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Everything posted by renatae

  1. I don't even think the tabloids got packed. Brandi just claimed Lisa wanted her to pack them when she saw them at Brandi's place, but that Brandi didn't pack them. The whole brouhaha was just over the claim that Lisa supposedly wanted to bring them along to use them to torment Kyle. Not believing it and never did.
  2. I think the issue now isn't all the backstory or not being able to have a different friend, etc. What was going on was basically Kyle was concerned when she saw Kim's behavior and left the table. KIM FOLLOWED. They had a brief discussion. Everything seemed OK. But KIM decided to go back into the room before leaving the party to shoot Kyle a snot-o-gram. Kyle was perplexed and wanted to know why Kim was suddenly upset with her. That's all she was asking. Brandi inserted herself. Kim ignored Kyle's question, because, obviously, she only wanted to upset Kyle and she succeeded. Brandi just added fuel to the fire. I don't think Kyle would have even gotten into the "she's my sister" stuff if Brandi hadn't decided to take it upon herself to block Kyle from Kim. Or if Kim would have had the decency to finish what she started. Brandi and Kim were apparently close for 6 months prior to this, and we see no sign of jealousy from Kyle. It was simply Brandi's presumptuousness and Kim's indifference that escalated this. Brandi started the "I'm a better friend" crap. Kyle wasn't going there. She just stated the fact that Brandi had no right to try to interfere with her attempts at talking to her sister.
  3. This seems unnecessarily harsh. From the time we are children, we have reason to believe our parents will predecease us. Does that make it any easier when they do? I'm sure she knew the question would arise at one time or another, but when it does, it opens up a whole can of worries about how the child may have to deal with rejection by the birth parents, or yes, that the child might prefer the birth parents. People on all sides of adoption are insecure. I don't see why Lisa should come under attack for her feelings.
  4. I think Kyle is overwrought at the idea Kim is off the wagon. It was during the ride to poker that she was saying how good it was that Kim was being open with her and their relationship was back on track. Then boom! It becomes obvious to Kyle that Kim is not only off the wagon, she's veering into all sorts of cray cray at the poker table. And Brandi just seems to be capitalizing on Kyle's inability to cope right now. Not that Kyle's behavior is Brandi's fault, but she could lay off all of her "you're a bad sister" stuff.
  5. Especially since it seems to me that those are the only types of apology I've ever heard Brandi make.
  6. So sorry to hear about your mom. We have a relative with Alzheimer's and it is very difficult. Kim, however, may be suffering from Korsakoff's Syndrome. Many long-time alcoholics have poor memories and even blackouts, and this may be what Kim is dealing with. Forgetting where and when things happened is one symptom of this, which was what Kim seemed to be dealing with when she couldn't remember how long she'd been in the hospital. She also didn't remember a lot of what happened on poker night, which I believe, because she didn't say this as an excuse to Kyle, she said it to Brandi and seemed to hope Brandi could fill in the blanks for her.
  7. The sabotage of the sisters' relationship is gut wrenching to me. I don't even have a sister and my brother and I never had any sort of drama like this, so it's not that it's a reflection of anything personal in my life, it's just that it is so reprehensible that I can hardly stand to watch such absolute treachery. It's not just Kyle she is hurting, it is her supposed friend Kim as well. She is trying to cement Kim's dependency on her by convincing Kim there is no one else "there" for her, and Kim is eating it up. Then again, Kim does seem to relish being the center of attention at Kyle's expense, so I think I'll take back my comment that Kim is being hurt by this. But not for lack of trying by Brandi. I've never been a real Kyle fan. In the first season, I detested her as it seemed she deliberately outed Kim in a cruel way. Over the following seasons I have come to see her in a more neutral light. Often she makes me laugh and often it seems she might actually be a good friend. There is no doubt that she loves her family. I've come to understand what she's been through with Kim and see her point of view more clearly. Brandi's utter ruthlessness and Kim's indifference have really placed me in Kyle's corner this season. Following the nasty shot at Kyle regarding Mauricio tonight, I'm glad they replayed the incident at Carlton's where Brandi was gunning for Kyle about the Mauricio rumors. I can't believe I forgot that. I suppose the Magazinegate lies were Brandi's way of deflecting away from her own nastiness. I'm wondering if she had put a bug in Kyle's ear before Lisa made the joke about the tabloids probably referring to Mauricio hanging out with his daughter as hanging around with "younger women." Since that's the way the tabloids often operate, I thought the joke was right in the ball park and didn't understand Kyle's strong reaction. That's the kind of joking my friends and I would do amongst ourselves to dismiss anyone who told lies against one of us - show them up to be people who would stoop to anything and shouldn't be believed. But if Brandi had been in Kyle's ear about these rumors, it makes sense that Kyle would be so oversensitive. Interesting that Brandi is blaming the editors for her poor showing tonight. Problem is, the editor didn't make you threaten to knock out Kyle's teeth, or misquote your other threat against Kyle, or put those other words in your mouth.
