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Posts posted by starri


    Mark's investment in it shocked me honestly.  I get that he invested on the basis that it would have wider applications, but that's not what they are now and I'm not sure that's what they ever can be.  Time will tell.

    Didn't the dad mention that he'd been a rather high muckety-muck at Google?  I'm sure at least part of his decision to make an offer was either based on acquiring talent (there's some stupid portmanteau about buying a company just to get its employees, but I can't think of what it is) or perhaps thinking that as they continue to develop the algorithm, they'll either end up licensing it, or that an Amazon or a Google will buy it.

  2. If they're going to continue to crib from the classic series in order to tell stories in the reboot universe, I really hope they consider doing an update of "Balance of Terror."

    It's a nearly 50-year-old hour of television that I've seen multiple times, and it still brings me to the edge of my seat.  People remember "The City of the Edge of Forever" as being the absolute best of TOS, but not for me.

    • Love 2
  3. She had crazy eyes and seemed to rarely blink.

    I don't have kids, so I'm probably not the best person to comment on whether or not that's a product that I would purchase, but for just the parts and without the fabric, that's not any kind of deal at that price.  I mean, I'm all for stuff that encourages kids to build and use their creativity instead of sitting in front of video games, but I bet that most kids would be just fine with a refrigerator box and some blankets.

  4. I'm sure a lot of people are scratching their heads over the Ilumi deal, but no one thought the Nest Thermostat would take off, and they're starting to branch into other products (albeit not very successfully yet), and I'm sure that's what Mark was thinking.


    I've heard that they wanted Ro Laren to be the Bajoran First Officer. Michelle didn't want to a regular. You can see this with the introduction of Kira. She gives off a Ro-ish feel this episode. A lot of that is probably due to the way the character is written and directed.

    They actually offered her roles on DS9 and TNG, and I suspect on VOY as well (there are a lot of similarities between Ro and Torres, especially at the beginning).  She didn't want to be typecast as just a sci-fi actress, and ultimately, as much as I think it was the show's loss, she probably made the right decision for her career.  I mean, she got an Emmy nomination for The Killing.  But I don't think they just plugged Kira into the Ro-shaped hole in the cast, because they were ultimately pretty different, given that Kira was a devotee of the Prophets and Ro more or less comes out and admits to being an atheist on TNG.

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  6. The weird thing is that even though I grew up on TNG (and to a greater extent DS9, which aired from my freshman year of high school to just before my senior year of college), in a lot of ways, TNG looks more dated to me that TOS does.  I definitely see the TOS-as-morality-play thing, because at that point, TV was still a relatively new medium and when combined with much more restrictive network standards and practices, that was just how shows were made back then, but with a few exceptions, TNG doesn't hit me in a visceral way like TOS can.

    Also, early on, it suffers because Roddenberry was too busy being a futurist to be a TV producer, and the quality of the show only ticked up as his health declined and he was less and less involved with the running of the show.

  7. What would have been really cheesy was sold by Donald Faison who was clearly having a lot of fun with it.

    I'd have given the prize to Robert over the creepy serial-killer looking guy's tree, but I thought all of the top three deserved to be there.

    I felt bad that Ivonne just had such an awful showing where nothing went right.  Because she's turned in better work than Russ, who clearly has way too high an opinion of his own work.

  8. Maybe I should read the pep talk from Mr. Westmore and McKenzie as the show trying to steer the show towards making sure that they didn't have to have Niko in the final three, but given that the producers really don't pull those kinds of tricks, unlike every other reality show ever, and because Michael Westmore has always seemed like an incredibly nice, gracious man, I could totally see him doing that of his own volition.

    I'm rooting for Tyler, but even though I like him, I don't have as much invested in a win for him as I did for Anthony and Laura.  

    • Love 1
  9. I hate to pull out the trope from Futurama, but when I didn't have any friends, it made me feel like maybe I did.

    Randomly caught "The Best of Both Worlds I" some afternoon as a tween, and got hooked.  Now that there's actual cachet in being a nerd, I feel full comfortable that, watching the show over as an adult, discovering how much I actually liked Dr. Pulaski and how much more I like Troi and wish she was given more to do, although that may have something to do with how cool Marina Sirtis turned out to be.

    • Love 1
  10. Dear Russ:  If you've been on the bottom three out of three times and hate the feeling, perhaps it's time to examine the common denominator in that equation.

    I hope Melissa and Robert's friendship isn't just a side effect of being trapped in a reality-show fishbowl together.  They seem to really like working together, and as with Face Off contestants who don't constantly have knives out for each other is really the most appealing part.

    Which is why Russ bothers me so much, because he has such a bad attitude.  I get that Tina was annoying and it probably would have been exhausting to be around her, but I could deal with that much easier than him.

  11. It made me happy that the Ava the Elephant woman was continuing to do well.  And between the stock swap and the selling of NoteHall to Chegg, I'm betting Barbara has been one of the most successful Sharks just in terms of return on investment.

    I thought the couple with the train was adorable, but I have no idea how they got a deal.  

    And I have to give mad props to the (hot!) firefighter for turning down Kevin and Lori's bloodsucking offer, particularly since Lori was willing to do it taking a lesser extension until Kevin browbeat her up.


    B-Plot. Ugh, the teacher is so sketchy. Weren't all the people in his collective young girls? That he dropped notes into their lockers? Sketch sketch sketch.

    There was at least one guy other than Tristan, a rather unfortunate-looking young man with red hair.

  13. Mine too.  She might be no-nonsense shoot-from-the-hip, but at least she doesn't BS around like some of the others do.

    Like when Lori offers up lavish praise to people, only to say that she doesn't want to invest with them because "they don't need her."

  14. I was honestly surprised by the overwhelming lack of steampunk in the designs, because that's a look that almost everyone thinks s/he can pull off, but few actually can.

    I am still rooting for Tyler, but I think that Rashaad had this challenged down cold.  The firefighter was great.

  15. I just don't know how I feel about Jack.  There's sort of a clear progression of characters becoming more interesting as they cross over into the Gay (I hated Fiona until she came out, hated Imogen until she started dating Fiona, hated Becky until she and Imogen became friends), which I should perhaps seek therapy for, so I'm willing to bet I will eventually warm to her, but for now, I'll maintain my healthy skepticism.

    Plus, given how LGBT couples end up on this show, it's not like one of them won't end up being crushed by a meteor or something.

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