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Everything posted by renatae

  1. I have to agree. I've been on both ends of the spectrum, although I have to say that if someone called me "skinny" I was usually delighted. However, once a guy in my high school class insisted he was ahead of me in line, and after shoving in front of me to take what he wanted, he angrily called me "Olive Oyl." That hurt every bit as much as if someone had called me chub chub at a different point in life.
  2. The same thing happened to me. I'm sure my son would be the first to say I was all about not hovering. I didn't spend weeks before he left blubbering around, but when it was time for him to go out that door, I did cry. And for weeks afterwards. I knew nothing would ever be the same again and it wasn't.
  3. Not the least of which is the silliness of Brandi's fixation on the 7th grade relationship rule, "You can't be her friend if you want to be my friend. Even if you were her friend first."
  4. I'm embarrassed to admit it, since I seem to be the only one here who witnessed it, but Lisa has been on some Lifetime movies. I'm pretty sure I've seen her elsewhere besides her turns as TV host and DWTS. I just can't remember where. IMDB gives her about 29 credits. She may not be great, but, as you said, she has been an actress, not just a host, etc.
  5. It seems to me Lisa (and especially Ken) has said that she's done with Brandi six ways from Sunday. However, the realities of the show are that she will have to come into contact with Brandi from time to time. Brandi is basically chasing Lisa and Ken around at this point. I don't remember Lisa and Adrienne ever making up, either. Maybe they did and we don't know it, and maybe enough time has passed that it's no biggie at the moment. I think Lisa did feel very close to Brandi, so this hurts her more, whereas it seemed the relationship between Lisa and Adrienne had been on a slow decline for quite a while before the ultimate showdown.
  6. Re: Lisa and her "strategic" invitations/acceptances - whatever happened to the idea one can invite whom one pleases and attend what one pleases? Absent, of course, any production demands. Really, who wants to be hanging around people with whom one is on the "outs," and why should anyone have to apologize for their decisions one way or another?
  7. I think she was being very serious with those remarks, which reinforces to me that her usual, chuckling remarks really are meant as jokes, even when they sting. These definitely were not, although she relented and softened about the "I blame the parents" part. I do think she was very serious about telling Brandi she didn't "love" her. I believe she was very hurt and the fact she went to the party to stifle further "she needs to get over it" comments weren't machinations to me, but self-protection. Many of the things she said tonight were very jarring, but I think they speak to the fact that she was genuinely hurt by Brandi and she doesn't think she should have to pretend otherwise.
  8. No, I don't think you are wrong. I couldn't believe it when Brandi tried to make it all about Scheana. I think Lisa asked her to meet with her once, saying she thought it would be a good idea if they cleared the air. Which I agree was more than enough. The first time Lisa had a party at Sur or wherever and found out that Scheana was the person involved with Eddie, she asked Scheana to leave, even though Scheana was working there that night. That was ancient history by the time they had the falling out about how Lisa was supposedly machinating to make Brandi do all her "dirty work." And everyone else was sitting around nodding their heads and saying, "Yeah," as if that's what it was all about. Along with everyone pretty much hinting around about how Lisa was bad news and gave them all "issues." Good for Eileen and Lisa R for saying they won't be jumping on the bandwagon unless they see a problem themselves.
  9. My opinion of Kyle has changed many times. Right now, I'm mostly enjoying her. She can be so effusively and infectiously upbeat that it's hard not to feel in good humor when she is not being catty. But of course, I remember the attacks on Lisa - two years running, she sided with the "other side of the couch" in a way I would never expect a close friend to act. Also, with Brandi when she was new, I just can't quite get over how nasty she and Kim were to Brandi, even though Brandi is now on my naughty list. As noted, though, her interactions with and affection for her family are very winning. And I agree, she is often very transparent as well. I can still reserve the right to change my opinion as well, because these women, no matter what else is going on, do put one on an emotional roller coaster. Or perhaps I should just blame the editors for these things.
  10. Right you are. I think part of Kandi's walking out instead of discussing behavior is that the show is shining a mirror on MJ and Kandi's relationship that Kandi cannot stand to see, so she backs away, because to admit the truth would mean she would have to change her behavior, She's just not ready to grow up, face the music and live like an adult. Too bad, because I really like Kandi and Todd together. I wish she would stop with the denial.
  11. What is with NeNe? She starts this make-up-athon, and then tells Cynthia after they air their grievances and supposedly make up, that she has no intention of having lunch with Cynthia in the next two years??? Kenya and Cynthia seemed to show the most grace, and I was surprised Porsha was still sitting there with a stick up her rear, while NeNe's TH's showed she is still doing nothing but throwing shade. I hope Cynthia stops her recent trend of rudeness, but I also hope she does not go back to bowing down to NeNe and her ego. Looks like Cynthia's new digs are Joyce's trashed house.