  8. Thanks for this! As an adoptive parent, I can tell you, it's a minefield. You don't want your child to experience rejection. The younger ones often fantasize their birth parents as superhuman, someone rich, famous, a prince, whatever. If you know anything about the birth parents, as a former foster parent like Lisa, you are likely to be privy to information that lets you know communication is not necessarily in the best interest of the child. The child's desires about wanting to know about their birth parents and how they feel about their birth parents fluctuates. It's something one can't prepare for, because, just when you think the interest has waned, questions come out of the blue, and it's often one of those circular types of things that come and go in cycles, without any real resolution. It would be nice if one could be certain that if they meet, the experience will be positive for the child, the birth parent(s) welcome the contact, etc., they are reasonable about boundaries, and everyone can co-exist in harmony. The most important being, of course, that the child not experience rejection, because they already feel that in spades, but there is no way of predicting this, so you are behind the 8-ball from the get go.
  9. All these "sick" claims are really getting to me. I'm beginning to think that IF she had a problem, it was after poker night, and not before. Somewhere I saw Kim claimed to have had "bronchitis and pneumonia" and to have broken her ribs and gotten the hiatal hernia from coughing, which is entirely possible with a really severe cough. At this point, it sounds like she got some excellent medical advice about what to pretend was going on, LOL. She was smoking a cigar, for heaven's sake. I watched both of the poker night videos and not once did she seem short of breath, and not once did I hear her cough, despite all the laughter, emotional goings-on, etc., which will usually exacerbate a cough if one really does have a respiratory infection causing coughing. So, I'm having a hard time believing she was in a lot of pain and broke her ribs before the party, as she claimed. She didn't look sick at all; she just looked and acted stoned. I think she claimed in her blog that they had drained some fluid from her lungs, so if that happened, that would exlpain the ice pack. She did seem to be moving gingerly when she went to sit on the couch tonight, but what on earth was she doing on that chair or ladder she was on? Well, tonight she looked as though she might have actually been sick, but again, I think that if she was, it was after the poker party and not before.
  10. The "when did I enter the Twilight Zone?" moment of the night for me was when Brandi, for the umpteenth time, brings out during the party how she is supporting Kim during middle of the night chats. Whereupon Kyle clumsily begins to try to make the point to Kim that Brandi bringing this up is "exposing" Kim, then Kim comes in for the winning play with the "Kyle, you're trying to expose me by bringing this up!" accusation. And, of course, as always, it's Kim's own behavior exposing her, aided and abetted by Brandi's constant "I'm the true friend!" rehash. I wish Kim had a clue at this point regarding Brandi's machinations, but it looks as though she is just Brandi's next victim in the runtelldat betrayal tour. If I hear Brandi say one more time that Kyle wants to see Kim fail, or go on and on about how she is a great friend to Kim, instead of a freaking drunk buddy enabler, I'm going to barf. This "Kim needs me so much" crap is reprehensible. But, Kyle, really badly handled. Except that part about Brandi's "truth" crap. Ineffectual in the circumstances, but bravo for making the point. Until Kim comes in and makes it all about Kyle trying to do her in again. Bah. What a bunch of circular futility!
  11. She wasn't the only one, though. I'm pretty sure I heard LisaR say the same thing. It sounds as though "my gays" are this year's answer to the pekingese in the handbag shtick of years ago. Pretty darned condescending, if you ask me.
  12. I do agree, DebbieM4! She does hover too much, she is sending mixed messages, and I especially agree with your initial statement that just because they call or text her doesn't mean they are safe at home and not into some mischief! I also agree with the idea of a shorter distance, and most certainly a dorm instead of an apartment for an 18 year old. In NYC, no less. Much too dangerous, IMO, no matter how mature the student. There are other factors to consider. My point was mostly that I don't feel they ARE adults. Before the legislation of the 18 year old vote, 21 was the age of majority, and I believe for good reason.
  13. I agree with this, except for the idea that people are equipped to function as complete adults at 18. When I think back to some things I did even at 21, I often have cause to shudder. IMO, our country went nuts in the 60's when 18-21 year olds decided that if they were old enough to be drafted, they were old enough to be granted full adulthood, and eventually, the law was changed. But it couldn't change the way people develop and mature, and studies into the subject have shown the brain is still developing way beyond the age of 18, which should be no surprise to those adults among us who are honest with themselves, LOL. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~news/releases/2006/02/06.html
  14. Wow. This. PS Sorry, everyone, that this is so last month. I'm so far behind!
  15. Oh, no, please!! Neither! We'd have to run for the hills between the two of them and their ill will trying to do a number on whomever! :)
  16. I really do think, especially at her age, Yolanda would not look as she does without exercise, Also, remember when she and Brandi went for a walk in Paris? It seems to me she was talking to Brandi about how she gets out for walks and such all the time to keep in shape. I also seem to remember some comment from Brandi about Yolanda having an easy time doing the walk and that Brandi said it was hard to keep up with her, or something along those lines. Every time Yolanda brings up her "confinement" I can't help but wonder how she had time to be confined in between all her travels, health walks, lemon picking, etc. Snark!
