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Posts posted by LilWharveyGal

  1. 16 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

    You know what?  I really LOVE head wraps, and I think they can look so classy!!

    So agree! I would love it if one result of the pandemic was the return of fabulous elegant turbans/hats and gloves. You kids get off my lawn. *cranks up the Hoagy Carmichael*

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  2. 1 hour ago, emma675 said:

    I'm fascinated by this show. I think it's because I was too young when all of this happened (I was in elementary and middle school during the Bulls run and the Dream Team), but a lot of this is new to me... 

    I loved the Dream Team stuff because I was obsessed with the team during the 92 Olympics. They took some of that footage from another documentary about the Dream Team, which was a great behind the scenes look. 

    Are you me?  🙂  We're probably about the same age.  I didn't really love basketball per se but I was crazy about MJ and the Dream Team, so this show has been really eye-opening.

    And seeing the Sonics in Episode 8 really gave me flashbacks to childhood.  Growing up as a sports fan in Seattle was rough.  Nice to know that I owe some of my youthful heartbreak to George Karl snubbing MJ in a restaurant.

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  3. Mark your calendars, everybody.  5/11/2020 will be known as the day the ills of the world ceased to exist because Mariah is now here to educate us.  🙄

    Can somebody please just turn off internet to the B&B? 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

    If nothing else, she uses punctuation and capitalization instead of the lazy writing from Snowflake.

    And yet I still counted all the spelling/grammar errors to myself as I read. (I'm mean that way.) I'm sure they both make Westminister proud. 🙄

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  5. 8 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    Is there any evidence that she had any surgery?  There was one undated picture of her in a wheelchair a while back but for all we know that was the grifters way of getting to the head of the lines.  There hasn't been anything on SM has there? 

    Oops, you could be totally right, @Kohola3. I don't know where my brain got surgery, unless it was implied by Christine's recent post that she couldn't talk about Ysabel's condition due to a NDA. (WTF?)

    So now we've got zero plot points...unless a socially distancing cameraman tagged along to record the demise of Janelle's McNugget.

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  6. 20 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

    Please allow me to point out that the LulaRoe cruises go on an ocean.  So how far she'll go for "people" depends on the people.

    Touche, though I'd argue that ultimately wasn't for people, it was for $$$ and her own fun.

    (*waves* Hi @AZChristian! Hope you and the Mr are doing well!!)

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  7. Is Ysabel's surgery the only known plot point on the horizon?  (And that was already last summer/fall, right?)  We know SludgePudge aren't married yet and no ground has been broken at Plague Pass.  Nobody is pregnant and none of the wives have split.  Zzzzz...

    • Love 11
  8. 35 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

    Also scored a 24 pack of Cottonelle TP, but when I got home and read the label it was a single ply, where their normal was a 2 ply...it is better than the carp I got the last time I went out...

    This typo made me laugh for a good 5 minutes. Things must be bad if you had to resort to carp. How would one wipe? No, don't tell me.

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  9. At the risk of sounding like a Pollyanna I have a little optimism to inject.  I work for a large hospital system and we wrap up every week with a "state of the virus" presentation.  Our number of both hospitalizations and deaths have been consistently decreasing all month, and we were one of the first hot spots in the country so this is amazing.  Today we learned that all provisions are in place to reopen in early May (our governor's current deadline, subject to change...) with safety measures and social distancing planned for, and that we have enough PPE, covid tests, and antibody tests to keep our staff and patients safe. 

    I know everybody's corner of the world is different, but today was the first day in a while where I walked away with a spring in my step so I just had to share.  There's light at the end of the tunnel, even if we still can't tell how long the tunnel is.

    And if my cheesiness didn't cheer you up, wander over to the Meri thread and have a laugh at her B&B food. 😄

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  10. 57 minutes ago, Sofa Sloth said:

    Crisis averted! I’m off to go grab these tagged items immediately.  🙄

    After you do that, please write a check to your local agricultural workers - you know, the people who work the vegan hot dog harvest and grind the caramel macchiato beans - and if you could also save the bees that would be great. Oh, and make sure that white women don't vote for a certain person and that ALL women cease and desist wearing bras. Thus the world shall be saved. The Word of Mariah.

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