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Everything posted by Izeinwinter

  1. You think you are joking, but "Time travel, or otherwise fucking with causality" is really the most likely explanation for this, and also a very good way to keep the tattoos relevant for an extended period of in-universe time. Because a government "asset" getting nabbed, and then reappearing dramatically without that sequence of events setting of *all of the flags* in the governments data bases? Nuh-hu. Maybe she got removed from the databases the fbi can read the contents off, but doing a massive trawl with her full biometrics would set off alerts to the high heavens in whatever black org employs her. Unless those employers are in fact in the future, and thus not in a position to respond. That also neatly closes of the "Trace the experimental drugs" line of investigation, which should otherwise be very straightforward. Drugs still in trial going missing is not looked on lightly!
  2. No, no, no. Remember the corporation that was so invested in the immortality research that they were willing to retrieve things from a zombie apocalypse planet? They are so determined because they had *successful* test subjects before things went to hell. She's actually 92, and was living on the street because once she heard about the research planet being declared offlimits she saw the writing on the wall and decided to pull a vanish before someone got the bright idea to vivisect her.
  3. Well, the families reproduce exclusively via lab and surrogates, which means they might well be keeping the bloodlines separate. Heck, maybe they even have to. It's a setting with fairly advanced genetic engineering, and if the families have customized their bloodlines heavily, the mods might easily be mutually incompatible.
  4. Yhea, I'm thinking that the actual inventors had a reason to stick their entire research facility in space. Either going boom was always a possibility, and it was in the middle of nowhere to limit collateral damage or it just does not like gravity even a little bit.
  5. I'm not sure the entire thing can be traced back to Dutch's date. If the whole thing was her plot, it was a very complicated scheme. It's possible, but there are a lot of moving pieces, and most of them need to come out right for it to work. The coup could also be a reaction to the massacre and bombing plot, because if that was an independant plot from another family of the nine, that presented her with a justification for a coup. - when the dust settles she can point at the Evil Scheme to break the word of the nine familiies and the bombed out city, look the hero for killing the people responsible and quietly sweep the fact that she knew about the plot in advance under the rug.
  6. I see where you are coming from - the first episode was a bit awkward on the Dutch / D'avin front, but overall, I do not see this as the show trying to force a romance, but rather they are showing us a romantic *mismatch*. Deliberately. D'avin starts out trying to charm her, but that's because.. well, that him trying to get to know his brothers boss using his.. less than versatile set of social tools, and it doesn't really work, then when they finally do the deed, the whole thing read very much as "We're both pretty and have healthy libidos!" And then the sex train got side swiped by a freight train from mind control central, which gave the whole thing far more gravitas than it really deserved. But OTP? Nope. That's not even the story they are trying to tell.
  7. I didn't mind 2 rethinking the sex, because of how very shifty one played that scene. Heck, this entire episode. He does not owe her obedience due to the relationship, but he did kind of owe her at least talking with her before fomenting dissent. Not because he's sleeping with her, but because, frankly, tossing catnip at the person trying to herd cats is bloody rude. So it came across more like "Ugh, I'm banging this person?" than any kind of pettiness.
  8. The weightlifting scene hilariously highlighted how massively unobservant one is - That was some serious weight she was shifting, I don't think you could actually fit any more on her barbells, and she was barely even glowing. "Human? Sure. Version 4.6" it was also very amusing to watch mister creepazoid get pummeled. Very predictable, but still, that never gets old. The sudden yet inevitable betrayal really is something they ought to have planned for, tough. I mean.. seriously, some basic contingency planning here? I don't expect being spaced to kill, or heck, even much inconvenience, two.. but that doesn't mean it is a non-event. It happened on live camera in front of both crews. When she gets back aboard and rips out his spine, that is rather going to give the game away.
  9. Swords actually make .. *some* amount of sense in a space ship. All fights are going to be close quarters. and you dont want to put holes in things, because they might be important bits of life support and/or explosive. Of course, a serious fight would probably devolve into "Who wins the hacker contest to control lifesupport"? because locking doors and turning off the oxygen is so much more reliable than melee...
  10. I have a crackpot theory about the Omec. They are the result of the proto-Omec banning genetic engineering. Which let to genetic engineering being used by rich Omec criminals and other amoral rich people with absolutely no public review of what they were shaping their children into.. And then things went downhill from there.
  11. .. There is the slight problem that those cusines are likely suffering from somewhat of an.. ingredient shortage. Uhm.. how *does* defiance eat, anyways? Hydropondics? Farming seems a whee bit problematic, given the hellbugs. Or do people eat hellbug?
  12. The brotherly bickering did work. The issue I had was that he had anti-chemistry with Dutch. I'm hoping thats supposed to be him trying to cozy up to her and being very bad at it, because if they intend this to be a ship, it's going to sink before making it all the way out of the drydock.
  13. The browncoats generally did not come across as having been very nice people at all. I suppose that's fitting if you are looting the aftermath of the slaveholders rebellion for setting...
  14. His scenes with Johnny worked well enough, in a "Yup, those are estranged siblings alright" way. It's his interactions with Dutch that just felt off. I hope that is intentional - that he was coming off badly because he was trying to learn what was up with her, and the character is a bad, bad actor. Because if this is supposed to be the start of a relationship, it's going to be a trainwreck.