  12. When I first saw Cynthia's flat do with the center part, the first thing I thought of was those hand puppets that you paint on your hand and slap a yarn wig on top of: https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8pdTG6BUIS0Av.CJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyOGQxY212BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAM3YWQ4NGU5Y2YwMjFhYzQxMThkZmQ5N2VlODE0OWU0ZgRncG9zAzYEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dflo%2Bhand%2Bpuppet%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26hsimp%3Dyhs-001%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D6&w=520&h=646&imgurl=at.progressive.com%2Fuploads%2Ffun-and-entertainment%2F520x646_Commercial_Handpuppet.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fat.progressive.com%2Ffun-and-entertainment%2Fhand-puppet&size=37.3KB&name=520x646_Commercial_Handpuppet.jpg&p=flo+hand+puppet&oid=7ad84e9cf021ac4118dfd97ee8149e4f&fr2=piv-web&fr=&tt=520x646_Commercial_Handpuppet.jpg&b=0∋=21&no=6&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11rujn02q&sigb=13mp4il4g&sigi=12ikhoi8r&sigt=111eqn026&sign=111eqn026&.crumb=vU11cJrPu/V&fr2=piv-web&hsimp=yhs-001&hspart=mozilla
  13. I feel a lot like copacabana, and I'm of a similar age. I haven't been regularly exposed to people who talk like that since high school. However, when guys said those things to other guys when they were arguing, I think the meaning was more like "kiss my A.." I don't think it was meant to state the other person is gay, nor as any sort of sexual insult despite the exact words, at least not where I came from. It was like a more forceful way of stating the other person should get lost. ETA: I asked Mr. Renatae about this, and he said the same thing as I did. No sexual intent.
  14. To me, there is a big difference between mocking people based only on their appearance, and noting that observed behavior is unattractive or unacceptable. As noted, We've seen very little of LisaR's girls. However 90% of the time, they were making nasty comments. In the short amount of time, they dissed: Chub chubs/fast food Church Helping their grandparents move Doing work just to be helpful and not for "cash dollars" Medford Visiting their grandparents (They objected when Lisa said she wanted them to come with her, and not just about the driving test) The one redeeming thing was when they actually greeted their grandparents. A big plus, but it doesn't excuse their haughtiness nor their lack of desire to actually help said grandparents.
  15. Ah, thou must have missed his turn as, who was it, Perseus? WooHoo! http://thethirtysomethingbride.com/storage/20090425hamlin02.jpg?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1269612843108
  16. Hope not to see division between Mauricio and Kim again. That was uncomfortable as all getout to live through. Of course, Aunt Kathy and her brood never get snarked on, even when they miss graduations, unlike Lisa.
  17. Ah! I was wondering why they almost always have Fatburger at Kyle's parties. Love me a Big Boy! They invented the sauce, I believe, and they do it the best IMO. We buy it by the jar when we can get anywhere there is still a Big Boy - not to many left in my area of the country - none at all where I live. Have to go a couple of states away.
  18. In one of her TH's, she said she felt she was too fabulous (the exact word) for Medford, and something about wondering how she wound up there. She also did mention she didn't fit in, but part of the "not belonging" was apparently that she did feel she deserved a more special place to live in - like back in Cali.
  19. And before she turns into MJ Rerun. She always seemed sweet before, and she seemed to really like Todd's daughter - until she showed up at Riley's home.
  20. All I can say is my mother would have corrected me on the spot for making comments like that. Especially on camera. Then when we got home I would have been lectured on how I embarrassed her. No, I don't have daughters, but if and when comments like that were uttered by my sons, they were corrected. When I was a teen, my mom was talking about some bratty behavior a neighbor's child exhibited and she said, "You don't do your children any favors when you allow them to act like brats. When they grow up learning they can do whatever they please, no one will like them." While I can understand the daughters being surprised she went to church, the tone of voice sounded as though her mother had confessed to wallowing around in a cholera-infested swamp every weekend. The girls did seem glad to see their grandparents, and actually gracious, but when Lisa was telling them she wanted them to go to Oregon with her, the looks on their faces and the comments seemed to show they really didn't want to be bothered. Not even that seemed to faze Lisa. Hopefully, they are just baiting her to get a reaction. I hope we don't have to hear how far they will go.
  21. Forgot to say, Yolanda really left me cold with her, "Our kind of people" don't mind that our children indulge in sex as long as they use birth control speech. Pretty much most of what she said tonight made me see her in a less flattering light. That outfit she wore to Kyle's barbecue looked more appropriate for a hayride. ETA: Oops! My bad, that wasn't Yolanda, that was Eileen. Well, at least she didn't want the stepsons to go around impregnating Malibu. Yolanda's lifestyle stuff still a loser. What's a Ladysitter?? I think Kyle and Lisa were well on their way to becoming friends again, but she's more wary again since Brandi called her using Kyle's phone. Loved the swans!
  22. Lizzing, you are right. Even worse than their behavior was their mother's total lack of response. No wonder they feel so free to be such mean girls. Maybe they will be struck speechless after running across a third McDonald's in Medford, and we will be spared their haughty observations. Kyle could have been spared the fussing over the menu if she'd known in advance that Brandi was going to ruin everyone's appetite with her coarse comments. Did I really hear the long C word? Give me strength.
  23. Lisa Rinna's daughters are horrid. "Do chub chubs live here? Ewww." "You went to CHURCH?? Ugh!" "How could you stand this place?" Nauseating.
  24. LOL. I'm having a name dropping issue this week. I have had to correct about five names that I luckily noticed before posting! I referred to Todd in the post you quoted as Peter (yuk) before I caught it, I've referred to Sharon as Joyce (!) and it gets worse from there!
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