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Everything posted by sinnerforhire

  1. Freaks and Geeks has my favorite theme song of all time. One Tree Hill's is pretty good, too. I have both those songs on my phone.
  2. I'm really surprised that the Top Chef theme wasn't used in Game Time, even in the 1-second clip round. Was it considered too easy?
  3. I would have gotten 2 points for the Dinosaurs question in Game Time and I'm really wondering what used to live in that brain cell. Probably calculus.
  4. Take: Main cast members of medical shows having brain tumors (Grey's, ER) Leave: Premise recaps at the top of speculative fiction shows (The Flash, Arrow, seasons 1-2 of Supernatural)
  5. I got a couple more bullseyes than the actual players in Game Time, mostly in the Emmy questions, which is weird, since I almost never watch the Emmys, especially when I was a kid/teenager, which is when a lot of those shows were on. But I would have lost big on the fourth round, because I never watched most of those shows. Although I just watched Melrose Place, so I did pretty well on the wig question. I swear Melrose has the longest seasons known to man. There's like 34 episodes in one season.
  6. So, my username is sinnerforhire, not sinnerforpay, but you guys made me laugh with that, so it's all good. Also, hearing it out loud made me realize for the first time just how close it is to a weird euphemism for "whore." Certainly wasn't thinking that when I chose it!
  7. Is TPTDP "the confidence of Aaron Sorkin's ego"?
  8. Going old-school, my pick is SeaQuest DSV. I've been trying to pretend seasons 2 & 3 don't exist since they aired. Even looking at the one-sentence episode descriptions on Netflix makes me cringe.
  9. That seems to have fixed it. Thanks, Dave! Now I'm off to re-download all the eps I had saved...
  10. Every time I try to access this episode through the Podcast app on my iPhone, it says the episode is temporarily unavailable. But I can get it on my Apple TV, and I'm pretty sure I listened to it on my phone the day it came out. Has anyone else had this problem?
  11. Also, thanks Dave for teaching me the origin of the band name Ookla the Mok. I knew it had to be something geeky, considering that they sing about comic books and Star Trek.
  12. I looked up whether Mathnet was available at all a few years ago and apparently there were 2 VHS sets that were "education priced" (meaning, more than $100 a set). I think one was a Kate Monday case and the other was a Pat Tuesday case. Also, PBS once ran an entire case as a TV-movie back during Pledge Week once, and I had that taped on VHS up until I graduated high school in 2001. It was the dodecahedron jewelry heist case. My favorite case of all time was the Monterey Bay Aquarium one. I STILL want to go there someday. And I still remember the moment several years ago when I finally got the Nick and Nora Chuck reference (in my defense, I was about 8 when it originally aired). Also, I love Rear Window parodies, so that was my second favorite case.
  13. Big, juicy chess club noodle?
  14. Man, the use of TPTDP really was seamless!
  15. I'd kind of like to submit the racist ghost truck episode of Supernatural for the NONAC, but I'm not sure that it would be considered an "otherwise good show." And is TPTDP chocolate chip cookie?
  16. I honestly thought Layla was going to jump off that cliff while she was talking to Will. I was pleasantly surprised when she decided to grab him by the short 'n curlies and twist. Finally something interesting happened with those two. I agree with what was said above, where's Will's BFF Gunnar for all this? <br /><br />I also agree that the people on this show need to talk to each other. I really don't get why Scarlett can't just be honest about why she doesn't want to write with Gunnar.
  17. Oh God, if they even try to make it Jeff's baby I am quitting this show for real.
  18. So, I'm thinking that Dean's soul has moved on to the afterlife waiting room, since he technically died, and if they try to exorcise demon!Dean, we'll get soulless!Dean, right? Because as hot as soulless!Sam was, soulless!Dean would be an inferno.
  19. Does anyone know who originally wrote Avery's most recent song, "One Light Shining"? I swear it sounds familiar to me, but I don't listen to much country so I was wondering if it was originally recorded as a pop/rock song.
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