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Everything posted by sinnerforhire

  1. I played alto saxophone in jazz band from middle school through freshman year of college and won some awards for it, and even I wouldn't have wanted to go to a Dave Koz concert for any birthday, let alone my 21st. I never even owned a Dave Koz CD, and I had multiple Boney James and Kenny G CDs. Yes, I am officially Worse Than Jazz.
  2. As a native of Middletown, Pennsylvania, I greatly enjoyed Sarah's Three Mile Island joke. Also, there is not a Whole Foods *or* Trader Joe's in my metropolitan area, so I feel Dave/Tara's pain. We've got a Wegman's, though, but it's about half an hour away.
  3. I can't see Brandon and Donna together at all. Honestly, I don't think she's smart enough to interest him. He seems to go for girls who are smart, ambitious, or both, with the exception of Saint Kelly of the Golden Vajayjay.
  4. Melrose didn't have live music, at least on the episodes you can stream. They had a bar hangout but as far as I know it didn't involve bands playing.
  5. Am I the only one who thinks Brandon only wrote the editorial to get in Kelly's pants and not because he thought well of Finley? I know he claims he didn't do it for Kelly, but I think he intended for her to read it and be so grateful that she would "thank" him by falling on his dick. Or maybe I'm just cynical.
  6. Finley could potentially bone down depending on the location and severity of the injury. Paraplegics can conceive and bear children, albeit with difficulty, usually (my best friend with spina bifida gave birth at 26 weeks, but the kid's fine now) but it is possible. And there was definitely a creepy vibe to Finley's interactions with Kelly before Dylan's scheme began. I would be surprised if boning down wasn't on his mind at least a little. After all, who can resist the siren baby-voice song of Saint Kelly?
  7. It would be really interesting to know what the ratings and demographics were for 90210 in these seasons. Were teenagers still watching? Did they care about these storylines? Or were they tuning out in droves?
  8. I got Andrea, but since I was the valedictorian of my high school, I can't really say I'm surprised.
  9. I also share Sarah's aversion to milk and didn't eat cereal until college, where I started eating Lucky Charms with strawberry yogurt. I still eat my cereal with yogurt (usually vanilla), even though everybody but my mom looks at me like I have 2 heads.
  10. I don't even remember having student government in college. I don't remember ever voting for it. But then, I went to a small religious (but liberal politically) school that didn't have a Greek system or football either. There were 2000 students at my school, so maybe 10 of them would have cared about student government.
  11. I know this won't happen, but I'd love for them to cover Melrose Place. As colorfully as they express their Brandon hate, I'd love to hear what they'd have to say about Alison and Billy.
  12. They did say that his mom works, and because this show is this show, grandfathers don't do babysitting. Which may explain why Jesse never kept the kid. This show is gross. Was this a 90s thing, where all shows were like this, or was this show just especially gross?
  13. My vote is for Dawson's Creek also. Maybe I would finally have to break down and watch season 6. It's the only thing on Jensen Ackles's filmography that I haven't seen yet, because I hated the show so much after season 5 that I only watched the series finale. It's on Hulu now, right?
  14. I never did, because even at age 12 I was too big for VS. If you're imagining a tween Pamela Anderson, you're not far off. I would have given anything to wear a VS bra in that era. I always thought it was ridiculous that they sold push-up bras to make you look like you had big boobs but if you legitimately had big boobs, you were out of luck.
  15. The comment about the mini-brawl being the only kind of brawl Brandon could be in made me choke on a French fry. Good one, @Tara Ariano!
  16. I didn't know what topic this belonged in, so if this isn't the right one, I apologize. I've been listening to an Audible book where the narrator has the same problem with short "e" sounds as Shannen/Brinda does. He's already said "inny" (for "any"), "impty," and "frindship." Does Shannen ever say "frind" instead of "friend?" I can't remember, but I wasn't always paying attention. I know she always called Emily "Imily."
  17. "Like two eggs trying to fuck," is my new favorite Sarah D. Bunting line. Brilliant.
  18. It did, which explains the fashion horrors in the pilot. And pilot season is pretty early in the year, I think.
  19. I don't know if this is a problem with me or the podcast, but this Mini shows up in my Again With This 90210 feed in the iPhone podcast app instead of the EHG feed. Have other iTunes/iOS Podcast app users experienced this issue?
  20. Does anyone remember which episode it is that there's a clip that mentions the phrase "beat(ing?) around the bush" and then Sarah says "Whose bush is getting beaten now?" That comment jumped into my head today when Stuart's dad said that line in one of the clips and now I want to listen to it again.
  21. I'm listening to this one again and I just realized that Mrs. Ratinger sounds exactly like the mother in The Room. It's uncanny, the delivery is exactly the same, but the words are different.
  22. But Brandon coached baseball in season 1, right? That's how we got stick insect!Dylan the first time. But I doubt the writers even remembered that. It probably isn't even the same set of writers at this point, and it looks like the new ones never did any research. See also: Andrea's missing sister.
  23. Kelly was a psych major, I think. I don't know the rest.
  24. The only thing I could come up with is maybe Larry Carson was the one who wanted them to get together, and maybe he threatened to take his business elsewhere unless Jim helped him? I mean, we probably would have seen that, but at least it would explain why Jim got on board. Or the writers just throw characterization out the window when it doesn't fit the story.
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