  17. Camille rather exonerated herself to me, and I didn't even find her boring afterward. She had a certain sense of humor that I liked once she seemed to get her head on straighter. But I never could forget Taylor's role in the fights between Kim and Kyle. Particularly on limousine night, I remember Kyle telling Kim to make nice with Taylor and Kim nodding yes. Then she went over to talk to Taylor, who initially was ok, but suddenly, without warning, went off on a bewildered Kim for something I never could figure out, even after watching it several times. Then Kyle came over, yelling at Kim to stop embarrassing her (or something along those lines) and from there things degenerated into the horrid scene in the limo. Taylor kept on in the part now played by Brandi, yet on the distaff side, always being in Kyle's ear with some negativity about Kim. In the first season, the Kim we were getting just seemed frequently befuddled, and not vicious as she does now. Taylor's animosity toward Kim made no sense from what we saw on air. Of course, Taylor's crud stirring did not end with Kim and Kyle; between her random crazy fights with different housewives was her complete lack of integrity. I never wanted to see her again, but I do have to say at this point that an occasional, more reasonably behaved Taylor would be preferable to off the rails Brandi. Taylor can be entertaining in small doses when on her good behavior. Wouldn't like to see Adrienne back. I used to think she was the only housewife with a head on her shoulders, until she started snarking around everyone, even prior to Brandi Bigmouthgate. She used to take such delight in seeing Paul uncomfortable. She laughed like crazy when he had trouble during the high heel race because his feet hurt, and she started a campaign against Lisa V as well, with a lot of digs about going to tabloids and such. She just became mean and irrelevant, so she can stay away. I would like to see Joyce and hubby back. She's another who had some wit about her, wasn't nasty, and could put Brandi in her place. My guess is that she just couldn't be bothered to put up with that stuff from Brandi.
  18. Generally, I think favorably of being open about adoption, but there are instances it might not be very favorable to the child. For instance, if the both mother has significant psychiatric issues, the child has emotional, mental or developmental issues which would make his understanding of rejection very limited in case the birth mother wants no part of him, etc. Many possibilities for mine fields. Lisa may know things about the birth parents that make her hesitant to divulge. She might even have checked out some things on her own and has reason to believe the birth parents don't want to be contacted.
  19. I think LisaR poured it on a bit thick, but I think her reasoning was that she was thinking Kyle needed or wanted to open up and she was trying to encourage her to do so by being supportive. Problem was, Kim had already guilted Kyle about exposing her when she hadn't even done so, so Kyle just wasn't going there then.
  20. Brandi is so pathetic when she keeps trying to isolate Kim from Kyle, saying, "Who did you call at 2 a.m., not Kyle!" She has to keep pushing Kim to think of her as her number one supporter. I really think she is trying to supplant Kyle in Kim's affections. Since she's alienated everyone else, she seems determined to commandeer Kim. I don't think she counted on the fact that Kim and Kyle are indeed tight, after their own fashion, apparently unlike Brandi and her sister.She sounds like a high school girl trying to hang on to her BFF after the BFF decides to move on, "reminding" the BFF of what a great person she is, when really she's just showing how all the secrets are useful to her.
  21. Yeah, Brandi, let's hear it again about how LisaV wanted to drag along YOUR tabloids to PR. And, of course, you are so honorable that you would never stoop so low as to get in someone's face about her husband's fidelity. I can't believe I used to like this girl.
  22. PS Brandi, your friend Jennifer is the addiction specialist. Kim is better off in her hands.Bu t I see you minimized Kim's behavior and shifted the discussion to her many problems. Obviously, you were not looking for accurate advice on how to handle Kim. And you quickly drove the discussion off the rails when Jennifer began to talk about understanding what Kyle has been through. Just like you deflected with Yolanda when she was talking about your personal inebriation, and you again went on a rant about everything Kim is dealing with and how that is the real issue. Keep it up, make sure you are the hot button, know-it-all center of attention. I love it that Brandi was getting the lecture train. Maybe someday she will wake up and realize it's not everyone else who has the problem.
  23. Back away, Brandi! You are too controlling, too crazy, and you need to stop inserting yourself and your completely erroneous opinions. Just shut up! You're not Kim's savior. You're just a toxic person who needs to get yourself straight before you start working on someone else. Never mind. Get straight, then just go away.
  24. Respiratory illnesses, especially pneumonia, can be quite painful with every breath. Kim is full of crap, however, because there's no way she could smoke a cigar while having either, much less both,to any real degree. And pain relievers per se, wouldn't be prescribed, because the remedy for the pain is the remedy for the disease. In other words, if the cause is bacterial, then when antibiotics and inhalers take effect, most of the pain relents except lingering muscular pain from the efforts to breathe.
  25. I don't quite get why they've not revealed the truth, but then, they'd have to explain why they covered up the death of Black's daughter. Seems that even though it can be explained, there would still be repercussions for the cover up. I also got the feeling they are in resolution mode and wonder if they're ending soon. Sort of ironic that Kim Richards was the one Victoria seemed to be painting with the "white powder" brush. Eh, Margaux, go home.
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