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Everything posted by Chewy101

  1. How does one have a book launch in two days when they only got a book DEAL a few weeks ago? And once the thing is launched, it's a little late to try and get people to sign a release. The timeline is messed up. I want my reality TV to do a better job of lying to me. I don't blame Kristi for not signing. And I like Elena's perspective these days trying to teach Jasmine to butt out of the Terra/Briana drama. If Jasmine paid more attention, she would see that EVERY one calls Terra out all the time, and she needs to only call Terra out on her OWN behalf, not wussy Briana's. All of these women yell at each other freely, and none of them needs back-up. Jasmine keeps stirring crap up and I can't figure out why. Going after Terra is not going to go well. And Briana was fine until Jasmine riled her up again. Briana is truly an empty shell that can be filled with anyone's thoughts. How many times has Briana started a sentence with "So and So made me realize...." Ugh. Tonya asking them to buy her clothes was crazy. That is like those scam artist agents who promise to represent you AFTER you purchase a portfolio. You know, the type Briana falls for regularly. However, she is NOT wrong about Briana being unreliable. She has bailed many times on professional commitments she has made with the girls. And chemical imbalance? Please. She is so full of crap. I wish she had stayed away when she ditched everyone over Matt. Jasmine spends an awful lot of money on events and parties to be worried about finances at home. Now they are all going to Alaska? Good Lord. Next week looks painful. Matt craps on his own family way too much for me to stomach watching him get all protective about them. Terra might be a b*tch, but at least she is a fighter. The fact that she purchased the domain for fierce is awesome. Go away, Briana. No one would ever call you fierce, unless it was fiercely delusional.
  2. Believe social media? Does anyone still do that? It's just another form of television. Filming wrapped awhile ago for this, so maybe he is just happy now to have made two runs on the show, survive the viper nest, and be home having learned a lot about himself and others. I'd be a happy camper to be away from this crowd.
  3. I wish Mary would stop wearing the Amish clothes when she does this stuff. It is so disrespectful and immature. Her husband does not deserve this, and I might not believe in the Amish church ways, but I believe being respectful is still important. I would be SO uncomfortable around Mary on this trip.
  4. This cracked me up. I could not see Rebecca more differently. The fact that she distances herself from these despicable human beings is why I like her. She tries to love her in-laws and honor them, but she truly hates the cast, and I don't blame her. She seems to be the most reluctant to engage in this mess, but money is money. Funny how much a show can generate such different opinions and perspectives. All mileage varies. When Mary's ex-jailbird son even feels the need to try and reason with her decision to go to Vegas, it just shows how low she has sunk. She is one nasty selfish woman. Blaming her behaviour on her father's death is rubbish. Such good judgement that she landed in jail not long ago. I don't think she had a choice at all on what was going to happen to the kids. If it hadn't happened then it would have happened at some point sadly. I think the producers fed her every line about intentions to give custody to her parents. They basically coached her on how to attempt to save face for the sake of the show, when she was likely completely wasted during most of the filming. The slurred speech and delays are completely different than than how she originally was on this show. She was fed lines that fabricated everything in an attempt to make her a sympathetic character. I loved the pastor praying with her, and I hope she gravitates back to that guidance, because she needs it. If I hear Carmella say, "When I was in the cult," one more time.... Shut up, lady. Or buy me a shot every time you have to say it. Mary made me laugh with her sage words of wisdom saying that "if someone feels a need to renew their vows after one year, then there might be problems in the marriage." YOU THINK?! I don't like Matt. He seems like a terrible enabler. I don't like any of them, so I guess that's that. I wish these people would realize that in the presence of abuse, "family" goes out the window. No one should feel obligated to stick with a family that involves the crap these people do to one another. Pretty is neither here nor there, although I agree she is lovely. However, more mature? I think how she is portrayed on the show, she is so childlike and naive, it's disturbing. I don't see maturity at all. She is not mean spirited like Jeremiah is, but they are blind leading the blind in this relationship. Jeremiah constantly says Abe has more fun when Rebecca is not around, but what he doesn't get is Abe only has more fun with a douche like Jeremiah when Rebecca is not around. Abe and Rebecca seem to have a lot of fun together, she just doesn't have fun with Jeremiah. I wouldn't either. Who likes to play in a mine field of psycho. I think Jeremiah is just annoyed that Abe stops following him around when Rebecca shows up. Rebecca groveling to make the peace with Jeremiah at dinner showed her class. And I wish he would stop talking about family when he is constantly verbally abusive to everyone but Mary. Sabrina shows up, and Jeremiah demands that everyone just get along. Really? The guy who picks ALL of the fights? Even when he has a plan for peace, he is a bully about it. But when Rebecca self checked by seeing some Jeremiah in herself, I loved how she went the other way, quickly and made up with Sabrina. Now she has apologized to two people who owed HER one. Quite the episode. I think this show was more entertaining when it was naive kids venturing out. Now we are seeing parents causing harm to their children and marriages crumbling. The collateral damage from their actions is getting more devastating.
