I am now noticing just how much Lori smiles while she talks - even when she is telling someone they have a bad idea. Her talking through the clenched teeth of a big grin is really bugging me.

    She's one of the Plastics.  She'll at least have a smile on her face as she slits your throat.


    Which is fine, and wouldn't get remarked on if she was a man, but I hate how she gives these long speeches--often about herself--while she's turning people down.

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    Although she was the designated "oh no, my mold is (insert crisis here" for the week, she ended up doing what she could.

    But it was also something like her this mold crisis in as many weeks.  Where I also thought she fell down was when her cowl turned into a disaster, she seemed to spend a lot of time bitching about it instead of scrambling to fix it.  She did a decent job with the repair, I understand her need to vent, and it was clear she was stressed because she knew she'd be on the chopping block, but she wasted a lot of energy on that.


    I thought George was better than "safe" only because he picked Meghan as his model.  The makeup was fine, but it wasn't nearly as polished either Dina or Cig.


    Also, why wouldn't they give them any male models to choose from?  When they all picked women, I freeze-framed a shot of the life cast shelf, and there were only women.  A male fairy could have been a lot more interesting.

    • Love 1

    The thrust of Kevin O'Leary's bio has changed as well -- he's no longer "turned a $10,000 loan into a software business worth $2.2 million," now he's "sold a children's education company for $4 million" (or something?) Must've been a recent transaction.

    It's not.  He had an educational software business that he sold to Mattel for several billion dollars, but that was back in the 90s.  It was also not a very good investment on the part of Mattel, but that's a whole other discussion.

    • Love 1

    I didn't hate the idea. At almost 40 and never married, I think it's completely insane what some people spend on their weddings

    I got married at the courthouse (with the caveat that I'm a gay man) with just my husband and a justice of the peace.  We had dinner that night and Steak and Shake.  You will find no greater proponent for no-frills wedding than I.  But I can't imagine even the most thrifty wedding party going for a styrofoam cake.  


    Miss Manners always said that you host the party you can afford.

    • Love 6

    Time to confess a personal bias here: I have little tolerance for when a grown-ass adult comes on this show with their still-a-minor-child and touts their nascent business as entirely the kid's idea when, in fact, they still have control over all the filthy lucre Junior is bringing in to the family coffers.

    You and me both, brother.



    I feel like something was cut from the clothes wipe pitch- because I could just not connect the dots for why Mark and Barbara went crazy on them!

    They did seem really smug, as was their post-deal confessional that they weren't "rich kids."  Considering how long the pitches are said to last before before being cut down to two segments with commercials, I can see one or more of the sharks getting really fed up by the end of it.  There was one pitch last season where it was obvious the actual pitch had lasted more than an hour, and the Sharks were all absolutely murderous.

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  14. As soon as George said he was going to use silicone, I was like "Nice knowin' ya, George."  That's almost always an unforgivable sin.


    He might as well have drawn on some poorly-done lava and gone for the hat trick.

  15. I don't know which description I liked better, George's "cloud man-boob armor" or Sasha's "anime sex-doll head."


    But in all seriousness, Dina's makeup was jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  It's easily the best thing anyone has put out this season.

    • Love 9

    If it had been advertised as what it really was, an Agatha Christie short story, even with the Miss Marple stickers liberally applied, we would have watched with different expectations.  As it was, we want our 86 minutes back.

    I don't know if that was a complete reason to avoid.  They put her in Ariadne Oliver's place in The Pale Horse, and I thought that was pretty well done.

  17. Watching it, I could only thing "Maybe Julia McKenzie was busy when they were filming."


    I think I was a little more enthusiastic about it than most, because I thought the production values were gorgeous, and I'm pretty sure that jewel of a Mid-Century Modern house was featured in an episode of Endeavour.  I don't know, I watch Marple for Miss Marple, and with her on the periphery, it didn't work.

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