  15. Evolution isn't arbitrary - It's often surprising, precisely because it is an unthinking process, and that means it doesn't operate on human logic, but while nearly *any* trait can pop up in an individual, including things like "Born without functioning lungs" and similar immediately fatal horrors, this does most emphatically not mean that nearly any trait can become common enough to be characteristic of a race. For that to happen, the trait has to help survival and reproduction. Being an obligate people eater would a massive liability on those fronts, on account of the whole "Lunch shoots back" thing. Not to mention the fact that the dread harvest involved space ships. Any behavior you have to go into space to engage in isn't something you evolved with, because interplanetary travel was not a part of the ancestral environment for anyone. So it's either cultural, or if it's genetic, that means someone, possibly the omec themselves engineered that in. Which would still be cultural. You don't get to argue "immutable" nature after you rewrote your dna-equivalents like a deranged editor.
  16. That doesn't hold water. You can be an obligate *carnivore*. Being an obligate people eater isn't a thing that a; would ever evolve, or b: Even makes sense - meat is meat. So that is just them being assholes. I'm not saying I don't find it plausible - Humans have done things as massively evil as the dread harvest to other humans. They just dont get to blame biology for it..
  17. As long as Zombies are as infectious as they are, chasing the cure is going to be a priority - Really, as far as the show goes, I think Ravi really needs to discover a vaccine, so that they aren't ignoring the potential end of the world. As for the cure.. It would make all the sense if it had severe side effects or a high fatality rate. That's pretty much what happens when you merrily skip the animal trials...
  18. They were sleeping? Well, from a story perspective it's because "It wouldn't fit into their narratives all that well" but I figure the justification is just "in the wrong time zone to get caught up in it".
  19. ... .. not really. You can extract the brain through the nasal cavity without leaving any visible signs. - That was part of mummification practices, so a bit of digging on the net or a university library will get you the details on how to do that right, at which point you have a perfectly presentable corpse to lay out for burial. Relatives do not, as a rule, ask to be present during embalming! So the risk of getting caught on that end of the operation is zero. Too many clients on the "sell the brains on" side of the equation might well present a risk, but it is a risk Blaine is running to, only in his case there is the extra, added risk of one of his clients figuring out where he is getting brains and deciding to pay a visit with a backpack full of C4.
  20. "So that they can live with themselves as members of the community of thinking beings"? Blaine is supplying their diet by *murdering children*. You don't have to be a paragon of virtue to find even quite inconvenient and revolting alternatives to that preferable. Death is preferable, but in this case, given how much Blaine is charging, arranging a more ethical source isn't just the only acceptable course of action compatible with continued existence, it should also be a money maker. Buy out a mortician, keep charging people for burials, supply. Should be impossible to loose money, and unlike Blaine, you don't have to cover up constant murders.
  21. Heck, it occurs to me that there is an even better solution. She cured Blaine. Fine and good. Immediately after doing that, she should have emptied the clip into his torso. So she could eat *his* brain. Human Blain cannot keep any secrets whatsoever from Liv, if Liv is willing to kill him. And he has forfeited his right to consume oxygen many times over.
  22. The odds of a hospital not having O-neg on hand are very low. That's the sort of thing that might happen if they get in twenty trauma cases at once or something, not in the normal course of events. I so wanted Liv to go "I'm sure your phone has a contact list" and shoot Blaine in the head. Really worried he is going to infest the rest of the show like a fungus now. Liv using the rest of the drugs on Major made emotional sense, but is a massive failure of ethics. And she didn't ask him. Again, which matters because I'm fairly sure he'd disagree with her doing that - Eating morgue brains while Ravi works on replication of the cure is a downer for him personally, but it's not on the same scale of importance as a cure. Not to mention that they're not even done with animal trials. It'd make all the sense in the world if one or both of Blaine and Major bites it from "Failure of cure". Hmm. Other things: I figure the odds are pretty good Peyton is a zombie. That said: Pretty good finale!
  23. .. Uhm. If she is, it would imply that she is also a sensate (from a different, not-active, cluster) and that is contributory to why she ended up dating Nomi. That's the only causal link that could bring the likelyhood of that coincidence down from "Laughably unlikely" that I can think of. Not sure I like that idea, anyway. Honestly, I figure her father was just very dark or she is an unrelated adoptee. Mostly because Freema Agyeman doesn't look related to Capheus at all, and I don't think her character is supposed to be that much younger than Nomi. younger, yes, but not by that much. Re: Boundary's post: I think Sara Patrell was a member of their cluster who got vivisected as a child. Certainly a sensate, but I think she was actually the ninth member. The age fits, and that would explain why she got contact with will despite him not being really "activated". Proximity and extreme stress.
  24. The language bit is part of the central conceit - the power that binds them also seamlessly translates for them, and by extension for the audience. Everyone is speaking their native language except where specifically noted otherwise, and we just hear english to grant us the same transparent translation the characters get. This gets a bit clearer in later episodes, and frankly, it was a good choice, as the alternative would have caused an unacceptable number of viewers to bounce of given that the wast majority of the action takes place in other linguistic areas, and often matches up the sense8's in ways almost noone would be able to follow without it - I understand 4 languages, but Korean and Icelandic are not among them.
  25. Peppy Liv was just awesome, And goddess, did this episode ever include some shipper bait for the Peyton/Liv and Ravi/Major. I love that Peyton knows now. I am however puzzled who the heck the murderer was. The hitman gets out of the lake, gets run over, buried and then murders and eats the cheerleader, then two weeks later his aunt.. But the murder of the stoner and the assault on Bex's character was not him? The band leader trying to silence the other two? Hm. So, anyone else figure that the odds are pretty high Majors hostage situation is going to end in "Grenade" and a lot fewer zombie thugs?
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