  5. "Ding Dong, the Russel's gone!!!" Too bad he had to wait until just before the finale to prove what a hack he is. The miracle meal will arrive before extraction, but I'm glad the producers waited until Russel crapped out before they provided it. The women should have embraced their time alone together and let bygones be bygones. Every single one of them deserves a knock down on their PSR rating for complete inability to boost morale and rally. If you aren't being productive (even if it is just upgrading the atmosphere), you are not showing survivalist skills. I can see them getting all of the physical tasks done as much as the men, but their attitude is as bad as Russel's, and it's toxic. The wretched greeting they gave Fernando was shameful. I hate them all. They should have been glad to have one of their "family" back without Russel coming with the package. But props to Fernando for moving forward and not even demanding an apology. Once the B*tches were willing to include him again, he just went with it. Chance is so used to falling behind the leader and backing him up. But the leaders in his past had to earn their position and rank to be respected and followed. Russel just decided to call himself a leader and pose as one, and Chance trusted that. So sad. The "no man left behind" mantra is for men who can't leave, not egomaniacs who refuse to return without a pig, because he wants to save face. That moment where Russel decided he might be an embarrassment to his son... Yes, Russel, you were a complete embarrassment. You should be ashamed of yourself. But that little confession diary makes me think he was ready to tap out long before the rains came. He was just waiting for the right conditions to finally quit. And then had the nerve to say "we should tap out together......" Ugh. Once the fire went out, the boys should have hiked back to the other camp. The walking would have kept their body temperature up. If Russel was so worried about hypothermia, why did he think sitting on his butt for two days was going to help.
  6. I think Chance still has so much caution about women, that by default he went with Russ. I think he is just on overload from this experience, and this particular group is so petty and immature that he doesn't know where to turn. His last partner had a great deal of patience and gave him space to process when issues arose, and she then, unintentionally, left him with a nurtured underbelly that is now exposed to this group of vipers.
  7. On that note, I cracked up when she said she was all about organic and holistic medicine, because she was such a hippie.... Then after one breath of air at that oxygen bar, she choked and said, "I need medication!"
  8. I think it's hilarious how we are supposed to believe Terra needs permission to write about them for a book when all of their dirty laundry is on TV anyway. Talk about suspension of reality. If Briana was gross enough to return the clothes without washing them, I think she might need a bit of shaming. That's just rude. But she is rude on a regular basis, flaking out on commitments, lying about her whereabouts, fabricating success stories, ditching her family and friends for a creepy internet romance.... The girl dishes out left and right, it's time to learn to take it. I don't think she will ever be cut out for an industry dying to expose you at any time. If a B.O. story is enough to do her in, she is egg shell fragile.
  9. Yes. Especially on a sitcom. If one cannot suspend reality for a sitcom, it might be difficult to enjoy at all at face value. The creator of the show is basing this on his own experience of being the little brother of a special needs boy. But I love how he adds a bit of a campy flair to it to keep it light and funny. It's a perfect blend of brutally touching, and hilariously ludicrous. That's hilarious. I didn't even think about him missing his buddy all summer. What I could not believe is he encouraged JJ to go to camp even though it meant he would lose a paycheck all summer. He put JJ's needs above his own livelihood. I love Kenneth.
  10. Respectfully, I disagree. She knew. She plays dumb when the script calls for it, but she brought her baby into the presence of the ex and a friend getting high. Even if she didn't get high herself, she definitely knew better. Court orders are driven in quite clearly and explained in detail. Remember, she already lost Oakley once, and had to take a bunch of classes and jump through a lot of repentance hoops just to get her back the first time. For the sake of the baby, they sat her down and explained in explicit detail what she can and cannot do to be allowed the privilege of having Oakley back. She is just an ass who cries victim when she let her daughter be around drugs and they said no way can you get away with doing it again. She was just arrested again for drugs quite recently. That is not the Amish way that I have ever heard of, and she was never Amish anyway. The father of her children was completely English. A typical drug addicted D-bag who was as immature as she is. Her children have a chance at a good life now.
  11. But, she doesn't talk to her family because of the whole Matt situation. Her family was on earlier seasons and she got along well with them, especially her sister. Yeah, I think she may have a complex about being adopted, so she won't let adoptive family in anymore. They used to get along fine - Matt just took them out of the picture. She DID reunite with her birth mother in that spin off series that was just about her Matt.
