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Everything posted by GreatKazu

  1. lol Baby Huey is writing his own comedy film hoping someone, anyone, will pick it up. It is titled "Lamprey & Slug". If that doesn't pan out, he has on the backburner another script that is similar to 50 Shades of Gray and it is based on life in Amber's home. It's current working title is 50 Shades of Filth.
  2. lol I didn't read it that way, but now that you pointed it out it does read that way. So, aside from fly masks for lazy Cate, she needs Depends diapers because I am sure she has made a mess on herself while passed out in bed.
  3. Thank you. This is one of the reasons I give Bubby a hard time. Amber clearly hasn't done a background check on Baby Huey. She has blinders on. I was thinking the same damn thing as I read the fly mask post. Honest to God!
  4. I am a watcher of Survivor. I mentioned this before, but I wonder if Maci tried to get on that show?
  5. Plus, she ranted to a black girl about her "nappy" hair. Amber Porkwood, I love you!
  6. You just reminded me that Maci herself is a smoker. Aside from beer withdrawals, I am sure the nicotine fits didn't help her either.
  7. The delusion runs rampant with those two. Another thing about his comment was the fact that he basically told her she was going to be taking care of the kids because he wants no part of raising any child, not even his own as we have watched for 8 years now.
  8. That's the problem. MTV are enablers. They pay for that fucking rehab. It is no skin off Cate and Tyler's noses. Paying for Cate's spa treatments in Arizona provides the series with that much-needed storyline to bait the viewers.
  9. ? I was yelling at my screen about her unkempt look! lol Maci's kids are so cute. Too bad we don't get more scenes with them. It is better than that scripted shit.
  10. Maryssa tosses those boys around like rag dolls. Jace already complained about Maryssa hitting him. I don't trust her. She might hold those boys under water or toss them in. I might be alone in my feelings, but I do not like her.
  11. A slug's gestation period is between 6-8 months. They breed best under soil.
  12. Maci has been doing that for the longest time. When Jayde was put in her crib during one scene when she was a baby, Maci had that television on. Maci is no different than Jenelle who throws Kaiser into his crib with a milk bottle and lets him cry. Maci can't be disturbed as she chugs on her beers for the evening. Forgot who asked, but to the poster wondering why Cate goes to Arizona for "treatment" is because it is the only PRIVATE facility that will take MTVs money AND it will allow them to film on the property. That is why Butch got that "scholarship" that Tyler mentioned. That was code word for MTV is paying for the treatment and that was why cameras were allowed to film inside.
  13. Amber the slug is an aspiring mother.
  14. ????? I love you! Dumb broad meant strep throat, and I am sure that is exactly how she acquired it. ?? Those two hair puffs only magnify her already ginormous head.
  15. 100 percent agree. Jenelle is who she is and there is no changing who she is. There is no hope. Aside from resembling her, Jenelle is in many ways like Diane Downs and as far as we know, Diane was never a drug user. People are sometimes born a certain way. Amber at least showed some clarity and I had a a glimmer of hope when she appeared on Dr. Phil. That Amber exists somewhere within. Satan exists within Jenelle.
  16. Cate needs to worry about her own mile-long list.
  17. That is exactly what Baby Huey resembles. The lamprey and Amber the slug. Perfect! Sounds like a script Baby Huey should write.
  18. They put the useless gate (the one that had no fence on either side) next to the pool to make it look safe.
  19. That's right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnC8xGGEPRM This toddler eats it like an apple:
  20. Totally MTV & Viacom as well since the cast members are also independent contractors. I am sure that is where Farrah got the idea.
  21. I can watch this all day long. :-) Looney Toons is the best. @Calm81 preach! Cate is the worst. So much self-absorbed behavior coming from that one. She is really dragging this on. I resent her for all of this. I can't imagine how Tyler and April feel having to deal with her behavior. She was also quick to shut down Butch when he was rambling on about who was going to feed his grandchildren when he goes away to rehab. Cate sat there like the lump of shit that she is in that over-sized chair that is still too small for her body, as she pretty much yelled at him, "Let their mother figure that out!" I know that Cate is good at repeating therapy talk and that is just what that was. She is good at telling others to snap out of whatever they are bitching about when they are venting. God forbid if someone talked to her that way - "Get over it, Cate! Snap out of it!" Arizona doesn't have a time change.
  22. Agree about Taylor Yes, unfortunately, Shawn defends Amber's behavior on his social media. @druzy has shared many of his outrageous comments. He also rips into Farrah on his Twitter page. I get that he loathes her like many of us do, but he is only acting like his sister with the slut-shaming and bullying. He gets into it with Farrah's dad, Michael, and dares to tweet how horrible Farrah is, as if Amber is such a meek and mild-mannered, gentle soul. Nooooo. I love that character (Gossamer)! Find something else to compare him to. lol
  23. Tell her you have a friend or relative who watches the show and you have caught it here and there when you visit them. Then, ask questions! I never implied he wasn't entitled to his check. Shawn is wasting my time with his screen time. He brings nothing to the scenes. It is a waste of time with him asking questions. It is like an After Show special. Tyler acting a bit manic.
  24. I hated the way she was sitting, too. It made her look awkward and for some reason, I think it was the skirt, but she looked like she was bigger from the waist down. It was very distracting to see her legs open.
  25. That is pretty much my point. Shawn is quick to make outrageous comments on Twitter. He needs to step away from social media and acting just like his sister's fans who go around calling people "jealous". No Bubba, people are not jealous of anything. Jealous of what? As if people really want to be a slug like his sister. Amber latches onto that sort of thing. She is after all, a slug.
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