  12. Seriously! He'd finally have time to fully focus on it, but he didn't bother. The previews for next week made me afraid. Mary interfering in others' lives yet again, and risking Chester to go to Vegas for a sham wedding... She is a nightmare for Chester. And when Sabrina suggested to Mary that she get a Brazilian, I threw up a little.
  13. SO much hypocrisy. Terra is not one to cross. Christy basically said if you can write about me I can write about you, and Terra said no way. Then she turns around and airs Christy's dirty laundry to all of the girls, and not one thinks it is even inappropriate or vengeful. These are some mean, mean girls. As much as Christy is lonely and dying for girlfriends, she needs to look elsewhere. Terra "hoping" that no one would cause a scene at her kid's party after doing just that last week was funny. And then, she ends up gossiping like an evil hen anyway. Why was Tonya dressed for a funeral at Penny's Bday party? Why do people still try to be friends with Briana. I'd take Christy over that delusional lunatic. Her photo shoot BS is embarrassing to watch. At least when Terra says she has something going on, we actually see it happen. Tonya and Briana, not so sure.
  14. Chance got one heck of a partner to both challenge him and have the patience to let him figure out the "why's" of his reactions. She never lashed out and you could see how often she had to hold her tongue and not start something. I feel like he grew a lot, and sadly, on this show the military men rarely do that. So Chance finally opens up and feels safe, and then falls for the group from hell because they were on their best behaviour for a day. He is going to lose it. Russel is evil. If someone achieves something, his ego is wounded, but if everyone lets him have all the glory, he gives everyone hell for not contributing. The way he talks to people is unbelievable. And if he brings one more catch back to camp, addressing the women as cooks, I swear. He never caught a thing when Matt was there. Because there is only ONE net, and that's just how it works. I don't even like any of the women, but Russel's attitude is delusional and demeaning. He both idolized and resented Matt, and if he can't turn Chance against the women so Chance will retreat, he is going to be in trouble. Sadly, I don't think Chance understands the true source of the drama, so it looks like he is going to fall in line and hide away. His beautiful 21 days is going to be ruined by the worst final 20 days ever. All because Russel won't bust a knee or catch a bacteria in his foot.
  15. "Sweetie, I wish I didn't have to, for once, roll the Fun boulder up the hill of suck." "Come on, Daddy!" These two are awesome. I just love how this show doesn't sugarcoat the difficulties of special needs families and the sacrifices that are sometimes made, but at no point does anyone think it means JJ being JJ sucks. They vent to keep going, but what a devoted family. "Do you miss mom a little less now?" "I miss her more." LOVED that! He just found a camp filled with Maya's. He will be fine. Nice onion chopping finale. Thank you for sharing this. ; )
  16. He did suggest this, but she complained she could not sleep during the day either. So as annoying as she must be to be be around in camp these days, as an insomniac, she is likely suffering, too. The whole thing sucks. Being unable to do what you were made to do to thrive does not bode well on anyone involved. And she can't exactly retreat and not inflict herself on anyone, so I am waiting for some snap. She and Russel duking it out in the mud would not disappoint me.
  17. The B.O. comments about Briana were funny. She is now even grosser to me than before.
  18. Jasmine cracks me up. She is not cut out for the bitchery these women give one another week after week. And they all egg each other on and justify some pretty harsh grudges. That cancer scare was so dumb. Cute fitness clothes! If Brianna mentions modeling one more time... She is so full of crap.
  19. Problem with sleeping during the day is someone else will accuse Shannon of not "contributing." I'd have a hard time sleeping if everyone else was working on something. Matt had some real class how he watched Russel take credit for crap and didn't even bother correcting him. We have seen previous contestants do all of the above- including a blanket. Not one of these contestants seems to have learned a thing from previous seasons.
  20. Except he seems to like it. The trip was Mary's idea, but it's weird how much he puts his mommy over his wife.
  21. Since when does Mary care about Chester? Or about the Amish & their rules? She's most likely officially not Amish anymore. I wonder if they're even still married. Agreed. She has no respect for the Amish or her husband's devotion to the Amish, so who knows. I wish she would take off the bonnet and blue dress and stop trashing this culture. She managed to be more offensive than the original five who were "breaking Amish." If Chester hasn't left her, I feel for him.
  22. His nails gave me chills. So gross. And useless on guitar. At least on the hand managing the fret and not the strings. Nails only make it more difficult. Either way, ick. It was not appealing to me. I reserve the right to hate when guys have unkempt nails the same way guys don't like a girl with unshaved body parts. Manicure, people! It's a good thing!
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